
There is no denying the fact...的正常句是什么
There is no denying the fact...的正常句是什么

前几天这里的专家说:there be 句式是正常句的一种倒装句。 请问:There is no denying the fact... 的正常句是 It is no denying the fact...吗?

passing by怎么理解
passing by怎么理解

Time is something we can't touch, but we can't feel it ______ by. A. passing B. to pass C. passed 请问这个句子是什么意思?为什么用 passi


在百度文库看到这样一句: Slowly is exactly how he speaks. 这里的 slowly 显然是副词,但它为什么可以用作主语呢?看到文库上的一些说明,但不敢相信,想听听专家老师的分析。谢谢各位!




有时看到地点状语被放在句末,有时又看到地点状语被放在句首。比如: There’s a bus stop in front of the school. 学校前面有个公共汽车站。 In front of the school there’s


我知道,现在分词的主动式作宾语补足语的用法很普遍,如: She caught me smoking again. 她又抓住我抽烟了。 I discovered him kissing my wife. 我撞见他在吻我的妻子。 He felt


不好意思,我前面提了一个关于“certain 能不能用于祈使句的问题”,但本来想再追问一下,结果点了“采纳”按钮,所以在此再将该问题重提一下,请老师们谅解! Be certain you catch your train on time.


在一篇关于“无动词分句”的贴子中看到这样一句(百度知道和百度文库中都可查到): You must eat it when fresh. 我觉得这个句子有点奇怪:when fresh 应该是 when it is fresh 的省略。很显然,

sure和certain是动态形容词还是静态形容词 sure和certain的用法
sure和certain是动态形容词还是静态形容词 sure和certain的用法

老师说,只有动态形容词才可以用于祈使句。如: Be polite. 有礼貌点。 Don’t be rude. 不得无礼。 我在网上查到,比较常见的动态形容词有: brave 勇敢的 calm 冷静的 careful 仔细的 careless

It is后面可接复数名词吗 It is的用法
It is后面可接复数名词吗 It is的用法

_______ Mr Smith and his wife in the room. 我填的是 They are。但答案是 It is。但 it is 后面可以接复数名词吗?另外,请问我的答案也算对吗?谢谢

英语难句分析与理解The answer is related to how your brain allows you to be aware of the world
英语难句分析与理解The answer is related to how your brain allows you to be aware of the world

【文章选段】The answer is related to how your brain allows you to be aware of the world. your brain is so sensitive in picking

可以说Chinese population和China’s population吗
可以说Chinese population和China’s population吗

要表示“中国的人口”,我们通常是用 the population of China,但是可以用 Chinese population 或 China’s population 吗?

Harm screening may do to a younger woman是倒装句吗
Harm screening may do to a younger woman是倒装句吗

Harm screening may do to a younger woman. 我猜是倒装句,正常语序应为:screening may do harm to a younger woman . 但我查英语语法网未找到名词在句首的倒装,请


老师说,since 通常要与现在完成时连用,不管 since 是介词,还是连词,或是副词。 Since when have you lived here? 你是从什么时起开始住在这里的? You haven’t changed much s

some of which, none of which, both of which, all of which, several of which, one of which, many of which等的用法
some of which, none of which, both of which, all of which, several of which, one of which, many of which等的用法

在有关定语从句的句子和考题中经常看到 some of which, none of which, both of which, all of which, several of which, one of which, many of wh

口语中Good for you的用法
口语中Good for you的用法

—Mummy, I've finished all the work you assigned me. —_______. A. You are good B. It's good for you C. It's good to you D

Thanks very much的句子成分——很奇怪
Thanks very much的句子成分——很奇怪

对于 Thank you very much. 这是没问题的,句中的 thank 是动词,用副词 very much 来修饰动词,非常正常!但 Thanks very much. 则问题就大了。句中的 thanks 应该是名词吧?但为什么用


请问下面三句哪句对,还是都对? The best advice to give to her is that she should study hard. The best advice to be given to her is that


After having spent 3 hours in the shop,she went back home. 请问老师前面部分是分词做状语还是动名词作状语,怎么判断呢? 若二者均可做状语,有何异同呢? 谢谢您。


现在分词的动作若发生在主句谓语动词之前则用完成式即:having done 如果过去分词作状语时动作发生在主句前会产生完成式吗?什么样? 是 had done 吗?这个不是过去完成时吗?还是说压根没有过去分词的完成式。 感谢老师。