At that instant, Amundsen recalled later, "I decided on my change of front—to turn to the right-about, and face to the South." 后来阿蒙森回忆到,“听到消息的那一刻,我遍打算转变自己的前沿阵地——转向相反的方向,直面南极。”
请问:face to south 与 face south 哪个对?
【说明】我查阅了《张道真现代英语用法词典》face 条目,张老师的两个例句里面都有。因此,以下说法都正确:face south, face the south, face to the south。
face (to) the south
face the challenge
face the difficulties
face the enemy
face south = face the south。前者south 是副词,后者south 是名词,须加the。
the South 大写时,表示“南极”。
At that instant, Amundsen recalled later, "I decided on my change of front—to turn to the right-about, and face to the South."
【参考解析】这是Caroline Alexander 的文章The Race to the South Pole《奔向南极点的竞逐》中的一句话,应该是没有问题的。
许多人误以为face作“面向/ 面对”之意只能用作及物动词,实际上它也可用作不及物动词,这里face to = face towards
当然,face south也是正确的,但含义有变。这里的the South(Pole)指南极(点)。
Can you face towards the camera a little more, please?您能把脸再转向相机一点吗?
The house faces to the east.这座房子面朝东。