1.My Father
Father wa my firt teacher and i my dear friend. When I wa a little girl, I ued to it on my father' knee, litening to hi torie. The tory"Two friend and a Bear"told me"a friend in need i a friend indeed."I will never forget the tory"Madame Curie"which tell me a truth"where there i a will,there i a way."Father' torie enriched my life and did a lot of good to my growth.
When I wa even year old,I tarted primary chool.I wa young,o my father picked me up from chool every day.On the way,I told father everything that happened at chool.Father litened carefully and alway miled happily. Sometime I ang a beautiful ong. My weet and lovely voice gave my father the greatet pride.My father i alway proud of me. He hope I will make great progrein my tudy. Now I have made up my mind to tudy harder and harder.
I'm ure my father' love will lead me to my ucceand I will love him forever!
Nowaday,high chool tudent hold different opinion about after-claactivitie.there are two quite different phenomenonena.
Some tudent are crazy about port and ome other activitie.they pend much time in joining the outdoor activitie and varie of group , and alo,ma-ki-ng new friend.However,they pay a little attention to their tudie.
On the contrary, ome tudent pend almot of their time in tudie and don't enjoy attending other activitie.
In my opinion,I think neither of them i correct.I think we hould tudy hard,but we alo need time to relax ourelve,becaue if a one in a good tate,he can do better.
twin are uppoed to be alike, are they not? well, the twin iter, lanlan and miaomiao do look alike. ome of the time when they are both dreed up, which i not often, or when they go to the beach, which i not really often either, people recognize the likeneof their feature. however, they like very different tyle of clothe. lanlan prefer informal clothe, but miaomiao dree like a model, alway wearing the latet fahion.
They have very imilar temperament in mot way. lanlan doe not get angry eaily, enjoy being around people of her own age, find young children a little irritating, and would rather pend time at a party than in a library. in thee repect miaomiao feel the ame. but miaomiao like loud muic and modern dance, while lanlan find that nightclub give her a headache. miaomiao i alway with friend, and i a favorite with all the teacher, wherea lanlan prefer to be alone at time, and doe not really try to impreher teacher.
They have tried to live in the ame room everal time, and even agreed on the color they liked bet and the kind of furniture they wanted. but lanlan like to keep thing neat and tidy, while miaomiao act a if there were a ervant around to pick up all the thing that get thrown on the floor or over the edge of the chair or into the bathtub. lanlan like to go to bed early and get up early. in contrat miaomiao doe not eem to have any definite habit, often goe to bed very late, and then want to leep late the next day when lanlan want to get the day tarted.