
新概念3 L17 It has been estimated that if the bridge were (这里为什么不是was?) packed with cars,it would still only be carrying a third of its total capacity.
新概念3 L17 It has been estimated that if the bridge were (这里为什么不是was?) packed with cars,it would still only be carrying a third of its total capacity.It has been estimated that if the bridge were (这里为什么不是was?) packed with cars,it would still only be carrying a third of
moisture capacity是什么意思_moisture capacity短语搭配_moisture capacity权威例句
moisture capacity是什么意思_moisture capacity短语搭配_moisture capacity权威例句moisture capacity的意思是:含水量;持水(能)力。学考宝为您提供moisture capacity是什么意思,moisture capacity翻译,moisture capacity短语搭配,moisture capacity权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
beyond one's capacity翻译_beyond one's capacity短语搭配_beyond one's capacity权威例句
beyond one's capacity翻译_beyond one's capacity短语搭配_beyond one's capacity权威例句学考宝为您提供beyond one's capacity是什么意思,beyond one's capacity翻译,beyond one's capacity短语搭配,beyond one's capacity权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。