
They each与Each of them作主语的谓语动词用什么
They each与Each of them作主语的谓语动词用什么They each与Each of them作主语时,后面的谓语动词用单数还是复数?
If they would only do sth
If they would only do sth有这样一个句子: If they would only try to understand. 如何分析这个句子?句中的If they would only try to understand 只是一个条件状语从句,怎么没有主句呢?请问:If
someone用代词he,she,they指代的问题书上说:非正式文体中,常用they来指he or she, 尤其是在somebody, anybody, nobody, person等不定代词之后。这种用法有时被认为“不正确”,但几世纪以来有教养的人这样说很普遍。 If anybody
句子分析 They won medals than any other country这句话为什么不能写成They won more medals than any other countyr呢?谢谢老师!
句子分析 They won medals than any other country这句话为什么不能写成They won more medals than any other countyr呢?谢谢老师!They won medals than any other country这句话为什么不能写成They won more medals than any other countyr呢?谢谢老师!
关于时态的题 They were sitting in the car when up the road _______ two policemen. A.were coming B.came c.had come D.would come 请问各位老师这题应该怎么做?谢谢!!!
关于时态的题 They were sitting in the car when up the road _______ two policemen. A.were coming B.came c.had come D.would come 请问各位老师这题应该怎么做?谢谢!!!They were sitting in the car when up the road _______ two policemen. A.were coming B.came c.had come D.would come 请问各位老师
They的例句 they用have还是has
They的例句 they用have还是hasthey后面加have。当句子主语是I、We、You、They时,谓语动词用have;当句子主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词用has;当句子为一般过去时,且主语为they,其后谓语动词应用had。其中have是动词原形,has是单三,had是过去式。