
sort,kind,type 的区别
sort,kind,type 的区别a sort of / of a sort 可以解释为“有点是又不完全是”,带有一定的贬义,这是正确的吗?当表示复数名词时,一般不用 these / those kind / sort of…,而应该用名词(复数)+of this / th
all sorts of sth与sth of all sorts的用法
all sorts of sth与sth of all sorts的用法我们要表示“各种各样的……”,通常是说 all sorts of sth,但可以说 sth of all sorts 吗?比如: People buy things for all sorts of reasons. 可以这样改一下吗? P
sort the rubbish翻译_sort the rubbish短语搭配_sort the rubbish权威例句
sort the rubbish翻译_sort the rubbish短语搭配_sort the rubbish权威例句学考宝为您提供sort the rubbish是什么意思,sort the rubbish翻译,sort the rubbish短语搭配,sort the rubbish权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。