山东省2023-2024学年高二上学期适应性联考(一)英语试题(含答案 无听力音频 含听力原文)

学考宝 作者:佚名



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. Where does the man want to go
A. The Agriculture Center.
B. The Summer Palace.
C. The city center.
2. What is the man’s dream
A. To be a news reporter.
B. To keep many animals
C. To live a farmer’s life.
3. How does the woman feel about her brother’s choice
A. Nervous. B. Happy. C. Upset.
4. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Husband and wife. B. Co-workers. C. Mother and son.
5. What will the man probably do next
A. Get his bike. B. Talk to his mom. C. Ask his little brother.
6. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In a park. B. In a hospital. C. In a coffee shop.
7. What will the woman get
A. Some ice tea. B. Some milk. C. Some sugar.
8. What language is the woman good at speaking
A. French. B. German. C. Chinese.
9. What does the man think of Chinese
A. It’s useless. B. It’s difficult. C. It’s interesting.
10. What did Cindy buy
A. Books. B. Ice cream. C. A dress.
11. How much money was left
A. $2. B. $8. C. $10
12. Where will the woman wait to pick Cindy up
A. At the office. B. In the library. C. In the park.
13. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. Family history.
B. Ideas about a school project.
C. Languages in different countries.
14. Which country was the man probably born in
A. The US. B. South Africa. C. India
15. How long has the woman lived in South Africa
A. Since she started high school.
B. Since she was a child.
C. Since she was born.
16. What is the woman most interested in about her home country
A. Its history. B. Its global community. C. Its food culture.
17. Where are the Watts Towers
A. In Italy. B. In Russia. C. In America.
18. What is part of the Watts Towers
A. A sitting place. B. Three walls. C. Four tall pointed towers.
19. How old was the artist when he built the Watts Towers
A. In his forties. B. In his thirties. C. In his twenties.
20. What was the function of the Watts Towers Arts Center
A. To collect the most valuable art works.
B. To protect the towers from earthquake.
C. To support art education.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
Before you go on your next two-wheeled adventure, make sure you’re familiar with the ins and outs of bicycle safety. Wear a helmet. Ride with the flow of traffic rather than against it. Make sure you’re visible to drivers. Know how to use your arm to signal turns (left: extend your left arm out to the side; right: extend your right arm or bend your left arm up at a right angle). Don’t talk on the phone, text, or listen to music. And if you’re an e-bike rider, heed these tips too:
·Be sure your Bike is ready to ride. That starts with checking that the tires are inflated and the brakes are working properly. If the bicycle hasn’t been used for a while, take it for a tune-up before you take it for a ride. For an e-bike, also make sure your battery is charged.
·And before and after every ride, inspect your bicycle for damage. Be aware of your speed. This is extremely important for e-bike riders. With the ability to go faster comes the responsibility to know when you should slow down.
·Know the rules of the road. When you’re riding in the street, even in a protected bike lane, read the signals, pay attention to the lane markings, and check the signage to see where e-bikes are allowed.
21. What can you do in terms of bicycle safety
A. Bike safely without a helmet. B. Ride against the flow of traffic.
C. Send a message on the phone. D. Signal when turning left or right.
22. Which part should be first checked before you bike
A. Tire. B. Brake. C. Battery. D. Light.
23. What is the most important advice on biking
A. Tuning up the bike after riding.
B. Protecting the bike from damage.
C. Controlling the speed properly.
D. Knowing the rules of the road.
Carol-Anne O’Callaghan, a former teacher from Great Missenden, Buckinghamshire, has fought hard to protect ancient oaks near her home, which she says are home to rare bats.
In February 2021, O’Callaghan was walking her dogs when she spotted yellow dots stuck on some of the 99 oak trees in a narrow country lane close to her home. The dots indicated trees marked for destruction. After she learned the trees would be felled as part of the HS2 high-speed railway works, she called the HS2 helpline and was told there was nothing that could be done as an over-road would be built. She gets choked up remembering the moment she realized many of them were to be cut down.
O’Callaghan loves that ancient line of oaks. They were planted in the 19th century. “My family and I would picnic under them,” she says, “climb them, have rope swings on them. The trees are amazing and beautiful and meant so much.” One of the last photos of her mother, taken shortly before she died, was of her sitting in a swing in their branches.
She noticed that on the other side of the lane, to the north, there were no ancient oaks. So she began campaigning to save the trees. With the help of her daughter, Blaize, she started a petition(请愿书), which went on to get nearly 43,000 signatures. “ I saw someone passionate about giving a voice to those who don’t have one, someone not afraid of asking questions and calling out large, daunting businesses for doing the wrong thing, says her neighbour Victoria.
Buckinghamshire Council has got involved, and the felling is paused. A final decision has yet to be made about the proposed over-road. “We’re optimistic that they’ll hear our argument and take the ecology of the lane into account,” says O’Callaghan. “We want them to put in a green crossing in the gaps between trees, for the bats, and we’d like the place to become a conservation area. For the trees and the bats-this is what we are fighting for!”
24. What did the yellow dots on the oaks indicate
A. These oaks would be cut down. B. The narrow lane would be widened.
C. Rare bats would get protected. D. A railway station would be built.
25. Why does O’Callaghan have deep feelings of the oaks
A. Due to the oaks’ long history. B. Due to the natural beauty.
C. Due to the precious memories. D. Due to the diverse wildlife.
26. What kind of person is O’Callaghan
A. Creative. B. Humorous. C. Generous. D. Enthusiastic.
27. What is a direct result of O’Callaghan’s efforts
A. The ecology is being improved.
B. The felling has been put off.
C. The Council canceled the proposal.
D. The area becomes a reserve.
The clumsy yet graceful wood stork, which was on the brink of extinction in 1984, has recovered enough in Florida and other Southern states. The American wildlife officials proposed removing the waterfowl(水禽)from the endangered species list.
This symbolic species, which is the only stork native to North America, has rebounded because dedicated partners in the southeast have worked tirelessly to restore ecosystems that support it. In addition, the wood stork has increased its range in coastal areas. The birds have adapted to new nesting areas, tripling the number of colonies across their range from 29 to 99 in recent years.
Credit goes mainly to the wildlife protections provided by the Endangered Species Act (ESA), which can impose restrictions on a variety of activities in areas where such species are located, such as development, mining and oil drilling. The act saved the wood stork and it helped preserve and rebuild vital habitats throughout the southeast, which has improved water quality and benefited countless other species who call the area home. The Endangered Species Act has saved 99%of the species that have been on the list since 1973, with 100 types of plants and animals delisted because they have recovered or are at least stable.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said that restoration of the wood stork’s habitat, especially in the Florida Everglades and adjacent Big Cypress National Preserve, led to a sharp increase in breeding pairs. Those numbers had shrunk to just 5,000 pairs in 1984, whereas there are more than 10,000 pairs today.
“The proposed delisting of the wood stork is a significant milestone and a remarkable achievement of the hard work by federal agencies, state and local governments, tribes, conservation organizations, and private citizens in protecting and restoring our most at-risk species,” Interior Secretary Deb Haaland said.
If the wood stork is delisted, officials said it would remain protected by other laws including the Migratory Bird Treaty Act and the Clean Water Act. A monitoring plan would be put in place for at least five years to ensure the stork population remains stable.
28. What can be inferred about the wood stork from the text
A. It is widely distributed worldwide
B. It is the most endangered species
C. Its population shows a rising trend.
D. It is becoming completely extinct.
29. What contribute mostly to recovering the population of the wood stork
A. Safeguards of the ESA.
B. Federal agencies.
C. Conservation organizations.
D. Local tribes.
30. What is Deb Haaland’s attitude to the delisting of the wood stork
A. Unclear. B. Positive. C. Indifferent. D. Concerned.
31. What is the best title of the text
A. Effect of the Endangered Species Act counts.
B. Protection of American native species works.
C. Efforts to restore the wildlife habitat pays off.
D. Saving of the endangered wood stork progresses.
Medical artificial intelligence(AI) can perform with expert-level accuracy and deliver cost-effective care. IBM’s Watson diagnoses heart disease better than doctors do. Chatbots give better medical advice to patients in place of nurses. Smartphone apps can now detect skin cancer. Some forecast that medical AI will enter most hospitals and replace what quite a few doctors currently do. Yet, as recent researches suggest, patients show a strong reluctance to medical AI-a big challenge the health care system will really face.
The reason is not the belief that Al provides inferior care. Nor is it that patients think that AI is more costly, less convenient, or less informative. Rather, it seems that AI does not take into account one’s specific characteristics and circumstances. People view themselves as unique. By contrast, they see AI medical care as inflexible and tandardized-suited to treat an average patient but not enough to deal with unique individual circumstances. It is no wonder that medical AI providers are given a cold welcome.
There are a number of steps that care providers can take to overcome patients’ resistance to medical AI. For example, they can remove the concerns about being treated as an average patient by giving their recommendations specifically and uniquely. If so, patients in doubt would be as likely to follow the treatment recommendations of the AI provider as they would be to follow those of a human physician. In addition, health care providers could also deliver individualized health care by explaining how the algorithms(算法)work and sharing patients’ reviews of the service with the media. Having a physician(医生)confirm the recommendation of an AI provider should make people more receptive to Al-based care. People are comfortable using medical Al if a physician remains in charge of the final decision.
AI-based health care technologies are being developed and employed at an impressive rate, providing better medical services for the patients. But utilizing the full potential of them will require that we first overcome patients’ skepticism.
32. How does the author explain the uses of medical AI in paragraph one
A. By listing data. B. By doing experiments.
C. By giving examples. D. By making comparison.
33. What holds back the wide application of medical AI most probably
A. Its high cost. B. Its misdiagnosis.
C. Its inconvenience. D. Its inflexibility.
34. What is suggested to make medical AI acceptable to patients
A. Treating patients to be average.
B. Offering personalized cure plans.
C. Updating the algorithms in time.
D. Keeping away from the physician.
35. What does the underlined word “skepticism” probably mean
A. Distrust. B. Mystery. C. Fantasy. D. Criticism.
Exam time generally means stress time. But what if there are ways you can boost your memory, exam marks and reduce stress 36
Understand the context behind what you are reading
If you understand why, where and when something happens instead of only understanding how it happens, you will grasp the concept much more deeply and really understand it. 37 And it will help to jog your memory when you are in the middle of a test situation.
Talk to yourself
Read your notes aloud, read what you are writing down aloud, and you can even explain the diagrams that you are drawing to yourself. 38 Practicing like this, you will increase your chances of taking in the information and remembering it. This will especially help auditory learners.
Sleep and exercise properly
On one hand, a good rest will help you concentrate and understand better. 39 It is one of the most important things when it comes to exams. On the other hand, swimming, running, dancing-basically any form of cardio for 30-35 minutes a day, four times a week can help to improve memory. Cardiovascular exercise enhances blood flow to the brain, increasing the secretion of the protein needed for long-term memory.
Try out the techniques listed above to see how you can boost your memory ahead of exams. Memory can, without a doubt, be enhanced with effort. 40 Are you willing and ready to try
A. Read on for our top tips and tricks.
B. It is called the "production effect".
C. This is called understanding context.
D. You will see your notes, as well as hearing them.
E. The more effort you put in, the better reward you’ll get.
F. It’ll also help you keep a better mindset during the exam.
G. Mind-mapping is a great way to visually remember information.
第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
It was a turtle that changed Victoria Cairns, a headteacher from Derbyshire. She was 41 in Bali underwater when she saw one of the island’s famous 42 . It approached towards her in the crystal clear water, and she was 43 at first-until she saw the plastic bag in its mouth. She just thought the human was having a destroying 44 on the environment.
She set up anti-litter social media account to 45 awareness of the damage caused by 46 pollution. She regularly picks litter around her neighbourhood. “She’s done amazing work keeping the area clean, tidy and beautiful,” says her friend.
Cairns keeps a litter-picker in her car, and will frequently 47 on the way back from work to clean something up. When running, Cairns carries a 48 litter-picker in her backpack, and picks up rubbish on her cool-down walk.
“Some people don’t 49 things. There’s no value in a plastic bag, so they 50 it away, not into the bin but on the earth somewhere. It means they are doing it when people aren’t 51 , as they know it’s unacceptable.”
When she collects plastic bottles and carrier bags, it feels like a small act of care: this bag will not end up 52 a turtle’s mouth. It is a(an) 53 small act in the scheme of things, but it’s something.
Cairns makes a 54 to her surroundings. She has been litter-picking in the 55 near her house. “It’s so beautiful. You get a different perspective being on the water.” she says.
41. A. skiing B. running C. diving D. jogging
42. A. sharks B. turtles C. whales D. dolphins
43. A. delighted B. frightened C. embarrassed D. disappointed
44. A. mercy B. impact C. attack D. dependence
45. A. risk B. learn C. raise D. lessen
46. A. air B. noise C. water D. plastic
47. A. cheer up B. give away C. pull over D. break down
48. A. heavy B. portable C. comfortable D. complex
49. A. value B. change C. protect D. store
50. A. put B. blow C. take D. throw
51. A. working B. thinking C. noticing D. wandering
52. A. in B. from C. as D. on
53. A. frankly B. extremely C. anxiously D. cautiously
54. A. move B. choice C. decision D. difference
55. A. canal B. mountain C. bus D.forest
第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
I made up my mind to climb Mount Huashan to meet the beautiful dawn at the top of the peak. 56 arriving at the foot of the mountain, I began climbing immediately with great joy and 57 (determine).
During the process, a sudden light rain made the stone floor wet and slippery. I had the idea of giving up, but the crowd encouraged me to continue the trip. As the steps became 58 (narrow) and steeper, everyone lined up, 59 (grasp) the chains and slowly moved forward. I was moved by the unity and strength of a group of strangers.
When I nearly reached the top of the mountain, I nearly had run out of strength, 60 made me want to give up. Then I heard a voice saying, “Relax, don’t be afraid, as long as you climb up, you are the best!” 61 (hear) this, I realized if I 62 (frighten) by the difficulties just now I could have defeated myself. So I gathered all the courage and finally made 63 !
At the moment of sunrise, the rolling sea of clouds and the amazing scenery on the mountain changed 64 (dramatic). Only with all the way of sweat and the confidence can you climb to the summit of the mountain 65 (enjoy) a brighter life.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
Dear Tom, Much pleasure to hear from you. Yours, Li Hua
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
It was rush hour in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Timothy White, 38, was driving home from the nonprofit he and his mother run, called AMiracle4Sure. He noticed a gray Nissan four-door pickup on the opposite side of the two-lane street. It was hard to miss, since it was moving abnormally before correcting the course.
As the pickup drew closer, White got a good look at the problem: The driver appeared to be asleep. Pretty soon, this guy’s going to crash into a house and kill himself or somebody else, White thought.
While many people would have kept on driving, that’s not how White-whose girlfriend refers to him as Captain Harrisburg because of his perpetual instinct to help out-operates. He had to stop that vehicle.
White made his car a U-turn and was now facing in the same direction as the pickup, but there were four cars separating them. White honked his horn, hoping the cars in front would move aside. They didn’t. He tried to swing into the left lane and pass everyone, but oncoming traffic made it impossible.
Trapped, White pulled his car over, jumped out and ran up the sidewalk. The truck was going 10 to 15 miles per hour, White estimates.
He dived into the road, running around to the driver’s side. The window was down on this temperate autumn day. White grabbed the frame of the window-his legs moving in step with the pickup-and with a mighty strength, jumped in.
White was now inside the cab of the truck, waist deep, his legs dangling out the window. The man behind the wheel, 64-year-old Todd DeAngelis, was just a little conscious to be aware of a stranger jumping in, and he said in a weak voice that he had low blood sugar.
White worked quickly. They were coming up to a busy intersection, he recalls, “so I was trying to stop anything before it happened.”
White forced the pickup into a sudden stop. DeAngelis woke up in the ambulance after a while.
第一部分 听力(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
1-5 BACBB 6-10 CAABB 11-15 ACBCB 16-20 ACAAC
第二部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2.5分,满分50分)
21-23 DAC 24-27 ACDB 28-31 CABD 32-35 CDBA 36-40 ACDFE
第三部 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
41-45 CBABC 46-50 DCBAD 51-55 CABDA
56. On 57. determination 58. narrower 59. grasped 60. which
61. Hearing 62. was frightened 63. it 64. dramatically 65. to enjoy
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节(满分 15 分)
Dear Tom,
Much pleasure to hear from you. Glad to know you are quite interested in learning Chinese and ask me for some advice about it. Happily, I have some learning methods in my own opinion to share with you.
Chinese is quite different from English. Basically, you’d better remember as many Chinese characters as possible. Then add characters together to form words so that you could have a good command of Chinese phrases and sentence patterns. Go all out to communicate in Chinese when you have a chance. Watching Chinse programs and listening to the Chinese radio are also good ways. It’s also important to do more reading and writing.
I’m willing to give you help at any time. Hope you will make much progress next time. If you have any question, please tell me.
Li Hua
Paragraph One: White forced the pickup into a sudden stop. He ejected himself from the truck window the same way he came in. From outside the truck, White asked DeAngelis if he was OK. “No,” he replied, in a haze. DeAngelis, a diabetic, was unexpectedly facing dangerously low blood sugar. White flagged down a police officer. An ambulance soon arrived and took DeAngelis to a hospital, where it was determined that had his blood sugar gone much lower, he could have gone into a diabetic coma.
Paragraph Two: DeAngelis woke up in the ambulance after a while. “He kept me from a much worse accident than it could have been,” DeAngelis said after his recovery. White’s actions that day were not out of character. “I’m always trying to help where I can, when I can,” he says. But jumping into a moving vehicle to prevent a crash White admits this was new territory. “It took me a couple of days,” he says, “and a couple of beers, to chill out.”
Text 1
M: Is there any subway to take me directly to the Summer Palace (1)
W: Not from here. You’ll either have to change at the Agriculture Center or go the other way through the city center.
Text 2
M: My dream is to be on TV. I want to be on the news and tell people everything they need to know. (2)
W: That sounds fun. I have never wanted to do anything like that. I think a farmer’s life would be fine for me. I like animals.
Text 3
W: My brother eats a lot of sugar. It’s so bad for his health.
M: Have you talked to him about it
W: I have. I even said I would be happy to help him eat healthier but he doesn’t want to. I’m sad about that. (3)
Text 4
W: You are finally back to work, John! (4) Is your wife feeling better
M: Yes, thanks for asking. It’s summer vacation so our son can look after her during the day, and I’ll cook them a nice dinner after work.
Text 5
W: Do you want to go on a bike ride with me I know a fun place.
M: Yes! I’ll go ask my mom. (5) She might make me bring my little brother. Is that OK
W: Of course! I like him.
Text 6
M: Unfortunately, pets are not allowed inside. They make some of our customers nervous. (6)
W: But my dog goes everywhere with me. He is extremely well-trained. I thought only hospitals had such rules.
M: I am sorry, ma’am. You are more than welcome to take your dog to the park nearby. However, we cannot change our rules.
W: Okay, I understand. Could you please get me a small cup of ice tea while I tie my dog outside (6) (7)
M: Of course. Would you like some milk and sugar
W: Just the tea, please.
Text 7
M: Grace, how many languages do you speak besides English
W: I also speak French. (8)
M: Ah. How well do you speak it (8)
W: Very well, and I can write in it too. (8)
M: Good to know. Can you speak any other languages
W: I speak a little German, but I can’t write in it at all.
M: A little German. Can’t write. That’s it
W: Yes.
M: And you want to join our beginners’ class on Chinese (9)
W: Yes, very much.
M: Well, although it’s a very popular language, it’s not going to be easy, (9) you know. It’s very different from English, German, or French.
W: I know, but I want to try it. I’m interested in attending a university in China.
M: That would be a wonderful experience.
Text 8
M: Why didn’t Cindy buy books (10) I gave her money because she was so excited to get them for her birthday.
W: Actually, she had only one book in mind. We found out it wasn’t available, so she said she would wait another week for it.
M: I hope she wasn’t too sad.
W: Not really! The store did have her favorite ice cream, so the day wasn’t a total waste. (10) I asked her if she wanted a new dress for the party, but she didn’t.
M: I’m happy to hear that. Was $10 enough (11)
W: It was more than enough! The ice cream only cost $8. (11) Here’s your change back.
M: Also, will you drive her to the party tomorrow You’ll be free from the office, right
W: I wish I could, but I have to go to the library. I can pick Cindy up on my way back, though. I can wait in the park if I’m early. (12)
Text 9
W: Sunil, for our social studies project, how about we make a presentation about the global movement of people (13) Like many of us, our families moved here to South Africa from India.
M: That’s a great topic. Durban, South Africa has the biggest group of Indian people outside of India.
W: And there are over one million Indian people living here in this city.
M: Yeah, and we both moved to South Africa from India when we were little, (14) (15) (16) but our classmates’ families might have lived in South Africa for generations.
W: It’s not about whether our families arrived five years ago or five generations ago. It’s valuable to learn about our home country’s culture.
M: For me, I’m very proud and interested in India’s food culture and global community. (16)
W: Yeah, good ideas. But the country’s history interests me the most. (16) Did you know that one of the world’s oldest cultures was born in India — or it has the second biggest English-speaking population
M: Really I didn’t know that before. That’s amazing! I guess we have enough to talk about at the presentation.
Text 10
The Watts Towers are located in the Watts community of Los Angeles, California. (17) They are decorated with broken glass, seashells, pottery, and other found objects. There are three tall pointed towers, four smaller towers, two walls, and even a place to sit that is covered by a roof(屋顶). (18) The towers were built by one person: Simon Rodia. The artist, (19) who was born in Italy in 1879, arrived in the United States around 1894. He began building the Watts Towers in 1921 at the age of 42. (19) What he called “Nuestro Pueblo” or “Our Town” was his life’s work. The towers became the world’s largest single construction created by one single person. The official name of his work is “The Watts Towers of Simon Rodia”. Rodia died in 1965. The Watts community has regarded the towers as part of their heritage(遗产) and they are respected by locals and tourists. The Watts Towers Arts Center was founded to support art education. (20) It has worked with a lot of artists representing various media, such as filmmaking, writing, music, and performing arts. Amazingly, the towers were hardly damaged in the 1994 Northridge earthquake.


山东省2023-2024学年高二上学期适应性联考(一)英语试题(含答案 无听力音频 含听力原文)

山东省2023-2024学年高二上学期适应性联考(一)英语试题(含答案 无听力音频 含听力原文)

山东省2023-2024学年高二上学期适应性联考(一)英语试题(含答案 无听力音频 含听力原文)

山东省2023-2024学年高二上学期适应性联考(一)英语试题(含答案 无听力音频 含听力原文)

山东省2023-2024学年高二上学期适应性联考(一)英语试题(含答案 无听力音频 含听力原文)



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1.感受我们的呼吸 教学设计(表格式)-2024-2025学年科学四年级上册教科版

专题01 数据与信息-2024-2025学年高中信息技术一轮复习(浙教版)

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985大学中外合作办学专业毕业生认可度高吗2024 值得报考吗

985大学中外合作办学专业毕业生认可度高吗2024 值得报考吗