
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 语
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1. Whose paintings does the woman prefer
A. Monet's B. Picasso's. C. Van Gogh's.
2. When will the play be performed
A. October 15th. B. October 16th. C. October 17th.
3. Which petrol station will the woman go to
A. The one near the crossroads.
B. The one next to the cinema.
C. The one opposite the bridge.
4. Where does the conversation take place
A. At a doctor's. B. At the woman's home.
C. In a restaurant.
5. How much should the man pay
A. 80. B. 160. C. 200.
6. Why does the woman reschedule the meeting
A. She needs to leave for another branch.
B. She has to work on a report.
C. She has a conference.
7. When will the speakers probably have the meeting
A. During four and five o'clock.
B. During two and four o'clock.
C. During one and two o'clock.
8. What might the man be
A. A tour guide. B. A store assistant. C. A hotel receptionist.
9. What does the man offer to do
A. Provide an umbrella. B. Buy an umbrella. C. Share an umbrella.
10. What does the man remind the woman of
A. The location of stores. B. The departure date.
C. The closing time.
11. When does Mike's normal workday start
A. 8:25. B. 9:15. C. 9:50.
12. How did Tom finally get to his workplace
A. By taxi. B. By car. C. By truck.
13. What can we learn from the conversation
A. Mike's car will be repaired soon.
B. The relationship between them is an HR manager and an employee.
C. Mike will not be punished for being late.
14. What's the relationship between the two speakers
A. Student and teacher.
B. Customer and shop assistant.
C. Tourist and guide.
15. When can people enjoy the festive atmosphere in Dong village
A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Winter.
16. What is the must-try local food here
A. Roasted meat. B. Sour potatoes. C. Sour fish soup.
17. What will the speakers do next
A. Visit the drum towers.
B. Go on exploring more surprises.
C. Try some specialties.
18. Before 2024, how many times did Paris hold the Olympic Games
A. Three times. B. Twice. C. Once.
19. Which is the new event in the 2024 Paris Olympics
A. Surfing. B. Swimming. C. Gymnastics.
20. Why did they cut ten events from the Tokyo Games
A. To save money.
B. To leave a positive long-term impact.
C. To be more eco-friendly and efficient.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Taking medicine properly is crucial for ensuring its effectiveness and your safety. Here's a general guide on how to take medicines correctly, but always refer to the specific instructions provided by your healthcare professional or included in the medication packaging, as instructions can vary greatly between medications:
1. Follow Doctor's Instructions to know the dose: Your healthcare provider will prescribe (开处方) the medicine based on your specific condition. Follow the directions exactly, including the dose and frequency. Some medications require different doses at different times of the day or may change over time. Follow these instructions to ensure maximum efficacy and to minimize side effects.
2. Food Interactions and Alcohol Ban: Some medicines should be taken with food to avoid stomach upset or to aid absorption, while others should be taken on an empty stomach. Check the label or ask your chemist about any food interactions. Moreover, many medications interact negatively with alcohol. Unless clearly 'told it's safe, avoid alcohol while taking medication.
3. Store Properly: Keep medicines in their original containers, away from direct sunlight, dampness, and heat. Some need refrigeration. Check the label for storage instructions.
4. Finish the Course: Even if you feel better, complete the full course of antibiotics (抗生素) or as directed for other medications unless your doctor advises otherwise. Stopping early can lead to incomplete treatment or antibiotic resistance.
Remember, these are general guidelines. Always consult your healthcare professional for specific instructions related to your medication or click here to get more detailed instructions.
21. Which statement is TRUE according to the text
A. Alcohol is absolutely banned while taking medication
B. Medicine containers can be kept in a dry and cool case.
C. Take more pills at a time if you want to recover sooner.
D. Stop the course the instant you feel better.
22. Who will be the most possible targeted readers
A. Doctors making a prescription. B. Students in medical college.
C. Salesmen in medical store. D. Patients to take medication.
23. Where do you probably read the text
A. In a medical report. B. On a medication instruction.
C. On an Internet page. D. On a doctor's advice.
Once when I was six years old I saw a magnificent picture in a book about the primeval forest. It was a picture of a boa constrictor (蟒蛇) in the act of swallowing an animal whole, without chewing it. After that, it was not able to move, and it slept through the six months for digestion.
I pondered deeply over the adventures of the jungle. And after some work with a colored pencil I succeeded in making my first drawing——My Drawing Number One. I showed my masterpiece to the grown-ups, and asked them whether the drawing frightened them.
But they answered: "Frighten Why should any one be frightened by a hat " NO!!! It was a picture of a boa constrictor digesting an elephant. But since the grown-ups were not able to understand it, I made Drawing Number Two—I drew the inside of the boa constrictor. They always need to have things explained.
The grown-ups' response, this time, was to advise me to. lay aside my drawings of boa constrictors, whether from the inside or the outside, and devote myself instead to geography, history and grammar. That is why, at the age of six, I gave up what might have been a magnificent career as a painter. So then I chose to accept the fact and learn pilot airplanes, and it is true that geography has been very useful to me—at a glance I can distinguish China from Arizona.
In the course of this life, I have had many great encounters with a great many people who have been concerned with matters of consequence. Whenever I met one of them who seemed to me at all clear-sighted, I tried the experiment of showing him my Drawing Number One, which I have always kept. I wondered if this was a person of true understanding. But, whoever it was, he or she would always say, "That is a hat."
Then I would never talk to that person about boa constrictors, or primeval forests, or stars. I would bring myself down to his level. I would talk to him about bridge, and golf, and politics. And the grown-up would be greatly pleased to have met such a sensible man.
24. Why does the author make his Drawing Number Two
A. Because grown-ups are frightened by the hat.
B. Because grown-ups always want to get explanations.
C. Because grown-ups want children to learn useful knowledge.
D. Because grown-ups are pleased to meet a sensible child.
25. Which one of the following can best describe the grown-ups
A. Selfish and impatient. B. Unimaginative and realistic.
C. Greedy and practical. D. Considerate and frank.
26. According to the passage, why did author choose to learn pilot airplanes
A. The author thought it useful.
B. The author was concerned with matters of consequence.
C. The author compromised to the reality.
D. The author had no gift for painting.
27. What tone of the speech does the author use in the last sentence
A. Ironic. B. Cautious. C. Critical. D. Understanding.
Climate breakdown is always changing the taste and quality of beer, scientists have warned. The quantity and quality of hops (啤酒花), a key ingredient in most beers, is being affected by global heating, according to a study. As a result, beer may become more expensive and manufacturers will have to adapt their brewing (酿造) methods.
Researchers forecast that hop yields in European growing regions will fall by 4-18% by 2050 if farmers do not adapt to hotter and drier weather, while the content of alpha acids in the hops, which gives beers their distinctive taste and smell, will fall by 20-31%.
"Beer drinkers will definitely see the climate change, either in the price tag or the quality," said Miroslav Trnka, a scientist at the Global Change Research Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences and co-author of the study, published in the journal Nature Communications. "That seems to be inevitable from our data."
Beer, the third-most popular drink in the world after water and tea, is usually flavoured with aromatic (芳香的) hops grown mostly in the middle latitudes that are sensitive to changes in light, heat and water. In recent years, demand for high-quality hops has been pushed up by a boom in craft beers with stronger flavors. But emissions of planet-heating gases are putting the plant at risk, the study found.
In Germany, the second-biggest hop producer in the world, average hop yields have fallen, the study found. Beer-brewing in central Europe dates back to thousands of years and is a cornerstone of the culture. The study found the alpha acid content of hops, which give beer its distinct aroma, had fallen in all regions.
Andreas Auernhammer, a hop farmer in Spalt in southern Germany, said the total rainfall in his fields had changed little but that now "the rain does not come at the right time".
28. Which one is NOT an influential factor affecting the flavor and price of beer
A. Climate shifts and greenhouse gases emissions.
B. Adaptation to new planting methods among farmers.
C. Geographical location and sensitivity of hops.
D. The decline in hop yields.
29. What does the underlined word "inevitable" mean in Paragraph 3
A. Incapable. B. Affordable. C. Unavoidable. D. Valuable.
30. Which statement is FALSE
A. Hops are vitally necessary ingredient in most beers.
B. The rain doesn't meet the need of hops' growing now.
C. Beer producing has a long history in Germany.
D. Alpha acid content of hops had greatly decreased in the world.
31. The purpose of the passage is ______.
A. to emphasize the environmental influence on hops
B. to raise people's awareness of environmental protection
C. to help hop farmers make more profits
D. to save hop production from global warming
A March 2023 report from Goldman Sachs estimated that AI capable of content generation could do a quarter of all the work currently done by humans. Across the European Union and US, the report further notes, 300 million jobs could be lost to automation. And that could be awful, says Martin Ford, author of Rule of the Robots: How Artificial Intelligence Will Transform Everything.
"It's not just that this would happen to individuals, but it could be pretty systemic," he says. "It could happen to a lot of people, potentially quite suddenly, potentially all at the same time. And that has implications not just for those individuals, but for the whole economy."
Thankfully, it's not all bad news. The experts issue their warnings with a caveat (限制性条款): there are still things AI isn't capable of—tasks that involve distinctly human qualities, like emotional intelligence and outside-the-box thinking. And moving into roles that centre those skills could help lessen the chances of being replaced.
"I think there are generally three categories that are going to be relatively insulated (隔离) in the foreseeable future," says Ford. "The first would be jobs that are genuinely creative: you're not doing formulaic work or just rearranging things, but you're genuinely coming up with new ideas and building something new."
"The second insulated category, he continues, is jobs that require sophisticated (老练的) interpersonal relationships. He points to nurses, secretarial clerks and investigative journalists. These are jobs, he says, "where you need a very deep understanding of people."
The third safe zone, says Ford, "are jobs that really require lots of mobility and dexterity (灵巧) and problem-solving ability in unpredictable environments". Many trade jobs—think electricians, plumbers, welders and the like—fall under this umbrella, he adds, "They are probably the hardest of anything to automate."
In short, seeking roles in dynamic, shifting environments that include unpredictable tasks is good way to stave off job loss to AI. At least, for a while.
32. According to Martin Ford, what's his attitude towards AI
A. Favorable. B. Pessimistic. C. Neutral. D. Dismissive.
33. Why did the writer mention the caveat in Paragraph 3
A. To introduce the main topic. B. To clarify a concept.
C. To present a fact. D. To make a comparison.
34. According to the passage, in the future which job is more likely to be replaced by AI
A. A business consultant. B. A craftsman.
C. A typist. D. A tourist guide.
35. What's the best title for the text
A. The robots really are coming for some jobs B. The jobs AI won't take yet
C. AI will transform working mode D. The jobs people can do in the future
Brushing your teeth effectively lowers your chances of getting a host of chronic diseases, as well as keeping your teeth and gums (牙龈) healthy. 36 So what exactly are most of us getting wrong, and how can we change our routine to make sure we brush our teeth effectively Here's how to properly brush your teeth, according to experts.
37 That is only partially true. It's much more important to remove bacteria from the teeth. These bacteria and other microorganisms grow inside everyone's mouth, and form a sticky biofilm (菌膜) commonly known as dental plaque. They are living in the sticky film stuck to the teeth and also to the soft tissues, which can't be easily washed off—it really needs to be manually cleaned.
The most important place to remove it from is not the teeth, but the gum-line. This is where germs are best able to sink in the gum tissue and cause inflammation (炎症). In fact, think of brushing your gum-line, rather than the teeth themselves. 38
Brushing too hard, especially with a firmer-bristled (硬毛) brush, can cause pains and tears to the gums. 39 And rubbing the brush's bristles over the enamel (牙釉质) can cause tiny scratches in the tooth, which add up to significant erosion over time.
40 It depends on what you've had to eat. Acidic food and drink—such as citrus fruit, fruit juice and coffee—would be a reason to brush before rather than after breakfast. More important than the breakfast question is the evening brush, which also has a simpler answer: it should always happen last thing before bed.
A. But the majority of us are doing it wrong. B. Then the teeth will be brushed automatically. C. The first step is to brush teeth regularly with patience. D. Is it better to brush your teeth before or after breakfast E. The eroded gums will become very sensitive to just being brushed off. F. These small tears give opportunity for bacteria to enter the bloodstream. G. Lots of patients understand that what they need to do is remove food leftover.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel. All claimed that they were the best, the most important, the favorite.
Green said, "Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of 41 and of hope. I was chosen for grass, trees and leaves. Without me, all animals would die. Look over the countryside and you will see that I am in the 42 ."
"You only think about the earth", Blue. 43 suddenly, "but consider the sky and the sea. It is the water that is the basis of life and drawn up by the clouds from the deep sea. The sky gives space and peace , without which, you would all be 44 . "
Red could stand it no longer and he shouted out, "I am the ruler of all of you. I am blood—life's blood! I am the color of danger and 45 . I am willing to fight for a cause bravely. Without me, the earth would be as empty as the moon."
Finally Indigo (青色) uttered, much more quietly than all the others, but with just as much determination. "Think of me. I am the color of 46 , hardly noticed, but without me you all become shallow, I represent thought and 47 ."
And so the colors went on 48 louder and more proudly, each convinced of his or her own 49 . Suddenly there was a startling flash of bright lightening and thunder rolling and 50 . Rain started to pour down mercilessly. The colors crouched down in fear, 51 close to one another for comfort.
Rain began to state, "You 52 colors, fighting among yourselves, each trying to 53 the rest. Don't you know that you were each made for a special purpose, unique and different "
"From now on", The rain continued, "when it rains, each of you will stretch across the sky in a great bow of color as a(an) 54 that you can all live in peace. The Rainbow is a sign of hope for tomorrow." And so, whenever a good rain washes the world, and a Rainbow appears in the sky, let us remember to 55 one another.
41. A. peace B. health C. life D. growth
42. A. majority B. diversity C. sincerity D. variety
43. A. roared B. claimed C. whispered D. interrupted
44. A.something B. nothing C. everything D. anything
45.A. adventure B. passion C. adversity D. courage
46.A. nobility B. darkness C. reality D. silence
47.A. response B. reputation C. reflection D. recognition
48. A. explaining B. praising C. discussing D. boasting
49. A. dominance B. privilege C. competence D. difference
50. A. emerging B. booming C. expanding D. declining
51. A. drawing B. attracting C. pushing D. complaining
52. A. foolish B. violent C. aggressive D. mad
53. A. regulate B. win C. conquer D. submit
54. A. alarm B. reminder C. bond D. warning
55. A. admire B. understand C. appreciate D. cooperate
Many of us might not give a second thought to dropping a small piece of litter. After all, if it is so small, it cannot possibly be that 56 (harm), can it Nowadays, the answer is certainly "Yes, it can!" With the growing use of plastic bags and the 57 (rise) number of smokers, there is more litter being produced now than ever before.
Although cigarette butts are small, they are bad for the environment. These find their way into the water supply 58 they affect water quality and endanger plants and animals. Cigarette butts can take up to 25 years to break down, and the toxic chemicals add up to a large amount with so many cigarette butts 59 (litter). So, if people want to smoke they should dispose 60 the butts properly in a rubbish bin.
Plastic bags are another common form of litter that is dangerous to the environment. They are easily blown by wind and float in water, so they can travel long 61 (distance). We should not let plastic bags become litter. We should use fewer plastic bags, and reuse and recycle 62 (many) that we have already used.
One way to reduce the use of plastic bags is to charge for them. Shops used to give plastic bags for free. But in some countries, including China, customers 63 (charge) for each bag. Some shops also have 64 "bag-for-life" scheme. They sell stronger bags that can be reused, and they replace them for free if the bags ever break.
Waste is a big problem for the environment, so we need to do something. Not littering at all or cleaning up "small waste" 65 (save) money spent on throwing litter properly. However, it would be better not to smoke or use plastic bags at all.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
Dear Eric,
Thank you for considering my concerns.
Best regards,
Li Hua
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
For the past ten years, my dad and I have attended the same school—he was an administrator and I was a student. Our relationship, in and out of school, has been totally unpredictable.
When I was younger, naturally, I did anything as my dad said. We had fun playing games together, and stayed up late reading bedtime stories. I counted on my dad taking me to school. I ran into him regularly during the day and rode home with him every afternoon, singing together happily all the way home.
As I grew older, we were not as close as we used to be. He wasn't cool any more. He wore his socks too high, listened to horrible country music and laughed too loudly in front of my friends. I often blushed. However, the disasters that occurred in school were even worse. The worst one happened in seventh grade. My dad came to our New Year party, dressed up as Donald Duck, guitar in hand, singing silly songs joyfully. Just kill me! My classmates burst out laughing. I tried to laugh with them, but my face burned with embarrassment. I wanted to spring to my feet and run away.
This struggle continued into high school, but we somehow began to find a balance. Things started to change around the time of my 10th-grade physics project. The task was to build a wood bridge with the best strength-to-weight ratio (强度重量比). All the students and physics teachers participated with great interest.
So did my dad, the only administrator! __________________________________________________________
We'd won, and I gradually learned to appreciate something in my dad._________________________________
第一部分 听力
第二部分 阅读
21-23 BDC 24-27 BBCA 28-31 BCDA 32-35 BACB
36--40 AGBFD
第三部分 语言运用
56. harmful 57. rising 58. where 59. littered 60. of
61.distances 62. more 63. are charged 64. a 65. saves
Dear Eric,
I'm writing to express my concerns about some students using Chat-GPT to finish their homework.
Regrettably, I noticed that several students engage in such a dishonest behavior. In my opinion, the process of learning is more meaningful than getting a seemingly satisfying result. To tackle it, I sincerely recommend that you discuss the issue with us students, emphasizing Chat-GPT's role as a tool, not as a replacement for efforts. Additionally, it is a good choice to encourage students to use Chat-GPT responsibly and reasonably for learning.
Thank you for considering my concerns.
Best regards,
Li Hua
Dear Eric,
I'm writing to address a concerning issue: some students are using Chat-GPT to complete final assignments, which undercuts learning, critical thinking, and academic integrity. Assignments are meant for students to actively engage and demonstrate understanding, not to bypass through Al-generated content. It also creates an unfair advantage.
To tackle this, I propose explicitly prohibiting AI-generated submissions and reinforcing the value of original work. An optional discussion or Q&A could further encourage genuine engagement with course materials.
Your action in upholding academic honesty is indispensable for maintaining fairness and promoting authentic learning experiences. Thank you for considering my concerns.
Best regards,
Li Hua
Possible version:
So did my dad, the only administrator! I was awfully nervous the moment my dad stepped on the scene. Noticing that, he patted me on my shoulder gently, saying, "Take it easy!" Then he asked me to select light but strong materials. After trying many times, my father, with rich experience and knowledge, managed to design a wood bridge with the best strength-to-weight ratio. During the experiment, his hands moved with precision, cutting and assembling the pieces together. I watched him in awe, learning from his every move. On the day of the demonstration, our bridge stood tall and strong, outperforming all others.
We'd won, and I gradually learned to appreciate something in my dad. My dad still laughed in his loud and amusing way. But I watched him with my shining eyes, half wondering, half appreciating. I had seen something in him I hadn't seen before. Suddenly, a mixture of guilt as well as pride seized me. It dawned on me that I was fortunate to be given a chance to see my father in a new light.
21.文章第五段中“Keep medicines in their original containers, away from direct sunlight, moisture, and heat. Some need refrigeration.”可知,B为正解。
23.从最后一段中“Always consult your healthcare professional for specific instructions related to your medication or click here to get more detailed instructions”可知,点击此处.....表明该文出自某网页内容。C为正解。
24.从文章第三段中“But since the grown-ups were not able to understand it, I made Drawing Number Two—I drew the inside of the boa constrictor. They always need to have things explained.”可知画第二幅画的目的。答案B
25.文章第三段开头,大人们认为作者画的蟒蛇吞象是一顶帽子,说明他们缺乏想象力,第四段“The grown-ups' response, this time, was to advise me to lay aside my drawings of boa constrictors, whether from the inside or from the outside, and devote myself instead to geography, history, arithmetic and grammar.”可知大人们完全不管作者画的第二幅画,直接让他去学一些实用的知识,这说明大人们的想法很现实。故答案为B。
(C篇)体裁:说明文 主要讲述全球气候变暖对啤酒花的产量有着巨大的影响,导致啤酒的口味和价格受到影响。
29.划线单词inevitable从本段上下文语境当中,可知,beer drinkers will definitely see the climate change,从我们的数据当中来看,这件事情也是无法避免的,所以正确答案选C。
30.倒数第二段中The study found the alpha acid content of hops, which give beer its distinct aroma, had fallen in all regions.可知D中in the world表述错误。文章最后一段“the rain does not come at the right time”说明B选项说法正确。
(D篇)体裁:说明文 主要讲述在未来不会被AI所取代的职业。
32.推理判断题,第一段和第二段Martin Ford所说的话,“It could happen to a lot of people, potentially quite suddenly, potentially all at the same time. And that has implications not just for those individuals, but for the whole economy.”
34.从文章第四段you're not doing formulaic work or just rearranging things,可知打字员的工作是刻板公式化的,会被淘汰。所以选C。
(七选五)体裁:说明文 主要讲述教人们如何正确有效的刷牙。
40.D为段首疑问句,刷牙到底是在早饭前还是早饭后呢 与下文当中,it depends on what you have had to eat 呼应。
42.A上下文语境说绿色到处都是,in the majority为固定搭配。
45.D考查名词,从下文fight for...bravely可以推理出要有勇气。
46.D考查名词,从下文hardly noticed可以推出。
50.B考查动词,通过前文中的“lightening and thunder rolling”可知,句意为“突然电闪雷鸣,大雨无情倾泻。”
53.C考查动词,根据前文第49题,“fighting among yourselves”可知,每一种颜色都试图去征服其他的颜色。
语法填空:本文节选自选择性必修三p78的“SMALL WASTE, BIG PROBLEM”
56. harmful 57. rising 58. where 59. littered 60. of
61. distances 62. more 63. are charged 64. a 65. saves
58.考查关系副词的用法,分析句子结构,先行词为water supply,在后面的从句中做地点状语,故填where。此处若填and,在语法上说没有错,但要在句后加一个in it才完整。之所以答案为where,一是尊重教材原文。二是分析句子结构,“这些烟头出现在供水系统,并影响此处的水质,危害水中的动植物。”可知此处为定语从句,先行词为water supply,在从句中做地点状语。
63.考查动词的时态语态和数,are charged。
(Text 1)
M: There's a new art show featuring Van Gogh's paintings, The Starry Night and Sunflowers are on display.
W: I'm really excited to see it! I've always been fascinated by his work, especially when compared with Monet's and Picasso's.
M: I can't agree more.
(Text 2)
M: Sue, I've just been told the play has been changed from October 15th to the 16th.
W: Are you serious Yesterday I was told it was going to be the 17th
M: Yes, but because the 17th is Sunday, they changed it to Saturday.
(Text 3)
W: Excuse me. Is there a petrol station near the crossroads
M: That one was closed last year. The nearest one is next to the cinema, about three minutes down the road.
W: I need to go the other way.
M: Then you can use the one facing the bridge.
(Text 4)
M: Hello, what can I do for you
W: My little boy's cut his hand. I was getting dinner ready and somehow he picked up the knife when my back was turned. There was a lot of blood.
M: Let me have a look.
(Text 5)
M: I can't find the price tag.
W: It's right here, $100 for each. I could offer you 20 percent off if you buy two.
M: OK. I'll take two.
(Text 6)
W: Brad, if you have time this afternoon, I would like to meet with you to discuss your job performance report. I know we are originally scheduled to meet on Thursday, but I have to visit the Sydney office because of some urgent matter.
M: Let me check my schedule. Hmm. I have a conference call around two in the afternoon. I could meet you before 2 o'clock or after 4.
W: Let's meet right after lunch. This won't take long. We just have to go through the points I made and make sure you understand them.
M: Okay, I'll stop by your office at 1 o'clock, then.
(Text 7)
W: Excuse me, I'm calling from Room 2207. I am heading out for the shopping district in downtown and I just noticed that it's raining outside. Unfortunately, I forgot my umbrella. Is there any place near the hotel where I can buy one
M: Oh, you don't need to buy one. We have some umbrellas here at the front desk. I can have someone bring one up to your room, if you'd like.
W: That's okay, I'll just stop by at the desk on my way out.
M: Well, if you would prefer that way, that's okay. I'll be here all evening. But keep in mind that most of the stores in downtown shopping district stay open until nine. So, you might want to hurry.
(Text 8)
W: Hey, Tom, you're late again. It's 9:15, you have missed our morning gathering. Do you know how much time you have wasted
M: Sorry, madam. My car broke down on the way here. I had to wait for the tow truck and then catch a cab. I promise to work another 50 minutes after work to make up for the later arrival.
W: Oh no, that sounds like a rough start to the morning. Is your car sorted now
M: Not yet, but the mechanic said he'd look into it. Thanks for understanding.
W: Of course, just make sure to send any documentation for the delay, alright We'll sort out the attendance issue.
M: Absolutely, I will do. Thanks again, madam. I'll get right to work. Emmm... Can I pay less for being late this time, madam
(Text 9)
M: Wow, amazing! I've never seen anything like the drum towers before.
W: Sure, these drum towers are unique to the Dong ethnic group, each representing a neighborhood and serving as a community center for gatherings and celebrations. They're also a symbol of unity and pride for the locals.
M: That's fascinating. Scenery here, with the rice fields and misty mountains, feels so peaceful. What's the best season to visit
M: Actually, every season has its charm. Spring brings vast green and the Water Splashing Festival, while summer is great for escaping the heat. Autumn showcases golden rice fields, and winter offers beauty of silence. But we're lucky today—the weather is perfect for exploring
M: Speaking of exploring, what are some must-try local foods here
W: You have to try the sour fish soup, it's a specialty. And don't miss the sticky rice with roasted meat mixed with sour tomatoes, really delicious.
M: Sounds delicious! And are there any cultural performances we shouldn't miss
W: Absolutely! In the evenings, there is a show—played by the Dong traditional instrument, known as Konghou, accompanied by Dong Grand Song. It's beautiful.
M: Can't wait. Thanks for being such a great guide!
W: My pleasure! Enjoying the beauty of Zhaoxing together is a wonderful experience. Let's continue our walk and discover more hidden diamonds.
(Text 10)
The 2024 Paris Olympics, officially known as the Games of the 33rd Olympics, will be held in Paris, France from July 26 to August 11, 2024. leaving it become the second city to host the Olympics three times. The Paris Olympics will feature a wide range of sports, including both traditional events like athletics, swimming and gymnastics, as well as newer events like skateboarding and surfing, etc. In 2017, IOC leader Thomas Bach shared the news, saying these games will mix old traditions with modern sports excitement, with10 events from the Tokyo games to cut to be more eco-friendly and efficient. Getting ready for the games focuses on new ideas and caring for the environment, everyone is excited for this big event in the City of Lights, with hopes of leaving a positive long-term impact, which captures the Olympic saying, "Faster, Higher, Stronger -Together."






















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12个月份的缩写 12个月英语单词及读法

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西江月 贺陈郎新婚原文、翻译和赏析

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