
学考宝 作者:佚名



第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分50)

第一节(15小题;每小题2.5, 满分37.5)



2024 Western Colorado Elementary Science Fair

        EUREKA! and D51 are partnering to host our annual elementary (小学的) science fair! Here’s your chance to apply your love of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) by conducting your own scientific investigation.

        Participation is open to all 3-5th graders living in Wester Colorado, and students can either enter as an individual or as a team of no more than 3 members. Judging will be based on grade, and a team composed of students from multiple grades will be judged in the grade category of the oldest participant’s grade.

Project Submission

All participants must complete all of the following by March 7, 2024:

  • Complete the registration form (one per team)
  • Create a display poster (either physical or electronic) summarizing their project and email the file or a clear photo of it to the science fair committee
  • Create a video presentation (less than 5 minutes) explaining their project to the judges, and submit it to the science fair committee

Public Viewing

Date: Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Location: EUREKA! McConnell Science Museum

Participants can display their posters and present their projects to the public (optional) .

Safety Regulations

It is important to wear proper protective gear (装备) when necessary in addition to disposing of (处理) waste properly when conducting a scientific investigation. We strongly recommend that guardians look up and study Safety Data Sheets for any chemicals that their students use and have responsibility for not allowing students to experiment with dangerous chemicals. EUREKA! holds the right to not display projects if they believe the components break our safety regulations.

  1. What is an entry requirement for the science fair?
  2. A team must consist of three members.
  3. A team must be led by-the oldest participant.
  4. All participants must be from Western Colorado.
  5. Teams must be formed by students in the same grade.
  6. What are participants required to do by the submission date?
  7. Submit a display poster. B. Video the investigation process.
  8. Present their project to the public. D. Fill in the registration form individually.
  9. Which of the following will result in your project not being displayed?
  10. Disposing of waste improperly.
  11. Performing experiments without a guardian.
  12. Involving harmful chemicals in your project.
  13. Conducting your investigation without protective gear.

【答案】21. C   22. A   23. C




细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Participation is open to all 3-5th graders living in Wester Colorado”(所有居住在西科罗拉多的3-5年级学生都可以参加)可知,所有参赛者必须来自西科罗拉多。故选C。    


细节理解题。根据文章“Project Submission All participants must complete all of the following by March 7, 2024: ●Complete the registration form (one per team) ●Create a display poster (either physical or electronic) summarizing their project and email the file or a clear photo of it to the science fair committee”(所有参赛者必须在2024年3月7日之前完成以下所有内容:●完成报名表(每队一份)●创建一个展示海报(可以是实物或电子版),总结他们的项目,并将文件或清晰的照片发送给科学博览会委员会)可知,参赛者在提交日期之前需要提交展示海报。故选A。


细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“We strongly recommend that guardians look up and study Safety Data Sheets for any chemicals that their students use and have responsibility for not allowing students to experiment with dangerous chemicals.”(我们强烈建议监护人查阅并研究他们的学生使用的任何化学品的安全数据表,并负责不让学生使用危险的化学品进行实验)以及“EUREKA! holds the right to not display projects if they believe the components break our safety regulations.”(如果EUREKA!认为项目的组成部分违反了我们的安全规定,他们有权不展示这些项目)以及可知,如果项目涉及有害化学品,可能会导致项目不被展示。故选C。


At the end of 2019,I learned that Here After AI, whose goal is to let the living communicate with the dead, was looking for applicants of its new AI project. Interested in what it was promising, I applied to experiment the software on my very-much-alive parents.

At first, I thought it would be just a fun project to see what was technologically possible. Then their health condition added some urgency to the experiment. I was frightened that my parents might die since my father had been diagnosed with cancer and my mother was recently developing symptoms of early Alzheimer’s disease, and that with the distance between us, I might never have the chance to say goodbye.

The first step was an interview. My parents were asked questions by a techician for hours-about everything from their earliest memories to what they believe will happen after they die. Whether through illness-generated concerns or a willingness to humor their daughter, my parents put up zero resistance. The company then took their responses and started to create the voice assistants. A few months later, my virtual parents arrived via email attachment.

When I communicated with them through the app on my phone, my hands were shaking. I hadn’t seen my actual, real parents for six months. They told me personal stories I’d never heard. They gave me life advice and told me things about their childhoods, as well as my own. It was mesmerizing.

Personally, I have mixed feelings about my experiment. I’m glad to have my virtual parents. They’ve enabled me to learn new things about my parents, and it’s comforting to think that those softwares will be there even when my parents aren’t. On the other hand, I can’t help but find it sad that it took a stranger interviewing my parents for me to properly appreciate the complex people they are. But I feel lucky to have had the chance to grasp that-and to still have the precious opportunity to spend more time with them and learn more about them, face to face, no technology involved.

  1. Why did the author initially join the AI project?
  2. To test out the new technology.
  3. To preserve her parents’ voice.
  4. To learn more about her parents’ life.
  5. To remove the worry about her parents’ health.
  6. What can we learn about the author’s parents?
  7. They liked talking a lot.
  8. They died from the illnesses.
  9. They opposed joining the project at first.
  10. They provided data for the project.
  11. What does the underlined word mesmerizing" mean in paragraph 4?
  12. Alarming. B. Fascinating. C. Inspiring.       D. Disgusting.
  13. What does the author realize at last?
  14. AI means never saying goodbye to our parents.
  15. The advances in AI technology have pros and cons.
  16. The real connection with our parents matters most.
  17. AI allows us to learn more about our virtual parents.    

【答案】24. A   25. D   26. B   27. C


【导语】这是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了作者参与Here After AI项目,通过AI技术与虚拟的父母进行交流的经历和感受。


细节理解题。根据第二段“At first, I thought it would be just a fun project to see what was technologically possible.”(起初,我认为这只是一个有趣的项目,看看技术上的可能性。)可知,作者加入这个项目的主要目的是测试新技术可能是什么样子。故选A。


细节理解题。根据文章第三段“My parents were asked questions by a technician for hours—about everything from their earliest memories to what they believe will happen after they die. Whether through illness-generated concerns or a willingness to humor their daughter, my parents put up zero resistance. The company then took their responses and started to create the voice assistants.”(一位技术人员问了我父母几个问题——从他们最早的记忆到他们认为死后会发生什么。无论是出于对疾病的担忧,还是出于对女儿的迁就,我的父母都没有任何抵触。然后,该公司收集了他们的反馈,开始开发语音助手。)可知,作者的父母为项目提供了数据。故选D。


词义猜测题。根据第四段 “I hadn’t seen my actual, real parents for six months. They told me personal stories I’d never heard. They gave me life advice and told me things about their childhoods, as well as my own.”(我已经有六个月没见过我真正的父母了。他们向我讲述了我从未听过的个人故事。他们给我一些人生建议,告诉我他们和我的童年。)可知,作者的父母向他讲述了以前自己从没听过的个人故事,这真是令人着迷。故划线词与B选项“Fascinating.(令人着迷的)”为同义词。故选B。


推理判断题。根据最后一段 “Personally, I have mixed feelings about my experiment. I’m glad to have my virtual parents. They’ve enabled me to learn new things about my parents, and it’s comforting to think that those softwares will be there even when my parents aren’t. On the other hand, I can’t help but find it sad that it took a stranger interviewing my parents for me to properly appreciate the complex people they are. But I feel lucky to have had the chance to grasp that-and to still have the precious opportunity to spend more time with them and learn more about them, face to face, no technology involved.”(就我个人而言,我对我实验有一种复杂的感觉。我很高兴有我的虚拟父母。它们让我对我的父母有了新的了解,想到即使我的父母不在,这些机器人也会在那里,这让我感到欣慰。另一方面,我不禁感到难过的是,直到一个陌生人采访了我的父母,我才真正了解到他们是一个复杂的人。但我感到很幸运,有机会抓住这一点,仍然有宝贵的机会花更多的时间和他们在一起,更多地了解他们,面对面,不涉及技术。)可知,作者感到很幸运,有机会能够抓住宝贵的机会花更多的时间和他们在一起,更多地了解他们,即意识到了与父母的真正联系是最重要的。故选C。


On September 7, 1991, the costliest hailstorm (雹暴) in Canadian history hit Calgary’s southern suburbs. As a result, since 1996 a group of insurance companies have spent about $2 million per year on the Alberta Hail Suppression Project. Airplanes seed threatening storm cells with a chemical to make small ice crystals fall as rain before they can grow into dangerous hailstones. But farmers in east-central Alberta — downwind of the hail project flights — worry that precious moisture (水分) is being stolen from their thirsty land by the cloud seeding.

Norman Stienwand, who farms in that area, has been addressing public meetings on this issue for years. “Basically, the provincial government is letting the insurance companies protect the Calgary-Edmonton urban area from hail,” Mr. Stienwand says, “but they’re increasing drought risk as far east as Saskatchewan.”

The Alberta hail project is managed by Terry Krauss, a cloud physicist who works for Weather Modification Inc. of Fargo, North Dakota. “We affect only a very small percentage of the total moisture in the air, so we cannot be causing drought.” Dr. Krauss says. “In fact, we may be helping increase the moisture downwind by creating wetter ground.”    

One doubter about the safety of cloud seeding is Chuck Doswell, a research scientist who just retired from the University of Oklahoma. “In 1999, I personally saw significant tornadoes form from a seeded storm cell in Kansas,” Dr. Doswell says. “Does cloud seeding create killer storms or reduce moisture downwind? No one really knows, of course, but the seeding goes on.”

Given the degree of doubt, Mr. Stienwand suggests, “It would be wise to stop cloud seeding.” In practice, doubt has had the opposite effect. Due to the lack of scientific proof concerning their impacts, no one has succeeded in winning a lawsuit against cloud-seeding companies. Hence, private climate engineering can proceed in relative legal safety.

  1. What does the project aim to do?
  2. Conserve moisture in the soil. B. Forecast disastrous hailstorms.
  3. Prevent the formation of hailstones. D. Investigate chemical use in farming.
  4. Who are opposed to the project?
  5. Managers of insurance companies. B. Farmers in east-central Alberta.
  6. Provincial government officials. D. Residents of Calgary and Edmonton.
  7. Why does Dr. Doswell mention the tornadoes he saw in 1999?
  8. To compare different kinds of seeding methods. B. To illustrate the development of big hailstorms.
  9. To show the link between storms and moisture. D. To indicate a possible danger of cloud seeding.
  10. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
  11. Scientific studies have proved Stienwand right. B. Cloud-seeding companies will continue to exist.
  12. The doubt about cloud seeding has disappeared. D. Private climate engineering is illegal in Canada.

【答案】28. C   29. B   30. D   31. B




细节理解题。根据第一段中“As a result, since 1996 a group of insurance companies have spent about $2 million per year on the Alberta Hail Suppression Project. Airplanes seed threatening storm cells with a chemical to make small ice crystals fall as rain before they can grow into dangerous hailstones.(因此,自1996年以来,一组保险公司每年在艾伯塔省冰雹抑制项目上花费约200万美元。飞机在有威胁的风暴中心中播撒一种化学物质,使小冰晶在变成危险的冰雹之前像雨一样落下)”可知,这个项目的目标是防止冰雹的形成。故选C。


细节理解题。根据第一段中“But farmers in east-central Alberta — downwind of the hail project flights — worry that precious moisture (水分) is being stolen from their thirsty land by the cloud seeding.(但是,在艾伯塔省中东部的农民们担心,“冰雹计划”飞行的下风处,宝贵的水分正被人工降雨从他们干渴的土地上偷走)”可知,艾伯塔省中东部的农民反对这个项目。故选B。


推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“One doubter about the safety of cloud seeding is Chuck Doswell, a research scientist who just retired from the University of Oklahoma. “In 1999, I personally saw significant tornadoes form from a seeded storm cell in Kansas,” Dr. Doswell says. “Does cloud seeding create killer storms or reduce moisture downwind? No one really knows, of course, but the seeding goes on.”(查克·多斯韦尔是一位刚刚从俄克拉何马大学退休的研究科学家,他对人工降雨的安全性持怀疑态度。“1999年,我在堪萨斯州亲眼目睹了由种子风暴细胞形成的重大龙卷风,”多斯韦尔博士说。“人工降雨会制造致命风暴还是减少顺风处的水分?当然,没有人真正知道,但是播种还在继续。”)”可推知,多斯韦尔博士提到他在1999年看到的龙卷风是为了提示人工降雨可能带来的危险。故选D。    


推理判断题。根据最后一段“Given the degree of doubt, Mr. Stienwand suggests, “It would be wise to stop cloud seeding.” In practice, doubt has had the opposite effect. Due to the lack of scientific proof concerning their impacts, no one has succeeded in winning a lawsuit against cloud-seeding companies. Hence, private climate engineering can proceed in relative legal safety.(考虑到质疑的程度,斯廷旺德建议,“停止人工降雨是明智的。”在实践中,怀疑产生了相反的效果。由于缺乏有关其影响的科学证据,没有人成功地赢得了对人工降雨公司的诉讼。因此,私人气候工程可以在相对合法的安全条件下进行)”可推知,从最后一段我们能推断出人工降雨公司将继续存在。故选B。


During the last 12 months, have you looked at photographs with family or friends? During the last 12 months, have you taken any photographs or videos to preserve memories? In the nationwide survey in 1995 of nearly 1, 500 people, 91% of respondents (受访者) said they’d looked at photographs with family or friends and 83% had taken a photograph in the past year. If the survey were repeated today, those numbers would certainly be higher. The popularity of smartphone cameras and social media has led to an increase in photo-taking and sharing, from capturing everyday moments to special occasions.

So are all of these captured moments, these personal memories, a part of history? For historians Roy Rosenzweig and David Thelen, the answer is YES, and they believe the very concept of history is developing. They led the 1995 survey to understand how people thought about the past. This groundbreaking study was welcomed by historians and those working in museums, because it helped them to think about the public’s understanding of their field.

Little did Rosenzweig and Thelen know the subject of history was about to be affected by a host of technologies. For example, over a third of the survey’s respondents said they had researched their family history. The activity got much easier the following year, when Paul Brent Allen and Dan Taggart launched Ancestry.com, which is now one of the largest online genealogical (宗谱的) databases. Researching your family tree no longer means studying documents in the local library.

The survey also asked whether respondents had watched a movie or television show about history in the last year; four-fifths responded they had. The survey was conducted shortly before the 1 January 1995 launch of the History Channel, which opened the floodgates on history-themed TV. Nowadays, streaming services let people watch historical documentaries non stop on demand.

Today, people aren’t just watching history. They’re recording it and sharing it in real time. As these technologies become commonplace, they are rewriting the official account of history. Maybe the best way to think about Rosenzweig and Thelen’s survey is that it offered a snapshot (快照) of public habits, as those habits were about to change unavoidably.

  1. What is the 1995 survey mainly about?
  2. Different family traditions.
  3. Public understanding of history.
  4. Effects of personal memories on family history.
  5. The behavior of camera and social media users.
  6. What might be a part of history according to Rosenzweig and Thelen?
  7. Live-streaming services. B. Personal opinions on history.
  8. Photos taken by smartphones. D. The idea of genealogical database.
  9. According to the last paragraph, the 1995 survey______.
  10. fails to keep up with technology B. just reflects public habits back then
  11. suggests the importance of history D. provides contexts for historical research
  12. What could be the best title for the passage?
  13. Technology Speeds the Development of History
  14. Smartphones May Rewrite the Official History
  15. Historians Find a New Way to Explore the Past
  16. Technology Can Change Our Concept of History

【答案】32. B   33. C   34. B   35. D    




细节理解题。根据文章第二段“They led the 1995 survey to understand how people thought about the past. This groundbreaking study was welcomed by historians and those working in museums, because it helped them to think about the public’s understanding of their field(他们领导了1995年的调查,以了解人们是如何看待过去的。这项开创性的研究受到历史学家和博物馆工作人员的欢迎,因为它有助于他们思考公众对他们领域的理解)”可知,1995年的调查主要是为了了解公众对历史的理解。故选B。


推理判断题。根据文章第一段“The popularity of smartphone cameras and social media has led to an increase in photo-taking and sharing, from capturing everyday moments to special occasions.(智能手机摄像头和社交媒体的普及导致拍照和分享照片的数量增加,从捕捉日常瞬间到特殊场合。)”和文章第二段“So are all of these captured moments, these personal memories, a part of history? For historians Roy Rosenzweig and David Thelen, the answer is YES, and they believe the very concept of history is developing.(那么,所有这些被捕捉的瞬间,这些个人记忆,是否都是历史的一部分呢?对于历史学家罗伊·罗森茨威格(Roy Rosenzweig)和大卫·塞伦(David Thelen)来说,答案是肯定的,他们认为历史的概念本身也在不断发展。)”可推知,他们认为智能手机拍摄的照片是个人记忆的一部分,也是历史的一部分。故选C。


细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“Maybe the best way to think about Rosenzweig and Thelen’s survey is that it offered a snapshot (快照) of public habits, as those habits were about to change unavoidably.(也许,关于罗森茨威格(Roy Rosenzweig)和塞伦(David Thelen)的调查,最好的解读是,它反映了公众习惯的快照,因为这些习惯即将不可避免地发生改变。)”可知,1995年的调查只是反映了当时的公众习惯。故选B。


主旨大意题。文章主要讨论了智能手机摄像头和社交媒体的普及如何影响人们对历史的理解和记录方式。文中提到,随着智能手机和社交媒体的普及,人们越来越多地拍摄和分享照片,这些个人记忆被历史学家认为也是历史的一部分。同时,技术的发展还使得研究家族历史变得更加容易,如Ancestry.com这样的在线宗谱数据库的推出。这些变化都显示了技术如何改变我们对历史的看法和认知。由此可知,D项:Technology Can Change Our Concept of History(技术可以改变我们对历史的概念)准确地概括了文章的主旨,是最好的标题。故选D。



It’s natural to compare yourself to others, and even envy them, if you hop on your social media for a few minutes. With just a few clicks, you’re flooded with vacation photos, updates, and ads. ___36___ In this article, we’ll teach you how to avoid certain triggers (触发因素) so you can stop comparing yourself to others.

Identify your triggers and avoid them. To stop comparing yourself to others, pay attention to the people or events that trigger your behavior. Do you feel dissatisfaction with your life after looking at high-end goods? ___37___ Write down your comparative thoughts as soon as they happen so you can limit your exposure to these situations.

Appreciate others instead of. envying them. ___38___ If you have friends who are highly achieving people, you might consider that their networks are full of people who might be able to help you become more successful in your life. Instead of envying their success, be supportive and use their success to your benefit.

___39___ Instead of focusing on your “weaknesses,” reflect on the areas you can improve. Take classes, workshops, or lessons to improve your skills, and don’t be afraid to ask other people for help along the way. By putting yourself first, you can promote your self-confidence and find your place and value.    

Talk to a trusted friend or family member. When you habitually compare yourself to others, you can feel even more inadequate or discouraged. Discuss your comparative behavior with a loved one to release any negative beliefs and help you process your emotions. ___40___

  1. Build your self-confidence.
  2. Work on improving your abilities.
  3. Do you have a positive thought about yourself?
  4. Consider the advantage that others can bring you.

E You might be surprised to hear they feel the same way as you.

  1. Is there someone who always makes you feel bad about yourself?
  2. But it doesn’t mean you have to “keep up” to live a content and meaningful life.

【答案】36. G   37. F   38. D   39. B   40. E




上文“It’s natural to compare yourself to others, and even envy them, if you hop on your social media for a few minutes. With just a few clicks, you’re flooded with vacation photos, updates, and ads.(如果你在社交媒体上花几分钟时间,就会很自然地将自己与他人进行比较,甚至羡慕他们。只需点击几下,你就会看到大量度假照片、更新和广告)”指出在社交媒体上花几分钟时间,就会很自然地将自己与他人进行比较,下文“In this article, we’ll teach you how to avoid certain triggers (触发因素) so you can stop comparing yourself to others.(在这篇文章中,我们将教你如何避免某些触发因素,这样你就可以不再将自己与他人进行比较。)”指出文章会教你如何避免某些触发因素,这样你就可以不再将自己与他人进行比较,由此可知,我们没必要与别人进行比较,G项“但这并不意味着你必须“跟上”才能过上充实而有意义的生活。”符合,故选G。


上文“To stop comparing yourself to others, pay attention to the people or events that trigger your behavior. Do you feel dissatisfaction with your life after looking at high-end goods? (为了停止将自己与他人进行比较,请关注引发您行为的人或事件。看到高端商品后,您是否对自己的生活感到不满?)”指出为了停止将自己与他人进行比较,我们应该关注引发您行为的人或事件,接着举例指出我们可能会出现的一些比较想法,下文“Write down your comparative thoughts as soon as they happen so you can limit your exposure to these situations.(一旦出现比较想法,就立即将其写下来,这样你就可以限制自己接触这些情况。)”指出出现比较想法该如何做,由此可知,空处承接上文,也应指出我们可能会出现的一些比较想法,F项“是否有人总是让你对自己感觉不好?”符合,故选F。


上文“Appreciate others instead of. envying them.(欣赏别人而不是嫉妒他们)”指出我们要欣赏别人,空处承接上文,指出该如何欣赏别人,D项“考虑一下别人能给你带来什么好处。”符合,故选D。


由下文“Instead of focusing on your “weaknesses,” reflect on the areas you can improve. Take classes, workshops, or lessons to improve your skills, and don’t be afraid to ask other people for help along the way. By putting yourself first, you can promote your self-confidence and find your place and value.(不要只关注自己的“弱点”,而要反思自己可以改进的地方。参加课程、研讨会或课程来提高自己的技能,不要害怕向其他人寻求帮助。把自己放在第一位,可以增强自信心,找到自己的位置和价值。)”可知,我们努力提高自己的能力。B项“努力提高自己的能力。”符合,故选B。    


上文“Discuss your comparative behavior with a loved one to release any negative beliefs and help you process your emotions. (与所爱之人讨论你的比较行为,以释放任何消极信念并帮助你处理情绪)”指出与所爱之人讨论你的比较行为,空处承接上文,指出这么做会带来什么样的结果,E项“你可能会惊讶地听到他们和你有同样的感受。”符合,故选E。

第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30)


阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 ABCD四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

Shane Porter knew clearly that he was dying of cancer when he one day came home with a rusty (生锈的) 1969 Jeepster Commando. He planned to _____41_____ it. And it was intended to be a (n) _____42_____ activity that he could work on with his wife and their two sons for the rest of his time.

The family ______43______ the project and fixed the vehicle until Shane Porter died after three years. The family couldn’t finish the project, but they couldn’t imagine _____44_____ the car either. It has emotional value.

So the car sat there —— until last May, when Bob Mauger, a close family friend, noticed it and saw a (n) ___45___. “This would be a good project for my students to complete,” Mauger thought, an automotive technology teacher.

He shared the ______46______ with his class, and the students were ______47______ on board. The restoration (整修) of the vehicle was the class’s most significant project ______48______ the meaning behind it. It also proved more _____49_____ than the students had expected with engine parts missing and cooling system issues. It took 15 months to _______50_______ all the problems. Many students spent their free time on the project and some even continued _______51_______ the project after they graduated.

Eventually, the car ________52________. It became drivable and safe. The students ________53________ the revived Jeepster to the family, causing tears of gratitude (感激) and emotion. “I know they’ll have that car for a long time. It feels ________54________.” Judah Castillo, a student, said. For the Porters, the revived car is more than just a vehicle; it is the _______55_______ of Shane Porter’s life and the students’ devotion.

  1. A. repaint B. repair C. replace       D. return
  2. A. bonding B. training C. uplifting       D. wide- ranging
  3. A. employed B. consulted C. postponed       D. conducted
  4. A. getting away with B. getting rid of C. getting ready for       D. getting used to
  5. A. negotiation B. opportunity C. privilege       D. foundation
  6. A. appointment B. declaration C. consultation       D. idea
  7. A. unwillingly B. financially C. enthusiastically       D. violently
  8. A. instead of B. in spite of C. because of       D. in case of
  9. A. complicated B. urgent C. stunned       D. political
  10. A. withdraw B. behold C. address       D. spy
  11. A. contributing to B. taking over C. referring to       D. coming across
  12. A. licensed B. crashed C. deserved       D. functioned
  13. A. fetched B. suspended C. presented       D. sponsored
  14. A. surprising B. rewarding C. amusing       D. confusing
  15. A. highlight B. bonus C. platform       D. symbol

【答案】41. B   42. A   43. D   44. B   45. B   46. D   47. C   48. C   49. A   50. C   51. A   52. D   53. C   54. B   55. D


【导语】这是一篇记叙文,主要讲的是一群学机械的学生帮助过世的Shane Porter修理他的汽车,实现他的夙愿的故事。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:他打算修理它。A. repaint重画;B. repair修理;C. replace取代;D. return返回。根据下文“fixed the vehicle”可知,他打算修理汽车。故选B。


考查名词和形容词词义辨析。句意:这是一项增进人与人之间的关系的活动,他可以在余下的时间里与妻子和两个儿子一起工作。A. bonding人与人之间的关系;B. training训练;C. uplifting令人振奋的;D. wide-ranging广泛的。根据下文“he could work on with his wife and their two sons for the rest of his time.”可知,这是一项增进人与人之间的关系的活动。故选A。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:这家人一直在实施这个计划,维修这辆车,直到三年后Shane Porter去世。A. employed雇佣;B. consulted咨询;C. postponed延期;D. conducted实施。根据下文“the project and fixed the vehicle”可知,这家人一直在实施这个计划。故选D。


考查动词短语辨析。句意:这个家庭无法完成这个项目,但他们也无法想象把车丢掉。A. getting away with逃脱惩罚;B. getting rid of消除,处理,丢掉;C. getting ready for准备好;D. getting used to习惯于。根据上文“The family couldn’t finish the project”和下文“So the car sat there”可知,家人无法完成计划,也无法把破旧的车丢掉。所以车一直就搁置在那里,空格处是“丢掉”。故选B。


考查名词词义辨析。句意:于是,这辆车就一直停在那里,直到去年5月,一位密友Bob Mauger注意到了它,看到了一个机会,“这将是我的学生们完成的一个好项目,”身为汽车技术教师的Mauger想。A. negotiation谈判;B. opportunity机会;C. privilege特权;D. foundation基础。根据下文“This would be a good project for my students to complete”可知,这是一个完美让学生发挥余热的机会。故选B。


考查名词词义辨析。句意:他把这个想法告诉了全班同学,同学们都很热情地接受了他的想法。A. appointment约会;B. declaration声明;C. consultation咨询;D. idea想法。根据上文“This would be a good project for my students to complete,’ Mauger thought”可知,他把这个想法和学生们分享了。故选D。


考查副词词义辨析。句意:他把这个想法告诉了全班同学,同学们都很热情地加入了。A. unwillingly不愿意地;B. financially财政上;C. enthusiastically热情地;D. violently猛烈地。根据下文“Many students spent their free time on the project”可知,学生们对此想法很热情。故选C。


考查固定短语辨析。句意:由于其背后的意义,这辆车的修复是这个班级最重要的项目。A. instead of而不是;B. in spite of尽管;C. because of由于;D. in case of万一。根据下文“the meaning behind it”可知,句子表示“由于其背后的意义,这辆车的修复是这个班级最重要的项目”,此处表示因果关系,用短语because of。故选C。


考查形容词词义辨析。句意:事实也证明,由于发动机部件缺失和冷却系统问题,情况比学生们预期的要复杂得多。A. complicated复杂的;B. urgent紧急的; C. stunned目瞪口呆的;D. political政治的。根据下文“with engine parts missing and cooling system issues.”可知,修理破旧的汽车比想象的要复杂。故选A。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们花了15个月的时间来解决所有问题。A. withdraw撤回;B. behold注视;C. address设法解决;D. spy秘密监视。根据上文“with engine parts missing and cooling system issues.”可知,有问题,所以要设法解决。故选C。


考查动词短语辨析。句意:许多学生把业余时间都花在了这个项目上,有些人甚至在毕业后继续为这个项目做贡献。A. contributing to促成,贡献;B. taking over接管;C. referring to提到;D. coming across偶遇。根据文章最后的“students’ devotion”可知,有些人甚至在毕业后继续为这个项目做贡献。故选A。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:最终,汽车启动了。A. licensed许可;B. crashed撞车;C. deserved值得;D. functioned工作,运转。根据下文“It became drivable and safe.”可知,最终,汽车启动了,也就是开始运转。故选D。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:学生们把这辆修复的Jeepster送给了这家人,使他们感动得流下了感激和感动的眼泪。A. fetched(去)拿来;B. suspended暂停,中止;C. presented呈现;D. sponsored赞助。根据下文“causing tears of gratitude (感激) and emotion.”可知,汽车修理完毕,所以归还给了这家人。故选C。


考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这感觉很有意义。A. surprising令人惊讶的;B. rewarding值得的,有意义的;C. amusing有趣的;D. confusing令人困惑的。根据上文“I know they’ll have that car for a long time.”可知,那家人会珍藏那辆车,故学生感觉自己的付出很有意义。故选B。


考查名词词义辨析。句意:对Porter夫妇来说,修复的汽车不仅仅是一辆车;它是Shane Porter一生和学生奉献精神的象征。A. highlight最好(或最精彩、最激动人心)的部分;B. bonus奖金;C. platform平台;D. symbol象征。根据下文“of Shane Porter’s life and the students’ devotion”可知,破旧的汽车凝聚了Shane Porter的愿望和学生们的努力,所以这是一种象征。故选D。



Urban dining escape

“Wildeat” has recently become a popular lifestyle trend among young people in China. This term ____56____ (gain) over 9,000 posts on the Chinese lifestyle-sharing platform Xiaohongshu since it came into view, and ____57____ (video) with the tag have piled up 1.65 million views on Douyin, China’s version of TikTok.

____58____ the name implies, wildeat involves dining outdoors, but it differs ____59____ a traditional picnic. Wildeat focuses on the “wild” rather than “eat”. It’s about enjoying ____60____ basic meal while embracing (拥抱) the wildness of the surroundings, providing a sense of freedom and ____61____ (relax). This can involve making hotpot outdoors or ____62____ (bring) portable food to a nearby park. For those who take wildeat, what really matters is the relaxing atmosphere in the wild.

Whether it’s the previously popular “citywalk”, ____63____ refers to wandering in a city, or the current trend of wildeat, young people use these coined terms to express their desire to ____64____ (temporary) escape urban life and embrace nature.

In the past, people might have pursued a more elegant lifestyle, adding many elements to their lives _____65_____ (find) happiness. Now, it’s quite the opposite. They are more focused on making life simpler, freer, and more relaxed.

【答案】56. has gained   57. videos   58. As   59. from   60. a   61. relaxation  

  1. bringing 63. which 64. temporarily   65. to find




考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:自从这个词出现在中国生活方式分享平台小红书上以来,它已经获得了9000多个帖子,带有这个标签的视频在抖音(中国版的TikTok)上的播放量已经达到165万次。空处作句子的谓语,根据时间状语“since it came into view”可知,时态应用现在完成时,且主语This term为单数,助动词用has。故填has gained。    


考查名词复数。句意:自从这个词出现在中国生活方式分享平台小红书上以来,它已经获得了9000多个帖子,带有这个标签的视频在抖音(中国版的TikTok)上的播放量已经达到165万次。空处作主语,根据“have piled up”可知,可数名词video“视频”应用复数形式。故填videos。


考查定语从句。句意:户外野吃顾名思义就是在户外就餐,但又不同于传统的野餐。空处位于句首,引导非限制性定语从句,对后面的句子进行补充说明,从句中缺少宾语,结合“the name implies”可知,此处表示“顾名思义,正如名字所示”,应用意为“正如”的关系代词as作引导词,且句首单词的首字母需大写。故填As。


考查介词。句意:户外野吃顾名思义就是在户外就餐,但又不同于传统的野餐。根据“differs”和“a traditional picnic”可知,此处应用动词短语differ from表示“不同于”。故填from。












考查非谓语动词。句意:在过去,人们可能会追求更优雅的生活方式,为他们的生活添加许多元素来寻找幸福。句子主干成分完整,空处作句子的目的状语,表示“为了……”,应用find“找到”的不定式形式。故填to find。

第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40)


  1. 你校将举办英语演讲比赛。请你以Be smart online learners为题写一篇发言稿参赛,内容包括:    
  2. 分析优势与不足;
  3. 提出学习建议。


  1. 词数100左右;
  2. 题目和首句已为你写好。

【答案】one possible version:

Be smart online learners

Network learning has increasingly become an important means for people to acquire knowledge and solve problems. But being smart online learners has its advantages and disadvantages.

First of all, as smart online learners, we can make full use of the most extensive educational resources to broaden the horizon. Besides, we can take the initiative in our study by ourselves without time and space limit.

Of course, these disadvantages are as follows. Faced with all kinds of information on the internet, we can’t tell the difference between the true and the false, which may be harmful to our study and life. On the other hand, online learning itself has some imperfections, making it difficult for us not to be affected.

In conclusion, we should have a good understanding of its advantages and disadvantages and find a proper way to make our study more efficient.


  1. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。


When Justin was 7, he suffered from a disease that led to problems with the development of his back. Over the years, the little boy had gone through a total of five corrective surgeries. Justin could no longer walk and was limited to a wheelchair. But this did not stop him from living a normal life thanks to his mother’ S love and others’ help.

After entering high school, Justin got interested in playing the trumpet (小号) and joined the school’s band. He served as one of the band’s trumpeters and developed a strong friendship with his partner Tom. As Thanksgiving Day approached, the band intended to perform in the Thanksgiving Day Parade and every member had the chance to join in, including Justin. However, there was one obvious problem. Justin could not control his wheelchair and play the trumpet at the same time. The band director put forward an idea of one student pushing Justin during his marches. Tom immediately volunteered even though it meant he had to give up the opportunity to play his own instrument during the parade.“I do it just to make sure Justin knows that he always has a place in the band, and he always will,“ Tom said to their director secretly. From then on, the two practiced together, one playing the instrument and the other pushing the wheelchair with the rhythm of the music.

To help Justin, Tom sacrificed (牺牲) far beyond expectation. Apart from losing the chance to perform, he needed to spare more time to take care of Justin and even missed his football training several times. All of these were seen by Justin and the burden of guilt weighed heavily on his mind.“I can’t meet my own needs at the sacrifice of Tom’s chance. It is time to find a solution.” Justin thought to himself as his mother pushed him on the way home. His mother lowered her head and said,“Justin, play me your new tune.” Justin took out his trumpet and was about to play when an excellent idea came to him.




He turned around to ask his mother for help.

Thanksgiving finally came, as did Justin and mom’s performance.

【答案】Possible version

He turned around to ask his mother for help. “Mom, could you please push me in the Thanksgiving Day Parade instead of Tom? He gave up his chance of performing to assist me.” Justin looked up at his mother, eagerly awaiting her reply. “Sure, my dear!” Mom bent and kissed his forehead. “I’m happy to join you and witness every moment of your growth.” Justin grinned from ear to ear with the huge load off his mind. With Mom’s participation, the practice went smoothly and joyfully, every member, Justin and Tom included, having a place in the performance and playing their part intently in preparation for the big day.

Thanksgiving finally came, as did Justin and mom’s performance. Dressed in the same performing suit, mom pushed Justin proudly with a bright smile on her face as Justin threw himself heart and soul into the performance. Joyful music floating in the air, the mother and son were indeed a perfect match in the parade, which soon became the center of attention. The entire audience broke into thunderous applause, not only for the whole band’s performance, but also for the love between Justin and his mother. Sometimes one person may not walk, but love and assistance can help go anywhere.    



【详解】1. 段落续写:



  1. 续写线索:贾斯汀从小坐轮椅——感恩节游行演奏即将到来——汤姆牺牲自己成全贾斯汀——贾斯汀感到内疚——请求妈妈帮助——完美演出






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