ticking clock翻译_ticking clock短语搭配_ticking clock权威例句

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ticking clock

网络 时钟;分秒必争;时不我待;时钟滴答声

英 [ˈtɪkɪŋ klɒk]play 美 [ˈtɪkɪŋ klɑːk]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. Create a ticking clock 给他一个最后通牒

2. Listened to the clock ticking 听钟滴答作响

3. Ticking of the Clock 时钟的声音 ; 敲击乐器

4. With the clock ticking 时钟滴滴答答的走着

5. Somewhere A Clock Is Ticking 钟滴答作响的地方

6. The Clock Is Ticking 危情二十四小时 ; 时间在流逝

7. a clock ticking the hours 出租车计程器计算车费

8. The clock' s ticking 时间


1. If you think you haven't got caught, the clock is still ticking.


2. Time ticking clock chimed quietly, 11 o'clock bell ring.


3. Before long, the sound of the ticking clock at the start of60 minutes was enough to trigger immidiate nervous tension because first period was now only hours away.

不久,每60分钟开头的时钟滴嗒声足以引起直接的神经紧张,因为第一期仅过去数小时。《provided by jukuu》

4. A recent Wired article provides an explanation for theseaberrations: people age at different rates and, although younger athletes are generally stronger and more flexible, people age at different rates, allowing some athletes to remain competitive-despite the ticking clock.


5. Step 3: The Ticking Clock


6. The clock is ticking.


7. Get your body cycling with the cosmos again, instead of the ticking clock.


8. He's chasing a ticking clock, chasing the ghosts before him -jordan and Magic and Russell.


9. There will not be a ticking clock on a nuclear device.


10. He was conscious of a clock ticking.


11. Ellen heard the loud ticking of the clock in the hall.


12. Clearing the board may seem easy to start, but given the limited moves or the ticking clock, you'll have to stay sharp and look for the best spots to eliminate all the tiles you can.


13. We get used to the ticking of a clock or to noise of traffic but it's actually a very important form of learning because imagine life without it.


14. So there's a bit of a ticking clock to get whatever liquid assets we can before a potential scandal blows up.


15. Ellen heard the loud ticking of the clock in the hall.


16. But he did not dare open his mouth, just sat there stiffly, listening to the unhurried ticking of the wall clock.

可是他没有敢开口。他一直那么规矩地坐着不动,听着挂钟沉缓的响声。《provided by jukuu》

17. For some time, now, the boys had been dully conscious of a peculiar sound in the distance, just as one sometimes is of the ticking of a clock which he takes no distinct note of.


18. The clock was ticking.


19. Time ticking clock chimed quietly, 11 o 'clock bell ring.


20. Except for the ticking of the clock, the room was very still.

屋里异常清静,只有钟摆滴答地响着。《provided by jukuu》

21. Find yourself something that matches the rest of your decor and avoid a loud ticking clock at all costs!


22. Her biological clock was ticking and she really wanted to have a baby.


23. The night was very quiet except for the ticking of the clock.


24. She hears the caustic ticking of the clock


25. Bill believes that the ticking clock is our telomeres.


26. It has given new hope to ambitious career women who are also under the pressure of a ticking biological clock.


27. He's doing what the pros call a ticking clock auction.

他在搞一种叫一秒时钟拍卖的活动。《provided by jukuu》

28. Instead, the sound of a ticking clock may be forcing action: in many funds, managers must return unspent capital to investors after five years.


29. The clock may continue ticking for two weeks or so before a final price is reached.


30. Now consider noise. If a ticking clock disturbs you, buy one that doesn't tick, or use your phone.


31. You set yourself real ticking clock here, Gary


32. That ticking clock severely limits the ability of doctors to get organs to patients.


33. This suggests the intuition is at its strongest not just when the biological clock is ticking - but also when they are, quite literally, in the mood for love.


34. "It will be extremely valuable to be able to tell women how fast their biological clock is ticking," he says.


35. The ticking of the clock began to bring itself into notice.


36. In the silence we could hear the clock ticking.


37. Now consider noise.If a ticking clock disturbs you, buy one that doesn't tick, or use your phone.Turn clock radios and MP3 players to the wall and cover lighted screens.


38. Is the clock of doom ticking for mankind?


39. What happened to the big ticking time clock?

你怎么一点时间观念都没有?《provided by jukuu》

40. It seems to me that a compromise would be receiving the exam questions a day or two in advance, and then doing the actual test in class the ticking clock overhead.

对我而言,折中的方法是在考试前一两天提前得知题目,然后在课上按照规定时间完成考试。《四级真题- 2017年 12月 1卷 信息匹配》

41. Ticking clock indeed. Already it’s time to turn clocks forward one hour this Sunday morning, March 8th.


42. A ticking biological clock sometimes isn't enough. That's where science steps in and helps it along.


43. It seems to me that a compromise would be receiving the exam questions a day or two in advance, and then doing the actual test in class the ticking clock overhead.


44. With the clock ticking, the Colts began from their own 14-yard line.


45. there was no sound through all the house but the ticking of a great clock in the hall, which made itself audible in the very garrets;


46. There will not be a ticking clock on a nuclear device.


47. The clock kept ticking.


48. Find something that makes a very quiet, steady sound. A small fan on a low setting or a real, non-electric, ticking watch or clock are ideal.


49. We get used to the ticking of a clock or to noise of traffic but it's actually a very important form of learning because imagine life without it.


50. Don't let the worry clock stock start ticking but instead take slow, even breaths and control the pace of your day.


51. HAVING grown up to the ticking of a countdown clock, many Hong Kongers have been worrying most of their lives.


52. A ticking biological clock was a factor for only 21 percent of women.


53. Am I listening to my heartbeat or the ticking of the clock?


54. He became aware of the deep silence of the room; there was only the steady ticking of the wall clock's pendulum.


55. The old clock is ticking noisily.


56. It was quiet except for the whirring of the machines, the beeping, the dripping, the ticking of the big clock on the wall.



1. It is fun, isn't it, unless you the person actually trying to sign someone with the clock ticking down.

BBC: Transfer deadline day as it happened

2. The ad features al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and his top lieutenant, Ayman al-Zawahiri, speaking, but the only sound is a ticking clock in the background.

CNN: GOP terrorism ad sparks Democratic furor

3. Some people have asked me if investment advisers charge like lawyers do, with the clock ticking all the time and every single photo copy charged out to a particular client.

FORBES: Is Your Investment Adviser Earning His Keep? Part 2: Your Adviser's Pay Structure

4. It's not like there's a clock ticking and then suddenly it's over.

BBC: Serena Williams to face Li Na in Australian Open semis

5. If I had not taken the battery out of his wall clock before we began the interview you would just have heard the clock ticking.

BBC: Cambodia: Silenced by a brutal past

6. While Congress dickers on this issue, all these people hear is the ticking of the clock.

CNN: GOP version of Dream Act holds promise

7. With the clock ticking (the Democratic VP candidate delivers a big speech next Wednesday) the announcement is at most days and at least a few hours away.

CNN: Speculation, anticipation as Obama's VP announcement nears

8. With the wedding clock ticking, the Westminster City Council is making a final push through the courts.

WSJ: Westminster Squatters Just Aren't on Wills and Kate's Guest List

9. With the clock ticking down on 2012, there should be urgency from lawmakers to get a deal done, but with our polarized electorate anything is possible.

FORBES: Looking At Apple And Baidu As The New January Effect Stocks

10. This kind of urgency carries over to fiction, where a ticking clock a sense of time running out can make the pages seem to snap by with the speed of a second hand.

WSJ: Word Craft: Benjamin Percy, Author of Red Moon, on the Ticking Clock

11. But even with the clock ticking, the Gang of 16 has two opponents perhaps even more formidable than Father Time: Big Oil and environmentalists.

FORBES: Magazine Article

12. The closest analog I know of is when you suddenly become aware of a ticking clock.

FORBES: What Its Like to Be (Momentarily) Blind

13. With the clock ticking down, Bordeaux had their best two chances - but a combination of poor finishing and superb goalkeeping cost them their chance of a last-four berth.

BBC: Bordeaux 1-0 Lyon (agg: 2-3)

14. Moreover, now that he had set the clock ticking on Clinton's testimony, it was more important than ever that he hear from Monica first.

CNN: Tick, Tock, Tick... ...Talk

15. This brings us to the thing that every second-term president since FDR has indeed faced: a ticking clock.

CNN: Obama's second-term curse? Not so fast

16. You would imagine that, with the clock ticking, his priority would be to keep all his big guns happy and on message so that he can win even more silverware.

WSJ: Manchester United, Wayne Rooney Enter Familiar Territory Over Contract

17. That deal also set the clock ticking toward the now-notorious sequester, if a broader deficit-reduction deal wasn't put in place.

WSJ: How (Maybe) to Reach Elusive Big Budget Deal

18. We get used to the ticking of a clock or to noise of traffic but it's actually a very important form of learning because imagine life without it.

我们习惯了钟的滴答声和车来人往的噪音,但这却是一种非常重要的学习形式,我们不妨试想一下无法进行习惯化的情形。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. Now, as debt negotiations continue to press on despite a ticking clock, McConnell is trying to persuade his own party of the seriousness of what will happen August 2.

CNN: Reid and McConnell: The Senate's odd couple

20. With the clock ticking towards the massive Covenant commemoration march at the end of the month, politicians and community leaders don't have the luxury to dwell on their principles.

BBC: Politicians criticised over 'slow response' to violence

21. With the Olympic clock ticking, Rio does not have the time to build an extensive new metro system, or for that matter, the money.

BBC: Rio 2016: The race is on to revamp Brazil's party city

22. This set the clock ticking on their ten-month limit in the U.S. Yet the first Indians didn't show up until Halloween.

FORBES: Labor Unrest

23. Imagine life where you never got used to anything, where suddenly somebody steps forward and waves their hand " and you'd go, "Woah," " and then they wave their hand again and you'd go, "Whoah," -- and you keep-- And there's the loud ticking of a clock and you say, " "Hmmm."

试想你在生活中无法习惯任何事情,要有人突然跳出来向你挥手,你肯定吓得惊叫,“哇“,然后他们再跟你挥手,你又惊叫“哇“,然后你就不停地-,或是在你听到响亮的钟摆声后很惊奇地说,“嗯“心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. Is the clock ticking for James Murdoch and his influential seat on the GlaxoSmithKline board?

FORBES: Will James Murdoch Remain On The Glaxo Board?

25. but she has not had the best of luck in the romance department and, with her biological clock ticking away, she has decided the "right guy" may never show up.

VOA : standard.2010.04.30

26. With the handover clock ticking loudly, Britain two years ago instituted reforms allowing the direct or indirect election of all 60 legislators.

CNN: The Really Useful Guide

27. Although she admitted that she would have preferred to have more time to enjoy being married before delving into motherhood, she was mindful of the ticking clock.

WSJ: Why I Froze My Eggs (And You Should, Too)

28. Iran's civil society clock may now be ticking faster than its nuclear clock.

WSJ: The Peoples' Revolt in Iran

29. With the legislative clock ticking, the Democrats are suffering for their lack of backbone.

ECONOMIST: The farm bill

30. A senior U.S.official acknowledges the clock is ticking on showing the effectiveness of America's multibillion dollar attempt to rebuild Afghanistan.

VOA : standard.2009.09.04

31. But with the clock ticking down he was involved in a heated argument with his fellow goalscorer Materazzi.

CNN: Zidane sees red as Italy win Cup

32. And then there is this: the ticking clock of any president's second term.


33. And, with the clock ticking, if its time in town should end?

CNN: A Kansas town tries to keep the train coming through

34. It also gets the five year clock ticking in case they want to use the earnings tax-free towards a first-time home purchase someday.

FORBES: Newt's Right: Put the Kids to Work
















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