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英 [ˈsɪəriəsli]play美 [ˈsɪriəsli]play

  • adv. 严重地,恶劣地;严肃地,认真地;说正经的,说实在的;<非正式>真的,当真;<非正式>非常,极其

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seriously /ˈsɪərɪəslɪ/

  • 1.
    副词 You use seriously to indicate that you are not joking and that you really mean what you say. 说真的

    Seriously, I only smoke in the evenings.


  • 2.
    习惯表达 You say "seriously" when you are surprised by what someone has said, as a way of asking them if they really mean it. 当真

    "I tried to chat him up at the general shop." He laughed. "Seriously?"


  • 3.
    →see also   serious
  • 4.
    习语 If you take someone or something seriously, you believe that they are important and deserve attention. 把某人/某事物当回事

    It's hard to take them seriously in their pretty grey uniforms.




  • adj.

    serious 严肃的,严重的;认真的;庄重的;危急的

  • n.

    seriousness 严重性;严肃;认真



1. take seriously 重视;认真对待…

2. be seriously injured 受重伤 ; 严重受伤 ; 被严重烧伤

3. take sth seriously 认真对待 ; 认真对待某事 ; 严肃对待 ; 认真对待某人

4. seriously ill 病重

5. seriously ad 认真地 ; 严肃地 ; 严重地

6. BUT SERIOUSLY 郑重其事 ; 摇滚专辑 ; 世界最畅销专辑 ; 唱片名

7. take education seriously 重视教育

8. Taking Rights Seriously 认真对待权利 ; 认真看待权利 ; 正视权利

9. take it seriously 认真对待;当真

10. take sb seriously 严肃对待 ; 看重某人


1. He seriously believed he was a genius, long before Goebbels referred to him as such.


2. This is not because we are careless: we take health and safety seriously.

这不是因为我们疏忽大意 —— 我们非常认真地对待健康和安全问题.《期刊摘选》

3. This materialistic outlook has seriously influenced education.


4. The legitimacy of critical theory was not regarded seriously as a problem until Habermas.


5. It made a refreshing change to be taken seriously for once.


6. He now learns to take things more seriously.


7. He's seriously underrated as a writer.


8. It was punk that first moved him to join a band seriously.


9. Smoking can seriously damage your health.


10. He was dropped from the team amid speculation that he was seriously ill.


11. The judges appeared to weigh the matter seriously.


12. It's hard to take them seriously in their pretty grey uniforms...


13. Factionalism now seriously jeopardizes our overall interest.


14. In summary, minor element deficiencies do not presently appear to be seriously limiting soybean yields.

概括地说, 缺少微量元素不能即刻显现出严重地限制大豆产量.《辞典例句》

15. Vera and I is trying to thought seriously about this project.


16. They spoke to me very seriously but politely.


17. You can see that this is a matter we have to take very seriously.


18. May: Cool. What about you? Do you think synch should be dealt with seriously?

阿美: 很酷. 你呢? 你觉得应该严肃地对待假唱事件 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

19. At the time many people ridiculed Isaacs, but scientists are now taking the idea seriously.


20. It's a mercy she wasn't seriously hurt.


21. Unfortunately, no one took my opinion seriously.


22. 'I tried to chat him up at the general store.' He laughed. 'Seriously?'


23. Her father is seriously ill in St Luke's hospital.


24. to be seriously ill/injured


25. They found 2 percent of people had seriously considered suicide, and 2 percent said they attempted it.

他们发现有2%的人曾经认真地想过自杀这个问题, 并且2.7%的人说他们尝试过.《期刊摘选》

26. Let's see the difficulties as a kind of test and take them seriously.


27. Are you seriously jealous of Erica?


28. They are seriously concerned about security.


29. The media covers what's new – and millions of people dying is nothing new.


30. He has forfeited his right to be taken seriously.


31. I didn't think you meant that seriously; I thought you were teasing.

我未想到你是当真的, 我原以为你是开玩笑的.《简明英汉词典》

32. The government has been criticized for not taking the problem seriously.


33. Nothing will be done because no one in authority takes the matter seriously.


34. By the 1960 s , however , historians were looking more seriously at the negative impact of European migration.

到了上个世纪60年代, 历史学家们更加严肃地看待欧洲人移民的负面作用.《期刊摘选》

35. Although he was seriously wounded, he refused to quit the battle line.

虽然他严重地受伤了, 但拒绝离开战场.《期刊摘选》

36. Don't look at me so seriously.


37. At any rate, I'm thinking seriously of this London matter.

不过无论怎样, 我正在认真地考虑这件伦敦的事情.《辞典例句》

38. The abuse of women needs to be treated seriously and sensitively.


39. We take threats of this kind very seriously.


40. Food waste is a growing problem and we, either farmers or food sellers or customers, must take this problem more seriously and do what we can to help.

食物浪费是一个日益严重的问题,我们,无论是农民、食品销售者还是消费者,都必须更加认真地对待这个问题,并尽我们所能提供帮助。《中考真题- 2018 杭州 阅读B》

41. There is no reason to suppose that these will be seriously destabilizing.


42. The phrase was not meant to be taken seriously.


43. Seriously though, it could be really dangerous.


44. He isn't seriously injured but he is in shock.


45. This could seriously injure the company's reputation.


46. You must take very seriously what you engage in.


47. Life is far too important a thing ever to talk seriously about.


48. The animals were seriously maltreated.


49. Our supply of these precious materials will soon be seriously depleted.


50. For two reasons I did not consider the possibility very seriously at that time.


51. Bobby is going about his homework very seriously tonight.


52. Sometimes, she seriously asked herself, in the end to find what like?

有时候, 她也认真地问自己, 她到底想找个什么样的 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

53. He was amused to see how seriously she took the game.


54. Why can't you ever take anything seriously?


55. The candidate was seriously damaged by the sleaze factor.


56. Being seriously ill, and in fear of death, he made his will.

他病得很重, 害怕会死去, 便立了遗嘱.《简明英汉词典》

57. Consulted by both sides, sign a contract and fulfil seriously.

经双方协商, 签订本合同并严肃地履行.《期刊摘选》

58. I think you two should really consider very seriously before you go further in this matter.


59. Seriously and is ready for every one tone, hold your breath read out.

认真地发好每一个音调, 屏住呼吸读出.《期刊摘选》

60. Do you think synch should be dealt with seriously?

你觉得应该严肃地对待假唱事件 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

61. The children are always complaining that they are perishing with hunger. Don't take seriously.

孩子们总抱怨他们要饿死了, 甭拿这个当回事.《简明英汉词典》

62. As I walked, I thought seriously about giving up both acting and San Francisco.

连我走路的时候, 我都在认真地考虑着放弃表演和旧金山.《期刊摘选》

63. Tilting, warping, and changes in elevation can seriously affect canals and shoreline facilities of various kinks.

倾斜 、 翘曲和高程变化可以严重地影响水渠和各种岸边设备.《辞典例句》

64. Don't take her seriously, it's all an act.

别跟她认真, 她完全是装腔作势罢了.《简明英汉词典》

65. Appearing on the FOX Program, Chely said he does not take criticism seriously.


66. I wish you'd take me seriously.


67. How foolish you should be if you were to take these words seriously.


68. The excessive pair clearance vibration and noise, and seriously hamper the machine dynamic performance.

弹性机构铰接副处过大间隙的存在加速了杆件的疲劳与磨损, 严重地影响了机器的动态特性机构.《期刊摘选》

69. Since becoming president Mr Obama has indeed taken his role as a warrior seriously.


70. They are real players, and I take them very seriously.

它们是真正的玩家, 而我很严肃地看待它们.《期刊摘选》

71. He was seriously wounded. Blood poured out of the wound.


72. He never farmed this island seriously.


73. Employees will generally be more cooperative if their views are taken seriously.


74. The seamen's strike has seriously depleted the country's stocks of food.


75. These children take their job of cleaning the classrom very seriously.


76. Or pursue a hobby more seriously.


77. In November 1941 Payne was seriously ill with pneumonia.


78. She was seriously ill as an infant.


79. Binabik nodded seriously, but his eyes showed a certain excitement.

Binabik严肃地点了点头, 但是他的目光中闪着无疑的兴奋.《期刊摘选》

80. Smoking seriously damages your health.


81. The mammary cancer is one of the most common cancers, which threatens the females health seriously.

乳腺癌是女性最常见的一种癌症, 严重地威胁着妇女的身心健康.《期刊摘选》

82. It alarms me that nobody takes this problem seriously.


83. They're seriously rich.


84. The teacher dealt with the problem seriously instead of just picking at it.


85. Don't take her seriously—it's all an act.


86. The value of traditional Sinology is seriously belittled under the various attacks at home and abroad.


87. Most teachers, I'm glad to say, take their jobs very seriously.


88. He looked into her eyes seriously.


89. No one to my knowledge takes Phil's predictions seriously.


90. The problem affects seriously the rapid development of our economic society.


91. I wish she would take her responsibilities seriously instead of just playing at them.


92. The doctor reassured him that there was nothing seriously wrong.


93. The coal and gas influenced the work safety of mine seriously, we must work well fromsource.

煤与瓦斯突出严重地影响着矿井的安全生产, 必须做好防治工作.《期刊摘选》

94. That one mistake seriously endangered the future of the company.


95. Since test run in 1995 roll - guide in finishing mill has manifestrd short life and seriously influenced the production.


96. The inquiry found that the company had seriously underspent on safety equipment.


97. 50 people were seriously wounded in the attack.


98. Don't take her too seriously; she's only flirting with you.

别把她太当真, 她只不过是在和你调情罢了.《现代汉英综合大词典》

99. He seriously studies the social orders that have had the opportunity to develop autonomously.


100. They found percent of people had seriously considered suicide, and 7 percent said they attempted it.

他们发现有9.2%的人曾经认真地想过自杀这个问题, 并且7%的人说他们尝试过.《期刊摘选》

101. He had to admit that Cowperwood had seriously compromised the city treasury and the Republican party.


102. The mother is very much afraid for her son who is seriously ill.


103. Seriously, I only smoke in the evenings.


104. No one has even seriously proposed such a plan as yet.


105. We didn't fully appreciate that he was seriously ill.


106. The pollution of the forest has seriously affected plant life and, to a lesser extent, wildlife.

森林污染对植物有严重的影响, 对野生动物也有一定影响.《简明英汉词典》

107. Don't take her suggestions too seriously; she is just flying her kite.

别过分认真地对待她的建议, 她不过是在试探一下反应而已.《辞典例句》

108. Mid shot He says seriously.


109. We are currently focusing seriously on this matter.


110. You must take the whole project more seriously if you are to succeed


111. Back in 1994, I was seriously dating a guy who was of Cherokee descent.

那是1994年, 我当时很认真地在和一个男孩交往,他是切罗基族的后裔.《期刊摘选》

112. You must think it over seriously.


113. Though seriously ill, he still clings tenaciously to life.


114. I mean seriously, if you think the U.S. is all democracy and stuff then about Iraq?

我可以很认真地说:如果你认为美国是个很自由很~民~主~的国度,那伊拉克战争 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

115. Deal with the question seriously, do not just peck at it.

严肃地处理这个问题, 不要只看表面.《期刊摘选》

116. At least two passengers on the Northwest Airlines jet were seriously injured, officials say.

在西北航空公司喷气式飞机上至少两个旅客严重地受伤了, 官员说.《期刊摘选》

117. I am really very seriously apologising to you.


118. Strategically we should despise all our enemies, but tactically we should take them all seriously.

在战略上我们要藐视一切敌人, 在战术上我们要重视一切敌人.《现代汉英综合大词典》

119. Jaynes dismisses such educated readings, preferring to take the literal meaning seriously.

Jaynes扔掉了这样的经过修饰的理解, 而更倾向于认真地采用字面意思.《期刊摘选》

120. As as'm concerned, both jobs and hobbies should be seriously considered.

对于我来说, 工作和业余爱好都必须严肃认真地对待.《期刊摘选》

121. It criticizes the main contractor for seriously erring in its estimates.


122. They had seriously miscalculated the effect of inflation.


123. Forty-one people are said to have been seriously hurt.


124. You're not seriously expecting me to believe that?


125. They recognized the need to take the problem seriously.



1. John McCain saying George Bush hasn't taken the deterioration of America's image abroad seriously enough.

NPR: Writer: McCain Sees End to 'Cowboy Diplomacy'

2. The elder victim was seriously injured when pieces of ceramic sink were dropped on his head.

BBC: Edlington torture attack brothers detained

3. However,he did not become seriously interested in music until he heard another boy playing the violin in a concert at his school.

VOA : special.2009.02.08

4. The common good became a real concept and one that, unfortunately, some of his successors didn't some of his successors didn't take terribly seriously.

他使追求公共利益真正成为深入人心的理念,不幸的是,他的接下来的继任者并不把这当回事儿欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. The academy takes the endeavor seriously enough to protect that remarkably rigorous voting process.

NPR: For Geeks Only: How Oscar Voting Works

6. Particularly being a young woman in politics where you feel a pressure to be taken seriously.

BBC: Profile: Nicola Sturgeon

7. Ayr continued to press and Inverness took until the 25th minute to seriously test their defence.

BBC: Ayr shock Caley Thistle

8. It's the idea of self possession if you want to take right seriously.

是尊重人权,自然会接受自我拥有的原则。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. Why should the government and why should President Bashir take U.S. threats seriously at this point?

NPR: U.S. Officials Look for Political Solution to Darfur

10. No-one is seriously suggesting that the keys to Downing Street should be handed over to Facebook users.

BBC: Why not let social media run the country?

11. It has been quite a few years since any self-respecting coffee snob took auto-drip seriously.

FORBES: Hands-On: Bodum's 'Pour-Over' Coffee Maker

12. It's my lifeblood and I want you to take this seriously too.

这课是我的心血,我也希望你们能认真对待聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. There are reports of seriously sick people being turned away from hospitals.

VOA : special.2009.04.29

14. "Don't take my tweets too seriously, " Mr. Murdoch said Wednesday, smiling, when asked about them.

WSJ: News Corp. Chief Faces Inquiry

15. Some explained, even if they don't personally believe in the practice, their relatives take it seriously.

CNN: Witchcraft in Tanzania: the good, bad and the persecution

16. Twenty years ago marked its bleakest year, with three equine fatalities and two riders seriously injured.

CNN: Quick sand: Welcome to Irish beach racing at Laytown

17. What I'm trying to say to you is, we take this course really seriously.

我想告诉你们的就是,我们非常重视这门课。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

18. But they're, I think, the two most prominent positions and definitely the ones most worth taking seriously for our purposes.

但我想,它们是,两个最突出的观点,并且绝对是,在我们解答问题上值得严肃对待的观点死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. Everyone pretended to take the event very seriously, which made it even funnier.

VOA : special.2009.08.14

20. Back in March, the SPR was on the table being looked at pretty seriously.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney,

21. The United States seriously reconsidered its position.


22. More than half the patients with confirmed infection have died and others remains seriously ill.

BBC: Threat from novel coronavirus 'remains low'

23. Collins had written in the article that he took "the teachings of Jesus seriously".

BBC: NBA player Jason Collins comes out as gay

24. Nobody was seriously injured.


25. One reason I said there isn't much of this sort is because until recently philosophers did not treat films seriously.

之所以说用哲学解读电影并不常见,是因为直到近来,哲学家们才认真看待电影。电影哲学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

26. Seriously, I only have one pair of shoes because I only have one pair of feet.

说实话,我就只有一双鞋,因为我只有两只穿鞋的脚。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : How many实战

27. Specifically, Florida Gulf Coast University has an economics department that takes free markets seriously.

FORBES: Hey, Did You Hear About Florida Gulf Coast University?

28. Seriously, you could make a movie out of such a stirring tale of devastation and recovery.

FORBES: Former Marine Betrays Semper Fi In PGA Scam

29. This is why Canada began seriously recovering from its recession almost two years ago.

FORBES: Presidential Debt-Limit Deceptions And Economic Growth

30. Her husband, who was driving, was less seriously hurt.


31. Now to the extent that this discussion is actually about the virginity of the Second Brother and the Elder Brother's sister, it seems, I think, to border on the ridiculous; but the debate, I think, we have to take seriously.

后来这兄弟俩谈论的对象,转到了自己的妹妹的贞洁的时候,就显得有点愚蠢了;,但我觉得这段辩论应当好好研究。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

32. Seriously, there are moments of delight wrapped in fabulous wrapped in solid gold awesome.

FORBES: Review: Star Trek Into Darkness

33. But it was not until college at Oberlin in Ohio that he decided to study music more seriously.

VOA : special.2010.07.19

34. The report says nearly four million people in Mozambique,Uganda,Zambia and Zimbabwe would be most seriously affected.

VOA : special.2010.11.17

35. The animals were seriously maltreated.


36. The report says that in two thousand eight, two hundred sixty humanitarian aid workers were killed,kidnapped or seriously injured in violent attacks.

VOA : special.2010.08.16

37. President James Garfield was shot and seriously wounded in the summer of eighteen eighty-one.

VOA : special.2010.04.29

38. Now when I take it seriously, there is a problem here because sometimes research doesn't deliver good news.

但当我认真对待这事,就出现了一个问题,有时研究所得并不一定是好消息。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

39. And the more I went into it, the more I thought as I see something seriously wrong here with the way we think about animals and the way we treat animals.

于是,随着研究的深入,我所思考的也越来越多,我发现我们对于动物的认识,我们对待动物的方式,存在着严重的问题。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

40. He also said that universities needed to take the issue of radicalisation much more seriously.

BBC: Tory-Labour pact could save data bill, says Lord Howard

41. The more seriously the SNF rates the resident, the more money it gets each day.

FORBES: The Catch 22 In Efforts to Cut Medicare Spending

42. We know what it would take to solve it or to seriously address it.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

43. Allegations of blasphemy are taken very seriously in Pakistan with a number of controversial recent prosecutions.

BBC: Chinese man held in Kashmir over 'Koran desecration'

44. But some of these famous places were seriously damaged by severe flooding earlier this month.

VOA : special.2010.05.17

45. Patients are then placed into one of three categories: seriously addicted, potentially addicted or normal.


46. He says the president began to think seriously about the meaning of life after Willie died in eighteen sixty-two.

VOA : special.2009.02.09

47. He was seriously injured, but still holding The Luck of Roaring Camp in his arms.

VOA : special.2009.06.06

48. Some parents take their children's birthday parties very seriously, even when the child is too young to fully understand the celebration.

VOA : special.2009.09.11

49. Frost says at the time that he's publishing A Boy's Will, to a friend: You mustn't take me too seriously if I now proceed to brag a bit about my exploits as a poet.

他在发表第一本书时对一个朋友说:,不要对我太认真,如果我现在吹嘘自己已是一位诗人。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

50. Walcott, chancellor of the New York City Department of Education, says he takes cyberbullying seriously.


51. Everybody knows Akenside didn't mean polymers, but now we're all into cyberborgs and we take all of this very seriously.

所有人都知道阿肯塞德说的不是假肢的意思,但是我们现在都在网上查找,而且我们都很认真。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

52. Seriously, you're English majors because of the New Criticism-- I admit, especially if you went to private school.

说真的,你们能愿意学英语专业,新批评派功不可没-,我必须承认,尤其是去私立学校读英语专业。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

53. He wanted to know that we took it seriously and learned from our mistakes.

FORBES: Magazine Article

54. "Our suppliers have told me that they take this seriously too, " Mr Grayling added.

BBC: Serco and G4S face billing probe over electronic tagging

55. Even victims who were not seriously hurt in the earthquake January twelfth are in need of the most basic supplies.

VOA : special.2010.02.05

56. The sad thing is when otherwise reputable journals and news outlets take them seriously.

FORBES: Do Nuclear Power Plants Cause Cancer?

57. The first reports say that President Kennedy has been seriously wounded by this shooting."

VOA : special.2009.08.16

58. Or I have once been to a party and I found my shirt was misaligned, seriously misaligned, not one button but--Anyway, so--and so I feel when this happens I'm very immature.

或者有一次我去参加聚会,我发现我的衬衫扣错了,扣得很错,不只是扣错一粒纽扣,发生这种事时,我觉得太没面子了。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

59. Senators are taking these concerns very seriously.


60. The precision of that,of course, is not to be taken seriously, but it gives you a general idea of when we are talking about.

当然,这个时间的精确度,并没有经过严格考证,但是它使我们对这件事的时间有个大体的概念古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

61. Seriously, though, think about it if Facebook and Apple partnered on some project around mobile.

FORBES: Facebook IPO With ~10 Billion War Chest Could Just Buy Apple And Grow

62. Socrates says he will be drowned in laughter but many other people have taken this dream or this aspiration very seriously.

苏格拉底说自己会被笑死,但更多人很严肃地,看待这个梦想或志向。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

63. The Japanese planes sank or seriously damaged six powerful American battleships in just a few minutes.

VOA : special.2011.06.02

64. Unlike many tax exempt organizations, I seriously doubt that Rolling Jubilee will ever make a profit.

FORBES: Occupy Wall Street's Santa Problem

65. But even these come into play as we start thinking seriously about database architecture.

FORBES: What You Need to Know About NoSQL Databases



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申请留学 如何选择课外项目

申请留学 如何选择课外项目



送张振古二首 其二原文、翻译和赏析

送张振古二首 其二原文、翻译和赏析

淮北理工学院2024年录取分数线 各专业录取最低分及位次

淮北理工学院2024年录取分数线 各专业录取最低分及位次



春日偶成二首 其二原文、翻译和赏析

春日偶成二首 其二原文、翻译和赏析





