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英 [diːˌklæsɪfɪˈkeɪʃn]play美 [diːˌklæsɪfɪˈkeɪʃn]play

  • n. 解密;从机密表删除;不再当机密文件处理

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



  • vt.

    declassify 从机密表删除;撤销文件等的机密级



1. declassification subsystem 到解子系统

2. Paradox and its declassification 悖论及破解

3. oleophilic oil layer declassification 亲油油层解密

4. declassification system 到解系统

5. declassification schedule 解密时间表

6. DAR Declassification Areas 解密地区

7. information declassification 信息降密

8. declassification procedures dictionary Generation 解密字典生成程序


1. Technology of GCD is the combination of grid computing and declassification.


2. The early declassification or the extension of secrecy period of a state secret shall be decided by the organ or entity which originally determined the state secret or by its superior.


3. This followed the declassification of a 2004 report into interrogation abuses, which it listed as including blowing cigarette smoke into detainees' faces until they vomited.


4. The report was completed last November but has been under Pentagon review for declassification.


5. Mr Basescu and Mr Tariceanu are vying to take credit for the declassification of police files on politicians, priests and even athletes.


6. Integrating Urban and Rural Education: System Reconstruction and Institutional Innovation& The Dualistic Educational Structure in China and Its Declassification


7. Any declassification of secret patents;


8. In the event that classified achievements in survey and drawing have to be used openly, they must go through the process of declassification in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State.


9. Where it is impossible to determine the secrecy period, the conditions for declassification shall be determined.


10. Its essential is how to determine the reasonable allocating among all parts of the declassification system.


11. With analysis of DES encryption algorithm and declassification process, this paper pointed out its shortcomings, and introduced seven improvements to enhance its security.


12. We have all heard about Pluto, especially after its declassification as a planet in 2006 and its coverage in the news due to the upcoming New Horizons probe flyby.


13. Research on the Matching and Coordinating Relationship of the Declassification System in Marshalling Station on Trunk Line with Increased Speed


14. A View of Soviet-Finland War From the Declassification Files of Russia


15. Downgrading specifies information flow from a high security place to a low security place, also called confidentiality labels declassification.


16. The subject related to matching and coordinating relationship of the declassification system in marshalling station is a research hotspot in the field of railway transportation.


17. The existence of a secret programme to produce Britain's own stealth plane has been revealed with the declassification of a single photograph and a short statement.


18. Organs and entities shall determine the specific secrecy period, declassification time or declassification conditions according to their respective work needs.



1. For the first time, it establishes the principle that no records may remain classified indefinitely and provides enforceable deadlines for declassifying information exempted from automatic declassification at 25 years.

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2. The rate of document classification remains far higher than the rate of declassification.

ECONOMIST: Government transparency: The best disinfectant | The

3. Directs that the review of third agency referrals subject to automatic declassification shall be performed in a prioritized manner determined by the NDC rather than according to a rigid schedule.

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4. How can technology be used to improve classification and declassification?

WHITEHOUSE: Technology Challenges and Opportunities

5. Limits the time span of records that may be included in a single integral file block for declassification purposes.

WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

6. Fifth, the Order enhances the appropriate classification and declassification of electronic information by mandating the use of standardized electronic protocols and formats.

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7. Provides guidance for the first time regarding the declassification of non-archival and non-record material.

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8. The declassification of British documents permits a new chapter with minor corrections and further observations.

ECONOMIST: Anglo-American relations

9. Agencies will review archival records in accordance with priorities developed by the Archivist, with input from the general public, that take into account the level of researcher interest and the likelihood of declassification.

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10. Identifies with greater specificity information that can be exempted from automatic declassification because it relates to intelligence sources and methods or military war plans.

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11. The facts are available through extensive declassification efforts by the United States and through some of the Commission of Accountability measures here in Chile, for instance, with regard to 1973.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

12. First, the Order establishes the NDC within the National Archives to streamline declassification processes, facilitate quality-assurance measures, and implement standardized training regarding the declassification of records determined to have permanent historical value.

WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

13. Requires specific deadlines for the declassification of information exempted from automatic declassification at 25 years and prohibits classification beyond 75 years except in extraordinary cases and as approved by ISCAP.

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14. Most recently, Mr. Obama appeared at the CIA after demoralizing the agency with the declassification and release of memos containing sensitive information on CIA interrogations.


15. Strengthens the standards that agencies must meet to exempt any records from automatic declassification at 25 years.

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16. Fourth, the Order significantly tightens restrictions on reclassification of information after its declassification and release under proper authority, particularly with respect to records that are in the legal custody of the National Archives.

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17. Not surprisingly, a lot of babies are now being thrown out with the declassification bathwater.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Clinton Legacy Watch # 30: America the Proliferator

18. Even the hoped-for declassification of Soviet archives is proving inconclusive.

ECONOMIST: Russia bandages a wound in Poland

19. Vornado, for example, had a negative vote on compensation in 2011 and very significant majorities supporting majority votes for directors and the declassification of the board in 2012.

FORBES: Shareholders on the Rampage at Your Annual Meeting: U.S. Proxy Season Foresight

20. It wasn't through any declassification procedure that they asked for.

NPR: Invoking the State Secrets Privilege

21. Calls for advanced research to identify ways of utilizing electronic technology to assist the NDC in addressing cross-agency challenges associated with declassification.

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22. Echelon's existence was only recently confirmed by the US Government through the declassification of secret documents of the US National Security Agency (NSA).

BBC: US spy system under attack

23. It establishes a National Declassification Center at the National Archives to enable agency reviewers to perform collaborative declassification in accordance with priorities developed by the Archivist with input from the general public.

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24. How can classification and declassification decisions be captured at the creation of the electronic record?

WHITEHOUSE: Technology Challenges and Opportunities

25. Directs the linkage and effective utilization of existing databases and the use of new technologies to support declassification activities under the purview of the NDC.

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26. Eliminates the Intelligence Community veto of declassification decisions made by the Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP) regarding intelligence sources and methods.

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27. The supplemental memorandum directs the heads of executive departments and agencies to take certain actions to implement more effectively the classification and declassification procedures established by the new Order.

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28. There's a regular declassification procedure that goes on in most branches of government.

NPR: Invoking the State Secrets Privilege

29. Directs agencies to consider final decisions of the ISCAP when making declassification decisions.

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30. He said that his memo has been in State Department files and is being reviewed for possible declassification.

CNN: 'Enhanced interrogations' don't work, ex-FBI agent tells panel



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