locking out是什么意思_locking out的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

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locking out

网络 锁定

英 [ˈlɒkɪŋ aʊt]play 美 [ˈlɑːkɪŋ aʊt]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. out locking circuit 失步镇定电路

2. Out-locking switch 外锁闭道岔

3. out of locking 失锁

4. locking out RELAY 输出闭锁继电器

5. locking-out relay 闭锁电驿 ; 闭锁继电器

6. step-out locking circuit 失步镇定电路

7. self-locking out 自锁螺母

8. generator locking out relay 发电机联锁继电器


1. While that JVM was pessimistic and exclusive in its locking semantic, we could support so much more out in the cluster where coordination was implemented in Terracotta.


2. Given that the current double-checked locking code does not work, I've put together another version of the code, shown in Listing 7, to try to prevent the out-of-order write problem you just saw.


3. Additionally, guidance is provided to enable you to safely modify the packages without locking yourself out from future upgrades.


4. If no match is found, the screensaver is locked, effectively locking an opportunistic attacker out of the system.


5. A finite element modeling and analysis of the assembly of a breech mechanism in locking condition was carried out with special finite element techniques such as contact element, gap element and spring element.


6. By locking him out of his account, Facebook has cut him off from a network of more than 1, 000 academic and professional contacts who know him as Anti, he said.


7. Service to specified floor can be stopped by locking out a button from the car operation panel.


8. They say these patterns are unique to different typists and could lead to a new type of biometric security, locking out anyone who doesn't type like you do.


9. It can't be that! I remember locking the door when I was going out.


10. If no match is found, the screensaver is locked, effectively locking an opportunistic attacker out of the system.


11. For the sake of insuring the mechanical arm would not be damaged under the working condition of launching, a reliable locking was carried out by the use of belting typed lock-unlock mechanism.


12. He tried to coax me out of bed, with the idea of locking me up in the kitchen upon the arrival of his visitors.


13. The purpose of this article is to lay out the basic issues, common strategies and patterns, and some recommendations as to when and how to use locking strategies.


14. You achieve the short rest periods by locking out the weight-bearing joint in question without putting the weight down.


15. But you know what's even safer than that? Going home, locking yourself in your bedroom, and never, ever coming out.


16. The irony is that instead of locking others out, they're actually locking themselves in.


17. Should an ID become compromised, a new public key can be generated by the creation of a new ID, locking the old ID out of the system.


18. However, warmer winters have brought with them greater rainfall which freezes when it settles on the snow, thereby locking out the reindeer from the life-sustaining food below.


19. Should an ID become compromised, a new public key can be generated by the creation of a new ID, locking the old ID out of the system.


20. You can do this with anyone's phone, regardless of whether or not you know their password because it only opens the Camera app, locking you out of all other apps-and other photos and videos-on the phone.


21. Compared to other version control systems, CVS is most notable for its non-locking repository, which allows multiple developers to check out the same file at the same time.


22. Locking out after repeated failed login attempts.


23. Go ahead and jump on. As you can see, when the leg is fully extended, there is still a slight bend rather than the leg locking out.


24. Design and analysis of the locking device are carried out aimed at a designated space arm.


25. The high-resolution structure sheds light on how the molecule functions and could point to ways to control its activity, potentially locking out HIV and stalling cancer's spread.


26. Going home, locking yourself in your bedroom, and never, ever coming out.


27. Shinhan even uses some strong-arm tactics to keep its workaholic employees out of the office during the holiday by locking them out of the computer system while oil refiner S-Oil helps staff to use up all two weeks of mandatory leave by naming a colleague to take the employee's place while they are away.


28. At you, locking the Yankees out.

笑你,把北佬锁在外面?《provided by jukuu》

29. Linux scheduling and locking involve managing first in, first out (FIFO) queues.


30. Locking yourself out from certain design habits forces you to learn new ones.


31. He shot the locking mechanism out.

他把锁给打坏了。《provided by jukuu》

32. This allows multiple users to collaborate, using a repository such as IBM Rational ClearCase for check-in/check-out, version control, and locking resources.

这样就允许多个用户进行协作,使用 IBM Rational ClearCase 之类的存储库进行签入/签出、版本控制和资源锁定。

33. Additionally, guidance is provided to enable you to safely modify the packages without locking yourself out from future upgrades.


34. I'm trying but their security system is locking us out.


35. This script will read the Informix system tables, find out which tables have page-level locking, and then generate another SQL script to change those tables to row-level locking.


36. One night, I had just finished locking all the doors on the way up, had turned out the lights to the 6th floor and was heading down the hall to finish up the building and get the heck outta Dodge.


37. I click a button on my left, automatically locking the doors. I put the car into drive, pulling out onto the road.


38. One day he stepped out of his room without locking the door.


39. You're locking me out?

你就这么把我赶出来了?《provided by jukuu》

40. Locking Arcane out of its school is very painful for them ( no Blink etc.).


41. The threat to online applications like banking should be lessened due to common practices like locking out accounts after multiple failed logins.


42. The high-resolution structure sheds light on how the molecule functions and could point to ways to control its activity, potentially locking out HIV and stalling cancer's spread.


43. By locking him out of his account, Facebook has cut him off from a network of more than 1,000 academic and professional contacts who know him as Anti, he said.


44. Locking out after repeated failed login attempts.


45. Those quickly sold out, locking out the vast majority of fans in soccer-mad Brazil.


46. Instead, the change had the opposite effect-locking them out and eliminating other means of getting in.


47. The psychology behind scaling out is to reduce stress by quickly locking in a profit, which should also help you stay in trends longer with any remaining positions.


48. The result in locking out people's mind to other concepts was that China became progressively weaker.


49. The threat to online applications like banking should be lessened due to common practices like locking out accounts after multiple failed logins.

现在的 网络威胁很严重,像银行做的规避风险的做法一样,在多次失败登录后锁定帐户。

50. Our first major problem is that we are scanning the full bills table every time we want a row out of it and locking every row we read.



1. Individually licensing out Star Wars games to different publishers and developers might have ushered in a variety of creative ideas and directions for the franchise, but locking out anyone that isn't affiliated with Electronic Arts seems like a commitment to the same old, same old.

CNN: Disney awards 'Star Wars' video-game rights to EA

2. Judge Susan Nelson made a comment wondering aloud whether the NFL had operated legally in locking out a group of non-unionized employees.

FORBES: Courtroom Football Kicks Off--Who's Winning?

3. People wishing to use it will need to have sufficient upper-body strength to operate the locking catch and - if using a folding wheelchair - be able to unfold it and transfer in and out of their vehicle.

BBC: Roadshow reveals disability aids

4. But, with Brown out greeting Zuma, we won't see the candidates for PM locking horns today.

BBC: Reaction and tributes after Michael Foot's death

5. Mr Lewis argued that you can build the intermediate rental market without locking people out of it.

BBC: Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee

6. Even if prison fails the tests of rehabilitation and deterrence, taking high-risk potential offenders out of circulation by locking them up appears at least to be an important way of protecting the public.


7. In my dreams, I would have an app that would allow me to set a daily time limit for ALL their devices, automatically locking them out after they hit their limit, or during certain times of the day (like bed time).

FORBES: Parents Need Mobile Device Management, Too

8. The banks say the advantage to them of such a deadline lies not in the prospect of locking out any potential claimants, but in bringing forward the date when they will be absolutely certain of how much they will have to pay out.

BBC: Banks call for PPI time limits

9. Importantly, these investigators point out that it may not be possible to pass a locking stylet beyond the insulation breach to the lead tip.

FORBES: Robert Hauser, ICD Watchdog, Offers Viewpoint On Riata Controversy At HRS

10. Not exactly the scene straight out of hell as described by Wayne LaPierre nor one that warranted New Yorkers locking and loading en masse to deal with the horrors that enveloped them.

FORBES: The Madness Of Wayne LaPierre-Will NRA Members Suffer The Consequences?

11. One of the most common mistakes that investors make is moving into and getting out of cash too late, locking in big losses and missing out on big gains.

FORBES: Don't Dash Into Cash

12. This was, he argued, the first time Taft-Hartley had been used when management was locking out workers from the ports.

ECONOMIST: The president and the dockers

13. The Judge also pointed to a 2010 restraining order that Coleman obtained against Price, locking her out of the house.

FORBES: Court Rules Against Gary Coleman's Ex, Finds She Abused And Cheated On Him

14. The second half followed a similar pattern, with each side locking the other out until another late flurry when Rhyl upped the tempo.

BBC: SPORT | Football | Europe | Rhyl 0-0 Suduva

15. While many rock bands and "movements" have garnered critical acclaim over the intervening two decades, commercial success is harder to come by, as radio is locking rock out of the mainstream again, says Silvio Pietroluongo, Billboard magazine's director of charts.

CNN: 'Nevermind,' never again?

16. Trulli recovered from a midweek bout of flu to prevent Ferrari from locking out the front row, claiming a surprise second to hand Toyota their best qualifying result for three years.

BBC: Massa on pole as Hamilton falters

17. The National Housing Federation (NHF) said it risked locking an entire generation out of the housing market.

BBC: Call for action on housing 'crisis'

18. An unintended consequence is that we go out into the world market to buy the things we need while locking up our own raw materials.

CNN: Just Imagine - Living Space: Your views

19. The staff was notoriously bad at locking this case, and it turned out the visually impaired customer was stealing electronics.

FORBES: Connect

20. The league was not forced into hiring these ill-prepared understudies, but created this fiasco by locking out its seasoned officials in a negotiating tactic.

WSJ: NFL Monday Night Replacement Referee FreakoutJason Gay

21. Owners are hoping that by locking out the players and withholding pay, a critical mass of the rank-and-file will break with the leadership and push for a new deal that includes concessions.

WSJ: NFL, Players to Square Off in Court

22. Reordering the Season Pass priority list should happen seamlessly in the background instead of locking the user out for an indeterminate period of time.

ENGADGET: Ten years of TiVo: how far we haven't come

23. If you are too late with your buy and sell decisions, you could end up locking in big losses and missing out on big rebounds.

FORBES: Two Years Into The Bull Market, Portfolio Lessons Still Apply

24. Other jurisdictions, notably New York City, make it a crime for owners or custodians to leave the weapon in such a manner that it is out of his or her immediate possession or control without making it inoperable by employing a safety locking device.

FORBES: What's Missing In The Gun Control Debate Is Talk About Gun Safety At Home

25. They're also the ones most likely to support locking out the players until they agree to a cap.

FORBES: Too Much to Lose

26. Locking out prior to the season helps you avoid ever reaching that point.

FORBES: Sports Lockouts Are Here To Stay

27. Helping to point out places like this and think through ways to move toward quality for students without locking the system further into its monolithic origins would be a big help now.

FORBES: The Department of Education: Serious About Transformation







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