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  • n. 关机;停业

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close down [ closing closed closes ]



1. disorderly close-down 不规则的停机

2. microfracture close down 微裂缝闭合

3. orderly close down 有序关闭

4. due to close-down of company 由于公司倒闭 ; 因为公司倒闭 ; 由于公司停业 ; 由于公司破产

5. close down on 限制 ; 抓牢

6. close down 查封 ; 关门大吉 ; 倒闭

7. Station Close Down 全日播映完毕

8. orderly close-down 计 顺序关闭 ; 定序偏移 ; 按序关闭

9. close down a factory 关闭一家工厂


1. An approach to close-down of marine dumping site of dredged materials


2. Will the works close down because of bankruptcy?


3. Stochastic decomposition of departure process of M~ x/ G/ 1 queue with adaptive multistage vacation and server set-up, close-down time


4. In the United States, the rise of natural gas price results in close-down of most of the gas based methanol plants, which brings a good chance for methanol plant relocation and revamp.


5. If none of them comes back, Mr. Wu will close down the factory!

没有人上工, 吴老板就关厂!《子夜部分》

6. Your players will only close down their opponents in own half.


7. The firm has decided to close down its Chicago branch.


8. The dow Jones industrial average had been up 20 points before he spoke. It fell as much as 160 points during his testimony, but recovered some losses to close down 109 points.


9. At the same time, there are practically more disadvantages than advantages to set the real estate close-down time limit. It should be replaced with the auction date system.


10. Performance is still an issue in many of the applications that I'm interested in: responsiveness of interfaces, start-up and close-down time of applications.


11. The factory will have to close down soon. Business is so bad.

生意很坏, 该厂不久就要歇业了.《期刊摘选》

12. The bank is bound to close down.


13. At best the company will lose money this year, at worst it may have to close down.

公司今年再好也要赔钱, 最坏的话,可能要关门.《期刊摘选》

14. In Paris many shops simply close down for August; in Washington, where the weather is sweltering, they remain open, some for 24 hours a day.


15. China plans to close down more than 4000 small coal mines over the next 2 years.


16. It also said it would close down an Ontario truck plant sooner than it had planned.


17. Although the LHC is expected to close down briefly over Christmas, it is scheduled to reopen early in the new year.


18. Close down autos and you close down steel and rubber.


19. The conclusions drawn from such an analysis are to transfer the surplus cash from a conglomerate’s cash cows to the stars and the question marks, and to close down or sell off the dogs.


20. And she emphasizes that no decisions have yet been made to close down these programs permanently.


21. I lost my previous employment on account of close-down of the company.


22. That last fact suggests gold benefits when markets are functioning — like now — but the metal, like other assets, can fall when markets close down.


23. Who would have thought the old man would close down entirely?

谁能想到老头子会撒手了车厂子 呢 ?《汉英文学 - 骆驼祥子》

24. The public angered by what a lady legislator said to close down the Consumers'Foundation.


25. I have to leave my position due to close-down of our company.


26. According to Mr Fujimoto's models, the last existing nuclear plant could close down in 2049.


27. The market did recover later in the afternoon to close down about 5 percent.


28. As a result, governments have had to close down some areas of sea to commercial fishing.


29. It's causing kids to kind of close down.


30. So what structure should you use to close down a presentation?


31. Assist in the decommission of logistics operations, and for close down of warehouse, including stock management.

安排各项物流工作的善后处理工作.协调仓库的关闭计划, 包括库存管理, 仓库的整理和关闭.《期刊摘选》

32. Some small plants are forced to close down.


33. When the supermarket opened, many small shops had to close down.

那个超级市场一开张, 许多小商店不得不关闭.《期刊摘选》

34. Most television and radio stations close down at 12:00 pm.


35. Vehicle manufacturing is highly vulnerable. Too many factories and workers are making too many cars globally; Germany will surely be forced to close down some production.


36. When they did leave, it caused the local supermarket to close down.

当他们真走了之后, 当地的超市也随即关门了.《期刊摘选》

37. When they run into problems like disease, the commercial firms close down and move on, leaving the local people without jobs.


38. And then a bureaucratic decision made thousands of miles away-in the American embassy in Paris, in fact-threatened to close down Colebrook's much-loved French bakery.

接着,一个来自数千里之外——实际上就是美国驻巴黎大使馆——的官方决定,又可能导致深受科尔布鲁克市民喜爱的法国面包店le Rendez - Vous的关闭。

39. They decided to close down the store and sell all of the remaining stock.


40. The market later rebounded, to close down by 348 points, but investors remain rattled.


41. They will have to close down soon. Business is too bad.

他们将不得不歇业, 生意太坏了.《辞典例句》

42. Close-down is one of the main means in the management of marine dumping site.


43. The factory had to close down after the fire.


44. A combination of internal and external factors caused the company to close down.


45. If dissatisfied, they can fire the executives and sell or close down the firm.

如果不满意, 他们可能解聘高层管理人员并卖掉或关闭企业.《期刊摘选》

46. Are you to close down the factory?

“你打算关掉工厂 吗 ?”“无可奉告”《期刊摘选》

47. Some think that McDonald's real reason for to close down the restaurant to do with money.


48. The company has decided to close down its three branches in Europe.


49. I've had to close down my business now and I don't know what I'm going to do for money.


50. In this paper, GI/ Geom/ 1 discrete time queue with set-up and close-down period by means of Matrix-Geometric solutions is considered. The stochastic decomposition of steady length distribution and waiting time distribution are given.


51. Ian : God, This is shocking, Sunrise Department store is likely to close down.

天啊, 真是太令人震惊了, 中兴百货可能要关门了.《期刊摘选》

52. If, as predicted, the river falls by a further 20cm during the next fortnight, engineers say the remaining two turbines will also close down, forcing a total blackout in the city.


53. Serious shortage of circulating fund forced the company to close down.


54. It's difficult for them to just close down and go off for a nap.


55. The businessman cannot close down his factory or shop because he finds it unprofitable.


56. Before is a Woerma rose, the small shop around can close down.

以前是一个沃尔玛起来了, 附近的小店都会倒闭.《期刊摘选》

57. By refusing to work they are cutting off their noses to spite their faces because the company will close down.


58. On Thursday, the first full trading day in Europe since Dubai’s announcement, the FTSE 100 index in London lost 3.18 percent, to close down 170.68 points.

星期四,自迪拜声明后的第一个欧洲交易日,伦敦的金融指数FTSE 100下跌了3.18个百分点,收盘时下跌170.68点。

59. Markets close down entirely.


60. When you prepare the close-down, remembered that I had said today the wife is joyful daily!


61. The pakistan government decided to close down madrasas that provided military training for their students.


62. But and foremost, I hereby promise I will not close down this msn space again.

不过不管怎么样, 我不会关闭这个地方了.这一次,我想要保留下来一些东西.《期刊摘选》

63. So you can't close down the big banks?


64. Starting point of time effect of real estate close-down should vary from the subject.


65. M/ G/ 1/ K queue model with Setup/ Close-Delay/ Close-Down;


66. Most other countries are saying, "Let's take a pause and learn lessons after Fukushima", not "Let's close down nuclear power".

其它多数国家都在说"暂停一下,学习福岛核危机的教训",而没有说"关闭核电站"。 德国是个特例,默克尔正处在特殊时期。

67. He cites a recent decision to close down a diesel pump factory near Stuttgart.


68. The other major European stock markets this month, the first trading day close down.


69. Once you have done this close down my computer.


70. The financial crisis started in the United States when massive defaults on home loans led several major Banks to close down or merge.


71. High levels of taxation have caused many firms to close down.


72. The Geom/ G/ 1 Queue With Single Vacation and Server Set-up and Close-down Times


73. Others, such as Massachusetts, are stricter and close down charter schools that are failing to deliver.

而有些州, 例如马萨诸塞州, 就较为严格,还会关闭那些未能达到要求的特许学校.《期刊摘选》


1. The Republic of Ireland international picked up possession in an innocuous position 35 yards out, and bent his well-placed effort into the top corner after ex-Celt Jackie McNamara had failed to close down the winger.


2. The signatories said that the attempt to change the law was to effectively close down the recently opened Marie Stopes clinic in Belfast - the first private clinic to offer legal abortions in Northern Ireland - and was also an attempt to close down debate on abortion.

BBC: NI Assembly fails in bid to change abortion law

3. The Bank said the close-down was a one-off upgrade and will not need to happen again.

BBC: News | The Company File | Millennium bugs bank

4. India's leaders feel badly let down by General Musharraf, who has repeatedly promised to end cross-border terrorism and close down extremist religious groups.

ECONOMIST: But without progress on Kashmir, the good news won't last

5. Bayern youngster Kraft was then called into action to charge down a close-range effort from Esteban Cambiasso.

BBC: Inter Milan 0-1 Bayern Munich

6. Small wonder, therefore, that companies with mounting liabilities have seen their share prices fall lately or that many have been queuing up to close down their final-salary schemes.

ECONOMIST: Caught short | The

7. Kwon Eun Jong, ceo of, a Seoul-based e-commerce company, says that she has witnessed more than 20 start-ups close down in the past six months.

CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Is the New Economy Dead?

8. Most people head for the crystalline Wilhem-Swarovski observatory, but for nature up close and personal, take the 30-minute hike down to the Pasterze Glacier.

BBC: Austrias long and winding road

9. The MPA which represents a number of movie studios including Warner, Disney and Fox, launched the legal action as a last-ditch attempt to close down Newzbin 2.

BBC: BT ordered to block links to Newzbin 2 website

10. Close down your online gambling accounts - this is a clear commitment and admission that you are getting into trouble.

BBC: The gambler

11. Munster turned down a close-range kick in favour of a scrum in the 28th minute.

BBC: Munster 38-17 Dragons

12. After all, chancellors always say they are going to close loopholes and cut down on avoidance - Mr Osborne promised to raise a billion with such measures only a year ago.

BBC: Budget 2012: A big debate about small numbers

13. After Howson's rapid reply, the Leeds fans grew increasingly frustrated until Becchio put them ahead again with a close-range finish following a Leigh Bromby knock-down.

BBC: Sport - Football - Leeds 5-2 Doncaster

14. For example, with accession safely accomplished, the Slovene parliament voted to close down an EU-inspired anticorruption commission, which had to be saved by the country's constitutional court.

ECONOMIST: A survey of EU enlargement: Trust me | The

15. On weekdays the Daily Record fell close to 253, 500 - down 15, 000 in a month and 25, 000 in a year.

BBC: Scottish newspaper see sales slump

16. The signatories said that the attempt to change the law was to effectively close down the recently-opened Marie Stopes clinic in Belfast - the first private clinic to offer legal abortions in Northern Ireland - and was also an attempt to close down debate on abortion.

BBC: Sinn Fein bid to block abortion move

17. It took Schaeffer only five months to analyze the setup and write code that would let him, from his laptop, tell the Scada system to open and close enough breakers to bring down the mock utility--without letting the legitimate operator see what was going on.

FORBES: The Next Threat

18. New-home sales are close to the 47-year record low set last August, and down 29% from a year ago.

FORBES: Good News Means No Recession, But Downturn Lingers On The Margins

19. Keeping the control of music close by is a hands-down improvement over the limited LED and TV-based displays of many less-expensive competitors.

ENGADGET: Switched On: The musical mesh for the moneyed

20. They decided to pull the plug and write it all off, and sent a letter to Drake telling him to close down the start-up.

FORBES: The Pennsylvania Start-up That Changed The World

21. The trained dog reportedly sensed something suspicious about -- or near -- a vehicle parked close to the West Wing, and sat down beside the four-door sedan.

CNN: White House's West Wing briefly evacuated

22. After seeing Cas close to 24-12 down, Orford also dropped the killer goal just before the break which effectively closed the door.

BBC: Bradford Bulls 41-22 Castleford Tigers

23. For instance, Bin-Tefla feared that legislators would close down corruption investigations.

FORBES: The Arab Spring Comes To Kuwait: Will Democracy Arrive And Liberty Thrive?

24. Batsmen will be looking to drop the ball into gaps for quick singles, so it's up to these two to close down the space quickly and force run-outs.

BBC: Setting a one-day field

25. Amid the violence, it appears not even close friends could persuade al-Assad to step down.


26. Detroit recently tried to close down its money-losing Rackham muni, but was deterred by a court decision because of deed restrictions.

WSJ: Saying Goodbye to the Local Muni

27. Two years ago, China cracked down on cross-border gambling appealing to neighbouring countries to close down casinos, banning travel agents from offering gambling tours, restricting foreign visits by officials after one official allegedly embezzled hundreds of thousands of dollars of government funds and gambled the money away at the casino in Rajin-Sonbong.

ECONOMIST: All the misery of Maoism with none of the redeeming features

28. Her work there centered on efforts to close Guantanamo Bay, shut down military commissions-which she calls "kangaroo courts"-and set detainees who cannot be tried in civilian courts free.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Gitmo's indefensible lawyers

29. The Pirate Bay (TPB) now says its new cloud-based servers, which use the internet for storage, do not have to be hosted with the same provider, or even on the same continent - making it impervious to attempts to close it down.

BBC: The Pirate Bay moves to the cloud to avoid shutdown

30. Moscow - a close ally of Syria - also refuses to back calls for Mr Assad to step down.

BBC: Syria crisis: Brahimi warns horror is 'unprecedented'
















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