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英 [ˈspeɪsʃɪp]play美 [ˈspeɪsʃɪp]play

  • n. 宇宙飞船

复数 spaceships

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spaceship /ˈspeɪsˌʃɪp/

  • 1.
    可数名词 A spaceship is a spacecraft that carries people through space. 载人宇宙飞船
    例: alien spaceship.






1. manned spaceship 载人宇宙飞船

2. unmanned spaceship 无人飞船

3. by spaceship 乘宇宙飞船 ; 坐宇宙飞船 ; 乘坐宇宙飞船 ; 由飞船

4. Spaceship Economy 宇宙飞船经济 ; 太空舱经济

5. Spaceship Buttons 太空船效果按钮

6. Spaceship Earth 宇宙飞船地球 ; 太空船地球 ; 地球太空船

7. Cardboard Spaceship 硬纸板做的宇宙飞船

8. the Shenzhou spaceship 神舟飞船

9. Atlantis Spaceship 亚特兰蒂斯飞船


1. You are working on sending a manned spaceship to Mars.


2. They have a blue spaceship.


3. Your friend is about to go on the spaceship, which is going to do the exploration of Jupiter or whatever.


4. Spaceship Leak Localization Based on the Attitude Response and Filtering Algorithm


5. The next day, he his spaceship and goes to his planet.


6. See$ 11 billion for plants, equipment and a spaceship.


7. China sent a man into space in this spaceship.


8. Xiao Ming looked forward to visiting the moon by spaceship day and night.


9. They traveled through space to the moon in a spaceship.


10. They have sent up several spaceships this year.


11. She flies in a spaceship . B She takes care of sick people.


12. Manned submersibles, like spaceships, must maintain living conditions in an unnatural environment.

载人的潜水器与宇宙飞船一样, 必须在非自然的环境下保持生存条件.

13. India's futuristic new Bharathi base, built on stilts using 134 interlocking shipping containers, resembles a spaceship.


14. He'll fly a spaceship!


15. The space shuttle, the world's first true spaceship, is a magnificent step in making the impossible possible for the benefit and survival of man.


16. There are no passengers on spaceship earth.


17. The hero gets into his spaceship and blast off into the outer reach of the space.

主人公坐上他的宇宙飞船, “ 腾空而起 ” 进入外层宇宙空间.《辞典例句》

18. The spaceship hit in the sea.


19. In 1969, the spaceship landed on the moon.

1969年, 宇宙飞船登陆月球.《期刊摘选》

20. I like to watch TV shows about space and spaceships.


21. or sense the movements of a joystick and manipulate the position of an imaginary spaceship on a display screen.


22. He went into space in this spaceship.


23. Without these special suits, astronauts wouldn't be able to leave their spaceship.


24. So you wouldn't consider this to be a normal rescue procedure.


25. The Shenzhou XI spaceship returned to the Earth successfully.


26. The earth is like a spaceship with only limited room and resources.


27. Would you take the spaceship?


28. In future, astronauts will be required to descend from a spaceship while it is still in space and to return to it.

将来, 将要求宇航员从停在太空里的飞船中下来并且能回到飞船中去.《用法词典》

29. It's a spaceship.


30. I am going to the moon. The spaceship is arriving soon.

我要去月球, 宇宙飞船一会儿就要到了.《期刊摘选》

31. We are all looking at our spaceship.


32. Daming and Simon made a model of a Chinese spaceship.


33. I'm afraid we can't complete the model spaceship this afternoon.


34. ' Show me this plastic spaceship,'I said.


35. Mr. Bushnell used a computer to create a television picture of two spaceships.


36. It was mainly used to play chess and repair the astronauts' spaceship.


37. Development of Research on Orbit-Control Engine for Shenzhou Spaceship


38. Is this what a spaceship sounds like?


39. One US company has already developed a spaceship like this.


40. I don't think the spaceship can handle your weight.

我认为太空船承受不了你的重量。《provided by jukuu》

41. Its spaceship was engineered by Bert Rutan, renowned for designing the Voyager.


42. If you travel into space in a spaceship, you must adjust ( yourself ) weightlessness.

如果你乘宇宙飞船到太空旅行, 你必须调整自己,以适应失重状态.《期刊摘选》

43. I jump from spaceships and as I fall, I turn, dive, circle and dance until I softly land as close as I can to the finishing line.

我从宇宙飞船上跳下,当我下落时,我转身、俯冲、旋转、舞动,直到我尽可能靠近终点线轻轻地着陆。《中考真题- 2019 徐州 阅读C》

44. What if the spaceship moves faster than light?

要是宇宙飞船超光速将会怎能样 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

45. I think the first spaceship to the moon used exactly the same techniques.


46. This spaceship is about to start an exciting voyage into an unknown world.


47. We can go there by spaceship.


48. He said that he didn't know whether he could fly into the space a spaceship someday.


49. In 1969 two Americans got to the moon by spaceship.


50. They shot the spaceship up into the sky.


51. They have launched a spaceship.


52. Research on Fault Diagnosis and Assistant Decision System for Manned Spaceship Flying Test


53. Someone has stolen the secret formula for the liquid that fires our new spaceship.


54. Let's pretend we' re on the spaceship orbiting round the earth!


55. I stopped for a moment ( which I shouldn't ) before I jumped from the starting place on a little spaceship, then I began my performance.

我停了一会儿(我不该停下来),然后从一艘小宇宙飞船的出发点跳下开始表演。《中考真题- 2019 徐州 阅读C》

56. Look, there are spaceships from America and Russia.

看, 这有从美国和俄罗斯来的宇宙飞船.《期刊摘选》

57. I watched the world's first manned commercial spaceship land.


58. One day, you can go to the moon in a spaceship.


59. People can fly to the moon by spaceship.


60. That's a spaceship. It's fast.


61. Topic 1 Spaceships are mainly controlled by computers.


62. The key to the water-powered spaceship is the engine (发动机).


63. The spaceship blazed out into space.


64. Yet another spaceship has been sent up recently.


65. Another spaceship has gone up.


66. It's like a spaceship landed.


67. The name of the spaceship in Shenzhou.


68. The scientist could not calculate when the spaceship would reach the Jupiter.


69. I wish to visit Mars by spaceship next century.


70. The spaceship was lost in the dark.


71. Enterprise was the name of the spaceship in that television show.


72. It takes about three days to travel from From Earth to the moon by spaceship.


73. The "Balloon" spaceship uses water to push it through space and costs about one-thirtieth of a normal spaceship.


74. ' Why are people running towards us?'the spaceship asked.


75. Thermo-optical sensitivity and thermal control system for manned spaceship optical windows


76. The spaceship is already being counted down.


77. We have just climbed out of a spaceship onto the surface of the moon.


78. We need a spaceship to get away from the witch!


79. Soon, the spaceship left Earth, and everyone looked down at the burning planet.

很快, 飞船离开了地球, 大家俯视着下面这颗燃烧着的星球.《期刊摘选》

80. Look up at the spaceship, the spaceship, the spaceship.

向上看太空飞船, 太空飞船, 太空飞船.《期刊摘选》

81. It is officially announced that China has successfully launched her fist manned spaceship.


82. The people on the spaceship might even get to take a hot bath!


83. Good! Here comes a spaceship.


84. The United States launched a new spaceship yesterday.


85. I wish I could a spaceship one day.


86. The spaceship landed safely.


87. In future, astronauts will be required to descend from a spaceship while it is still in space and return to it.

将来, 宇航员应当能从依然在太空中的宇宙飞船中下来,并且能够回到飞船里去.《用法词典》

88. There are five spacemen in the spaceship.


89. Numerical Simulation the Process of the Rocket Booster Separating form Spaceship


90. What was the speed of the spaceship?


91. In many ways, plastic is the perfect material — we can make it strong and rigid enough to build spaceships and replace bones, or thin and flexible enough to make shopping bags that weigh as much as a nickel but carry up to eight kilograms.


92. The inner system of a spaceship is rather sophisticated.


93. First, I would give anything to be in that spaceship.


94. The scientist could not calculate when the spaceship would reach the jupiter.


95. Not to be outdone, India's futuristic new Bharathi base, built on stills using 134 interlocking shipping containers, resembles a spaceship.

印度也不甘示弱,其未来主义的巴拉蒂基地,建造在用134个相连结的船运集装箱撑起的柱子上,像个宇宙飞船。《六级真题- 2016年 12月 2卷 信息匹配》

96. Scientists say the biggest advantage of such a spaceship would be cost.


97. I wish I could fly to the moon in a spaceship one day.


98. And inside the spaceship, there was a Chinese man.


99. If the tiniest piece of junk crashed into a spaceship, it could damage the vehicle.


100. The Shenzhou Six manned spaceship will be launched into space by China very soon.


101. The spaceship hit in the drink.


102. Design and On-orbit Performance Evaluation of Thermal Control System for SHENZHOU-7 Spaceship


103. In space, computers have been used to control the speed and direction of a spaceship.


104. On the 30 th, the spaceship attemptedwith the orbital station again, and the second docking failed again.

30日该飞船再次接近轨道站, 第二次对接再次失败.《期刊摘选》


1. Three Russians, an Italian-Colombian, a Frenchman and a Chinese man are making final preparations before spending 520 days inside a mock spaceship.

VOA : standard.2010.06.02

2. Gas was cheap again, te middle class had money, and the music started playing in incredibly improved stereo systems inside new spaceship interiors.

NPR: Detroit Automakers Face Extinction

3. "Once we have tested that sufficiently, we will put the spaceship underneath it, " said Whitehorn.

CNN: Opening the space frontier, one tourist at a time

4. "It's a little like a spaceship landed, " he said as council members got their first look at the design.

CNN: Doug Gross,

5. SpaceShip Two will use its hybrid rocket motor to propel itself into space.

FORBES: Out Of This World: Space, The Final Frontier

6. Here, it becomes things like a speedboat, a spaceship gangway (I think) and an all-purpose promontory.

WSJ: Culture City: An Opera Vet Tries to Raise The Circus

7. Unlike SpaceShip Two, the Lynx takes off from a runway and doesn't depend on a carrier ship, so it has lower operating costs.

WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Richard Branson: SpaceThe Next Business Frontier

8. But I think the thing that most likely, in a business sense, we will be remembered for is introducing commercial spaceship travel.


9. When the Apollo 13 spaceship blew up 200, 000 miles from Earth, astronauts used the moon's gravity to slingshot the capsule back home.

NPR: Defying Gravity, and Odds, in New Orleans

10. But the obsession with the stars dates back even further, to the schoolyard where his nickname was Spaceship Clarke.

BBC: Legendary science fiction writer Arthur C Clarke at 80

11. The Virgin Galactic experience is a two-parter: the mother ship, Eve, will carry SpaceShip Two to 50, 000 feet before releasing it.

FORBES: Out Of This World: Space, The Final Frontier

12. It's all very mysterious and we send off a spaceship to investigate the markings, the radio signals from the other place.

一切都很神秘,所以我们,派遣一艘飞船去调查星球上的印记,以及那些从其他星球传来的无线电信号死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. People must live on Earth just as astronauts live in a spaceship.

VOA : special.2010.05.30

14. Group-sized booths are built around the stage area at different levels and have a futuristic spaceship feel to them.

BBC: Indias indie music scene

15. That's followed by Shaw running around the spaceship like Medea on uppers.

WSJ: Prometheus, Madagascar 3, Peace, Love & Misunderstanding | Stunning Space, Careless Craft | Film Reviews by Joe Morgenstern

16. They discovered an alien spaceship.


17. He called the planet "Spaceship Earth."

VOA : special.2010.05.30

18. The length of the spaceship's journey means Icarus must live his whole life within the confines of that ship.

CNN: My Father's Day wish: Curious children

19. The grimy, claustrophobic and cold-looking spaceship Nostromo gives way to a much brighter, more advanced-looking model which creates some issues.

BBC: Prometheus sees Ridley Scott return to Alien world

20. Story number two,just like story number one, the spaceship takes off,and about 15 minutes later, it explodes in a horrible accident and everybody on the spaceship, including your friend,is killed.

第二个故事和第一个故事一样,飞船起飞,十五分钟后,它在可怕的事故中爆炸,船上所有人包括你的朋友都死了。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. The attractions will include Beethoven being played in a spaceship and Leonardo da Vinci's drawings being combined with modern technology.

BBC: Leonardo's da Vinci's anatomical work

22. It takes so long that by the time the spaceship comes back, 100 years will have gone by.

去了很久,以至于宇宙飞船回来的时候,100年都已经过去了。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. The aircraft will release the spaceship, which will then use rockets to propel itself into space.

CNN: One giant leap toward space tourism in New Mexico

24. The "world's highest-flying Yorkshireman" is busying his time instead assisting the programme to develop America's next-generation spaceship, which is called Orion.

BBC: 'UK spaceman' Nicholas Patrick honoured

25. On the line--through a roar of static--Annie could hear John, patched directly from his spaceship to his home.

CNN: Victory Lap

26. His spaceship company, Blue Origin, is working on a vehicle that would transport astronauts to the international space station.

WSJ: What Makes Jeff Bezos Tick? A $42 Million Clock, for Starters

27. The final piece, weighing 22 tons, is a shiny, spaceship-like capsule containing a giant LED beacon that's expected to be visible for miles.

WSJ: One World Trade Center Is On the Rise at Ground Zero

28. Branson said it was the first time a spaceship has landed at an airport.

FORBES: Richard Branson Unveils New Eco-Chic San Francisco Airport Terminal

29. I'd dreamt about the fact that we could create a commercial spaceship company.


30. Due to their size and energy, those particles can pass through the walls of a spaceship.

FORBES: Going To Mars Could Damage The Brains Of Astronauts

31. This version of the Enterprise would be three things in one: a spaceship, a space station and a spaceport.

MSN: Spaceship Enterprise in 20 years? Beam me up!

32. The eponymous capsules look like the sleeping berths on a particularly traditional Japanese spaceship.

BBC: Capsule Ryokan Kyoto, where modern meets traditional

33. We imagine ourselves surrounding the tilted spaceship, waiting for the door to open.

NEWYORKER: The Invasion from Outer Space

34. Apple hopes to raze 26 buildings on the site to make room for the "spaceship, " which will be surrounded by grass and trees.

CNN: Doug Gross,

35. The Fortress of Solitude is apparently a Kryptonian spaceship hidden underground on Earth.

FORBES: 7 Big 'Man Of Steel' Plot Revelations - Spoilers Ahead

36. Sir Richard's intention is to use the spaceship to carry fare-paying passengers on short pleasure rides above the Earth's atmosphere.

BBC: Science correspondent, BBC News

37. Your friend is about to go on the spaceship which is going to do the exploration of Jupiter or whatever.

你的朋友即将要登上一搜宇宙飞船,要去探索木星还是什么。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

38. Humans,he said, are astronauts on Spaceship Earth.

VOA : special.2010.05.30

39. If you escape the pull of gravity, your spaceship will be off, won't be orbiting the Earth.

如果你完全脱离重力,太空船早就飞得没影了,而不是在轨道上运行基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. It reminds me a lot of old spaceship shooters from the good old arcade days, but much prettier and more interesting.

FORBES: Sony Courts Indie Games With Pub Fund: 10 Titles Headed To PS4, PS3, And PS Vita That You Don't Want To Miss



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