
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈtʃɪkɪn]play美 [ˈtʃɪkɪn]play

  • n. 鸡;鸡肉;<非正式>胆小鬼,懦夫;(儿童玩的)比试胆量的游戏
  • adj. 没勇气的,胆小的
  • v. <非正式>因害怕而放弃,胆怯(chicken out)

复数 chickens 第三人称单数 chickens 现在分词 chickening 过去式 chickened 过去分词 chickened

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


chicken /ˈtʃɪkɪn/ CET4 TEM4 [ chickening chickened chickens ]

  • 1.
    可数名词 Chickens are birds which are kept on a farm for their eggs and for their meat. 鸡

    Lionel built a coop so that they could raise chickens and have a supply of fresh eggs.


  • 2.
    不可数名词 Chicken is the flesh of this bird eaten as food. 鸡肉

    ...roast chicken with wild mushrooms.


  • 3.
    可数名词 If someone calls you a chicken, they mean that you are afraid to do something. 胆小鬼

    I'm scared of the dark. I'm a big chicken.


  • 4.
    形容词 Chicken is also an adjective. 胆小的

    Why are you so chicken, Gregory?


  • 5.
    习语 If you say that someone is counting their chickens, you mean that they are assuming that they will be successful or get something, when this is not certain. 蛋尚未孵出就数小鸡; 指望得过早

    I don't want to count my chickens before they are hatched.


  • 6.
    chickens come home to roost →see   roost



  • adj.

    chick 胆小的;懦弱的

  • n.

    chick 小鸡;小鸟;少妇


  • n.鸡肉;小鸡;胆小鬼,懦夫

    sheep   /   chucky

  • adj.鸡肉的;胆怯的;幼小的

    small   /   baby


1. chicken wing n. 鸡翅膀;折臂固定

2. chicken meat 鸡肉

3. chicken manure 鸡粪

4. chicken farm n. 养鸡场

5. Golden Chicken 高登宝得 ; 金鸡专辑

6. chicken salad 鸡沙律;鸡沙拉

7. chicken soup 鸡汤;心灵鸡汤

8. chicken sandwich 鸡肉三明治;两男夹女

9. grilled chicken 烤鸡;烧鸡;炙鸡

10. roast chicken 烤鸡;烧鸡;烤油鸡;片皮脆烧鸡

11. Kung Pao Chicken 宫保鸡丁 ; 宫保鸡 ; 宫保鸡球 ; 小镇姑娘

12. chicken breast [医]鸡胸

13. kentucky fried chicken 肯德基

14. chicken feed 家禽饲料;极小额的款项;零钱

15. Curry Chicken 咖喱鸡 ; 咖喱鸡球 ; 咖喱鸡肉

16. chicken pox [医]水痘

17. spring chicken n. 童子鸡;年轻人(年轻幼稚的女子)

18. chicken broth 鸡汤

19. Lemon Chicken 柠檬鸡球 ; 柠檬鸡 ; 香酥柠檬鸡

20. Chicken Little 四眼天鸡 ; 四眼鸡丁 ; 鸡仔总动员 ; 四眼青蛙

21. cashew chicken 腰果鸡丁 ; 腰果鸡球 ; 腰果鸡 ; 腰不美观鸡丁

22. chicken leg 白云凤爪,鸡腿

23. chicken out 临阵退缩;[美俚]因害怕而停止做某事

24. chicken liver n. 鸡肝;胆小鬼

25. fried chicken n. 炸鸡

26. we do chicken right 我们做鸡是对的(肯德基的宣传语)


1. Are you chicken or not?


2. Did he just call me a chicken?


3. We two have not strength enough in our hands to tie a chicken fast. We can only eat.

我们两个手无缚鸡之力, 只好吃饭.《现代汉英综合大词典》

4. The meat is almost the rice, individual grains shiny with chicken and infusedthe bird's flavor.

肉几乎比米饭还多, 一些米粒闪着亮亮的油光还带着些鸡肉的味道.《期刊摘选》

5. He went to the party in a giant chicken costume.


6. It's a chicken and egg situation. Does the deficiency lead to the eczema or has the eczema led to certain deficiencies?


7. Uh , but what if I just tookpart of the brownie?

那么如果我只要一半杏仁饼 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

8. I was making a million a year, but that's chicken feed in the pop business.


9. The new feed can fatten the chicken up quickly enough for market.


10. You aren't chicken, are you? goaded Aaron.

“你不会是个胆小鬼 吧 ?”亚伦讽刺他说.《期刊摘选》

11. I want my chicken very rare.


12. I'll have the steak and chicken combo platter.


13. A Gourmandize Salad, Chicken Kebab and a bottle of beer.

一份美食沙拉, 烤鸡肉串和一瓶啤酒.《期刊摘选》

14. I'm as chicken as you are.


15. He carved me some very nice pieces of chicken.


16. He was a chicken, so he ran away from the beautiful girl.

他是个胆小鬼, 所以他在漂亮女孩面前跑掉了.《期刊摘选》

17. Fish and chicken are yummy.


18. The size of the chicken pieces will determine the cooking time.


19. Scores gleaned from the HUB had kept Caldwell in Chernobyl Chicken and pizza for eighteen months.


20. When the chicken is cooked I'll freeze some.


21. If I stay in, my boyfriend cooks a wonderful lasagne or chicken or steak.


22. This chicken isn't cooked in the middle.


23. I told her it was chicken.


24. You are a God Damn Chicken!


25. She was no chicken perhaps, but she was on the ball.

也许她并不是个胆怯的人, 不过她一直是在保持着警惕.《现代英汉综合大词典》

26. Dinner features a hot entrée of chicken, veal, or lamb.


27. His chicken eggs sell for$ 22 a dozen.


28. She looked relaxed as she plucked a chicken.


29. Make sure that you do not pierce the skin when boning the chicken thighs.


30. The priest sacrificed a chicken.


31. Chicken wing is my favorite.


32. chicken breasts/livers/thighs

鸡胸脯肉 / 肝 / 大腿《牛津词典》

33. chickens.


34. He tore the cooked chicken apart and began to eat it.


35. Domestic chickens are descended from jungle fowl of Southeast Asia.


36. She likes to lard the chicken with some bacon.


37. I prefer chicken, please.


38. They keep chickens in the back yard.


39. B : You are going to tell on me? Go ahead , chicken!

你要去告我的状? 去阿~胆小鬼!《期刊摘选》

40. Make sure you defrost the chicken completely before cooking.


41. Your chicken will be ready in a few minutes.


42. Jack is a chicken guy, who dare at everything.

杰克是个胆小鬼, 做什么事都畏首畏脚的.《期刊摘选》

43. You can make soup by boiling chicken carcasses.


44. They have two restaurants that purvey dumplings and chicken noodle soup.


45. I will help myself to the chicken.


46. Continue topping the rest of the chicken and drizzle the rest of the sauce around it.


47. Peter fought his way through a blizzard to save one of the chickens.


48. Lime preserved in salt is a North African speciality which is used to flavour chicken dishes.


49. Figure 4. Total plate counts of chicken meat after anka treatment during storage at 5 oC.

图4. 红糟处理对鸡肉冷藏过程中总生菌数的变化.《期刊摘选》

50. This simple chicken dish costs less than $3 a head.


51. Her husband's memories are of living off roast chicken and drinking whisky.


52. The chicken was only half cooked.


53. Chicken eggs and meat contain high quality protein and other substances important in the human diet.


54. To respect the religious beliefs of clients, only chicken, fish and vegetables are served.

为了尊重各宗教信仰, 我们将只提供鸡肉 、 鱼类和蔬菜.《期刊摘选》

55. You are a chicken.


56. Mrs. Tweedy has decided to increase her 4 profits by selling not eggs but chicken pies.


57. All the kids used to call me a chicken when I was young.


58. Not, he is a chicken heart.

不, 他是个胆小鬼.《期刊摘选》

59. He demolished two big platefuls of chicken.


60. free-range chickens


61. Lionel built a coop so that they could raise chickens and have a supply of fresh eggs.


62. Do you think that ToD is a chicken using so much towers?

你是否认为ToD用 那么多防御塔的行为是胆小鬼的作为?《期刊摘选》

63. There was a fox on the prowl near the chickens.


64. Let's not count our proverbial chickens.


65. Miss Tan is a chicken and she isn't willing to take risk.

谭小姐是个胆小鬼,她不愿意冒险. (千万别翻译个成像只小鸡)《期刊摘选》

66. It tastes like chicken, only stronger.


67. I'm scared of the dark. I'm a big chicken.


68. There is ghost, chicken heart.

有鬼啊, 胆小鬼.《期刊摘选》

69. I don't really like this chicken dish; it's too salty.

我不是真的喜欢这些鸡肉, 太咸了.《地道口语脱口SHOW 高中升学篇》

70. She bought chicken and turkey.


71. I don't want to count my chickens before they are hatched.


72. You can render the chicken down to make stock for soup.


73. fried/roast chicken

炸 / 烧鸡《牛津词典》

74. They had chicken breasts for lunch.


75. Lack of chicken feed means that chicken farms are having to slaughter their stock.


76. I had pancakes and Li Qing had a chicken sandwich.


77. He decided on roast chicken and vegetables, with apple pie to follow.


78. Her husband's memories are of living off roast chicken and drinking whisky


79. Mix the chicken meat with half of the bechamel sauce and grated nutmeg, salt and pepper.

鸡肉与半份白汁拌匀, 加入盐、胡椒粉及豆蔻粉调味.《期刊摘选》

80. The man is cutting chicken.


81. This simple chicken dish costs less than £ 1 a head


82. Luke munched the chicken sandwiches.


83. She spooned the sauce over the chicken pieces.


84. Have chicken, fish, vegetables, spareribs, a lot of delicious food.

有鸡肉, 鱼, 青菜, 排骨等等许多好吃的食物.《期刊摘选》

85. Shawn: You are such a chicken.

尚伟: 你真是个胆小鬼.《期刊摘选》

86. Dredge the chicken in flour before frying it.


87. Put the chicken pieces in a casserole.


88. She spoke through a mouthful of chicken.


89. Chicken will make you grow into a big strong boy.


90. chicken and chips


91. Winner, , winner, chicken dinner!

赢家,赢家,鸡肉晚餐! %。

92. He had chickens and things round the back


93. I personally would rather roast a chicken whole.


94. It's cold chicken for lunch.


95. Dominque : That's the last date I go on with Paul. He's such a chicken!

多明尼卡: 那是最后一次和保罗约会, 他是个胆小鬼!《期刊摘选》

96. Miss tan is a chicken and she isn't willing to take risks.


97. He finished off two bowls of chicken noodles soup in no time.


98. The food will be samosas, chicken curry and rice, and naan bread.

食品将是五香三角菜饺, 咖喱鸡肉饭和印度飞饼.《期刊摘选》

99. Serving Suggestion: Serve chilled own as an aperitif or with chicken, ham, salads, cheeses and fish.

饮用指南: 冰凉后饮用.可单独饮用或与鸡肉, 火腿, 色拉, 奶酪,与鱼类搭配皆佳.《期刊摘选》

100. I love chicken wings so much.


101. Old people love to eat beef and mutton and never eat chicken, fish.

老人爱吃羊肉牛肉,却从不吃鸡肉 、 鱼肉.《期刊摘选》

102. A fiery combination of chicken, chillies and rice.


103. If the chicken is fairly small, you may simply split it in half.


104. The size of the chicken pieces will determine the cooking time


105. They tend to buy cheap processed foods like canned chicken and macaroni.


106. Please try to avoid fried chicken. It's too greasy.

请避免吃油炸的鸡肉. 太油腻了.《期刊摘选》

107. It was lunchtime, and almost every table graced with an order or three of chicken rice.

那时候正是午饭时间, 几乎每个餐桌都叫了三份以上的鸡肉饭.《期刊摘选》

108. My salary is chicken feed compared with hers.


109. The two countries are already involved in trade disputes over tires and chicken.


110. chicken stock/soup


111. Then add in the shredded chicken meat and mini pasta.


112. I've brought you some eggs. We keep chickens


113. If you casserole chicken pieces, take the skin off first.


114. Andrew began to carve the chicken.


115. Instead of running round like a headless chicken use your efforts in a more productive way.


116. Put the chicken in the oven when the timer goes off.


117. Carrot and chicken are not usually cooked together.


118. The wings of the chicken have become vestigial; it can no longer fly.

鸡的翅膀逐渐退化, 不会在空中飞行了.《现代汉英综合大词典》


1. These steamed dumplings made of buffalo, chicken or mixed vegetables are popular and universal throughout Kathmandu.

BBC: Nepals local eateries

2. China,in turn,said this week that it will investigate imports of American chicken products and auto parts.

VOA : special.2009.09.18

3. It has a stronger flavor than the chicken breast so common in the American diet.

NPR: How to Cook Your Goose

4. She has to buy a brightly coloured chicken to offer the resident fetish priest.

BBC: Ghana witch camps: Widows' lives in exile

5. chicken-filled crepes


6. Some of them just have, like, you know, greasy pizza, and burgers and chicken fingers.

有一些俱乐部的食物也不过是油腻的比萨、汉堡和鸡柳条。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 有趣的吃东西协会

7. If parents choose to give their kids chicken nuggets and French fries, they still can.

FORBES: San Francisco mayor vetoes Happy Meal ban

8. Ralph was in high spirits, flipping over the chicken breasts, pushing down tenderly on the steaks.

NEWYORKER: History of a Disturbance

9. Why are you so chicken, Gregory?


10. The head cook,or chef, of a restaurant will tell the head server that the kitchen is out of chicken soup,for example.

VOA : special.2010.01.08

11. Meema, well, Meema crochets a mean Afghan and uses a secret ingredient in her chicken soup.

NPR: Who's Your Grandma? These Days, Nobody Is

12. You can look at her and say, "We don't have any of the ingredients for chicken soup."

你可以看着她,说“我们都没有做鸡汤的食材。”SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I feel like 课堂

13. Often she will chicken out - she will not go out alone at night.

VOA : special.2010.06.13

14. Walter Schmidt has been working to find uses for chicken feathers since the nineteen nineties.

VOA : special.2010.06.01

15. Chicken pieces are available in five-pound packs.


16. It was at this point that Sanders turned his cult into Kentucky Fried Chicken.

FORBES: Why Does America Hate Late Bloomers?

17. She will work any job for chicken feed -- a small amount of money.

VOA : special.2010.06.13

18. They want to know where it comes from, who grew it in some cases, how many miles it got transported, what was put on the food as it was being produced, what was given to the animals or injected into them as the beef was coming out, or the pork, or the chicken and these will be very interesting topics to discuss.

人们希望知道食物从何而来,由谁种植的,从多远的地方运过来,在加工过程中,在食物中添加了什么,人们看到牛肉,猪肉或鸡肉时,会想知道这些动物,都被注射了什么,这些话题讨论起来都会很有意思关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. You get a vaccine for chicken pox, it gets injected, and sometime later you're going to be protected against it.

当你拿到水痘疫苗,并注射入体内后,一段时间之后,你就可以免于感染生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

20. Walter Schmidt and Masud Huda are now adding another chicken product to their flowerpots -- chicken waste.

VOA : special.2010.06.01

21. There's no mention of chicken or beef, In Genesis 1:30, God says that the animals are being given the green plants, the grass and herbs, for food.

并未提到鸡肉或牛肉,在《创世纪》第一章30节中说,动物将拥有,绿色植物和草木作为食物。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. Chicken was cooked with dill, cuttlefish with their ink and wine, octopus with chickpeas.

NPR: Crete: Ancient Diet with Modern Message

23. In April, as part of Austin's first Funky Chicken Coop Tour, she hosted 637 visitors.

ECONOMIST: The financial and health reasons behind a new craze

24. Stir in the chicken, currants and reserved stack, and season with salt and pepper.

NPR: Recipes: 'Vefa's Kitchen'

25. Of note: the delicate lobster-and-scallion mix from Shanghai, and the spicy chicken supreme with Hunan seasonings.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

26. Besides the chicken, fries, coleslaw and apple pie are available, according to the Times.

CNN: Buckets of KFC smuggled under border

27. Subsequently, residents watched as a cherry-picker arrived to deliver a portion of Kentucky Fried Chicken.

BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Gloucestershire | 'Fried chicken' siege man jailed

28. And this means that the yellow cells on the right side are mouse hair cells in a chicken inner ear.

也就是说,右边黄色部分,代表的是小鸡内耳中的老鼠细胞。7个颠覆你思想的演讲课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

29. And he used a chicken embryo.

他所用的是小鸡胚胎。7个颠覆你思想的演讲课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

30. Luke munched the chicken sandwiches.


31. So, real dreams are you're in a submarine wrestling a chicken while your grandmother looks disapprovingly on.

真正的梦是指那些,梦见自己在潜艇里和鸡摔跤,而你奶奶在一旁看得不以为然。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

32. Consumers have been wary of chicken, even though the government says cooked meat is safe.

FORBES: China H7N9 Bird Flu Cases Rise By Five; Four Provinces Report Illnesses In One Day

33. Goose is all dark meat, with an intense flavor more often compared to beef than chicken.

NPR: How to Cook Your Goose

34. The traditional way to make flu vaccine is to grow the virus in chicken eggs.

VOA : special.2009.11.11

35. That server might say to the rest of the employees, "eighty-six the chicken soup."

VOA : special.2010.01.08

36. On this night the class is making a cucumber salad, chicken satay with spicy peanut sauce and stir-fried beef with graprao basil.

VOA : special.2010.12.27

37. Traditionally the farms used windows to provide fresh air in the chicken houses.

VOA : special.2009.09.08

38. But,if a customer then orders the chicken soup a server will simply answer, "Sorry,we're out of the soup."

VOA : special.2010.01.08

39. In our household we eat more chicken and less red meat than we used to.

FORBES: Green Greens versus Red Greens

40. The chicken would have died sooner of later."

这只鸡早晚会死的“电影哲学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

41. We always have the traditional Sunday meal whether it's beef or chicken or lamb.

我们经常有传统的星期日聚餐,不管是吃牛肉、鸡肉还是羊肉。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 妈妈亲手做的味道

42. "I am a pet lover I have donkeys, goats, cows, chicken, pigeons, dogs, " Mr. Ali said.

WSJ: Hold That Tiger: Big Cat's Fate Snarls Pakistan Campaign

43. If you want to make a cheap soup, you use a very cheap chicken.

如果你想做份便宜的汤,就用便宜的鸡肉。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 问上门厨师

44. The old priest squats on the ground uttering incantations before cutting the chicken's throat.

BBC: Ghana witch camps: Widows' lives in exile

45. The new, deadly disease has mostly struck people that have come into contact with chicken.

FORBES: China H7N9 Bird Flu Cases Rise By Five; Four Provinces Report Illnesses In One Day

46. All the other cells surrounding the mouse cells that are not green are chicken cells.

周围的非绿色部分,是小鸡细胞。7个颠覆你思想的演讲课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

47. He did not have much money. And the money he did earn was chicken feed C very little.

VOA : special.2009.10.04

48. They chatted and laughed together as they scoffed chicken, sandwiches, stuffed vine leaved and strawberry scones.

BBC: Daily house goss: week four

49. My chicken burrito opened the acid reflux gates and kept me up all night.

FORBES: An Angry North Dakotan

50. The first hit single from "The Foundation" was a song called "Chicken Fried."

VOA : special.2010.02.22

51. Kentucky Fried Chicken positioned itself in China as a Western brand with Chinese characteristics.

FORBES: Behind BYD's Success With Chinese Customers

52. You could say, I could have zero chickens and 20 pigs, does that work? I've got one chicken and nineteen pigs, does that work?

为什么简单列举出所有可能的情况,再一个来检验?你可能会说,我可以有0只鸡和20只猪,这能行吗?计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

53. It isn't willing to play chicken with the funding of U.S. troops on the ground.

NPR: Fundraising Race Begins for Candidates

54. Every day we visited the farm animals and searched for eggs in the chicken houses.

VOA : special.2009.11.08

55. The life of a dog or a cat or a chicken consists of appetites, cravings, desires, and their gratifications.

狗,猫,小鸡的生命,都充斥着各类嗜好,渴望,欲望,以及满足感。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. But I would like a moment to say thank-you for really delicious fried chicken.

FORBES: Doing Good by Doing Good

57. It would be nice to think that the game of chicken was just a childhood phenomenon.

FORBES: Why Leaders Play Chicken

58. But this is pecan-smoked rotisserie chicken and there are hand-made sauces to accompany the fries.

BBC: Central Texas cuisine raises the steaks

59. And your mother says, "Let's make some chicken soup."

你母亲说,“我们来做点鸡汤吧。”SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I feel like 课堂

60. This chicken's rubbery.


61. However, shares among China-listed chicken processors have been rebounding on hopes that the worst is over.

FORBES: Shanghai Ends H7N9 Bird Flu Emergency Measures; Poultry Shares Gain

62. Officials are concerned about the livelihoods and future source of bird supply from chicken farmers.

FORBES: H7N9 Bird Flu Cases In China Rise By Four To 91; Half Have Had No Contact With Poultry

63. Jilin Baoyuanfeng produces 67, 000 tons of processed chicken per year and employs about 1, 200 people.

NPR: Fire Kills 119 At Poultry Plant In Northeast China

64. As part of her morning duties, Carolina reaches into the chicken shed to look for eggs.

BBC: Colombian child soldiers (archive)

65. This means there is no more chicken and egg.

这意味着不再有单个的鸡和蛋了。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课





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2024高考投档分和录取分的区别是什么 江西本科投档情况统计表整理(物理、历史、三校生类)

2024高考投档分和录取分的区别是什么 江西本科投档情况统计表整理(物理、历史、三校生类)

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临床医学类包括哪些专业 出来是干什么的