to talk over翻译_to talk over短语搭配_to talk over权威例句

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to talk over

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英 [tu tɔːk ˈəʊvə(r)]play 美 [tu tɔːk ˈoʊvər]play

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1. to talk over old times 话旧

2. to talk things over 协商

3. to talk over the price 讨论价格

4. to talk over with 洽谈

5. Push to Talk over Cellular 无线一键通 ; 一键通 ; 键通话 ; 单键通话

6. to talk sb over 说服


1. I have much to talk over with him.


2. Welcome large customer's bearer of enthusiasm, telephone to talk over, hang the!


3. We welcome people of different walks of life and large the world foreign guest to talk over with all sincerity cooperation.


4. The school called a parents meeting to talk over the issue.


5. My parents and I have always got along well because they are willing to talk over problems.


6. They set aside one evening a week to talk over with family about children topic.


7. I have something very unpleasant to talk over with you, John.


8. But it can be helpful to talk over the situation with one trusted friend or colleague to get perspective and to air your own thinking.


9. The meeting would just be to talk over a few notions, no biggie, but maybe.


10. It was a real job to talk over that noise.

要压过那样的吵闹声讲话真费劲。《provided by jukuu》

11. The psychiatrist encouraged her to talk over her problems.

那位精神病医生鼓励她详细谈谈她的问题。《provided by jukuu》

12. The school called a parents meeting to talk over the issue, or to talk the issue over.


13. He was afraid of being bugged, and didn't dare to talk over the phone.

他怕有人窃听,不敢在电话里说。《provided by jukuu》

14. Xiangzi, you go with Mr. Feng, we'll meet tomorrow to talk over our affairs.


15. Your satisfaction is the motive that we pursue! Welcome the guests at home and abroad come to talk over the business!


16. My parents and I have always got along well because they are willing to talk over problems.


17. With the approaching of 3g networking, a kind of business of broadband based on mobile communication network POC (Push to Talk over Cellular) has appeared.

POC业务是伴随着3 G网络建设的日益临近而随之产生的一种基于无线蜂窝移动通信网的宽带业务。

18. For decades they met once or twice a year, in relative obscurity, to talk over technical issues, exchange gossip and renew old friendships.


19. I'd like to drop by today to talk over your contract.


20. Welcome new old customer telephones to talk over business.


21. I think it is a little inappropriate to talk over this issue with deep consideration.


22. I was here to talk over my business holdings.


23. I've come to talk over with you our travel plan in nanjing.

我来和你们商量在南京的旅游计划。《provided by jukuu》

24. W: I have something very unpleasant to talk over with you, John.


25. W: I have something very unpleasant to talk over with you, John.


26. A: Thanks. I came to talk over our plans for our picnic this coming weekend.


27. There is something I'd like to talk over with you. I wonder if you'd be free tonight.


28. Product quantity superior quality that my company produce, the price is reasonable, welcome the public the friend telephones to talk over.


29. The Kroll recruiter my friend put me in touch with didn't seem eager to talk over the phone, suggesting it would be easier to meet in person.


30. Product quantity superior quality that my company produce, the price is reasonable, welcome the public the friend telephones to talk over.


31. I'd like to talk over that article you wrote about the firm.


32. He loves to talk over old times.

他总喜欢唠叨一些过去年岁的事。《provided by jukuu》

33. Sincerity welcome all businessmen telephone to talk over or come to our factory to make order, anticipate to process!

竭诚欢迎海内外客商来函来电洽谈或来样定做、来料加工!《provided by jukuu》

34. Can I come over to your company next Friday to talk over our contract?


35. Sometimes I act as a listening ear for fellow students to talk over what is bothering them.


36. You must have a lot of things you want to talk over.

你们一定有很多事要谈。《provided by jukuu》

37. You begin to talk over each other. There's less and less understanding.


38. He invited me to his home to talk over old times.


39. Everyone is talking loudly, and the volume gradually increases as people try to talk over each other to get their point across.


40. Making time to talk over what had been done.

腾点时间谈谈已做的工作。《provided by jukuu》

41. We have some lastminute details to talk over.

我们有一些在最后时刻提出的细节问题需要商谈。《provided by jukuu》

42. They set aside one evening a week to talk over with family about children topic.


43. I've got something to talk over with you.

我有个事儿跟大家念叨念叨。《provided by jukuu》

44. Can I get you something to drink? We do have a lot on our agenda to talk over today.


45. We all met in pat's room, to talk over what we had seen.

我们都在帕特的房间里碰头,要详细讨论一下我们所看到的情况。《provided by jukuu》

46. There's something I'd like to talk over with you. I wonder whether it would be convenient to meet you tomorrow afternoon.

我有事想和您商谈。不知明天下午见您是否方便?《provided by jukuu》

47. This volume of dialogs presents useful and engaging ways to talk over the phone.


48. I have something very unpleasant to talk over with you, Mr. Wood.


49. I understand why you don't want to talk over the phone.

我明白你为什么不想打电话。《provided by jukuu》

50. Sincerity welcome all businessmen telephone to talk over or come to our factory to make order, anticipate to process!


51. They must have a great deal in common to talk over.


52. I have something unpleasant to talk over with you, Mr.


53. I have come to-day to talk over a matter with you.


54. You both need to talk over what happened that day.

你们俩都该说说那天发生的事。《provided by jukuu》

55. There are still a few details to talk over.

还有一些细节需要讨论。《provided by jukuu》

56. Can I see you a moment? I've an important matter to talk over with you.

我可以见见你吗?有件要紧的事和你商量。《provided by jukuu》


1. He chose to talk over his episodes with Mr. Rivers, not his own father.

WSJ: A Marine's Death Brings Together

2. Yesterday I had a chance to go over to the State Department to talk to friends and colleagues of those who were killed.

WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President in Golden, CO

3. It's when his minions--Chief Operating Officer Tim Cook and Chief Financial Officer Peter Oppenheimer--meet with Wall Street analysts every quarter to talk over the Cupertino, Calif.

FORBES: Apple's Secret Life

4. In the grocery store, listening to the same talk over and over, I began to feel a superstitious fear, the presentiment that in these endless discussions something awful was being hatched.


5. The phone never rings: If their neighbors want to talk, they come over.

WSJ: A Lakefront Cabin: All Quiet Except for the Singing

6. Of course, you will have to talk it over with the testator before contacting the beneficiaries and explaining what their share entails.

FORBES: The Executor's Checklist: 7 Things To Do Before They Die

7. But listening to him talk over the last month or so at various media conferences, the Ryder Cup has gone up in importance as far as he's concerned.

BBC: So the world rankings have caught up with popular opinion.

8. Objection number one - and here I'll come down to - I wanna talk to team libertarian over here.

第一条反对,我先到下面去-,到这边来和自由主义队员对话。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. We're going to talk a lot about antibodies over the next week or so, but antibodies are specialized proteins that, as you know, are designed to bind to antigens or foreign molecules inside the body.

我们将会在接下来的几周,讲许多关于抗体的内容,抗体是一种特殊蛋白质,众所周知,抗体用于结合身体内的抗原和外源分子生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. The president will visit Capitol Hill next week to talk it over.

CNN: AllPolitics - A $1.69 Trillion Plan

11. And a number of our producers went over to talk to people who were talking about their job prospects.

NPR: Reporters Analyze Wall Street's Downward Turn

12. If you try to talk over the phone to people in Turkey about their current government, they will likely refuse to do so.

FORBES: Magazine Article

13. They had realized right away upon taking Monica's case that it was impossible for her to talk over matters of the heart and details so personal with men who were all pushing 70.

CNN: Tick, Tock, Tick... ...Talk

14. However, European markets have pulled back this morning as hopes begin to fade over the rescue package thanks to talk coming out of Germany.

FORBES: Market Gives Back Overnight Gains As Euro Skepticism Grows

15. I'll talk to you over to the side here.

WHITEHOUSE: "White House to Main Street" Town Hall: Elyria, OH

16. "This is incredibly embarrassing to talk about, but over several months I developed an emotional relationship with a woman I met online, " he said.

CNN: Fans question what is behind Te'o girlfriend hoax

17. We talk to consumers all over the world to find out what things she needs, to help take care of her family.

FORBES: Mom Knows Best

18. Before we left the village, we were invited by some of the elders to talk over mint tea and Shisha pipes.

BBC: Egypt: Echoes of the revolution far from Cairo

19. Representatives from the CME Group, NYSE Euronext, the Consumer Federation of America, the Managed Funds Association and the AFL-CIO will all be there to talk about over-the-counter derivatives, the role of intermediaries and hedge funds, consumer protection and hedge funds.

FORBES: Magazine Article

20. I had just gotten over a serious illness that I won't bother to talk about except that it had something to do with the miserably weary splitting up and my feeling that everything was dead.

我刚熬过一场重大疾病,具体就不说了,只是这与我和妻子不幸的分离有些关系,我感觉万物都没有了生机。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. He is not a big phone person and only wanted to talk over AOL instant messenger.

CNN: How technology has changed romance

22. So, that's what a vaccine is, and vaccination is the process of taking that vaccine that you've developed and giving it to people, either individual people or groups of people, or as we'll talk about today, people all over the world.

这就是疫苗,接种疫苗的过程就是生产疫苗,并把它分发给大众,不论是给个人还是给群体,或者就像我们今天所说的,给全世界的人民生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. Those turned out to be just continuous talk time over 2G, so perhaps said video clip was pulled to be re-edited.

ENGADGET: ASUS PadFone's real world battery life: 14.1 hours of 3G browsing in laptop mode (video)

24. We might just put things on hold at the moment and see what happens to the market - we'll just have to talk it over.

BBC: NEWS | Business | Interest rate rise - your reactions

25. There's no 30-pin connector here, which makes sense since the controller and device talk to each other over Bluetooth.

ENGADGET: Ion iCade Mobile and iCade Core review

26. Missy and Flossie both agreed to talk over the problem.

FORBES: There's No Law Against Making Stupid Decisions

27. Now that the presidency council and the parliament have approved an election law, Secretary Gates wants to talk to the prime minister and to Kurdish leaders about resolving broader differences over power sharing and internal borders.

VOA : standard.2009.12.11

28. Rather than demand an apology from the Turkish government for its support for these terrorists, Defense Minister Ehud Barak called his Turkish counterpart to talk over what happened.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Ending Israel's losing streak

29. The hedge fund world is 7.1% first to third quartile, real estate 9.3% per annum, leveraged buyouts 13.7% per annum this is over a ten-year period, so now we're starting to talk about some pretty significant dispersion.

在对冲基金中,这个差距有7.1%,不动产投资中的差距是9.3%,杠杆收购中是每年13.7%,以上都是十年期收益,我们现在谈的是,一些显著的差距金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

30. And now, I'd like to turn it over to Rich to talk about what the CFPB is doing to help parents, students and consumers know before they owe.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

31. You begin to talk over each other.

NEWYORKER: The Apostate

32. "I feel so lucky to be able to travel all over the country and talk to girls and boys about some of these really dark times that we find ourselves in, " says Thompson.

CNN: Fighting bullies by 'Finding Kind'

33. Being ready to answer them may reserve time to go over points you want to talk about in-depth.

CNN: Basal cell carcinoma

34. Lawmakers around the country have been hosting town hall meetings to talk over health care plans with their constituents.

NPR: Health Care Debate: Why So Much Yelling?

35. You can imagine that there are many requirements that a device like this has to meet in order for it to be a good artificial hip and we'll talk about those and how the design of these has changed over the years and what we can expect in the future.

你可以想象,这种装置对技术要求极高,这样它才能成为,一个好的人工髋关节,我们会讲到这些,以及这些年来这项技术的设计有哪些改进,在未来会有怎样的创新生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. Sandra Bullock sweeps into her office at her production company in West Hollywood and picks up the phone to talk over a few things for her next film, All About Steve.

FORBES: Magazine Article







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