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scrabble for

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英 [ˈskræbl fɔː(r)]play 美 [ˈskræbl fɔːr]play

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1. SCRABBLE for iPad iPad 拼字游戏

2. scrabble about for sth 扒来扒去寻找某物

3. SCRABBLE for iPad 拼字棋盘


1. This territorial reformation never degenerated into a scrabble for land.


2. Electronic Arts developed a nice version of Scrabble for iGoogle and the NPR gadget allows you to share news stories with your friends.

EA专门开发了一款iGoogle版s crabble。而NPR允许你和好友分享新闻故事。

3. The Korean peninsula, with its special strategic importance and sophisticated geopolitical environment, has become an essential and crucial part in the actualization of the US global strategy, and therefore, the surrounding big countries scrabble for their own interest.


4. For word games, try such games as Scrabble, Boggle, and Cranium to extend your vocabulary.


5. I want a scrabble dictionary for Christmas.


6. Every coastal state scrabble for larger sea areas in order to have more sea resource, even if brings the disputes between the countries.


7. Researchers scrabble for funds, and students complain of large classes and reduced teaching time.

研究人员需要钱, 学生抱怨大班上课和课时缩减也需要钱来摆平.《互联网》

8. And they extend their products, and scrabble for the quasi-heavy and medium truck market.


9. I heard a noisy scrabble for COINS on the floor.


10. On the one hand, traditional media such as television, radio and so on unceasingly refine the market, reduce the threshold, and scrabble for advertising customers as well as readers.


11. In history, in order to scrabble for the launch sea mouth, occupancy and control Black Sea channel, Russia and west developed countries involved in a drastic contend.


12. In history, in order to scrabble for the launch sea mouth, occupancy and control Black sea channel, Russia and west developed countries involved in a drastic contend.


13. You get a six-month contract, and then you have to scrabble around for the next job.


14. Han-xin'asking for "Furlough-King" has been throught "to scrabble for the authority" or "take credit to himself in order to benefit" by the academe.


15. And some games will make use of those screens if they're present: you could do the SCRABBLE Tile Rack thing, for example.

而且有的游戏可以在可用时利用这些小屏幕:例如你可以玩儿scrabble Tile Rack这款游戏。

16. With the development of the localization of staff in foreign banks and the development of domestic stock commercial banks, what all banks scrabble for is the talents of business administration.


17. In Chinese Scrabble, you would kill for a hand like this.


18. This territorial reformation never degenerated into a scrabble for land .


19. Simple online games such as Lexulous, a Scrabble clone played between friends on Facebook, can help sate the desire for companionship among atomised young people.


20. That means that developers may scrabble for funding: note that Hong Kong-listed New World Development launched a huge, pre-emptive rights issue on Tuesday to support existing projects and to top up capital.

这意味着,开发商可能在竞相融资:值得注意的是,在香港上市的新世界发展有限公司(New World Development)周二发起规模巨大的先发制人式供股,以补足资本,并为现有项目提供支持。

21. During the Cold War, American security strategies focused on the martial security. It regarded the Soviet Union as its main rival and tried to scrabble for the supremacy in the whole world with "deterrence and containment" as its foremost strategies.


22. Speed and height are same important in the time of current basketball development by which scrabble for space and time, it has been necessary trend of modern basketball development.


23. Our M A market develops very fast, more and more foreign enterprise scrabble for China M A market one after another during the impulse of this M A tide.


24. The conc eption of PRI is introduced to harmonize the conflict among function models, w hi ch scrabble for the right to send data by network.



1. Seeing entries for Monopoly, Scrabble and Trivial Pursuit (three Parker Brothers' board games), I was immediately struck by the absence of chess and backgammon.

WSJ: Book Review: Robertson's Book of Firsts

2. But is there a market for a revised version of Scrabble?

BBC: Scrabble: Should letter values change?

3. As well, the company has launched some board game titles like Scrabble and Boggle through Pogo Games on Facebook, and soon plans to launch a new version of Monopoly for Facebook.

FORBES: Facebook Credits Nabs Last Major Social Game Company EA In Five-Year Deal

4. But they will change little for ordinary folk, who will continue to scrabble for what they can get, with both sides invariably ending up worse off.

ECONOMIST: Divorce laws

5. Scrabulous makes it possible, for example, to recreate a big family game of Scrabble, even when family members are scattered around the world (assuming, of course, that all family members are tech-savvy enough to maintain a Facebook account).

FORBES: The Rise Of The Facebook Economy

6. The economy is shattered, Iraqis scrabble for an ever-more-miserable living, hundreds of children die each week and Mr Hussein is still in power.

ECONOMIST: Its time for Britain and America to rethink

7. The following month, EA launched a version of Scrabble for mobile phones.

FORBES: Magazine Article

8. In a vote for Scrabble, you don't get points for doubles.

NPR: DJ Diplo Melds Eclectic Sounds

9. These are more about interaction than action: players either join their friends for an online game of poker or Scrabble, or to create and show off virtual pets, farms and mob families.

ECONOMIST: Video games move online

10. Bill Gates can beat most of us at poker, software, Scrabble and deploying capital into any business, and a Silicon Graphics supercomputer easily outcalculates a Dell laptop for most functions.

FORBES: The Smartest Of Them All

11. With so few Indians willing to come clean, the perennially cashed-starved government has to scrabble every year for revenue.

NPR: In India, Dodging Taxes Is Part Of The Game

12. Of the many slight flaws in this picture it is, for instance, overlong, overdecorated, overplayed, and scripted with less coherence than a Scrabble board the most troublesome is the evolution of old, cold houses, which were barely scary in the nineteen-sixties, into lumps of real estate.

NEWYORKER: Haunting, The

13. The Kolkata, India-based brothers first created a Web site for playing an online version of the word game Scrabble several years ago, "just for the love of the game, " says Jayant, 21, who also runs an offshore Web development firm with his brother.

FORBES: The Rise Of The Facebook Economy





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