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英 [ˈfriːzɪŋ]play美 [ˈfriːzɪŋ]play

  • adj. 极冷的;冰点以下的,冰冻的
  • n. 冰点
  • v. 结冰;冻住;冷藏,冷冻(freeze 的现在分词形式)

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


freezing /ˈfriːzɪŋ/

  • 1.
    形容词 If you say that something is freezing or freezing cold, you are emphasizing that it is very cold. 冰冷的强调

    The cinema was freezing.


  • 2.
    形容词 If you say that you are freezing or freezing cold, you are emphasizing that you feel very cold. 感觉受冻的强调

    "You must be freezing," she said.


  • 3.
    不可数名词 Freezing means the same as . 冰点

    It's 15 degrees below freezing.


  • 4.
    →see also   freeze



  • n.

    freeze 冻结;凝固

    freezer 冰箱;冷冻库;制冷工

  • vi.

    freeze 冻结;冷冻;僵硬

  • vt.

    freeze 使…冻住;使…结冰


  • adj.冰冻的;严寒的;冷冻用的

    cutting   /   iced


1. freezing level 结冰高度 ; 凝固点 ; 气象 冻结高度 ; 封冻水位

2. freezing room 冻结室 ; 制冷 冻结间 ; 冷冻室 ; 冷冻舱

3. Freezing rain 气象 冻雨 ; 冬雨 ; 冻雨冻雨

4. freezing rain 冻雨;要结冰的雨

5. freezing injury 气象 冻害 ; 外科 冻伤 ; 果树冻害 ; 冬害

6. freezing weather 结冰气候

7. freezing cold 好冷啊;非常冷

8. freezing method 凝固法;冷凝法;冻结方法

9. freezing point 冰点,凝固点

10. freezing mixture 冷冻剂 ; 化学,制冷 冷冻混合物 ; 冻结混合物

11. freezing and thawing 冻融

12. freezing mask 冷膜

13. freezing point depression 冰点降低

14. freezing temperature 冻结温度,冻结点;冰点;凝固温度

15. above freezing 零上

16. freezing tester 耐寒试验机 ; 耐冷试验机 ; 耐挠试验机 ; 耐寒考试机


1. 'You must be freezing,' she said.


2. They went out in freezing conditions to shovel snow.


3. Leave a basin of water outside in freezing weather.


4. The point at which the solid and the liquid are in equilibrium is called the freezing point.


5. Tonight temperatures will fall well below freezing (point).


6. ...a freezing January afternoon.


7. freezing fog


8. After the designated freezing period, the samples were thawed and TSB and Bf measured again.

在冷藏时间到后, 将标本复融再测定总胆红素及间接胆红素.《期刊摘选》

9. It may freeze tonight, so bring those plants inside.


10. Can you freeze this cake?


11. It's 15 degrees below freezing.


12. Scientists have used genetic engineering to protect tomatoes against the effects of freezing.


13. Aluminium evaporator, high freezing effect and longevity.

全铝合金蒸发器, 冻结效率高,装置寿命长.《期刊摘选》

14. Studied the joint rigidity which affects deformation characteristics of prefabricated arc board of freezing well.


15. The freezing temperature, or freezing point, is the temperature at which water freezes under ordinary pressure.

结冰温度即冰点, 是水在常压下结冰时的温度.《期刊摘选》

16. To achieve better texture of the shrimps, put them in refrigerator freezing after boiling.


17. Brrr, it's freezing here.


18. It's freezing cold.


19. It is freezing outside, and put on your winter coat.

外面很冷, 穿上你的大衣吧.《简明英汉词典》

20. The cinema was freezing.


21. About every 130 increase in atmospheric pressure, the water freezing temperature reduced by 1 degree Celsius.

大约每升高130个大气压, 水的冻结温度降低1摄氏度.《期刊摘选》

22. The freezing of water also break off little pieces from rocks.


23. Property preservation shall by sealing up , distraining, freezing or other methods as prescribed by the law.

财产保全采取查封、扣押 、 冻结或者法律规定的其他方法.《期刊摘选》

24. Sequence Switch , Single picture, PIP, Four pictures, picture freezing.

顺序切换, 单画面,画中画, 四画面, 画面冻结功能.《期刊摘选》

25. Farmers still talk about the big freeze of' 99.


26. When everybody else is boiling hot, I'm freezing!


27. Freezing rain can seal off your car and lock you inside.


28. In the Antarctic, the temperature rarely rises above freezing point.

在南极, 温度很少升到零度以上.《简明英汉词典》

29. They carried him down to the beach and dumped him unceremoniously in the freezing water.


30. Temperatures hovered around freezing.


31. This afternoon's sunshine could nudge the temperature above freezing.


32. If temperatures overnight are already very close to the freezing point, then this drop of just a few degrees can take the temperature below freezing.


33. A fire could be lit under the vat in winter to stop the water from freezing.


34. The staff have agreed to a voluntary wage freeze.


35. These plants must be stored in the light at above freezing temperature


36. Its discovery engendered the'sudden freezing approximation for relaxing nozzle flows.

这一事实的发现导致了松驰喷管流动 “ 突然冻结 ” 的近似概念.《辞典例句》

37. Eskimos use refrigerators to hold nutriment from freezing.


38. You look like you are freezing to death.


39. Photos were taken for the freezing of metal wire winding, and the effect was visually shown.

对绕金属丝的结冰情况拍了照片, 直观地显示出绕丝后的效果.《期刊摘选》

40. Cool off an economy without freezing it.


41. It's absolutely freezing outside.


42. The air temperature was well below freezing, and lakes and rivers froze over.


43. This week, Hajia Ni Singapore court ordered the freezing of the assets in Singapore.

本周, 新加坡法庭下令冻结哈加尼在新加坡的资产.《期刊摘选》

44. In underground construction, we often use ground freezing method to control soft earth recently.

在地下工程施工中,为强化软弱地层, 近年来常采用冻结施工法.《期刊摘选》

45. It is not always necessary to gut the fish prior to freezing.


46. Winter closes in and the temperature drops below freezing.


47. The winter – it was freezing in the cellar.


48. On freezing, water expands instead of contracts.


49. Many companies say they have responded by freezing hiring, cutting benefits and delaying expansion plans.

很多公司说,他们已经通过冻结招聘 、 削减福利和推迟扩张计划,对不利局面作出了回应.《期刊摘选》

50. A new look at homogeneous freezing of water.


51. The lakes may have undergone numerous episodes of inundation, evaporation ( and possibly freezing ), and desiccation.

这些湖泊可能经历过很多次泛滥 、 蒸发 ( 甚至冻结 ) 及乾涸.《期刊摘选》

52. The police officer shouted 'Freeze!' and the man dropped the gun.


53. Eliminated freezing up when moving from one training mission to another.


54. Three people died in a multiple pile-up in freezing fog.


55. It's freezing cold outside.


56. Freeze the action there!


57. We were forced to work outside in freezing conditions.


58. This will prevent the ground from freezing.


59. It was the seventeenth century before Newton determined the freezing point of water.


60. The solution is degassed by alternately freezing, evacuating and thawing.

通过交替的冻结 、 抽空和溶化来使溶液除气.《辞典例句》

61. I'm not going in there ─ it's freezing!


62. It's freezing in the river.


63. Multi freezing air orientation, freezing equably.

多重变换冻结气流方向, 冻结均匀.《期刊摘选》

64. I am freezing to death; I shall become a lump of ice!


65. The temperature remained below freezing point throughout the day.


66. The recent trend in the study of food freezing and thawing was introduced in this paper.


67. The freezing of water also breaks off little pieces from rocks.


68. "You must be freezing," she said.


69. In the summer, large crops of fruit may be preserved by freezing or bottling.


70. To preserve ( foods, for example ) by subjecting to freezing temperatures.

冷藏(食物)在结冰的温度内保存 ( 食物 )《期刊摘选》

71. Florida's winter is very mild; the temperature doesn't often get below freezing.


72. It is hard to imagine what it is like to sleep rough at any time, but doubly so in the current freezing weather.


73. The freezing weather chilled me to the bone.


74. That is why a gull can stand on an ice floe without freezing.


75. Leave a basin of waer outside in freezing weather.


76. (informal)It's freezing cold outside.


77. A new Way of food freezing and thawing was set up by high pressure technique.


78. A small number at the Central Propaganda Department had numerous unreasonable complaints and against Freezing Point.


79. A freezing winter scene of an island in the Stockholm Archipelage.


80. It's freezing in here!


81. Leave a basin of water outside in the freezing weather, and it will soon freeze.


82. Tonight temperatures will fall well below freezing.


83. Freezing causes frosts, which kill crops.


84. As a result, winter temperatures average above freezing and summers are mild.


85. Water migration performs a core role in the process of Froze soil freezing or thawing.


86. Focusing on the dive within, change, freezing out negativity.

把焦点放在潜在的深处(内心深处), 变化, 将负面能量冻结并排出.《期刊摘选》

87. In addition, water effect on freezing temperature is analyzed.

另外, 还着重分析了水对食品冻结温度的影响.《期刊摘选》

88. Even more serious difficulties include freezing weather conditions and heavy storms.


89. Strong freezing system and air output recycling system at high speed.


90. Some fruits freeze better than others.


91. It was widely applied in refrigerating plant freezing system and unusual very cold equipment.


92. The heat wasn't on and the house was freezing.


93. These meals are ideal for home freezing.


94. Eskimos use refrigerators to keep food from freezing.


95. And the third way is by freezing their current interest rates for 5 years.


96. Other traders did everything they could to freeze us out of the business.


97. Water is densest at 4 ℃ ( Celsius ), just above freezing.

不在结冰前, 也就是摄氏4度时密度最大.《期刊摘选》

98. I'm freezing!


99. Freezing weather in spring hampered the hens' ability to lay.


100. I began to realize the certainty of freezing to death if I remained where I was.


101. Along the waters edge ice crystals grew , and listening closely, we heard the crack of freezing.

水边正在结冰, 细听之下, 有结冻的“咔咔”声.《期刊摘选》

102. For this purpose, select ripe bananas for freezing as they are sweeter.


103. Apply for rapid freezing of fruits , vegetable , water food, noodle and flesh pieces.

适用于水产 、 果蔬、面食 、 分割肉等食品的快速冻结.《期刊摘选》

104. Wei said freezing weather would hit affected areas this winter and called for more quilt donations.


105. The characters and advantages of the artificial freezing method are sized up.


106. But then the financial crisis struck, freezing capital inflows as international credit dried up.

但接着金融危机突如其来, 冻结了资金流入,因为国家信贷缩减.《期刊摘选》

107. The hospital is freezing staff appointments as part of its cutbacks.


108. In the oceans around Antarctica the water is freezing.


109. It must be the wine that makes It'so cold. I'm freezing.

一定是因为有风,所以才这么冷. 我都快要结冰了!《期刊摘选》

110. freezing temperatures


111. The temperatures remained below freezing all day.


112. I'm not going in there —it's freezing!


113. But then the financial crisis struck , freezing capital inflows inflows as international credit dried up.

但是经济危机来了, 由于国际信贷冻结,资金流入锐减.《期刊摘选》


1. This will prevent the ground from freezing.

VOA : special.2009.02.24

2. The European Union is also restricting travel and freezing the assets of members of the military council.

VOA : standard.2009.10.28

3. It's freezing outside.


4. The authority said it repaired more than 7, 000 potholes after freezing weather struck last January.

BBC: Pothole

5. It's swelteringly hot by day, freezing at night.


6. Many of the fertility clinics that market egg-freezing services already offer options for screening.

WSJ: The Ethics of Egg Freezing

7. It means users will write phrases, such as "freezing temperatures", rather than, for example, "tormentis harlory".

BBC: Ticketmaster dumps 'hated' Captcha verification system

8. As the sky bruised, the temperature dropped to freezing and frost filigreed the tent.

BBC: The quietest place in the US

9. It will mean freezing the salaries of hardworking federal employees for the next two years.

WHITEHOUSE: Presidential Press Conference on the 2012 Budget

10. Most efforts to curb their spread have failed, and many people resort to killing the toads with poison gases or by freezing them.

VOA : standard.2010.02.07

11. So Captain Sullenberger made a quick decision to land the plane on the freezing water of the nearby Hudson River.

VOA : special.2009.04.01

12. The temperature inside the lunar module was only a few degrees above freezing.

VOA : special.2009.07.22

13. Dean, ragged in a moth-eaten overcoat he bought specially for the freezing temperatures of the East, walked off alone and the last I saw of him he rounded the corner of Seventh Avenue, eyes on the street ahead and bent to it again.

狄恩穿着一件被虫蛀过的破大衣,这是他特意带来防备东部寒冷气候的,孤独地走了,我最后看到他徘徊在,7号大街的转角,眼望前方,然后转身消失了。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. Rescuers have been hampered by freezing weather, altitude sickness and risks of further landslides.

BBC: Tibet mine landslide: Hopes fade for survivors

15. The geometric cracks are likely caused by the repeated freezing and thawing of buried ice.

NPR: Phoenix Sends Color Photos of Mars to NASA

16. Egg freezing offers yet another technique of control in the process of having children.

WSJ: The Ethics of Egg Freezing

17. They took his clothes and made him stand in the freezing cold for hours.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Awards Chaplain Emil Kapaun the Medal of Honor | The White House

18. The Romer scale was, Romer was a Dane, and he defined freezing of water at 7.5 degrees Roemer, and 22.5 degrees Romer as blood-warm.

他的罗默温标,定义水的冰点,是7。5,罗默度,温血的温度是22。5,罗默度。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

19. And then for some reason, that nobody understands, 16/15 he decided to multiply again by 16/15, and that's how we get 32 for freezing of water and 96 in his words for the temperature in the mouth or underneath armpit of a living man in good health.

然后,因为同样的原因,没人搞得明白,他决定再乘以,现在水的冰点变成了32度,而96度,拿他的话来说,是健康状况良好的人,口腔或腋窝的温度。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

20. At times it looked as if the team was freezing Howard out in the first half.

WSJ: Knicks Pounce on Collapsing Magic

21. When interest rates hit zero then they don't have it's a little bit like your steering system on your car freezing up or hitting a you're hydroplaning on the highway; your steering wheel doesn't work anymore.

当利率下跌至零时,它们没有,这有点儿像你汽车里的驾驶系统,冻结或是撞上了一个,你正在高速公路上滑行;,你的方向盘不再工作了。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. Below freezing temperatures combined with compacting snow has meant traffic chaos for drivers in Germany, Poland and elsewhere.

VOA : standard.2009.12.21

23. Is at risk due to elevated or freezing ambient temperature in the car seat.

FORBES: New Kids' Car Seat Offers Smartphone Connectivity

24. Two reference points, freezing and blood-warm, you know,the human body.

两个参考点,水的)冰点和温血,也就是人的体温。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

25. Freezing can keep some foods in good condition for months after the growing season.

VOA : special.2009.11.30

26. After unusually mild temperatures this winter in Paris, it has been freezing the last few weeks.

FORBES: Local Warming

27. The original match three weeks ago was called off at late notice due to freezing conditions.

CNN: Ireland and France draw Six Nations clash in Paris

28. Parts of southern England were coping with a second day of snow and freezing conditions.

BBC: Snow disrupts Frankfurt flights and Eurostar trains

29. To cope, it is attacking supplier costs, freezing wages and building more cars outside Korea.

FORBES: Red Tape

30. Usually,this requires near-freezing temperatures, light winds and changing conditions in Earth's atmosphere.

VOA : special.2011.01.11

31. Freezing an Android phone can help reveal its confidential contents, German security researchers have found.

BBC: Frozen Android phones give up data secrets

32. I'm freezing!


33. For example, employers may come to expect women to postpone childbearing through egg freezing.

CNN: Women, consider freezing your eggs

34. Last year, thousands of runners braved freezing conditions to take part, including some women.

BBC: Gaza marathon: UN cancels race over Hamas ban on women

35. I think it becomes 30 degrees for the freezing of water and 22.5 x 4, which I don't know what it is, 90 100 or something -- no, it's 90 I think.

我想水的冰点,应该变成了30度,22。5,4,我不知道是多少,大概100左右--不,我想是。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

36. Situated almost directly on the equator, the mountain endures scorching days and freezing nights.

CNN: The snows of Erukenya

37. Smartphones are still struggling to run multiple mini-applications without freezing or running out of space.

FORBES: Hey Honey, Size Really Does Matter...Especially When It Comes To Mobile Devices

38. If you don't want to cool off to the point of freezing, think Alaska.

CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Travel Watch | Open the Door to Cool Summer a Escape

39. At this time the Dutch are sending herrings, these long flat boats, herring ships are going all the way to Newfoundland in the seventeenth century,and Iceland, freezing off the coast of Iceland.

于此同时,荷兰人也还运输鲱鱼,这些运送鲱鱼的长板船,在十七世纪一路开往纽芬兰和冰岛等地区,并不停穿梭于被冰壳覆盖的海岸线上欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. A linear interpolation between the two, and then some numbers associated with them, 2 7-1/2 and 22-1/2. Why does he choose 7-1/2 as the freezing point of water?

两者之间做线性插值,一些数值随之标定,7。5和22。5,为什么他选择了7。5作为2,水的冰点呢?热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

41. Usually,this requires near freezing temperatures, light winds and changing conditions in Earth's atmosphere.

VOA : special.2010.01.05

42. Freezing weather can mean frostbite and hypothermia unless a person is prepared.

VOA : special.2009.12.23

43. No matter what happens in women's lives divorce, layoffs, illness, ambivalence egg freezing can come to the rescue.

WSJ: Why I Froze My Eggs (And You Should, Too)

44. But then the financial crisis struck, freezing capital inflows as international credit dried up.

VOA : standard.2009.10.16

45. Pandya says this is exacerbating peoples' suffering during months of freezing temperatures during Afghanistan's harsh winters.

VOA : standard.2009.09.13

46. Freezing benefit plans is "something that should be considered drastic and of last resort, " McDonald said.

FORBES: Magazine Article

47. Many London Underground lines are delayed after signal point problems caused by the freezing conditions.

BBC: Heavy snow and ice bring travel chaos across UK

48. And Celsius first used the boiling point of water, and called that 100 degrees Celsius, and the freezing point of water and called that zero degrees Celsius.

定义一些参考点,例如摄氏温标定义水的沸点,是100摄氏度,冰点是0摄氏度。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

49. What ours can do is we stop the freezing process at the perfect temperature to scoop.

NPR: Ice Cream with a Twist: Liquid Nitrogen

50. You need a functional form that connects the value at one state of matter, the freezing point of water to another phase change, the boiling point of water.

你需要一个函数形式来,连接物质某个态对应的温度值,如水的冰点,和另一个相变,如水的沸点。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

51. I was freezing cold.


52. In climates where temperatures fall below freezing, plant mums at least six weeks before the first frost is expected.

VOA : special.2010.06.29

53. A combination of snow, rain and freezing conditions caused traffic problems in Germany.

VOA : special.2011.01.11

54. Water boils at different temperatures, depending on what the atmospheric pressure is; same thing for the freezing point.

丹佛和波士顿水的沸点,就不一样;,在不同的大气压下。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

55. Temperatures should be below freezing overnight, with wind chills making it feel like -15 degrees Fahrenheit.


56. So, you assign values to very specific states of matter and call those the reference points for your temperature. For instance, freezing of water or boiling of water, the standard ones.

那么你对物质的,某些特殊状态指定数值,把它们叫做你的温度的参考点,比如水的冰点或沸点,它们都是标准。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

57. But melting and freezing patterns are far too complex and regional to be predicted by models.

FORBES: Climate Change As Religion: The Gospel According To Gore

58. When fog forms below 0C, its super-cooled water droplets remain liquid, even though the temperature is below freezing.

BBC: The quest to see Chinas extraordinary frozen fog

59. The reference points are water freezing or boiling, and the interpolation is linear and then that morphed into the Kelvin scale as we're going to see later.

参考点是水的冰点和沸点,插值是线性的,随后它被发展成为开氏温标,我们之后会看到。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

60. Your hands are freezing cold.


61. (SEAGULLS SCREECHING) - Hey, it's freezing.- I'm paddling out, Coates.

VOA : standard.other

62. After that comes a breading device, a fryer, cooking in an oven and freezing.

WSJ: My Adventures With Liquid Chicken

63. So if I'm walking down the street and I'm feeling freezing and annoyed

所以如果我沿街散步,我会感到非常寒冷,非常烦躁,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 去溜冰场

64. Freezing conditions are continuing to disrupt transport in north-west Europe, although heavy snow has eased.

BBC: Europe faces more travel chaos as snow turns into ice
















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