
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [əˈɡəʊ]play美 [əˈɡoʊ]play

  • adv. 以前,从前
  • adj. 以前的
  • 【名】 (Ago)(美)阿戈(人名)

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ago /əˈɡəʊ/

  • 1.
    副词 You use ago when you are referring to past time. For example, if something happened one year ago, it is one year since it happened. If it happened a long time ago, it is a long time since it happened. 以前

    He was killed a few days ago in a skiing accident.



    The meeting is the first ever between the two sides since the war there began 14 years ago.




ago before formerly previously 【导航词义:以前】

ago adv. 以前

〔辨析〕 指从现在起往前推算一段时间,通常和一般过去时的动词连用。

例1: He left a moment ago.


例2: There was a pond here three years ago.


before adv. 先前,以前

〔辨析〕 指过去某时间之前的时间或泛指以前,通常与动词的现在完成时连用,有时也可与动词的过去完成时或一般过去时连用,也可用于具体的一段时间;在间接引语中用 before 而不用 ago。

例1: Have you heard about it before?


例2: I have never met him before.


例3: He said that he had met the man somewhere before.


例4: He was in Italy the week before.


formerly adv. 以前,从前

〔辨析〕 泛指以前,有时常用于对比。

例1: Formerly, Ted often lingered around a park, with nothing to do.


例2: He was formerly a worker, but now he is a manager of a shop.


previously adv. 以前,先前

〔辨析〕 与 before 用法相同,但更加正式。

例1: I haven't met him previously.


例2: She previously worked as a teacher.


例3: Six months previously he had quitted his job.



1. Not long ago 前不久 ; 不久前 ; 不久以前 ; 最近地

2. And not so long ago 并不遥远 ; 没有多久 ; 就如在即 ; 就在不久以前

3. long ago 很久以前 ; 很早以前 ; 前一阵子 ; 早已

4. long long ago 很久很久以前 ; 很久以前 ; 往事难忘 ; 细说从前

5. years ago 几年前 ; 年前 ; 很多年前 ; 多年前

6. Six months ago 半年前 ; 月前

7. a moment ago 刚才 ; 片刻以前 ; 片刻之前 ; 刚刚

8. ago ad 以前 ; 曩昔 ; 拟前

9. five years ago 五年前 ; 五年以前 ; 在五年前 ; 五年之前


1. She died ten years ago but her memory lives on.


2. The bus should have arrived ten minutes ago.


3. You're out of luck —she left ten minutes ago.


4. Her parents died a long time ago.


5. He lost his youth a long time ago.


6. We only learned who the new teacher was a few days ago.


7. The plane landed safely at the airport an hour ago.


8. The company had been founded by Joyce's grandfather over fifty years ago.


9. It's different now than it was a year ago.


10. The cost is about half as much again as it was two years ago.


11. It looks like a fortress built centuries ago.


12. A few years ago jogging was the in thing.


13. It was on TV not long ago.


14. Not long ago, with the country entering a recession

and Japan at its pre-bubble peak, the U.S.workforce was derided as poorly educated and one of primary cause of the poor U.S. economic performance.不久以前,美国经济进入萧条时期,这时日本经济正处在泡沫经济破裂前的顶峰时期,美国劳动力队伍被嘲讽教育水平不高,并将其看作是美国经济衰退的主要原因之一。《09年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

15. He married his wife Jane 37 years ago.


16. Years ago, the government made money by selling public lands, but most of the best public lands have now been sold.

很多年以前,政府通过出售公用土地获取资金,但目前那些最好的公用土地大多已经售出。《16年12月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

17. The mood in labor markets has shifted dramatically from just four year ago.


18. The reformation of the church had begun in Europe a century ago.


19. Long, long ago in Xuancheng lived Yu Benshu, who never ever ate beef.

很久很久以前,在宣城,住着一个叫于本书(名人名待议)人, 他从来都不吃牛肉.《期刊摘选》

20. Long ago, there was a poor farmer called Fred.


21. South America separated from Africa 200 million years ago.


22. Two days ago, I was got a supernatural raincoat from an enchanter.

两天以前, 我从一个魔法师那儿得到了一件神奇的雨衣.《期刊摘选》

23. The airliner from Tokyo flew in a few minutes ago.


24. I met him half an hour ago.


25. There's no point wailing about something that happened so long ago.


26. We were divorced two years ago and she has since remarried.


27. More than 100 years ago, American sociologist W. E. B. Du Bois

was concerned that race was being used as a biological explanation for what he understood to be social and cultural differences between different populations of people.一个多世纪以前,美国社会学家 W. E. B. Du Bois 担心种族正被用来从生物学角度解释他所理解的不同种群之间的社会和文化差异。《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

28. UNHCR Redmond says displaced families began returning to Mosul a little more than a week ago.


29. Some time ago, an interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the WuHan island of China.

不久之前, 在中国吴楠岛一个考古学家发现了一个有趣的地方.《期刊摘选》

30. He plays better than he did a year ago.


31. Years ago, in the era of the industrial the role of the designer and relatively uncomplicated.

在过去的工业设计的时代, 设计师的角色并不复杂.《期刊摘选》

32. We went there a couple of years ago.


33. Is the same chairman still knocking around? I thought he had left years ago.

这位主席还活着? 我还以为他多年前就死了呢.《简明英汉词典》

34. Your story calls to mind something that happened to me a year ago.


35. It was on TV not (so) long ago.


36. For example Joe Cole is national team player and he wasn't a few months ago.


37. Wild carrots probably evolved with the other flowering plants about 360 million years ago

野生胡萝卜可能是三亿六千万年以前和其他开花植物一起进化出来的。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

38. That clock ran down hours ago.


39. I used to smoke, but I gave up a couple of years ago.


40. China's people are far freer now than they were 30,20 or even 10 years ago.


41. The pair of lions which were found five years ago were metallic.


42. Was the American Revolution against Britain 174 years ago also due to overpopulation?

美国一百七十四年以前的反英革命,也是由于人口太多 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

43. I used to smoke but I gave up two years ago.


44. That was a long time ago but seems to be yesterday.


45. A few decades ago, many people didn't drink water outside of a meal.

几十年之前,许多人不会在非就餐时间喝水。 《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

46. Just two short years ago he was the best player in the country.


47. A while ago, I wrote this post about how everyday is your birthday.

不久之前, 我写了这篇关于为何每天都是生日的文章.《期刊摘选》

48. South America and Africa separated 200 million years ago.


49. A hundred years ago people scoffed at the idea.


50. He was holding his glass and thinking of many years ago.


51. The experiment last announced results almost a year ago.


52. Onica Ndzovela, 77, suffered back pain and sore knees before joining the team three years ago.

现年 77岁的奥尼卡·恩佐维拉三年前插手了球队,在此之前常感应背部和膝盖酸痛.《期刊摘选》

53. No one knows exactly how the earth began, as it happened so long ago.

没有人确切知道地球是怎样开始形成的, 因为在很早以前它就形成了.《期刊摘选》

54. Jobs nowadays are much more insecure than they were ten years ago.


55. The meeting is the first since the war began 14 years ago...


56. There was a time not very long ago when you had the same worries.


57. two weeks/months/years ago

两周 / 两月 / 两年以前《牛津词典》

58. Boxing matches were very popular in England two hundred years ago.


59. A certain number of years ago, this place was still a little fishing village.

若干年前, 这里还是一个小渔村.《现代汉英综合大词典》

60. He joined the force twenty years ago.


61. Long ago, people believed that the world was flat.


62. Their decision five years ago to computerise the company is now paying dividends.


63. You were supposed to be here an hour ago!


64. They forced her off her homeland many years ago.


65. His father claims to be able to trace the family back to many centuries ago.


66. The simple past tense is used to describe something happened some period of time ago.


67. A cast came in ten minutes ago. It'stayed there for a few minutes.

一只猫在十分钟之前进来. 它在那里逗留了几分钟.《期刊摘选》

68. Awhile ago, I made arrangements to speak to an organization.

一段时间以前, 我安排了一次对一个组织的讲演.《期刊摘选》

69. New methods of production were employed a few years ago.


70. Some old people always hark back to how things were 30 years ago.


71. Complete those hobbies you started a long time ago.


72. The girl has grown prettier than ever since I saw her a year ago.


73. He was married a little while ago.


74. The globe expect you to accomplish event ago you feel good about yourself.


75. Just a few years ago the picture was very different.


76. a short/long time ago

不久 / 很久以前《牛津词典》

77. Even longer ago, they probably at their desks writing out long, emotional letters.

甚至更早以前, 他们可能坐在书桌旁长篇大论叙写情感信.《期刊摘选》

78. They started five minutes ago; we must do all we can to catch up.

他们在五分钟之前就出发了, 我们必须加紧赶上去.《辞典例句》

79. He stopped working some time ago (= quite a long time ago) .


80. The philosophy professor says it is as relevant today as when it was first written many centuries ago.

这位哲学教授称,时至今日,这些智慧箴言还是像很多世纪以前首次写成时那样意义重大。《16年6月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

81. It happened almost exactly a year ago.


82. She died about two years ago.


83. Several years ago I witnessed this safety valveaction.


84. She adheres to teaching methods she learned over 30 years ago.


85. Horses, a hoofed mammal are another example of animals that were domesticated a long time ago.

马, 一种长有蹄子的哺乳动物,在很久之前也被人类驯化了.《期刊摘选》

86. TITe were rows of abodes which he had not happen before seeing ago.


87. Ariane Kerner : You were in a coma. Eight months ago.

艾里安尼·肯纳: 你一直处于昏迷之中. 在过去的八个月里.《期刊摘选》

88. The announcement was made a short time ago.


89. She joined the company three months ago.


90. He was killed a few days ago in a skiing accident...


91. The house was pulled down long ago.


92. Three weeks ago it was: Played 9 , Won 9.


93. Weir had Lasik surgery about 2 years ago.


94. Standards in health care have improved enormously compared to 40 years ago.


95. Why didn't you do it months ago?


96. She was here just a minute ago.


97. The country gained its independence ten years ago.


98. The houses were first slated for demolition five years ago.


99. If I had it a little while ago, it's mine.

如果我片刻之前拥有它, 那么它是我的.《期刊摘选》

100. Those skirts went out years ago.


101. She gave up teaching three years ago.


102. Years and years ago this part of the ritual had been allowed to lapse.


103. She became a widow a year ago.


104. The project began more than two years ago as a pure Qt project.


105. The letter came a few days ago.


106. Long time ago, Mui Koo always wanted to be a housewife.

原来,在很久以前, 梅姑(梅艳芳昵称)曾经很想当一名家庭主妇.《期刊摘选》

107. More than 2000 years ago at Marathon, the Greeks won a victory.


108. Not long ago, I needed business telephone lines and numbers.

不久之前, 我正需要新的商务热线和电话号码.《期刊摘选》

109. The family left town three years ago but moved back last week.


110. By your correct, let me learn more than ago.

藉由你的纠正, 让我比之前学到更多.《期刊摘选》

111. They're getting married? It's not that long ago (= it's only a short time ago) that they met!


112. Food rationing was abolished in that country long ago.


113. A few days ago he was visited by people from Russian police.


114. You command to do a case for your suggestions ago you them approved.


115. But all but a tiny fraction of workers, those climb ends ago theirss career does.

但是,除了极少部分人之外, 对大部分人来说,职业提升在职业生涯结束之前就会停止.《期刊摘选》

116. They kicked off an hour ago.


117. I used to do weight training years ago.


118. Voting began about two hours ago.


119. She remembered a snowy day seven years ago.

过去的情景带着恐怖回来了.《汉英文学 - 家(1-26) - 家(1-26)》

120. We spent a wonderful and creative fall in Sweden and Norway five years ago.


121. He stopped working some time ago.


122. They played on varsity two years ago.


123. You're out of luck ─ she left ten minutes ago.


124. I just saw him a moment ago.


125. When our ancestors were hunters and gatherers 10,000 years ago, they didn't have time to wonder much about anything besides finding food.

1万年以前,我们的祖先以围猎和收集果实为生,那时他们除了寻找食物以外,没有时间思考别的事情。《09年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

126. The story goes that long ago there lived a king.


127. How long ago did you buy it?


128. Before retiring two years ago, I taught mathematics and computer science in London.


129. Ariane Kerner : You were a coma . Eight months ago.

艾里安尼·肯纳: 一直处于眩晕之中. 在过去的八个月里.《期刊摘选》

130. A century ago, few people regularly brushed their teeth multiple times a day.

一个世纪以前,很少有人每天规律地多次刷牙。 《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

131. I saw Tom three days ago.


132. She was treated with four courses of chemotherapy but kept suffering relapses, the last a ago.


133. She was hired three years ago.


134. He joined the Army five years ago.


135. He moved out long ago.


136. She first appeared on the screen ten years ago.


137. Ago, in one's home has a brush with an ink.

以前, 在一户人家里有一只毛笔与一盘墨.《期刊摘选》

138. Martha graduated from high school two years ago.


139. I have a very sharp recollection of my last talk with him two years ago.


140. Several moths ago we quoted them a price on our steel files.


141. Remember a while ago, one night I had a dream.



1. I'm sorry, ladies. Mr. Smith's viewing is over. It ended an hour ago.


2. Two years ago Semion Mogilevich, the face of Russian organized crime, was in a Russian prison.

FORBES: The World's 10 Most Wanted Fugitives

3. A. who, like Rollins, was a partner at Bain until joining Dell two years ago.

FORBES: Pulled in a New Direction

4. If you are listening a moment ago, I forgot Ken Rudin's trivia question today.

NPR: Tracking a New Strain of Drug-Resistant Staph

5. This one I learned about in my own research about 20 years ago, and it never ceases to amaze me.

这是在我自己的研究中发现的,大概20年前,它一直让我很吃惊。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

6. And I think it was made pretty famous by the movie quite a lot, a short time ago with Hugh Grant.

我觉得很大程度上是电影让它出名了,前段时间的休•格兰特演的电影。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 《诺丁山》拍摄地点

7. Mr.Hawass is often described as a colorful leader who has brought Egypt's long-ago past to the attention of the world.

VOA : special.2011.03.08

8. Many years ago, a young man named Giovanni Guasconti left his home in Naples to study in northern Italy.

VOA : special.2011.01.29

9. So, we devoted a lecture early on--of a couple of weeks ago, to individual differences across people in intelligence and personality.

几周之前我们用了一整节课,来讲人与人之间的智力与个性差异。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. The story of the Sierra Nevada Mountains and the area that is Yosemite National Park begins about 500 million years ago.

VOA : special.2009.01.07

11. Not long ago President Nazarbayev declared that his government would take greater control of energy resources.

FORBES: Power Putsch

12. They have a very high respect for a criminal Jew, who led some kind of guerilla war and was executed long ago, somewhere in Syria.

他们非常尊敬一名犹太罪犯,他指挥了某种游击战,很久以前被处死了,就在叙利亚某处。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. Think about the advent of hedge funds -twenty or twenty-five years ago, hedge funds were a blip on the radar screen.

想想对冲基金刚出现时,差不多20或25年前,它就像雷达屏幕上的一个小点金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. But packaged foods have labels, and this is made possible because of government action taken some years ago.

但包装食品的食品标签可以告诉我们这些,这得益于几年前的政府措施关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. Leonardo was working in these rooms exactly 500 years ago.


16. So Muslims believe that Koran has maintained its original form since it was revealed to the Prophet Mohammad, 14 centuries ago.

穆斯林认为自从《可兰经》,在14世纪展示给先知穆罕默德起,就保持了最原始的形式。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

17. Now, a group of research scientists says it has found evidence of a similar event that happened about 13,000 years ago.

VOA : special.2009.01.20

18. Rates of breast cancer in Japan, Singapore and South Korea are now three times what they were forty years ago.

VOA : special.2009.03.02

19. A Life of Her Own is a book that I became obsessed with, oh, about five or six years ago.

她的人生》是一本让我着迷的书,大概五六年前1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

20. Actually, a minute ago I didn't even know what I was going to play but I remember that.

实际上,一分钟前,我根本不知道要弹什么,但是我能记住这段曲子聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. Two months ago, Hillary Clinton gave a speech calling for body cameras and sentencing reform.

CNN: Why 'All lives matter' misses the point

22. And then as soon as the function returns, you kinda have to unwind but remember where you were just a moment ago.

一旦函数返回,你必须记得之前在哪个位置。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

23. Its slow-motion, pythonesque squeeze was initially inadvertent, but then, about two years ago, deliberate.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

24. Only 22% of them anticipate a decrease in hiring, down from 86% a year ago.

FORBES: The State of the CEO: Things Are Looking Up

25. As recently as 10 years ago, having one's picture taken was not an everyday occurrence.

CNN: In Facebook age, is camera-shyness a thing of the past?

26. Third, the central government is borrowing far more than it contemplated just a few months ago.

FORBES: Recovery In China? Not So Fast

27. Several years ago, Bruce Judson experimented with online advertising to attract prospects to his fledgling businesses.

FORBES: Extreme Outsourcing

28. About 70, 000 people have been killed in the Syrian uprising that started almost two years ago.

BBC: Syria conflict: Assad accuses UK of bullying

29. Nicole was raised as a Baptist, but converted to Islam four or five years ago.

BBC: US woman Nicole Mansfield 'brainwashed' into Syria fight

30. Because I heard some song I used to hear back then, a long time ago.

NPR: 'BPP' Jukebox: Peter, Bjorn and John Soloist

31. Native Americans are clearly of Asian origin, and entered the Americas less than 40, 000 years ago.

BBC: What is anthropological genetics?

32. One-third of those asked said stress levels about their financial situation are much higher now than a year ago.

VOA : special.2010.10.12

33. Two weeks ago it unveiled Groupon Now, a smartphone app that gives immediate, localized deals.

FORBES: Groupon Fights To Keep Its Lead

34. Two years ago Forbes thought the Rockport works a dubious project (Feb. 10, 1997).

FORBES: The Cortez of steel doesn't look back

35. He was sworn-in as president seventy-six years ago during the Great Depression -- the worst economic crisis in the country's history.

VOA : special.2009.05.02

36. People moved into the American Southwest more than ten thousand years ago as the last ice age was ending.

VOA : special.2010.07.05

37. Not long ago table tennis was a game played by geeky kids in youth clubs.

BBC: Ping pong bounces back in London

38. It is a very old expression. Hot water was used five hundred years ago to mean being in trouble.

VOA : special.2009.05.10

39. He came to America 45 years ago and enlisted in the US Marine Corps.

BBC: Escape from New York

40. The Schmallenberg virus is carried by insects and was first detected in Germany 18 months ago.

BBC: Schmallenberg virus cases increase in Welsh lambs

41. Several years ago, would-be creditors filed an involuntary bankruptcy against Richard Chakejian of Chester Springs, Pa.

FORBES: Credit Bureaus Wouldn't Cut It On 'CSI'

42. This specialty fund has returned 19.5% a year since its founding two decades ago.

FORBES: The Other Side of Vanguard

43. He wore an old double-breasted suit, frayed gray shirt, wide tie, no hat "I left her so long ago I don't remember.

他穿着一件双排扣的旧大衣,一件散口的灰衬衫,和一条宽领带,没有戴帽子,“我很早以前就离开了她。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. The last glaciation ended about 10,000 years ago.


45. The Roman historian Pliny said that Phoenician sailors accidentally discovered how to make glass over three thousand years ago.

VOA : special.2009.09.16

46. Three years ago, my family was forced to flee our home near Damascus, in east Ghouta.

CNN: Impact Your World

47. She remarried three years ago.


48. The Vietnam War ended 40 years ago, but reminders are still everywhere in Laos.

FORBES: Asian Beauty

49. Two weeks ago, a Dutch drug-maker,Crucell, announced it will work with GlaxoSmithKline to jointly develop a new malaria vaccine candidate.

VOA : special.2010.04.20

50. Mr. PETER MOREN: (Singing) I remember when, when I first moved here a long time ago.

NPR: 'BPP' Jukebox: Peter, Bjorn and John Soloist

51. I'm just curious, just you know, 3 years ago, I think we had an outdoor action trip.

我很好奇,三年前,我参加了一个户外远足活动。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

52. We talked about antibodies, we talked about them two weeks ago, we talked about them in section last week, uses of them.

我们讨论过抗体,我们在两周前讨论了抗体,上周的组会中我们讲到抗体的应用生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

53. Major banks have been doing well since the worst of the financial crisis shook Wall Street more than a year ago.

VOA : special.2009.12.18

54. The old fort is no less imposing now as it was in VistaVision five decades ago.

BBC: For the birds: Hitchcocks California

55. Computerized trading, he says now, put him out of business about two years ago.

FORBES: Life After Wall Street

56. Scottish Retail Consortium (SRC) footfall figures show numbers increased by 1% compared to a year ago.

BBC: 'Optimism' as shopper numbers rise

57. It has high mountains. It has valleys formed by ancient ice that cut deep into the Earth millions of years ago.

VOA : special.2009.01.07

58. Frist came to the leadership four years ago thanks to missteps made by Sen.

NPR: End of the Road for Frist; What Next for Hastert?

59. Several years ago regulators finally permitted irradiation of pork, poultry, fruits, vegetables, spices and grains.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

60. The order was dispatched three months ago.


61. And, as I mentioned a moment ago, we will return to this question of what has been interestingly called the young Milton's "chastity fetish."

正如我刚才提到的,我们回到这个,被风趣的称为,年轻弥尔顿的“贞洁崇拜“的问题上来“弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

62. Host: Flashback 29 years ago, and put yourself in the seat here and pretend you were still in school.

主持人:回首29年前,假装你还坐在这儿,还在商学院念书。微软CEO-Steve.Ballmer谈科技的未来课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

63. Well, you know, it goes back to the beginning of the formation of the personal computer industry, which--that sounds like a long time ago.

嗯,你知道,这要追溯到,个人电脑产业的形成初期,听起来相当久远了。戴尔CEO-Michael.Dell谈创业和发展课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

64. Gurgaon was deserted when K.P. first took me there to see it 25 years ago.

FORBES: Pay Dirt

65. In South Korea, President Obama and President Lee Myung-bak discussed a free trade agreement signed by their governments two years ago.

VOA : special.2009.11.21




















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