
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [fɔːlt]play美 [fɔːlt]play

  • n. 错误;责任,过错;缺点,故障;断层;发球失误
  • v. 挑剔,指责;发球失误;产生断层;<古>犯错误,做错事

复数 faults 第三人称单数 faults 现在分词 faulting 过去式 faulted 过去分词 faulted

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


fault /fɔːlt/ CET4 TEM4 [ faulting faulted faults ]

  • 1.
    单数型名词 If a bad or undesirable situation is your fault, you caused it or are responsible for it. 过错; 过失

    There was no escaping the fact: it was all his fault.


  • 2.
    可数名词 A fault is a mistake in what someone is doing or in what they have done. 错误

    It is a big fault to think that you can learn how to manage people in business school.


  • 3.
    可数名词 A fault in someone or something is a weakness in them or something that is not perfect. 缺点

    His manners had always made her blind to his faults.


  • 4.
    可数名词 A fault is a large crack in the surface of the earth. 断层

    ...the San Andreas Fault.


  • 5.
    可数名词 A fault in tennis is a service that is wrong according to the rules. (网球的) 发球失误

    He caught the ball on his first toss and then served a fault.


  • 6.
    及物动词 If you cannot fault someone, you cannot find any reason for criticizing them or the things that they are doing. 批评

    You can't fault them for lack of invention.


  • 7.
    习语 If someone or something is at fault, they are to blame or are responsible for a particular situation that has gone wrong. 有过错

    He could never accept that he had been at fault.


  • 8.
    习语 If you find fault with something or someone, you look for mistakes and complain about them. 挑剔; 指责

    I was disappointed whenever the cook found fault with my work.






blunder boob botch clanger error fallacy fault guilt mistake 【导航词义:错误】

blunder n. 大错

〔辨析〕 指由于愚蠢或疏忽大意等造成的错误。

例1: She made a terrible blunder when introducing the girl to her husband.


boob n. [英,非正式] 错误,过失

〔辨析〕 指因愚蠢的行为犯下的过错。

例1: I made a boob throwing that document away.


botch n. [非正式,尤英] 拙劣的工作

〔辨析〕 主要指干得拙劣、一塌糊涂的活儿。

例1: I tried to make a great meal but only made a botch of it.


clanger n. [英,非正式] 失言;失礼;尴尬的错误

〔辨析〕 指愚蠢的或令人难堪的过错。

例1: He realized that mentioning her ex-husband was a bit of clanger.


error n. 错误,谬误

〔辨析〕 可指任何错误,包括笔误、印刷错误或计算错误,常可与 mistake 换用。

例1: The government has committed a serious error/mistake.


例2: There are too many errors/mistakes in your spelling.


例3: This is a grammatical error/mistake.


fallacy n. 谬论,谬见

〔辨析〕 尤指很多人持有的错误观点或想法。

例1: There was once a popular fallacy that the world is flat.


fault n. 缺点; 过错

〔辨析〕 表示“缺点,毛病”时为可数名词;表示“过失,过错”时为不可数名词。

例1: He is still an excellent politician despite the faults he's committed.


例2: The minister is quite satisfied with his secretary because he can find no fault with her work.


guilt n. 责任,罪责

〔辨析〕 指对发生的坏事负有的责任。

例1: The boy behaved badly, but in fact the guilt lay with his parents.


mistake n. 错误,过失

〔辨析〕 指行为、看法、言辞等方面的错误。

例1: I have made a mistake in grammar.


例2: One silly mistake cost us the match.



1. San Andreas Fault 圣安德烈亚斯断层 ; 圣安地列斯断层 ; 圣安德列斯断层

2. fault diagnosis 故障诊断

3. fault zone 断裂带;断层带,断层区

4. fault detection 故障检测;探伤

5. fault tree analysis 故障树分析法

6. in fault 有过错

7. network fault 电力网故障

8. ground fault 接地故障

9. find fault 挑剔 ; 指手画脚 ; 找岔

10. fault line 断层线;裂纹线

11. common fault 通病;一般错误

12. active fault 活动断裂;活性断层

13. thrust fault 地质 逆断层 ; 逆冲断层 ; 地质 冲断层 ; 逆掩断层

14. system fault 系统故障,电网故障

15. find fault with 批判 ; 抱怨 ; 挑剔 ; 批评

16. fault current 故障电流;事故电流

17. fault tolerance 容错,故障容差

18. Double fault 双发失误 ; 两次失误 ; 发球双错误 ; 两次发球失误

19. fault system 断层系统

20. fault location 故障定位

21. fault block 断块;故障闭塞;断裂地块

22. earth fault 接地故障

23. page fault 页面失效 ; 页错误 ; 页面错误 ; 计 页面出错

24. fault rate n. 故障率;损坏率

25. fault tree 故障树;失效树

26. at fault 出毛病;感到困惑

27. Fault Tolerance 容错 ; 容错性 ; 故障包容 ; 容错能力




at fault 应当负责

to a fault (好得)过头


find fault 找茬儿


generous to a fault 过分大方的


1. Who is at fault in accident?


2. Using result of phase selector, according to the current features before and after the fault moment.

该判据利用选相元件的结果, 根据故障相在故障时刻前后的电流特征识别系统的非全相运行状态.《期刊摘选》

3. The layout is hard to fault ergonomically.


4. Her colleagues could not fault her dedication to the job.


5. Wry mouth is to be severely faulted.


6. Examining the insides of new voting machines still reveals many physical security faults.


7. Why should I say sorry when it's not my fault ?


8. It happened through no fault of mine.


9. However, inspection should not be limited to compilation of an inventory of faults, irregularities, and discrepancies.

然而, 检查并不仅仅是对缺陷 、 偏差及不符行为的简单描述.《期刊摘选》

10. It's not my blankety-blank fault!


11. Nobody is without his fault.


12. Which driver was at fault in the car crash?


13. The fault diagnosis system of TWC contains hardware and software components this study.


14. He walked into us all as if it were our faults.


15. Now look here, it wasn't my fault.


16. Many Americans believe that the abuse of Iraqi prisoners in Ghraib Prison is ultimately Rumsfeld's fault.


17. The accident was my fault ─ it would be foolish to pretend otherwise.


18. With the development of power network complicated, complex fault causes more and more attention.

随着电网的发展,网络结构越来越复杂, 发生多重故障的几率越来越高.《期刊摘选》

19. The mechanic located the fault immediately.


20. But perhaps Plutarch is suggesting something slightly different, something a bit closer to Marcus Cicero ’ s claim that one should “ criticize by creation, not by finding fault. ”

但也许普鲁塔克想表达的是别的意思,可能和马库斯 · 西塞罗的说法比较相近,即“批评是创造,不是挑毛病”。《15年12月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

21. I love her for all her faults.


22. Device engineers will be hidden and fault equipment in a timely fashion writer equipment defects table.


23. Use inner filter, it can reduce fault as jam the nozzle.

内置过滤网, 可减少因堵塞喷嘴造成的故障.《期刊摘选》

24. He's proud of his children and blind to their faults.


25. If I find fault, it is that I want you to improve.

我批评你, 是因为要你改进.《辞典例句》

26. A low set tail shall be faulted.


27. It's not his fault he's so pompous—he was born that way.


28. They feel that the teacher is also at fault and should face disciplinary action.


29. It's nobody's fault.


30. I try my best, but the coach finds fault with everything I do.

我已经尽力了, 但是教练仍然百般对我做的每一件事挑剔.《辞典例句》

31. A fault current limiter offers an alternative in such case.


32. Differential protection, first suspected that there are fault protection equipment.

差动保护动作, 首先怀疑被保护设备内部有故障.《期刊摘选》

33. Sam retorted that it was my fault as much as his.


34. Introduction and applicability of liability for fault to a labor contract has its necessity and feasibility.


35. Stop finding fault with my friends.


36. A friend without faults will never be found.


37. The accident happened through no fault of her own.


38. We end up with nothing after all these years, that's your fault.

这么多年, 我们一无所得,都是你的责任.《期刊摘选》

39. There's no need to take that tone with me ─ it's not my fault we're late.


40. She is blind to her husband's faults.


41. That wasn't his fault, it was mine.


42. I think the owners are at fault (= responsible) for not warning us.


43. He could never accept that he had been at fault.


44. His greatest fault is that he talks too much.


45. It is very easy to find fault with the work of others.


46. As to the liability basis economicproduct liability , the fault liability is superior to strict liability.

就归责原则而言, 过错责任比严格责任更具有优越性.《期刊摘选》

47. The maid quit because Mr. Brown kept finding fault with her work.


48. Whether the accident is your fault or not, you feel terrible at first.

不管这事故的责任是否是你的, 你首先感觉到的是可怕.《期刊摘选》

49. If we at fault, we should be very glad to compensate for your losses.

如果责任在我方, 我们当乐于赔偿你方损失.《期刊摘选》

50. A: Just whose fault is this damage?

这次的损坏究竟是谁的责任 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

51. That book is good although faulted.


52. Love your enemies, for they tell you your faults.

爱你的敌人吧, 因为他们让你知道自己的缺点.《期刊摘选》

53. Accordingly, baidu did not encroach other information network to transmit the subjective fault of authority.

因此, 百度没有侵犯他人信息网络传播权的主观过错.《期刊摘选》

54. Chin said jestingly, You've come just at the right moment . We were finding fault with you!

琴含笑说: “ 大表嫂,你来得正好, 我们正在批评你这样那样. ”《汉英文学 - 家(1-26) - 家(1-26)》

55. There was no escaping the fact: it was all his fault...


56. In one sense, the research crunch is not entirely Big Pharma's fault.

从某方面看, 药品研发危机并不全是大型制药公司的责任.《期刊摘选》

57. After the aim measures are adopted, the faults appear.

采取针对性措施后, 又相继出现了故障.《期刊摘选》

58. He who wants a mule without fault must walk on foot.


59. This method offered powerful tech support to develop and perfect the fault diagnose expert system.


60. The paper presents adaptive diagnosis method for sensor fault.


61. It's partly my fault.


62. Why should I say sorry when it's not my fault?


63. It is hard to fault the way he runs his own operation.


64. If we don't find out our faults, we'll be in a bad way.


65. And it provides new means for state detection and fault diagnosis of rotating machine.


66. She is always finding fault with the work of her secretary.


67. Brown kept finding fault with her work.


68. They are covered against manufacturing faults by a lifetime guarantee.


69. I think the owners are at fault for not warning us.


70. I'm not to pass the buck, but it really wasn't my fault.

我不是推卸责任, 只是真的不是我的错.《期刊摘选》

71. Slant eyes and narrow, triangular eyes detract from correct expression and are to be faulted.

倾眼 、 三角形且窄的眼与正确的表情背离,为缺陷.《期刊摘选》

72. But there must be single fault in you, my lord.

但必须是单一故障,在你, 我的主.《期刊摘选》

73. The erratic information flow is not entirely the fault of top officials.


74. You can't find fault with his work.


75. If mistakes occurred, they were assumed to be the fault of the commander on the spot.


76. ...the San Andreas Fault.


77. He is walking into us as if it were our fault.


78. So the study on contracting fault liability still has great significance and realistic value.


79. As moral principle was advocated, fault liability principle was adopted in the civil law for torts.

随着道德伦理的崇尚, 民法侵权采用过错责任原则.《期刊摘选》

80. Go peddle your papers. I'm certainly not going to pay for the damage that wasn't my fault.

你走开吧! 损失不是由于我的过错造成的,我一分钱也不会付给你.《期刊摘选》

81. A soft outer coat is a very serious fault as is a wooly textured outer coat.


82. Faults may develop in the motor for lack of lubrication.


83. The compensation of liability for contracting fault is limited to the range of the credit interest.


84. No matter how hard I try, that teacher always finds fault with my work.

无论我怎么努力, 那位老师总是对我的作业进行挑剔.《期刊摘选》

85. There is a fault in the design of the building.


86. a major fault in the design


87. Implacable resentment is a shade a character. But you have chosen your fault well.


88. In spite of all his faults, he is still a good comrade.

尽管他有种种缺点, 他还是位好同志.《辞典例句》

89. An even bite is a minor fault. Any other deviation is a serious fault.

钳状咬和属于小缺陷, 其他咬和属于严重缺陷.《期刊摘选》

90. Fault diagnosis of reciprocating engine is a very difficult and popular problem.


91. Structural faults as undesirable as in any other breed, regardless of whether they are specifically mentioned.

结构方面的缺陷(有些标准与其他品种一样),也不受欢迎, 不论是否在标准中明确描述出来.《期刊摘选》

92. The key technology of fault tolerance control is online fault isolation and reconfiguration.


93. The fault was discovered during a routine check.


94. The fault is not with the Master Chemist.


95. But this time, the fault is the designer's.

这一次, 是设计师的责任.《期刊摘选》

96. Where love fails , we espy all faults.


97. It wasn't your fault. It was just one of those things.


98. Color touch screen display features automatic fault alarm, convenient and quick parameter setting.

彩色触摸屏显示自动故障报警功能, 参数设定方便快捷.《期刊摘选》

99. I love her for all her faults (= in spite of them) .


100. How couldst thou forget thine own faults and busy thyself with the faults of others?

你怎么可以忘记自己的错误而忙于挑剔别人的过失 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

101. There's no need to take that tone with me—it's not my fault we're late.


102. Criticism: The disapproval of people, not for having faults, but for having faults different from ours.

批评: 反对别人, 不是因为他们有错, 而是因为他们的错有别于我们的.《期刊摘选》

103. Elbows are too far out or in are faults.


104. His worst fault was his inconsistency.


105. Important faults: Long loin, narrow or hollow.

重要缺点: 腰过长, 狭窄或者凹陷.《期刊摘选》

106. There is no man who does not have fault.

人人都有缺点.(没有人没有缺点的. )《辞典例句》

107. We criticized you because we wanted to help you, not in order to find fault with you.

我们批评你,是为了帮助你, 绝不是跟你过不去.《现代汉英综合大词典》

108. He had always been polite ─ she couldn't fault him on that.


109. She is generous to a fault.


110. If It'still persists, the fault is ours.

如果“四人帮 ” 的流毒老是没有肃清,那末, 这个老是没有肃清的状况,责任还是在我们自己.《期刊摘选》

111. He is infatuated with her, and doesn't see her faults.

他对她着了迷, 看不出她的缺点.《简明英汉词典》

112. The world, however, was not in fault in Kit's case.

不过对于吉特一案, 世界是没有责任的.《辞典例句》

113. Was it his fault or not? Either way, an explanation is due.


114. He has served a number of double faults in this set.


115. Maybe you have social faults which drive away new acquaintances.


116. A corkscrew tail a very serious fault.


117. If we don't speak of our achievements, they won't run away . If we don't find out our faults , we'll be in a bad way.

成绩不夸跑不了, 缺点不找不得了.《现代汉英综合大词典》

118. With all his faults, I still like him.

尽管他缺点不少, 我还是喜欢他.《期刊摘选》

119. I like a simple friend, who holds my faults like a looking glass before my face.

我喜欢这样的朋友, 他对我的缺点就像照镜子一样直言不讳.《期刊摘选》

120. Full drop or full prick to be considered a serious fault.


121. I have no sympathy for Jan, it's all her own fault.


122. the San Andreas fault


123. Cars with serious faults have been called in by the manufacturers.


124. If a politician transgresses, that is not the fault of the media.


125. There are plenty of faults in the design of electric overspeed protection system.


126. But Elop was not the only person at 31 fault.

但是 Elop 并不是唯一对此负有 (31) 责任的人。《15年12月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

127. I corrected my own faults.


128. The fault rests with him.


129. She showed generosity in forgiving the faults of others.


130. Strict liability system is designed to overcome alleged deficiencies in traditional fault liability system.


131. The impulse response analysis method in insulation fault detection is discussed in this paper.


132. Faults: Rump a little on the slant.

缺点: 略微倾斜的臀部.《期刊摘选》

133. I never love those that find fault with my shoes and give me no leather.


134. Jefferson was generous to a fault...


135. Experts who monitor unemployment statistics here in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, say about 28, 000 people are unemployed, and many of them are jobless due to no fault of their own.

宾夕法尼亚州巴克斯县监测失业统计数据的专家说, 大约有28,000 人失业,而他们中的许多人并非因为自身的过错而失业。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

136. But his critics often missed his virtues and overstated his faults.


137. The system, for all its faults, is the best available at the moment.


138. Don't get stroppy with me ─ it isn't my fault!


139. In the second part, fault diagnosis in the integrated navigation system is studied.


140. A continuity tester injects an AC signal into the conductors a cable to find circuit faults.


141. Principle for presumption of the fault of the listed companies.


142. Don't get stroppy with me—it isn't my fault!


143. It was my fault that the team lost.


144. In my opinion both of the drivers were at fault.


145. I had the uncomfortable feeling that it was my fault.


146. Others will tell you that she is modest to a fault, funny, clever and warm.


147. Please don't be angry with me. It wasn't my fault.


148. He always tried to minimize his own faults, while exaggerating those of others.


149. My father is always finding fault with the way I do things.


150. A light or partly pigmented nose is a fault.


151. We're all mortals , with our human faults and weaknesses.

我们都是凡人, 自然都有过错和弱点.《简明英汉词典》

152. Each driver maintains that the accident was the other's fault.


153. He has some faults common to us.


154. It is find fault with others.


155. It is mainly because of my fault.


156. The makers have called in some cars with dangerous faults.


157. I do not think any reason you undertake of all faults to the thing of occurring.


158. Divorce is never the fault of one partner; it takes two.


159. Sichuan along one of Asia's biggest tectonic faults, making it prone to devastating earthquakes.

四川亚洲建筑缺陷最严重的地区, 它在地震中很受到损失.《期刊摘选》

160. A body that hangs loosely between the shoulders a serious fault.


161. I have no fault to find with his work.


162. Wink at small fault.


163. The accident happened through no fault of mine.


164. On balance, his accomplishments outweigh his faults.


165. You can't fault them for lack of invention...


166. They looked at her coldly, as if they were finding fault with her.

他们对她总是冷漠相看, 似乎是故意跟她挑剔.《辞典例句》

167. "It wasn't your fault, John."—"Whose, then?"


168. It is not your fault, but mine.

这不是你的过错, 而是我的过错.《期刊摘选》

169. John tried in vain to gloss over his faults.


170. a fault line


171. The study of wearing rules and mechanical fault diagnoses is based on wear particle analysis.


172. There are no indications that standard security arrangements were at fault.


173. This approach does fault diagnosis by two steps: fault feature extraction and fault classification.


174. His arguments were logical and hard to fault.


175. The book's virtues far outweigh its faults.


176. an electrical fault


177. The fault Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves.

卡西乌斯是对的:“过错不在于我们的星座, 而在于我们自身”.《期刊摘选》

178. The third, the kind of liability for tort mainly applies special fault doctrine liability.

第三, 认为对损害赔偿类责任主要适用特殊形式的过错责任原则即过错推定责任原则.《期刊摘选》

179. Don't pull him up about this; it's not really his fault.

这不是他的过错, 别责怪他.《简明英汉词典》

180. The device has other functions such as protection, fault locating, information display, communication and so on.

装置还具有保护 、 故障定位 、 信息显示 、 通讯等功能.《期刊摘选》

181. Notify and report process faults or malfunctions.


182. Mainly a fault of red wines.


183. Tell me my faults, and mend your own.

认识自己的错误, 改正自己的缺点.《期刊摘选》

184. A few borrowers will find themselves in trouble with their repayments through no fault of their own.


185. Don't be so heavy on her ─ it wasn't her fault.


186. His manners had always made her blind to his faults.


187. Many people live in poverty through no fault of their own.


188. Many people live in poverty through no fault of their own .


189. This paper describes how to integrate ANN with ES for power system fault diagnosis.


190. That was my fault.


191. He demands perfection in others, but cannot see faults in himself.

他对别人求全责备, 对自身的缺点却视而不见.《现代汉英综合大词典》

192. It is a big fault to think that you can learn how to manage people in business school.


193. He could never accept that he had been at fault...


194. Before criticizing other, consider whether we are perfect without fault.

要批评别人时, 先想想自己是否完美无缺.《期刊摘选》

195. He has many faults , but for all that I like him.

他有许多缺点,尽管如此, 我仍喜欢他.《简明英汉词典》

196. I was disappointed whenever the cook found fault with my work.


197. What are your weak points ( faults , weaknesses ) and strong points ( strengths )?

你的优点和缺点是 什么 ?《期刊摘选》

198. Who broke the cup? It's my fault, I dropped it.

谁把杯子摔了? 这是我的过错, 我摔的.《辞典例句》

199. Provide cable prices, cable type, cable installation, cable fault testing, cable fault location, cable maintenance.

提供电缆价格 、 电缆型号, 电缆安装, 电缆故障测试, 电缆故障定位, 电缆维修.《期刊摘选》

200. Don't scold the child. It's not his fault.

别责怪那孩子, 那不是他的过错.《简明英汉词典》

201. Oh, my fault for breaking the glass.

哦, 打碎玻璃是我的过错.《期刊摘选》

202. The absence anis a fault.


203. The captain knew there was an engine fault but didn't want to alarm the passengers.


204. If you don't do it accordingly, it is your fault in responsibility.


205. There is no man but has his faults.


206. It's not his fault he's so pompous ─ he was born that way.


207. He questioned whether the accident was solely the truck driver's fault.


208. In balancing his faults with his perfections, the latter seemed rather to preponderate ( Henry Fielding )

平衡他的缺陷与才艺, 后者相对说来似乎是主要的 ( 亨利·菲尔丁 )《期刊摘选》

209. As a result of your fault, you should make compensation for our loss.

由于是你方的责任, 理应赔偿我方的损失.《期刊摘选》

210. There is no perfect person. Don't always find fault with him.

没有十全十美的人, 你不要过分挑剔他的毛病.《期刊摘选》

211. Don't be so heavy on her—it wasn't her fault.


212. I have no fault to find with what you've done.


213. A broad flat skull is a fault.


214. ...a short delay due to a minor technical fault...


215. Our boss always finds fault with other's work.


216. Deviation from a scissors bite is a major fault.


217. And while you may forgive your smartphone an occasional fault, you probably have less patience for error messages from your door lock

而且尽管你会原谅智能手机偶尔出现故障,但你可能对你家门锁出现的故障没那么多耐心《16年12月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

218. Don't always find fault with others.


219. Please add some admiration when you criticize faults of people.


220. It's not my fault — I never laid a finger on her!


221. Solid, ity is a trick of the body to hide the fault of the mind.

一本正经的态度, 是肉体为了掩饰精神上的缺陷而做出的一手花招.《期刊摘选》

222. The printing was poor and he tried to blind me with science by saying that it was the fault of the paper and not his machine.


223. There was no escaping the fact: it was all his fault.


224. The system, for all its faults , is the best available at the moment.


225. Their requirement for compensation is rational if the accident is for our fault.


226. a structural fault


227. With all her faults I still love her.


228. It was his fault that we were late.


229. But people are often reproached for unpunctuality when their only fault is cutting things fine.


230. It's hard to find fault with Yoyo Ma's cello performance.


231. It's your own fault for being careless.


232. Based on fuzzy mathematics and the fuzzy control mathematical model of the equipment fault diagnosis.


233. Finding faults can also help you negotiate a better deal.


234. Yet the socialists had little reason for criticizing this fault.


235. There is a fault in the machine.


236. The fault section judgement matrix of power distribution network in fault is presented.


237. According to the principle of criminal law , responsibility principle of environmental resource crimes liability with fault.


238. She did not wish to convey that they were all at fault.


239. The aircraft made an unscheduled landing at Logan after developing an electrical fault.


240. Tails that are double curled or carried in an incomplete curl to be faulted.


241. Any delay in receiving merchandise is the fault of the shipping service not M & M's Trading Merchandise.

任何延误在接收商品是航运服务故障不会M & M的交易商品.《期刊摘选》

242. Correlation of the fault indications is important to determine responsibility for the fault.



1. Nobody was pointing a figure that it was somebody's fault we (lost) the game.

WSJ: Lundqvist leads Rangers past Caps 5-0 in Game 7

2. But other people, in fact probably a larger percentage, default to the top option here: that these are personal health issues rather then public health issues; that people are making choices about what they eat, if they make bad choices it's their fault.

不过另一些人,确切说是很大一部分人,把问题归咎于以上几个选项,这是个人健康问题而不是公共健康问题,人们自由选择想吃的东西,即使做了不正确的选择也是他们自己的错关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

3. That is the way that fault operates as well." In other cases, the plates may move up and down, rather than from side to side.

VOA : standard.2010.01.13

4. The occupation descriptions include words like fault, killed, violence, risk, shootouts, attacked, and defuse.

FORBES: What Are the Most Stressful Occupations?

5. Who is ultimately at fault, Monte, Nomura, various management, none of them or all of them.

FORBES: This Is One Way To Kill The European Banking System: Monte Dei Paschi And Nomura

6. The other thing you want to do is find the part of the program that is most likely at fault.

你们要做的另外一件事就是找出,最可能出错的那一部分代码。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

7. You can't fault Joseph Durrett for trying to dig out of the mess he created.

FORBES: Durrett Syndrome

8. Other major recorded earthquakes in the 17th,18th,and 19th centuries may have been produced by movement of the same fault that caused Tuesday's disaster.

VOA : standard.2010.01.13

9. Many smaller fault lines can be found throughout the area around Los Angeles.

VOA : special.2010.01.12

10. If it wasn't Sam's fault, why was I blaming him?


11. Well, that's your fault. You shouldn't have told herabout the "almost" accident. You finished?

VOA : standard.other

12. We also asked which party would be most at fault if a shutdown takes place.

FORBES: GOP Voters Itching for Budget Fight

13. Againthis is Purdue's Eric Calais "The city of Port au Prince, the capital of Haiti, is essentially built on that fault,"

VOA : standard.2010.01.13

14. It's my fault.


15. Trust me, if your account is getting hacked on either system, the fault is yours.

FORBES: Four Ways Microsoft Can Win With the Next Xbox

16. It's partly my fault.


17. To be honest, especially those of you less comfortable here, if you've ever struggled with some program or struggled with some piece of software, oh it's alright, it's not your fault.

说实话,尤其是对那些在这里上课有些吃力的同学,如果你曾经使用哪个程序或软件有困难,好吧,那不是你的错。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

18. Hercules, true to form, says that makes it her own fault that her father is dead.

NPR: Heroic Obsession: Cavalli's 'Hercules In Love'

19. foo You probably weren't calling foo ad nauseam here but segmentation fault refers to segments of memory colliding.

你可能不会倒胃口地调用,但是段错误是涉及内存段冲突。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

20. Some of the fault lies with the ubiquitous magnetic strips on the back of the cards.

WSJ: Global network of hackers steal $45m from ATMs

21. Replays indicated that the line judge may have got the foot fault call wrong.

CNN: Serena handed suspended ban and fine

22. A major earthquake in nineteen ninety-four was centered along one of these smaller fault lines.

VOA : special.2010.01.12

23. There are different kinds of faults. In this case,the damage was caused by movement of a "strike-slip fault."

VOA : standard.2010.01.13

24. Not to acknowledge your fault but rather to say if you have done something wrong.

你不是在承认自己的过失,而是询问自己是否做错了什么。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I'm sorry 课堂

25. It's bad that, through no fault of their own, some people are poor and other people are rich.

这样是不对的,因为他们自己没有犯错,然而却有些人贫穷有些人富裕。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. the San Andreas Fault


27. The city of Los Angeles in Southern California is about fifty kilometers from the San Andreas Fault.

VOA : special.2010.01.12

28. Don't you-- it's my fault, not yours.

不要,是我的错,不是你的聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. Hospital officials said the fault was due to a technical issue and not medical error.

BBC: King's Mill Hospital patient feels 'let down' after error

30. Rather than fault the show's creative approach, Katims pointed fingers at the marketing strategy.

FORBES: 'Friday Night Lights' Needs New Friends

31. It's 50% my fault, 50% your fault.

这件事一半错在我,一半错在你。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : There is no 实战

32. Not doing so penalizes workers who would otherwise go payless through no fault of their own.

FORBES: Congressional Waste: The FAA and Airlines Taxes

33. Worst due to extenuating circumstances and no fault of its own: Romeo and Juliet.

FORBES: What Is The Worst Shakespeare Play?

34. This is a fault that real estate brokers can make.

地产经纪人容易犯这样的错误金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

35. Kerber saved two set points but then produced a double-fault to give it away.

NPR: Sharapova Beats Kerber To Reach Stuttgart Final

36. And too many Americans have been stripped of their dignity through no fault of their own.

WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: We Have to Increase the Pace

37. It is along or near this fault line that most of California's earthquakes take place, as the two tectonic plates move in different directions.

VOA : special.2011.01.04

38. The city of Los Angeles is about fifty kilometers from the San Andreas Fault.

VOA : special.2011.01.04

39. The reality is that a failing marriage is not just the fault of one spouse, but two.

FORBES: Readers Say

40. Perhaps the most important features of these telemetry systems, though, are fault diagnosis and timely servicing.

ECONOMIST: Vehicle telemetry

41. And you don't agree that it's your fault. But she does think it's your fault.

你并不承认这是你的错。但她觉得是你的问题。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I'm sorry 课堂

42. Voters were evenly split in blaming Democrats or Republicans, with 25% casting equal fault.

FORBES: GOP Voters Itching for Budget Fight

43. Husbands make all the decisions. So if the disease is spreading, Munjara says it is the fault of the men.

VOA : standard.2009.10.21

44. Go into Grove Street Cemetery some go visit his grave and say, "It's not your fault Eli."

走进韦街公墓,会有人到他的坟前悼念,说,"这不是你的错,伊莱"美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

45. "It is entirely Gordon Brown's own fault that this is now happening in the run-up to the general election,".

VOA : standard.2010.01.22

46. "If you have a fault that is being strained at a speed of 7 mm per year, which is the case here,"

VOA : standard.2010.01.13

47. Although on the same fault line, this earthquake was much less powerful than the previous one.

BBC: China quake: Rescue teams blast roads amid aftershocks

48. Truth in America is a moving target, and the fault is often in our own gullibility.

FORBES: Armstrong and Te'O--True Sparrows Or Fake Eagles

49. The Shia-Sunni fault line, with Syria currently at its epicentre, is certainly contributing, he notes.

BBC: Dozens killed by car and suicide bombs in Iraqi cities

50. so you can't put one person to fault for what's going on.

所以我们也不能将现在出现的问题归咎于一个人身上。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 两党制度的优缺点

51. Smith decided to go down with the Titanic because he knew the disaster was his fault.

FORBES: Cayne's Mutiny

52. My own fault I know but don't listen to the papers, like everyone else.

BBC: Tia Sharp murder trial: full Stuart Hazell letter

53. There, and in other neighbours, the Syrian exodus strains already explosive political and sectarian fault lines.

BBC: Syria's millionth refugee

54. So, assuming -- if anyone got it wrong because of that, that's my apologies, that's my fault.

如果有人是因为这个原因做错了,那我非常抱歉,这是我的错。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

55. `Everything's my fault,' she sobbed.


56. "I am very competitive - probably to a fault in my earlier years, " he said.

BBC: SPORT | Rugby Union | No regrets for Dawson

57. Mr. Reyes is far exceeding his brief here, but the larger fault lies with higher-ups.

WSJ: Review & Outlook: A Journalist 'Co-Conspirator'

58. However, with Chelsea seemingly in firm control they slipped behind through no fault but their own.

BBC: Roma 3-1 Chelsea

59. There's always been an undercurrent in this country that if you're poor, it's your fault.

NPR: 12 min 17 sec

60. So without giving away my age too much-- I guess it will actually--when I was a kid growing up in England, there was this guy - there was a pop star-- a slightly post-punk pop star called Joe Jackson, who none of you would have heard of, because you were all about ten years old, my fault.

虽然我不想透露我的年龄,但也没办法,我从小在英格兰长大,当时有一个流行歌手,他叫乔?杰克森,后朋克歌手,我估计你们都没听说,因为他红的时候你们才十多岁博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

61. "It is not their fault. It is just that they are starving," "People are hungry. They do not have any place to stay.

VOA : standard.2010.01.18

62. One of the discomforts, one of the reasons that I think so many people in society and even in this class are uncomfortable when it comes to computers and intimidated by technology and kind of throw up their hands when things go wrong that you don't understand is frankly not necessarily your fault.

当我想到在社会中,即使在这个班级上,有那么多的人,使用计算机时是不舒服的,他们被这种科技吓到了,束手无策,当发生故障时,你也不知道,其实,这也不是你的过错。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

63. Investment managers are not happy when, through no fault of their own, their investment performance suffers.

FORBES: Pensions Demand Return of Global Custodian Bank Overcharges

64. The person seeking harmony thinks the person seeking power is aggressive to a fault.

FORBES: On Sexual Harassment: Hey Ladies, Man Up!

65. I think that we should be very careful not to let that deflect us from the recognition that this is important technology and that it's not the technology that's at fault; we have to get it right and then it will be powerful.

但我认为,我们应该警惕,不要因此对金融产生误解,事实上金融是门重要的应用技术,而且这一切并不是科技本身的错,我们应该完善这项技术,使其发挥正面作用金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课





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