rainy season翻译_rainy season短语搭配_rainy season权威例句

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  • 雨季:一年中降雨最多的时期。

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1. Bloom And Rainy Season 花季·雨季

2. The rainy season lost 迷失的雨季

3. rainy season stems refugee exit 雨季茎难民退出 ; 雨季源于难民出境

4. Flowers of the Rainy Season 雨季之花

5. a rainy season 一个多雨的季节

6. the rainy season 雨季 ; 黄梅季 ; 落雨的季节

7. Rainy season construction 雨季施工

8. during the rainy season 在雨季

9. Hate the rainy season 讨厌雨季


1. The rainy season in the Andes normally starts in December.


2. We happened to arrive there in the rainy season.


3. How long does the rainy season last?


4. The rainy season has ended at last.


5. In addition, it saves the village from river flooding during the rainy season.


6. We may expect muggy weather when the rainy season begins.


7. As the rainy season of flowers, It'seems obscure, we have arranged the beginning the end.

作为雨季中的花朵, 蒙胧中似乎已经安排了我们的开始,结束.《期刊摘选》

8. Evolution Feature of the Rainy Season Onset Time of Yunnan Province


9. Often during the rainy season and flood low - temperature phenomena that affect crop growth and harvest.


10. The most pleasant thing of the rainy season is that one can be entirely free from dust.


11. It does not, however, have running water-except through the roof in the rainy season.


12. We bank the river during the rainy season.


13. The rainy season changes the route too.


14. The body count seems to go down during the rainy season.


15. The rainy season alternates with the dry season.


16. The rainy season always depresses me.


17. The dam must be closed before the rainy season sets in, or all our labour will be lost.

大坝一定要在雨季开始以前合拢, 否则就会前功尽弃.《现代汉英综合大词典》

18. Why wait for your roof to leak in the rainy season when you can fix it right away.


19. During the rainy season the river, swollen by mountain torrents, caused terrible floods in the valley.

在雨季, 山洪暴发,河水猛涨, 给河谷地区造成可怕的水灾.《期刊摘选》

20. Soon the rainy season sets in.


21. A Case Analysis of Last Rainstorm in Shandong Rainy Season of 2003


22. In July and August we have a rainy season.


23. The battle dragged and the rainy season set in.


24. But the start of the rainy season has moved that speech indoors to a conference center.


25. During the rainy season, parts of the river are 190 kilometers wide.


26. In the rainy season things get damp easily.


27. Things easily get mildewed in the rainy season.


28. Have you harvested your crops? It'll be rainy season.


29. The farmers were racing against the rainy season, trying to gather in the summer crops.


30. They sowed the crop right in the middle of the rainy season.


31. When does the rainy season set in here?


32. Regional Characteristics of Precipitation in the Rainy Season over Eastern China during Last 53 Years


33. Summer is a rainy season in China.


34. We happened to arrive there in the rainy season.


35. The epidemics usually stop when the summer rainy season begins.


36. The epidemic epidemics usually start stop when the summer raining rainy season begins.


37. And open the rainy season, according to the weather bureau.

开始雨季的到来,来自气象局的报道。《provided by jukuu》

38. When the project began, Makete District was virtually totally isolated during the rainy season.


39. The rainy season is coming. It's a matter of great urgency to repair the drainage and irrigation equipment.

雨季就要到了, 修理排灌设备是急如星火的任务.《现代汉英综合大词典》

40. The camping supplies were dampened during the long rainy season.


41. The weather won't clear up until the rainy season is over.


42. The river is navigable during the rainy season.


43. The rainy season commences now.


44. The camp supplies dampened during the long rainy season.


45. The antibiotic epidemics usually start stop when the summer rainy season begins.


46. All you can do is to wait until the rainy season is over.


47. The rainy season and its variation in Beijing during the last 255 years


48. The rainy season is over.


49. The rainy season has set in.


50. The quality control method of concrete engineering in rainy season


51. Characteristics of drought and flood in Hainan Province rainy season


52. They were working under the gun to get the bridge repaired before the rainy season set in.


53. After a moment she looked up with a slow smile, her eyes glistening with tears.

过了一会儿她抬起头起头来慢慢一笑, 眼里闪着泪光.《期刊摘选》

54. The rainy season in the Andes normally starts in December.


55. When's the rainy season?


56. Four seasons, strong winds, moderate climate, with hot rainy season.

四季分明, 季风强盛, 气候温和, 雨热同季.《期刊摘选》

57. The camp supplies dampened during the long rainy season.


58. Clothes dry slowly in the rainy season.


59. In the rainy season, the wild plant's growth is rapid.

雨季时, 野外的植物生长很快.《期刊摘选》

60. And the rainy season is not expected for several more months.


61. The rainy season is upon us once again.


62. Things easily get mildewed in the rainy season.


63. It rains a lot rainy season. That's why I hate this period.

梅雨季雨水很多. 这是我讨厌这段时期的原因.《期刊摘选》

64. Application of Numerical Forecast Production to Heavy Rain Forecasting during Rainy Season, 2002


65. Prediction Test with Multivariate Mixed Threshold Regression Model for Rainy Season Precipitation


66. There are fears that with the onset of the rainy season the cholera will continue to spread.


67. The rainy season is over.


68. The situation became worse for them when the rainy season set in.


69. The rainy season is backward this year.


70. The villagers expect that the building of the bridge will be completed before the rainy season comes.


71. The rainy season last from april to august.


72. The dam must be closed before the rainy season sets in, or all our Labour will be lost.


73. So it is important to identify areas where the raining rainy season is beginning.


74. The research on the heavy rainfall process of Yunnan Rainy Season Onset


75. But the start of the rainy season has moved speech indoors to a conference center.


76. And the rainy season is not expected for several more months.


77. Analysis of features of anomalous precipitation during rainy season in Fujian Province


78. The Climatic Feature Analysis of Yunnan Rainy Season Early or Late Onset


79. The rainy season has ended at last.


80. I was also caught in rainy season in L . A.


81. I am also caught in rainy season in l. a.

我还? 上了洛杉矶的雨季.《英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语》

82. The rainy season begins.


83. We must hurry up with the construction work so that we can finish it before the rainy season sets in.


84. We may expect muggy weather when the rainy season begins.


85. The rainy season has ended.


86. This means that the burned area should begin to recover in the next rainy season.


87. In the rainy season things get damp easily.



1. It turns especially treacherous during the rainy season (December to March), when the lack of asphalt or concrete paving leads the road to become impassable in many spots.

BBC: Seven of the worlds riskiest roads

2. It is possible to drive between some of the federal states even during the rainy season.

ECONOMIST: Sudan's separation

3. The rainy season has been anything but rainy, and the coming months are traditionally even drier.

CNN: Drought endangers wildlife in African park

4. During the rainy season, it is not uncommon for buildings to collapse, injuring or killing the residents.

FORBES: Five Things You Probably Take For Granted

5. First, there was so much precipitation during the January-to-March rainy season that Machu Picchu closed down.

FORBES: A Machu Picchu Style Start-up

6. The threat has been compounded, she said, by the pending rainy season in Mali which usually begins in the middle of June.


7. Thousands more Indian and Caribbean workers too succumbed to the malaria and yellow fever that swept the isthmus during the rainy season.

ECONOMIST: The Panama Canal

8. Every day in the rainy season Dr Formenty sets traps for animals suspected of hosting the virus.

BBC: News | Africa | Fighting back at ebola

9. "So,key questions are with respect to the next rainy season.

VOA : standard.2009.08.31

10. The Government has made it a priority to move residents before the rainy season begins in a few weeks.

VOA : standard.2010.03.29

11. The rainy season next month will disrupt transport and so push up food prices, which a prolonged drought has already helped to inflate.

ECONOMIST: And now the political fall-out

12. Malaria is always a risk in the rainy season but the flooding is expected to make the situation worse.

CNN: Disease fears in West Africa after heavy flooding

13. Guamanchi and Assari tours to Lake Maracaibo are best arranged during rainy season between May and December, when electrical activity is at its peak.

BBC: Venezuelas Andean playground

14. Sometimes we get rain, January through March, usually it's the rainy season,

一月到三月,有时候会下雨,通常那时候是雨季。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 深入研究洛杉矶

15. The rainy season lasts from June to November.

VOA : special.2009.06.30

16. Many people say they feel nervous living here, especially now in the rainy season.

NPR: One Year Later, Guatemala Still Reeling from Stan

17. It even failed to see to it that the drains in Jakarta were cleaned before the rainy season, causing unusually severe flooding earlier this year.

ECONOMIST: Indonesia: Trading on her father's image | The

18. You might have to drive through a river during the rainy season.

FORBES: Embracing Costa Rica's Rainy Season

19. What we are doing now is organize regional climate outlook for before the rainy season.

VOA : standard.2009.08.31

20. Indonesia often suffers from deadly floods and landslides during the rainy season.

VOA : standard.2009.03.27

21. The rainy season usually starts in the first week of June.

WSJ: Monsoon Rains Arrive Over India's Mainland

22. Among the reasons the clubs have given for their decision was that they cannot play during the rainy season to avoid injuries to their players.

BBC: Clubs boycott Sierra Leone FA Cup

23. We're just getting into the rainy season here and my Gringo Bond Street boots just aren't cutting it.

BBC: Transcript: Cocaine: Alex James in Colombia

24. At the beginning of the rainy season, Baal opens a slit, or makes a slit in the clouds, and thunders and shakes the Earth.

在雨季开始的时候,Baal在云端开一条缝,雷鸣震动大地。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. The cricket board may allow state associations to swap matches if they are allocated during the rainy season.

BBC: SPORT | Cricket | India rain prompts dates re-think

26. But,it was suspended between mid-July and mid-October because of the rainy season, which made roads impassable.

VOA : standard.2009.10.24

27. Neither made allowances in their calendar for the World Cup, which started slightly earlier this time in a failed attempt to defeat Asia's rainy season.

FORBES: Magazine Article

28. South Africa is prone to lightning during its summer rainy season.

BBC: South Africa pupils in hospital after lightning strikes

29. When swollen by the rainy season, the river will cascade through the turbines, turning out up to 11, 200 megawatts adding 10% to Brazil's existing generating capacity.

ECONOMIST: Energy in Brazil

30. "We'll be cautious in scheduling matches during the rainy season, " said BCCI secretary Niranjan Shah.

BBC: SPORT | Cricket | India rain prompts dates re-think

31. The current rainy season has swollen the river and destroyed a bridge.

BBC: Eritreans return from Ethiopia

32. Heavy rain is typical this time of year in Costa Rica, where the rainy season runs roughly from May-November.

CNN: Floods force evacuations in Costa Rica

33. Within Cambodia, the major factions are intensifying their jockeying for power, including preparations for military offensives before the rainy season begins in May.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Giving Peace A Chance In Cambodia: A Primer For US Policy

34. At the end of the rainy season, the hilltop Dhamma Giri meditation centre in the small Maharashtran town of Igatpuri glistens.

BBC: Following the Buddha around Bombay

35. And,he warns there will be outbreaks of diseases such as diarrhea, meningitis and malaria once the rainy season starts in a couple of months.

VOA : standard.2009.03.28

36. But he warned that the looming rainy season could present new challenges.

VOA : standard.2009.06.11

37. Flooding is cyclical in the country, but the rainy season this year has been devastating.

CNN: U.N. moves to help thousands displaced by Benin floods

38. Fortunately, the rainy season will be ending shortly, which will make it easier to get aid there and help the long-suffering people there.

NPR: Transcript of Presidential Debate

39. Many southerners live in remote areas difficult to access by road, and many roads become impassable during rainy season.

VOA : standard.2010.03.23

40. And in parallel, we must prepare the rainy season, which just last week has already caused the deaths of 15 people.

WHITEHOUSE: Standing Together with Haiti

41. That's nearly half the population, who must be resettled before the winter rainy season if they are to plant the single annual rice crop.

CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | East Timor: Step Forward, With Caution

42. Although an estimated 87 percent of those who have been displaced are not in camps, those who are will soon be confronted by Pakistan's monsoon (rainy) season.

VOA : standard.2009.07.04





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