to mix翻译_to mix短语搭配_to mix权威例句

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to mix

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  • 混合

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



1. likes to mix it up 喜欢搞混了 ; 喜欢混合起来

2. Material to mix 选项卡

3. Materials to mix 选项栏允许用户选择混合的材质及其它们混合的方法

4. to mix with 交结 ; 厮混

5. You don't want to mix 你不想混了

6. To mix up to 搅一搅

7. ready to mix 准备组合

8. x to mix 桥上駅舎

9. to mix up 混合的 ; 淆杂 ; 搞混


1. She is very difficult to mix in.


2. I like to mix up designer clothes


3. She showed me how to mix them with salt and oil.


4. Ted managed to mix business with pleasure


5. The fabric changes when we want to mix it up.


6. She expected him to ask for a scotch and was rather nonplussed when he asked her to mix him a martini.


7. Do you like to mix your food together when you eat?


8. Older people and women made the mistake slightly more often, but that may be because grandparents have more grandchildren to mix up than parents have children.


9. Be careful not to mix them up.


10. Eating out with clients is a good way to mix business with pleasure.


11. To mix yet more metaphors, you were trying to run before you could walk, and I've clipped your wings.


12. Also, don't be afraid to mix it up.


13. Older people and women made the mistake slightly more often, but that may be because grandparents have more grandchildren to mix up than parents have children.

老年人和女性犯该错误的频率稍高,但这或许是因为祖父母们的孙子孙女比父母的孩子多,容易混淆。《四级真题- 2019年 6月 1卷 阅读B》

14. He's going to mix things up a bit.


15. The need to mix and match tool components will become mandatory.


16. "Jones used sometimes to mix some of it in our mash, "said one of the hens.

“琼斯有时会在我们的饲料中掺一点。” 一只鸡说道。

17. The two of you have to mix it up.


18. People are supposed to mix, do you understand?


19. I like to mix it up sometimes and actually be on time.


20. Dashan, who has been learning crosstalk for decades, wants to mix it up with the Western stand-up tradition.


21. It is advisable to mix coarse grit into heavy soil to improve drainage.


22. Construction Method and Process Control of Using Plant Mixing Process to Mix Rigid Pavement


23. Hopefully, as we start to mix with friends and family again, we can enjoy the benefits once more and put us all in the right state of mind.


24. When you came away you made a definite effort to mix.


25. Although it was difficult to mix the two skills together and it was much easier to get hurt, Yang Liu didn't give up.


26. I added a little milk to mix the dough to the right consistency.


27. Sometimes it’s nice to mix things up.


28. Another cloud moved in to mix with it, and the dragon changed into a dancing elephant.


29. They will be encouraged to mix academic A-levels with vocational qualifications


30. The first step is to mix the powder with warm water.


31. Another way to improve your frame of mind is to mix things up.


32. People are supposed to mix, do you understand?


33. I like to mix up designer clothes.


34. I don't like to mix business with pleasure.


35. He used a pan of water to mix the wheat flour.


36. To mix yet more metaphors, you were trying to run before you could walk, and I've clipped your wings


37. It is used to mix the raw material for toilet soap manufacturers.


38. That means they don't like to mix so much.


39. Some people do not want to mix home and office life.


40. And I also love to mix prints.


41. It's important not to mix brands too much.


42. Generally, I try to mix things up a bit.

通常我试着混淆一些事。《provided by jukuu》

43. Look at hybrid methods and do not hesitate to mix different techniques.


44. And this will cause A and B to mix.


45. That means they don't like to mix so much.


46. Stewart has developed a tendency to mix it verbally with the opposition.


47. People from different classes used to mix very little.


48. Tactfully, Whisker gave Kate suggestions on how best to mix and match the clothes she already owned while also suggesting new additions.

巧妙地,Whisker 给了凯特一些建议,比如如何在现有的服饰中做最好的搭配,以及添置一些新的衣服等。

49. I ventured the idea that the secret of staying young was to mix with older people


50. It's easy to mix him up with his brother; they're so much alike.


51. In the kitchen, the recipe provides a list of ingredients and some instructions on how to mix those ingredients together.


52. My colleagues probably think I'm unfriendly, but it's just that I don't like to mix business with pleasure.


53. I ventured the idea that the secret of staying young was to mix with older people.


54. I'm going to mix these chemicals and watch the reaction.


55. Malcolm wanted to mix the beginning of a sonata, then add Beethoven for a few measures, then go back to Bach.


56. Sam used to mix with those people.


57. And this will cause a and B to mix.


58. For a uniform absorption, we use micro injection method to mix them.


59. I'm going to mix them.


60. One of the hostess's duties is to mix with her guests as much as possible.



1. Added to the mix of challenges facing the new U.S.and NATO commander are the dynamics of Afghanistan's August presidential election.

VOA : standard.2009.06.15

2. They will mix leaves, animal waste and food waste from the college's kitchens to make compost.

VOA : special.2009.04.14

3. But the help the conference hopes to provide may not help resolve the racial and cultural mix in Darfur.

VOA : standard.2010.03.21

4. One of the things that is very important in discussing Iran is not to mix issues.

NPR: Transcript: President Bush on Iran

5. Aggressive federal intervention in the 1960s got black and white pupils to mix more.

ECONOMIST: Forty years after the murder of Martin Luther King

6. Both countries have joined with other developing countries to demand money and technology from rich countries to make the transition to a greener energy mix.

VOA : standard.2009.11.27

7. Police reportedly found methanol, commonly used to mix bootleg alcohol, in whiskey on the yacht.

BBC: Turkey arrests after adulterated alcohol kills Russians

8. Take the yolks and mix them in with the sugar and water No. Sugar and flour I guess is probably what I want, sugar and water is not going to do anything interesting for me here mix them into something else.

将蛋黄取出,把他们和上糖和水,不,我猜糖和面粉才可能是我想要的,糖和水没法儿为我,变出有趣的东西来,把他们混合成别的什么东西。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

9. In the meantime, we should find ways to mix traditional education with the new tech advances.

FORBES: The Animation Revolution Part II

10. Like passengers on the old ocean liners, they will not have to mix with the cramped masses below.

ECONOMIST: Airbus unveils its double-decker for a new era in aviation

11. And so we need to have this mix of sort of-thank you da-da-da-da-boom. Anyway, moving right along.

所以我们需要把各种动力,混合在一起,不管怎样,始终往前发展。微软CEO-Steve.Ballmer谈科技的未来课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

12. Each group brings its own wedding customs and traditions to the mix.

VOA : special.2010.08.09

13. Women who gave birth vaginally transferred the unique mix, their unique "community" of vaginal bacterial to the newborn baby.

VOA : standard.2010.06.30

14. For all their investigative zeal, Messrs O'Shea and Madigan are careful to mix praise with criticism.

ECONOMIST: Management consultants and their clients

15. Do they mix into the reading and do they talk to me about the reading?

他们能不能理解课本内容,并能讲给我听呢?SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 与哲学系教授

16. So it's like a... It's always a mix of something that's nice to wear but at the same time, also looks nice.

所以这就像……经常是穿起来舒服、但同时看起来也好看的结合。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 追求个性

17. These will allow consumers to mix and match 50 or 100 radio stations from the two services.

WSJ: FCC Commissioners Will Approve XM-Sirius Deal

18. IslamOnline has to some extent been a lifestyle publication, focusing on how to mix modern life and religion.

ECONOMIST: Islam on the web

19. And I would like to see in the future the mix of things that they look at change a little bit,

我希望在将来他们考察的各种因素会变一点,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 不平等的入学基准

20. "I think adding rewards to that mix is useful.

VOA : standard.2010.07.16

21. The slave trade revolving around tobacco or cotton or coffee or sugar would tend to mix slaves and laborers from different language backgrounds, in part deliberately, so as to avoid the possibility of revolt.

为了获得烟草,棉花,咖啡,或糖块的奴隶交易,会将来自不同语言背景的奴隶,和劳动者们混在一起,这也在某种程度上,谨慎地避免了可能的造反心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. Without useful and beautiful hardware that people want to mix business and pleasure with, Apple dies.

FORBES: Amazon Will Beat Apple to $1,000

23. Do mix grass cuttings with other wastes to loosen them up.

VOA : special.2009.06.23

24. He must be careful not to mix his private and personal interests with his public actions.

NPR: A Public Man Must Live in the Present

25. Pouring from one container to the next can cause air to mix into the milk.

FORBES: Digital Milk Jugs: A Product Worth Developing?

26. Crane is full of mixed metaphors; you're not supposed to mix your metaphors and he does, all the time.

克莱恩的诗里充满了相互交织的隐喻;,你们无法将这些隐喻结合而谈,但他做到了,一直都是。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. "We are preparing stores such as rations and water so we can keep ourselves sustained and then it will just be patrolling out from the area to see if we can mix with the locals and find the insurgents."

VOA : standard.2010.08.04

28. U.S. obstetricians have long told nauseated pregnant women how to mix up the right dose themselves.

NPR: FDA Approves Return Of Drug For Morning Sickness

29. These producers are guaranteed a market, since regulations oblige fuel merchants to mix ethanol into petrol.

ECONOMIST: America and its neighbours discover a common interest

30. She said the United States is moving from mostly the direct exercise of power to what she called "a more sophisticated and difficult mix of indirect power and influence."

VOA : special.2010.05.29

31. What if I were able to mix the orbitals?

他说如果将这些轨道混在一起会怎么样呢?固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

32. you have to generate What do you get when you mix two agricultural things?

你必须去生产,当你将两种农作物结合起来你会得到什么古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

33. So it's kind of I'm doing work, but I'm just trying to... mix it up a bit

所以我还是在工作,只不过我想尝试换换环境,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 正在写论文

34. Why would you want to mix your assets with those of wealthier families?

FORBES: Old money chasing new

35. To improve clay soils, mix in garden waste or other organic matter and turn the soil deeply in the fall.

VOA : special.2009.03.10

36. Another experiment would be to mix two chemicals together and put a thermometer in and measure the temperature.

比方说做这样一个试验,将两种化学试剂混合然后测定反应温度金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

37. Starting this week we're going to sort of mix physiology and Biomedical Engineering, and that's going to start sort of this week and next.

从本周开始我们会把,生理学和生物医学工程的内容融合起来讲,话题自本周始 到下周止生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

38. "Kids will love the booths that allow them to mix and produce music, " Frommer said.

CNN: Five museums you AND your kids will enjoy

39. Make it part of your marketing plan to mix up your content and occasionally share these as well.

FORBES: 10 Facebook Marketing Features You Might Have Missed

40. Mr Crystal's ability to mix unabashed sentiment with such comic zingers has left Manhattan chortling into its handkerchiefs.

ECONOMIST: Broadway shows

41. As soon as you allow anything to mix, like you might if you want to do any chemistry, entropy changes.

只要你允许物质混合,就像你做任何化学实验的时候要做的,熵就会发生变化。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

42. In order to mix some pleasure with business, we left an afternoon free for a bit of sightseeing.

FORBES: Why Bright Foods Likes GNC

43. The first scrutineer uses the plate as a cover when shaking the receptacle to mix the ballots.

NPR: The Papal Transition: An Overview

44. Does the fact that death follows life-- does that produce any interaction effects between the two, which need to be added into our formula-- ? added into the mix as well?

那生后即是死这个事实-,有没有在这两者间产生任何相互影响,也需要被增加到我们的公式中来-,要增加到混合中来?死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

45. The question is how to mix them, and the attempt to answer it is an enterprise in collective deliberation.

FORBES: Mark Pennington on Hayek and Habermas

46. He attributes his ability to mix and match items tastefully to his three-year stint there.

WSJ: How Maurizio Pellizzoni Is Bringing Warmth to London

47. The readings will be a mix between things that'll be quite easy for you to understand, things from the popular media, etc., and then some more sophisticated publications from scientific journals.

材料涵盖面很广,这样更有助于你们理解,比如一些大众读物,和一些比较艰深的学术期刊上的文章关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

48. Entrepreneurs thrive by finding new ways to mix capital and labor to better meet consumer demand.

FORBES: Obama, ATMs And Rage Against The Rise Of Machines

49. However, the real money saver is you can get peak and off-peak carnets to mix and match your tickets.

BBC: More ways to save money on train fares

50. This time, we're doing the opposite -- you know, to mix things up.

ENGADGET: Refresh Roundup: week of July 9th, 2012 Mobile

51. Once installed, an astronaut activated the experiment, causing the spirit to mix with the oak particles.

FORBES: The Final Frontier For Whisky

52. But they also manage to mix a large measure of conservatism with their radicalism.

ECONOMIST: The best is yet to come

53. Oil and water may be hard to mix, but blending inputs creates a good salad dressing.

FORBES: You can grow wealth in 2011 like Amazon, Apple, Priceline, Colgate

54. We don't have to mix the two and we can take that on its own merits.

CNN: AllPolitics - FDCH Transcript

55. People often like to mix old and new.

人们经常混搭新旧服装。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 推荐古老店铺

56. To speak both of Jove and of Christ is obviously in some ways to mix your metaphors and the effect can only be disorienting.

同时提到丘比特和救世主在某种方式上,很明显使人们对暗喻和其所起的作用感到迷惑。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

57. One answer, to mix metaphors, is that it would allow vegetarians to have their meatloaf and eat it too.


58. And from that to the further claim that whatever we mix our labor with that is un-owned becomes our property.

再从这更进一步为以下观点,任何施加了我们劳动的无主物品,都是我们的财产。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

59. Topshop has long been a game changer, allowing anyone and everyone to mix high-street and high-end fashion.

WSJ: Tina Gaudoin on Style: How to Wear Topshop Past 25

60. What will be the proper mix in different risk groups, in different subtypes, in different backgrounds if the goal is to reach a vaccine -- one vaccine -- that could work for all people and nations?" But the researchers say the findings offer new hope for AIDS research.

VOA : standard.2009.10.20





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