be accountable to是什么意思_be accountable to短语搭配_be accountable to权威例句

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be accountable to

网络 对…负责;对……负有责任

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短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. be accountable to sb 负责

2. be accountable to sb for 对某人负有


1. Situated in or oriented toward the northeast. The board of directors shall be made accountable to shareholders.


2. Parents can not be accountable to the village!


3. The supervisory board of a listed company shall be accountable to all shareholders.

上市公司监事会应向全体股东负责。《provided by jukuu》

4. The major service industries should be accountable to their customers.


5. That, beloved, is my biggest regret of this life, and something that I will have to answer and be accountable to the Guardians for.


6. It takes a great deal of courage and character to be accountable to another person for your actions and behaviors.


7. Tell them you want to be held accountable.


8. The general manager shall be accountable to the board of directors or the joint managerial institution.


9. We allow ourselves to be overwhelmed with words of blame, a role we willingly adopt so as to be accountable to no one and to avoid taking any part in world affairs.


10. Congress must be fully accountable to the public.

国会必须对公众负责。《provided by jukuu》

11. Governments must be accountable to someone beside themselves; fully accountable for what they did; the court held the parents answerable for their minor child's acts of vandalism; he was answerable to no one.

政府必须向除他们自己之外的人负责;对他们的所做的事完全负责;法庭认为父母应对他们未成年的孩子的破坏行为负责;他不对任何人负责。《provided by jukuu》

12. Make yourself accountable to show up for yourself just like you would be accountable to show up for a job.


13. We need to be accountable to our public, but we need to look at all the measurements.


14. He would be fully accountable to the Governing Council for the use of the funds;

对基金的使用情况他负有向理事会报告的全部责任;《provided by jukuu》

15. A body proposed by the investors the systemic risk oversight regulator would have a full-time staff led by a chairman and four members appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate, and would be accountable to Congress.

投资者提议成立的机构系统性风险监管机构(systemic risk oversight regulator)由一名主席和四名成员组成,均为全职工作人员,由总统任命,经过参议院批准,并对国会负责。

16. The banks should be made more accountable to the public, as public services already are.


17. Gear pump in the pump is in gear with two small rotation to each other and be accountable to the media do not ask for much.


18. I must lead by example, and I must be held accountable to Member States.


19. The authors believe that bank supervisors should be accountable to not only supervisory actions done in bad faith, but also ones done in good faith and with gross negligence.


20. Gear pump in the pump is in gear with two small rotation to each other and be accountable to the media do not ask for much.


21. You are right! Be accountable for the project, be accountable to the investor, there should be a sense of accountability from the entrepreneurs!


22. If other people know what you're trying to do, what you're focusing on, then firstly they might be able to help, and second they'll be able to hold you accountable.


23. If partners were jointly and severally liable, in the event of failure this would not only encourage prudence, since each partner would be accountable to each other but it would also discourage unmanageable growth.


24. We want to be transparent to the international community but domestically accountable to our voters.


25. The general manager shall be accountable to the board of directors or the joint managerial institution.


26. The bar steward be accountable to the beverage manager.

酒吧间服务员要对餐饮部经理负责。《provided by jukuu》

27. You need to be accountable to yourself, so keep track of how much time you really spend on the things that are important to you by tracking your time.


28. The district governor must be accountable to the district for the activity and must provide a clear accounting of the activitys expenses.


29. Those "in between" targets force us to be accountable.


30. The government of the special administrative region has to be a government accountable to its people.

特区政府是一个对市民负责任的政府。《provided by jukuu》

31. Be Accountable to Others. Remember that they need to understand you and your needs too. Express your feelings and reasons and let them become partners to your goals.


32. The Political contract clearly demonstrates that the power of government comes from people, therefore, the Government must be accountable to the people.


33. In most large companies, top management will still have to be accountable to shareholders or a board of directors.

在很多大公司里,高层管理者对股东和董事会负责。《provided by jukuu》

34. The region as a whole is making progress in reforming governance structures to be more accountable and inclusive.


35. The board of directors shall be made accountable to shareholders.


36. Managers must be accountable to their decisions.


37. Friday's joint statement said there must be more supervision and regulation of all "financial actors" and that they need to be kept accountable.


38. A winning bidder shall be accountable to the tenderer for the subcontracted projects, and the persons accepting the subcontracts shall jointly and severally be liable for the subcontracted parts.


39. The Audit Commission is established under the basic law, which provides that the Audit Commission shall function independently and be accountable to the chief executive of the hksar.

《基本法》订明,审计署可独立执行职务,并向香港特区行政长官负责。《provided by jukuu》

40. We need to be accountable to our public, but we need to look at all the measurements.


41. We should be accountable to our customers.


42. Even in crisis, military power should be accountable to parliament.

即使在危机之时军事力量也应对议会负责。《provided by jukuu》

43. CSR describes a company's commitment to be accountable to its stakeholders.


44. But within the various stages of the product life cycle, the points which the cost occur are not consistent with the points which should be accountable to and can control the cost.


45. One way to make sure that your boundaries are in the right place is to always be accountable to your partner.


46. Dark patterns also can be addressed on a self-regulatory basis, but only if organizations hold themselves accountable, not just to legal requirements but also to industry best practices and standards.


47. In financial operation and Ministry development, Christian organizations should have effective management, and be accountable to their boards and the church.

基督教机构的财务运作及事工发展等,必须有效管理,并向其董事会、教会问责。《provided by jukuu》

48. Under the leadership of the Chief Executive, they will be accountable to the community.


49. The administration said online sales platforms will be held accountable if found to have been involved in food safety crimes.


50. The chief executive of the Macao Special Administrative Region shall be accountable to the central people's government and the Macao Special Administrative Region in accordance with the provisions of this law.

澳门特别行政区行政长官依照本法规定对中央人民政府和澳门特别行政区负责。《provided by jukuu》

51. You may be accountable to complete projects to deadline and under budget.


52. Above all, be accountable to yourself in your efforts to keep the big picture in perspective.


53. People who write this malware have to be held accountable, " said George Stathakopoulos, of Microsoft's Trustworthy Computing Group.

此恶意软件的作者必须对此负责,微软可信赖计算机集团的George Stathakopoulos说。

54. Some Chicago teachers seem to think that they shouldn't be held accountable until poverty is solved.


55. You may be accountable to complete projects to deadline and under budget.


56. The major service industries should be accountable to their customers.


57. In its place would spring up honest boards in which the chief executive would be accountable to the directors, acting on behalf of a firm's shareholders.


58. The Authority will be accountable to the Financial Secretary.



1. Accountability: Partners are eager to be accountable to themselves and to each other.

FORBES: What's Your Return on Integrity?

2. And it all plays into his knowledge, his participation, and being honest and forthcoming, not just with other government officials, but of course to the American public who he would be accountable to ultimately.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: National Security Experts Warn: Reject Brennan

3. If the government back down they will have to be accountable to the people.

FORBES: U.S.-Japan Security Alliance Is Obsolete Leaving Japan Caught between China and the U.S. in a New Asian Order

4. Accountability is not straightforward either: the commissioners will be accountable to the electorate, but just how much authority they have over chief constables is yet to be clarified.

ECONOMIST: Police reform

5. And, most of all, without denigrating academic freedom for any professor, be accountable to more than yourself.

FORBES: Colleges And Universities Should Operate More Like Businesses

6. Require each agency to designate a current, Senate-confirmed appointee to be accountable to the President for meeting improper payment reduction targets.

WHITEHOUSE: Reducing Improper Payments

7. It takes a lot of perseverance, certainly a lot of positive energy and attitude to be successful, and a lot of people with a lot of discipline and responsibility to be accountable to do what they're supposed to do -- probably some of the things that our country tries to do, as well.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Welcomes BCS Champion University of Alabama Crimson Tide | The White House

8. We have no one to be accountable to, no one to answer to when we spent twice what we said we would on eating out.

FORBES: Move up t Move down

9. It is a horse trade between those who will shortly be accountable to the people at election time and those who will never have to face the voters.

BBC: Europe: Waiting on Athens

10. Time after time in my discussions with European Union officials on accounting issues relating to country by country reporting and the need for multinational corporations to be accountable to people in all the states in which they operate, these officials, whose support for IFRS brought this whole edifice to worldwide prominence, indicate that their support for it is wearing thin.

FORBES: Have They Pushed the Self Destruct Button at the International Financial Reporting Standard Foundation?

11. In short, we need our intelligence, homeland security and law enforcement systems -- and the people in them -- to be accountable and to work as intended: collecting, sharing, integrating, analyzing, and acting on intelligence as quickly and effectively as possible to save innocent lives -- not just most of the time, but all the time.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks to the Press After Security Meeting

12. It says broadcasters should be accountable to the Welsh assembly for their work in devolved areas such as the Welsh language, education and the economy.

BBC: Andrew RT Davies

13. In a democracy, those politicians, in turn, should be accountable to the voters.

BBC: Good week for the euro - but also a warning

14. The U.S. Constitution gives the power of the purse to Congress so that elected representatives can be accountable to the voters for their decisions.

FORBES: President Obama's Dangerous New Medical Board

15. If you believe that government should be accountable to the people, not the people to the government - then you are a Republican!

BBC: NEWS | Americas | Full text: Arnold Schwarzenegger's speech

16. With the opposition parties fragmented and scattered, however, the PT may well be in power long enough to be held accountable to its plans.

CNN: Is Brazil ready to take sporting center stage?

17. Will the new posts be accountable to local parents and communities?

BBC: Ofsted head calls for local school troubleshooters

18. Governments must govern and that's the clear line and that's what the Prime Minister's made clear and at the end of the day we'll be accountable to the electorate.

BBC: The Deputy Prime Minister, John Prescott

19. Speaking on BBC Radio Ulster's Talkback, he said that, as public servants, judges should be accountable to the public.

BBC: Jamie Bryson

20. He insists that the army must be accountable to civilians, and has accused the generals of cutting secret deals with Mr Erdogan.

ECONOMIST: Turkey's election

21. Credit unions are member owned, so they have no shareholders to be accountable to.

FORBES: Pros And Cons Of Credit Unions -- And There Aren't Many Cons

22. Foundation trusts have to be accountable to local people and members can vote for and stand as governors.

BBC: Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS seeking members

23. They have expanded hugely to give the middle classes the credentials they crave, while continuing to insist on their broader civilising mission and their right no, their duty to be accountable to nobody.

ECONOMIST: A cardinal in cyberspace

24. Government agencies need to be accountable to the public, and therefore suffer disruptions like this.

FORBES: Want To Photograph Your TSA Ordeal? Not So Fast

25. Forces you to be accountable to yourself and to investors.

FORBES: 5 Advantages of Strong Investor Communication

26. As such, we are more likely to be accountable to others and what they want us to be rather than being true to ourselves.

FORBES: Personal Branding Is A Leadership Requirement, Not a Self-Promotion Campaign

27. Indeed, decisions that affect a vast region could ultimately be made by a handful of leaders that do not have to be accountable to Congress, civil society or any other institution.


28. Teachers, in turn, must be accountable to their students and communities.


29. The court and its special prosecutors would be accountable to no one, not even the United Nations.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

30. Mr Cameron said it was inevitable there would be criticism when ministers were or were not referred, and it was right that the prime minister should be accountable to Parliament in such cases.

BBC: David Cameron
















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