public facility翻译_public facility短语搭配_public facility权威例句

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public facility

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  • 公共设施:指供公众使用的设施,如公园、图书馆、游泳池等。

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1. public facility sends 公有设施致害

2. other public facility land use 其他公共设施用地

3. Toll public facility 收费公用设施

4. urban public facility 城市公共设施

5. Registered public facility engineer 注册公用设备工程师

6. city public facility 城市公共设施

7. Public facility monitor system 公共设施监控系统

8. Public facility management 公共设施管理业

9. Local public facility 地区性公共设施


1. BOT is applicable to the public facility project, public enterprise project, and transportation project etc.


2. This report was funded by the Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF), a multi-donor technical assistance facility focused on improving infrastructure services.


3. The efficient public facility can not be supplied due to the defect existing in the market economy system.


4. Street lamp is indispensable public facility in urban construction and is one of the important symbols of city.


5. One facility was even built to look like a giant insect, perhaps a nod to the days when insects were frequent (and unwelcome) guests around public toilets.


6. Study on Capacity Restriction of Public Facility with Consideration of Evacuating Safety


7. Our country's public traffic signage system is considerably behind our road construction and public facility construction, and is at a blind and weak spot in our current society.


8. On Public Facility in Administrative Law


9. This thesis analyses the relationship between city form and city calamity prevention from three aspects of city green system, city transportation and city public facility.


10. With the development of business mode, a commercial space needs the service of all public facility in the city.


11. Thus, researches of public facility location theory are abundant but still deficient in the combination of empirical research to guide the spatial distribution of specific public facility.


12. BOT is applicable to the public facility project, public enterprise project , and transportation project etc.

-我国BOT方式 的适用范围主要是公共设施项目 、 公共工程项目 、 交-通设施等.《互联网》

13. The second chapter detailedly states the developing progress of related theory and public facility.


14. Public art is a art form which has mankind as its value core, city public environment and public facility as its working goal, and various medium as its carrier.


15. The architectural project fits seamlessly into the environment while accenting the highly visible quality of a public facility and its centrality as a gathering point and meeting place.


16. BOT is applicable to the public facility project, public enterprise project, and transportation project etc.


17. The facility runs strategic outsourcing workloads on client equipment and two public cloud offerings.


18. They said they feared Syria would feel greater pressure to retaliate against Israel for the bombing if U.S. intelligence about the facility had been made public.


19. The third part analysis the influencing factors of public facility of the public facility developing and makes analysis of motivation that contribute to the large-scale neighborhoods as well as the status quo.


20. Public facility is the artificial object or the object equipment which is owned or managed by the administrative subject and which is for public use.


21. The plot public facility offends somebody the compensation dispute.


22. Accordingly, the proportion of payment administration in administrative activities is growing gradually, and public facility is an important object of payment administration.


23. You can run your private cloud in a co-location facility which will give you some of the protection of being in the larger, public cloud.


24. PUBLIC is not actually a group defined in the external security facility.


25. Finally, based on the results of evaluation and the the demand of passengers analysis, put forward large passenger railway station public facility design recommendations.


26. Probe into Public Facility Optimal Location Models Based on Actual Road Networks


27. Street lamp is indispensable public facility in urban construction and is one of the important symbols of city.


28. Library is a public facility of human knowledge memory.


29. The viruses targeted a shipyard in Nagasaki, where destroyers are built, and a facility in Kobe that manufactures submarines and parts for nuclear power stations, public broadcaster NHK reported.


30. The tests are suspected to have taken place at a facility Bermudez took the lead in making public this week.


31. Urban public facility construction, tourism, real estate, business and trading and other service industries.


32. Street lighting system is not only an important public facility of the city but also a guarantee for urban residents who live a normal life.


33. "Public facility" is the artificial object or the object equipment which is owned or managed by the administrative subject and which is for public use.


34. Inspect all the public facility and make record, ensure all in good condition.


35. Public Facility in Chongqing Review on Visual Design of Manhole Cover


36. GIS and gravity polygon based service area analysis of public facility: case study of hospitals in Pudong New Area


37. PUBLIC is not actually a group defined in the external security facility, but is a way to assign privileges to any user who successfully authenticates with DB2.

PUBLIC实际上不是在外部安全设施中定义的一个组,但通过它可以为通过DB 2认证的用户授予特权。

38. Street-lamp lighting system is an essential part of public facility for city construction.


39. Architecture, public facility, landscape parergon... color helps promote the natural landscape visually.


40. The public facility sends the evil;


41. The thesis gives a clear definition to public facility in China based on the comparative analysis of the definitions of it in other countries and areas.


42. When the Swedes set about planning their nuclear waste storage facility three decades ago, they faced significant opposition from a public that was skittish about nuclear power.


43. Public facility is an important element of the residential area, public facilities design is from a side, embodies the residential area of their own culture and characteristics.


44. The public facility helps to enhance the city development level.


45. The city hazards are widely distributed and a lot of them distributed in the region where population and public facility are concentrated.


46. Accordingly, the proportion of payment administration in administrative activities is growing gradually, and public facility is an important object of payment administration.


47. City gas pipeline network, the public facility of a city, has become the foundation of social stability and economic development.


48. Demonstration of this paper on the relationship between art and life, focused on the need for a combination of public facility design and contemporary art and its principles.


49. Next, the FRCS will be shipped to a maintenance facility at White Sands Space Harbor in New Mexico, where additional inspections will be performed and its components made safe to go on public display.


50. One belt means public facility belt wedged into the green open space, it is also a zone reserving the airport runway "growth-imprinting axis".


51. Urban public facility construction, tourism, real estate, business and trading and other service industries.


52. Library is a public facility of human knowledge memory.


53. This thesis analyses the relationship between city form and city calamity prevention from three aspects of city green system, city transportation and city public facility.


54. This paper provides a new solution for the billing system for public facility, which is usually difficult to be accurate.


55. Cato Berntsen Larsen climbed into the public facility after his friend dropped the phone while urinating.


56. PUBLIC is not actually a group defined in the external security facility, but is rather a way to assign privileges to any user who successfully authenticates.


57. The plot public facility offends somebody the compensation dispute.


58. The plot public facility is the transition bridge between the occupant and the outside and its design goal should meet occupant's function need.


59. Trend research of function, technique, price, appearance and compliment public facility of the personal electric autos, an exploration of its potential as an industry.


60. The legislation behavior, the military behavior, the harms behavior from the public facility presently is not included in our state compensation field.



1. The facility, which opens to the public on 20 August, features a 50m swimming pool, a 20m community pool, sports hall, cafe and 100-station gym.

BBC: Delayed ?26m Luton Sports Village centre set to open

2. At the time it held a public consultation about the plans to develop this alternative facility to produce about 110, 000 tonnes of dried waste a year as a coal substitute.

BBC: Waste plant proposal rejected by Vale council

3. "Following the works, the council will be re-launching the facility as one of the city's premier venues for major public events, including conferences, exhibitions, concerts, festivals, weddings, dinners and so on, " added Mr Bradley.

BBC: Swansea's Brangwyn Hall to close for facelift

4. Suffolk Industrial Recovery Corp. is a private, family operated facility that has been handling recycling needs for large corporations, governmental agencies, utilities and the general public since 1979.

FORBES: Connect

5. At a news conference, Australian police said the drug, known as "ice", was seized following a four-month investigation triggered by a tip-off by a member of the public about suspicious activity at a storage facility in West Ryde, Sydney.

BBC: Australia makes largest meth seizure

6. The Maidenhead MP will join discussions on the proposed facility close to junctions 8 and 9 of the motorway at a public meeting in the town later.

BBC: Theresa May MP supports calls for new M4 hospital

7. According to Isleifur Fridriksson, who oversees the facility, which is free and open to the public two nights a week, this peculiarly Nordic brand of masochism has never been more popular.

BBC: Credit collapse numbs Icelanders

8. The jury hasn't publicly stated its criteria, except that after the Olympics the course must be operated as a public facility with a teaching academy.

WSJ: Fairway to Rio: Golf Comes to the Olympic Games

9. It provides tours of the facility for interested members of the public and conduct lectures, outreach programs and demonstrations for the local community to show them how to grow food in various urban environments.

CNN: 'Vertical farm' blossoms at meatpacking plant

10. Greenpeace, the Natural Resources Defense Council and other left-wing organizations have launched a lawsuit aimed at compelling the Bush Administration to "reassess...the potential environmental damage" to be caused by its planned test facility in Alaska and provide...for public comment.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Strategy of a Thousand Cuts

11. "We won't make a decision (to approve the facility's restart) unless we're satisfied that public health and safety will be protected, " Jaczko told reporters.


12. The facility, currently the largest in the country with 60 courts, was the public center most frequently used by the USTA for tournaments in 2007.

FORBES: The Business of Tennis

13. After the Games, the course will become a public facility to promote golf in Brazil.


14. In a public-private partnership, a private investor assumes responsibility for financing, designing, building, and operating a transportation facility.

CNN: Road tax alternative: Pay for each mile you drive

15. "The facility to send public and private messages via Twitter has enabled me to get into all sorts of discussions and set up meetings with people easily, " she said.

BBC: Social media and the PCC elections: Tweeting candidates

16. By providing a combination of capital and liquidity, this facility will effectively substitute public for private balance sheet capacity, in a period of sharp deleveraging and risk aversion in which such capacity appears very short.

FORBES: The Crisis and the Policy Response

17. The facility -- the largest public hospital in the city and a comprehensive trauma center -- was accommodating scores of patients Friday before it was emptied.

CNN: Patients finally rescued from Charity Hospital

18. It says that more information is needed, specifically just what the public knows and how all the people living around a nuclear facility might respond.

FORBES: Nuclear Energy Radiating on Capitol Hill

19. The company is repaying the American public by laying off the 800 workers at the Devens facility and shifting production to a joint venture with a Chinese company in central China.

FORBES: U.S. Solar Manufacturer to U.S. Taxpayers: Drop Dead

20. You cannot set up a store within 1000 feet of any elementary or secondary school, playground, recreation center or facility, child care center, public park, public transit center, library, or game arcade that allows minors to enter.

FORBES: What Will A Pot Store Look Like ?

21. The waiting rooms are nicer than a public health facility because can put their resources towards a more pleasant experience than billing systems and personnel.

FORBES: The Marcus Welby/Steve Jobs Solution to the Medicaid-driven State & County Budget Crisis

22. In a seeming acknowledgment of these dangers, the FBI issued a statement Tuesday stating it had "immediately sealed off" Dutschke's former tae kwon do facility -- which is near an auto body shop and an ice cream parlor -- and contacted public health authorities in the interest of public safety.


23. You can run your private cloud in a co-location facility which will give you some of the protection of being in the larger, public cloud.

FORBES: Managing Your Data When It's In the Cloud

24. According to Lighting Africa, a joint World Bank - International Finance Corporation program developed to increase access to clean sources of energy for lighting, 589 million people in the continent live without access to a public electricity facility.

CNN: 'Solar sisters' spreading light in Africa

25. The massive implosion at the Yongbyon facility was intended to be a powerful public symbol of a move to end nuclear activities by the Communist nation once branded a member of an "axis of evil" by U.S. President George W. Bush.

CNN: N. Korea destroys nuclear reactor tower

26. Stored in a facility in Zurich, many of the pieces have been shown to the public in twice-yearly exhibits there, but Schmidheiny and Herzog dreamed of having a place to show off the collection in Latin America as a way to spark dialogue among artists across the diverse region.

NPR: Museum To Showcase Contemporary Latin American Art

27. Western public opinion fell with disconcerting facility for the thesis advanced -- from the very first day -- by the Kremlin's propaganda machine.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Russia is brazen, Europe weak
















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