money value翻译_money value短语搭配_money value权威例句

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money value

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  • 货币价值

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1. Time Value of Money 金钱的时间价值 ; 货币的时间价值 ; 时间价值 ; 金融 货币时间价值

2. value for money 物有所值 ; 物超所值 ; 现金价格 ; 价值

3. money value items 金融 货币价值项目

4. money value adjustment accounting 币值调整会计

5. money value of man 经 人的货币价值

6. money-value items 货币价值项目

7. money value index 金融 币值指数 ; 价值指数

8. the money value of time 探讨 ; 折旧方法 ; 使用年限 ; 资金时间价值

9. constant money value stabilization 币值稳定假设


1. The government should protect the value of the money and not destroy it.


2. Because the virtual property has the actual money value under, some illegal members then and urge in the benefit enticement to use each illegal method, enjoys the other people the fictitious wealth to appropriate to oneself.


3. On the Reasoning of the Calculating Method of the Money's Time Value


4. If the value created by the companies is greater or equal to the money put into them, then we are fine, we can continue to grow.


5. When money falls in value, there is no encouragement to save.


6. As the repayable transfer of money value ensured by contract during a certain period, credit can be represented by both liabilities and equity capital.


7. That depends on your money value, is moneygrubber or treating money sensible?


8. How much money value do I put on him?

我能说他值多少钱 吗 ?《互联网》

9. If you want money, provide value.


10. In other words, that price is the money value of a product or service as agreed upon in a market transaction.


11. State-owned property of administrative institution is the general name of all kinds of economic resources which are owned& used by administrative institution and measurable by money value.


12. In fact, customer assets have the vital un-neglectable non-money value, besides the money value.


13. Article 22 Assets are economic resources which are measurable by money value and which are owned or controlled by an enterprise including all property claims and other rights.


14. Beside labor value theory, there are other four kinds of value theories in western economics circle, i.e. money value theory, use-value value theory, production factor value theory, and supply-demand value theory.


15. Danzao can break a money value? Rich happy to send personal situation, gave him.


16. Despite occasional rallies, the US dollar is in trouble and holding US dollars is both dangerous and a sure way of losing purchasing power, money value and wealth.


17. The money value of the shares borrowed is deposited by your broker with the lender.


18. Art can connect culture with commercial products in a way that not many other things can; art generates money and holds significant emotional and cultural value within communities.


19. However, during the present decadal, the cognition on customer assets value is still stagnant at the money value.


20. In a rising market, everyone makes money and a value philosophy is unnecessary.


21. Whether you'd like a great value-for-money lunch or a relaxed evening meal at a fantastic restaurant, this is the place for you.


22. Thus while money has some value, its value should never exceed the value in our mind of things that it cannot buy.


23. They are less aware of the value of their money.


24. Fusion: Believes firmly own work to have outside the money value, Can serve other people.


25. When money falls in value, there is no encouragement to save.


26. A dime is a piece of money whose value is one-tenth of a dollar.


27. For a sense of security without fear is like money without its value.


28. Of course when you look at the financial loss over the year it is a frightening number of money value.


29. It considers that the fund of rural social security should include the government finance, special bond and the money value of the rural land.


30. Economists are accustomed to deflating the money value of national income by the average level of prices to obtain "real" income.


31. Article 22 Assets are economic resources, which are measurable by money value, and which are owned or controlled by an enterprise, including all property, claims, and other rights.


32. The first approximation would make everything depend on the captalized money value of the individuals prospective receipts.


33. Danzao can break a money value? rich happy to send personal situation, gave him.


34. Traditioanal accounting, with stability of money value as its base and historical cost as its principle, has been challenged by price changes.


35. Larger sizes give the best value for money.


36. Of course when you look at the financial loss over the year it is a frightening number of money value.


37. It can right teach you the value of money.


38. Most people place too much value on money and ignore other aspects of life.


39. We have investigated a range of different camera models to see which is the best value for money.


40. It said that it was not about putting a money value on the public domain, but highlighting its importance for society as a whole.

它说这不是关于把一个笔钱放入公有领域的问题,而是强调其对整个社会的重要性。《provided by jukuu》

41. That depends on your money value, is moneygrubber or treating money sensible?


42. Fusion: Believes firmly own work to have outside the money value, Can serve other people.


43. Traditioanal accounting, with stability of money value as its base and historical cost as its principle, has been challenged by price changes.


44. In this paper, we modified and simplified the income-based measure of human capital stock to corporate the China's reality, and estimate the money value of human capital stock in 1952-2003, and compare it with physical capital and GDP.


45. Constant average social productivity of labour is the basis of historical cost measure attribute, constant money value stabilization is the basis of nominal moneytary measure unit.


46. We believe that is good value for money for our customers.


47. Inflation erodes the value of our money.


48. Article 34 Liabilities are debts borne by an enterprise, measurable by money value, which is to be paid to a creditor in assets, or services.


49. An authentic old master painting from the 17th century may be a timeless masterpiece, but if it has never been sold, it has no money value.


50. Ecological system service is not supplied without compensation, but it ′ s accounted by money with high value.


51. I believe that the key for succeed is not earning money but creating value.


52. Liabilities are debts borne by an enterprise, measurable by money value, which will be paid to a creditor using assets or services.


53. The main criterion is value for money.


54. If the money value of the property mortgaged or used as security for other kinds of obligations exceeds the amount of loans secured, the surplus shall go to the bankrupt property for debt repayment.


55. At least, you are making use of your money, and hopefully deriving value and pleasure from it.


56. In other words, that price is the money value of a product or service as agreed upon in a market transaction.


57. How many are the Nepalese money's face value?


58. Economic resources are measured by money value, and are owned or controlled by an enterprise, including all property, rights as a creditor to others, and other rights.


59. How much money value do I put on him?


60. Before you part with your hard-earned cash, make sure that you are happy that you are getting value for money.


61. The first approximation would make everything depend on the capitalized money value of the individual's prospective receipts .


62. This paper classifies the utility value into money utility value, sentiment utility value, confidence utility value and honor utility value.



1. "I take this issue very seriously and my priority is to ensure that taxpayers' money is spent appropriately and delivers value for money, " the justice secretary said.

BBC: Serco and G4S face billing probe over electronic tagging

2. Of course, Southeastern is not the only noted value money manager experiencing hard times.

FORBES: Two Celebrated Investors Want To Fix Their Funds--And Chesapeake Energy

3. Nothing can excuse such an action, and shareholders will not be bought off with a dividend of our own money while value is destroyed.

FORBES: Yahoo: Investor Loeb Seeks 2 Board Seats; Attacks Jerry Yang

4. We are witnessing a major shift in customer buying behavior and needs: from the Time Value of Money to the Money Value of Time.

FORBES: Time trumps Money in Innovation

5. "Across government, if any appointments are found... which do not provide value for money, I would urge departments to seek to unwind them as quickly as possible and as quickly as is compatible with securing good value for public money, " he told MPs.

BBC: Alexander: Tax avoidance schemes to be 'unwound'

6. When money loses value, it's the equivalent of governments raising the rate at which we pay income taxes.

FORBES: Magazine Article

7. Most people (outside of Washington) understand that printing money dilutes the value of the currency being printed.

FORBES: Gold's Allure Tied to Interest Rates

8. The stock market lost half its value as money doubled in value.

FORBES: The Election Should Be Settled by a Single Question: Who Caused the Financial Crisis?

9. They spend a lot of money because they value the amenities and services your hotels offer.

FORBES: Calculating The Economics Of Loyalty

10. If we are going to debate value for money, we have to decide what we value.

BBC: What do we value about the police?

11. In a benchmarking of best practices, both countries have a more efficient use of money in the public sector, better value for money in education and health care, fewer persons permanently placed on social welfare and a more friendly rhetoric towards business, growth and job creation.

FORBES: European Socialism: Why America Doesn't Want It

12. When the value of money declines, the value of wages paid in that currency declines too.

FORBES: Economic Booms And Busts Of The Gold Standard Era

13. The crash in the money supply caused the value of money to spike.

FORBES: The Election Should Be Settled by a Single Question: Who Caused the Financial Crisis?

14. In most 401(k) plans, to move money from a stable-value account into a money-market fund or short-term bond fund, plan participants have to be invested in a riskier option for at least 90 days.

WSJ: A 401(k) Defense Against Rising Rates

15. The pre-money valuation is simply the value agreed upon before money is invested.

FORBES: Why Your Equity Could be Worth Less Than You Think (Or Possibly Nothing at All)

16. But the more these deductions are cut back, the less money capping their value will produce.

FORBES: What Taxes Does Obama Want to Raise?

17. Money increases value, decreases volume and pays for time.

FORBES: Behind The Music

18. This is intellectually dishonest, as the value in money does not come from its nominal value but rather from its purchasing power.

FORBES: Ron Paul, Greece and the Tin Standard

19. All we can do is change the form of the price, from money value to the value of time.

FORBES: Links 4 Nov: The Price Of Gas Is Just The Price Of Gas, Anti-Gouging Laws Be D'mned

20. Muni bond defaults have been below average this year and money value at muni bond defaults has been below average, both in number and in money.

FORBES: Ken Fisher Likes Toys, Semis And More For The Rebound

21. If money is a ubiquitous economic factor, then it follows that distortion of money value must necessarily distort everything in the economy.

FORBES: Why Analysts Can't Properly Value Stocks And Bonds

22. Under a genuine gold standard, the money supply responds automatically to the demand for money, and the value of money is anchored by defining the dollar in terms of gold.

FORBES: The Fed's Incredible Rate Forecasting Hubris

23. But I noted a reluctance to engage with a central question about Value for Money in Policing - what is it that we value?

BBC: What do we value about the police?

24. In our August 5, 2011 rebalance, we are really pouring money into the value funds.

FORBES: 6 Funds for Peace of Mind

25. In the dusty local market in Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland, rows of currency traders set up stalls on the side of the road with money they value by weight.

BBC: Somaliland: Africas unofficial country

26. Hidden in those policies was this potential time bomb: if the projected investment returns fail to materialize, the insurance company can make up the difference by reducing the cash value taking money out of your cash value savings account right down to zero, if necessary.

FORBES: Retirement Disaster Looms For Universal Life Policyholders

27. Eventually, taxpayers and citizens when this new money reduces the value of their old money.

FORBES: The Federal Reserve Is A Joke That You Must Take Seriously

28. The money supply would adjust to the demand for money and the long-run value of money would remain relatively stable.

FORBES: Ben Bernanke's QE4: Another Step Toward Helicopter Money, And Away From Freedom

29. And the primary reason why is because from his point of view, money loses its value that way.

FORBES: Compute Midwest: Dwolla's Ben Milne On The Future Of Money





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