
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈpɒpjələ(r)]play美 [ˈpɑːpjələr]play

  • adj. 受大众喜爱的,受欢迎的;(想法、情绪或态度)普遍的;通俗的,大众化的;民众的,百姓的

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


popular /ˈpɒpjʊlə/

  • 1.
    形容词 Something that is popular is enjoyed or liked by a lot of people. (物) 广受喜爱的

    Chocolate sauce is always popular with youngsters.


  • 2.
    不可数名词 (物的) 受喜爱度

    ...the growing popularity of Australian wines among consumers.


  • 3.
    形容词 Someone who is popular is liked by most people, or by most people in a particular group. (人) 广受喜爱的

    He remained the most popular politician in Arkansas.


  • 4.
    不可数名词 (人的) 受喜爱度

    It is his popularity with ordinary people that sets him apart.


  • 5.
    形容词 Popular newspapers, television programmes, or forms of art are aimed at ordinary people and not at experts or intellectuals. 面向大众的; 通俗的

    Once again the popular press in Britain has been rife with stories about their marriage.



    ...one of the classics of modern popular music.


  • 6.
    形容词 Popular ideas, feelings, or attitudes are approved of or held by most people. 广受赞同的

    Contrary to popular belief, the oil companies can't control the price of crude.



    The military government has been unable to win popular support.


  • 7.
    不可数名词 受赞同度

    Over time, though, Watson's views gained in popularity.


  • 8.
    形容词 Popular is used to describe political activities that involve the ordinary people of a country, and not just members of political parties. 民众的 (政治活动)

    The late president Ferdinand Marcos was overthrown by a popular uprising in 1986.




  • abbr.

    pop 邮局协议(post office protocol)

  • adj.

    pop 流行的;通俗的;热门的

  • adv.

    pop 突然;砰地

    popularly 流行地;通俗地;普及地;大众地

  • n.

    pop 流行音乐;汽水;砰然声;枪击

    popularity 普及,流行;名气;受大众欢迎

    popularization 通俗化,大众化;普及

    popularisation 普及,普通化(等于popularization)

    popularizer 大众化的人;普及读物;普及者;使普及的人

  • vi.

    pop 突然出现;爆开;射击;瞪大;发出爆裂声

    popularize 通俗化

    popularise 推广,普及;使…通俗化(等于popularize);使…受欢迎

  • vt.

    pop 取出;开枪打;抛出;突然伸出;突然行动

    popularize 普及;使通俗化



popular common ordinary universal 【导航词义:普通的,普遍的】

popular adj. 普遍的,大众的

〔辨析〕 指想法、信仰等为大部分人所持有并接受的,只作定语。

例1: It is a popular misunderstanding that the higher the price is, the better the product will be.


例2: Was popular opinion divided on the real-name train ticket system?


common adj. 常见的,普遍的

〔辨析〕 指经常在多人身上或多个地方发生的。

例1: Insomnia is fairly common among adults.


例2: It is common for children to be afraid of sleeping alone.


ordinary adj. 普通的,通常的

〔辨析〕 指平常的,没有不同或特别之处的。

例1: This movie is about ordinary people.


例2: Physical exercise should be part of ordinary life.


例3: I recommend this novel because it is written in ordinary language.


universal adj. 普遍的,全体的

〔辨析〕 指包括某一群体中的每个人在内的,无一例外。

例1: This book has universal appeal.


例2: House price is a topic of universal interest.



1. popular among 受…欢迎

2. Popular Science 大众科学 ; 科学普及 ; 科普知识 ; 科普读物

3. popular literature n. 大众文学,通俗文学

4. Partido Popular 西班牙人民党

5. popular goods 快销货

6. Popular element 流行元素 ; 盛行元素 ; 风行元素

7. popular with 受…欢迎;有好评

8. popular type 通用型;普通型

9. popular paper 大众报纸 ; 大众化报纸 ; 通俗报纸 ; 民众报纸

10. Popular Mechanics 大众机械师 ; 大众力学

11. most popular 最受欢迎;最流行

12. popular sovereignty 人民主权论

13. popular education 大众教育,国民教育

14. Popular Holdings 大众书局

15. popular science 大众科学,通俗科学

16. popular culture 大众文化,通俗文化;流行文化

17. be very popular 非常受欢迎

18. popular vote n. 普选;直接投票

19. popular song n. 流行歌曲

20. popular music n. 流行音乐;通俗音乐

21. popular front 人民阵线(尤指1936至1939年的法国人民阵线)




extremely popular 极其受欢迎的(或得人心的、普遍的)

increasingly popular 越来越受欢迎的(或得人心的、普遍的)

more popular 更加受欢迎的(或得人心的、普遍的)

most popular 最受欢迎的;最得人心的;最普遍的

wildly popular 非常受欢迎的(或得人心的、普遍的)


popular culture 当红文化;流行文化

popular magazine 受欢迎的杂志;通俗杂志

popular movie 受欢迎的电影;大众电影

popular music 当红音乐;流行音乐

popular novel 当红小说;通俗小说

popular restaurant 受欢迎的餐馆;大众口味的餐馆

popular show 受欢迎的表演;通俗表演

popular song 当红歌曲;流行歌曲


1. Taft continued stubbornly to defend him and thus exacerbated popular discontent.


2. The understanding of FIRR, FNPV and investment recovery period is also given a popular explanation paper.

根据实际筹资情况对全部投资现金流量表计算指标进行思考和修正,并对FIRR 、 FNPV和投资回收期等指标的理解给予通俗的解释.《期刊摘选》

3. The party still has widespread popular support.


4. a hugely/immensely popular singer

一个十分 / 非常受欢迎的歌手《牛津词典》

5. GG , obtained more audience rating , is the popular media in all the world.

绯闻女孩是最近很流行的一部美剧, 赚取了很多的收视率.《期刊摘选》

6. It is. This set here, for instance, is popular just now.

是呀, 举个例说, 这里这一套正是目前流行的.《期刊摘选》

7. This computer is popular for its good design and ease of use.


8. But at least they had some semblance of a popular mandate.


9. There is the basic friend hug , probably the most popular , and the bear hug, of course.

首先是最普通的拥抱, 以表示友好;当然还有熊抱(紧紧的拥抱).《期刊摘选》

10. Cool means a popular and successful life style.


11. The cafe is a popular meeting place for students.


12. Very popular barcode component software . 10.


13. Thus, as incumbent politicians can attest the popular mood grows uglier as share prices rise.


14. Being due to initial data errors, the result accuracy from the popular adjustment will decrease.

因起算数据误差的存在, 导致了用普通的平差方法求得的结果精度降低.《期刊摘选》

15. He was accepted into the most popular clique on campus.


16. If this kind of organization is popular, why we did not create amount of organizations.


17. Common carp are a popular choice for a fish farm, you.


18. The play has been very popular ; you have to book up well ahead.

这出戏一直很叫座, 你必须及早订座.《简明英汉词典》

19. These policies are unlikely to prove popular with middle-class voters.


20. Throwing balloons filled with water is a popular summer pasttime.


21. Poster is a more popular genre in advertising arts, to accomplish certain propaganda, encouraging mandate.

招贴是广告艺术中比较大众化的一种体裁, 用来完成一定的宣传 、 鼓动任务.《期刊摘选》

22. Esperanto has always been popular among socialists.


23. Contrary to popular belief , women cause fewer road accidents than men.


24. This screenwriter is very popular because he has a distinct sense of humor.


25. The military government has been unable to win popular support...


26. It was the best known and probably the most popular of her songs.


27. The most popular spectator sport is football.


28. GPS Positioning System is the most popular satellite positioning system in the world at present.


29. SMS text messaging has become a popular way for people to communicate.


30. The policy enjoys wide popular support.


31. Popular flavors might be vanilla, almond.


32. the popular press


33. It hit the charts, and our music is still popular with the public.

它成功的登上了流行音乐排行榜, 我们的音乐受到了大众的欢迎.《超越目标英语 第3册》

34. He was carried forward on a wave of popular feeling.


35. We performed a popular Gilbert and Sullivan opera.


36. They competed compete with Microsoft offices like Office, a hugely offer popular product.


37. I am sensible of the fact that mathematics is not a popular subject.


38. Beginning in the sixteenth century many Greek classics were translated into the popular languages.


39. There are many popular superstitions.


40. The construction brick toy is a popular educational toy.


41. Now the social good faith question as if has become a very popular topic.


42. The village was used as the location for a popular TV series.


43. Anyhow documentary can not be completely in a popular style.


44. He was bidding for popular support.


45. He speaks in popular language.


46. Watching TV is a popular family pastime.


47. Skiing has become very popular recently.


48. But they were popular because of their airy glass walls, the views they afforded and the elegance of the buildings’ details and proportions, the architectural equivalent of the abstract art so popular at the time.  

但这些公寓很受欢迎,因为他们有着通风的玻璃、优美的风景、典雅的建筑细节和结构比例,这些都是当时流行的抽象艺术的特征。 《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

49. She was the star of many popular television series.


50. What does the speaker say was the most popular thing to do at that time?.

叙述者说,当时最流行的是做什么事?。《17年6月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

51. Outside of his circle he is not very popular.


52. MTV is the most popular television channel that shows music videos.


53. Taxation is not popular in principle, merely acceptable in context.


54. Check with popular computer magazines for their experts'input well.


55. His theories have been reduced in a popular treatise.


56. The style Shelley is using here is that of popular lampoon.


57. Popular support would be undercut by political developments.


58. These patterns are relatively popular in the international market.


59. Reform is popular with middle-class liberals.


60. This is the most popular ball game ever devised...


61. We should cater to popular demand.


62. This extreme view hasn't captured popular opinion.


63. Today, Cajun music is popular not only in Louisiana but also nationwide.

时至今日, 卡津音乐不只深受路易斯安那州的居民喜爱,也受到全国民众的喜爱.《期刊摘选》

64. Gardening is very popular in Maryland.


65. She caught up a popular neologism from the newspapers.


66. I'm not very popular with my parents (= they are annoyed with me) at the moment.


67. They often go to a nearby restaurant where meals are served at popular price.


68. The curved end width is 20 mm which is the most popular width.


69. The coastal path is a popular route for walkers.


70. And one of the most popular menu items was the hamburger.

其中最流行的菜单之一是汉堡包.《超越目标英语 第4册》

71. One popular explanation conjures up fears of rising inflation and hence higher interest rates.


72. Shakespeare's work was popular among the common people in his day.


73. Under such circumstances, why wouldn't there be a popular backlash?

在这种情况下, 为什么不会出现民众的反弹 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

74. His abilities as an actor have been greatly blown up by the popular press.


75. He remained the most popular politician in France...


76. Music critics say the group was responsible for making popular a kind of music called grunge.


77. The late President Ferdinand Marcos was overthrown by a popular uprising in 1986.


78. He must have been the most popular guy at the most popular fraternity in college.


79. The premise of the popular higher education is diversification.


80. Such adventures are often popular topics of discussion.


81. The measure went to President Obama to sign into law with popular support, among banks.


82. Contrary to popular belief, the oil companies can't control the price of crude...


83. It is difficult to define what makes him so popular.


84. The board has not been captive to popular inclinations.


85. The popular feelings which Deng Xiaoping usually referred to is very the political psychology of public.


86. Contrary to popular belief , many cats dislike milk.


87. Aspirin is the most popular nonprescription drug on the market.


88. His stories are well tailored to popular tastes.


89. Three years later, after tortuous negotiations and fierce political and popular opposition, Carlyle abandoned the bid.

三年后, 在经历了艰苦谈判、来自政界和公众的激烈反对之后, 凯雷放弃了此次收购.《期刊摘选》

90. You find it, it's been studied in popular literature, literature for the masses.

这些在普及的面向大众的资料中就已经做过研究, 随处可见.《期刊摘选》

91. a popular misconception


92. Color is a general sense of the most popular form.


93. ...one of the classics of modern popular music.


94. Popular opinion was divided on the issue.


95. Jogging is a popular sports or excise . It does not require special training and equipement.


96. Who is the least popular man around here?


97. I accept that this will not be popular.


98. Tea is a popular drink in this area.


99. Fad, feasible Maybelline of popular allocation have a great vogue in fields such as Japan, Europe.

时尚 、 大众化的定位使得美宝莲在日本 、 欧洲等地大受欢迎.《期刊摘选》

100. Football, cricket, horse racing and motor sorts are all popular spectator sports.

足球 、 板球 、 赛马和赛车是艺术最流行的确是的观赏性运动.《期刊摘选》

101. The exhibition is sure to be popular.


102. This discovery seems to validate the claims of popular astrology.


103. Homeopathy is a popular form of medicine.


104. The format of the new quiz show has proved popular.


105. Chocolate sauce is always popular with youngsters.


106. Immigrant tales have always been popular themes in fiction.


107. The library contains many popular works of reference.


108. (ironic)‘Our dog got into the neighbour's garden again! ’ ‘You'll be popular. ’


109. His engaging personality made him popular with his peers.


110. Computer games are a popular buy this Christmas.


111. He was popular as much for his personal qualities as for his management skills.


112. That's how New York's seen, at least in the popular imagination.

那就是纽约人的看法, 至少是通俗的看法.《电影对白》

113. Shou Jian a popular expression used by sports commentators, businessmen and even in romantic advice columns.

杀手锏是一个通俗的表达,广泛运用于体育评论员 、 生意人,甚至恋爱建议专栏中.《期刊摘选》

114. When the book was published, the energy and explicitness caught the popular imagination.


115. The word wool is a popular joking word for hair.


116. It's always surprised me how popular he is.


117. Cycling is Europe's second most popular sport.


118. I don't like serious music, give me something more popular.

我不喜欢严肃音乐, 来点通俗的.《期刊摘选》

119. Cooper was a good mixer, he was popular.


120. Quarry tiles are a popular kitchen flooring.


121. The term reliability has many popular connotation.

“ 可靠性 ” 一词有许多通俗的涵义.《辞典例句》

122. This popular will, however, has to respect certain irrevocable civil rights.

可是, 这种公众的意愿必须尊重某些不可取消的民事权利.《期刊摘选》

123. This is a very popular name for a girl.


124. The restaurant is deservedly popular.


125. The proximity of the college to London makes it very popular.


126. Navigation that appears as tabs across the top of the page is a popular navigation choice.


127. By popular demand, the tour has been extended by two weeks.


128. Popular support—it's music to the ears of any politician.


129. Contrary to popular myth, women are not worse drivers than men.


130. The government seemed to be in tune with the popular mood.


131. Popular opinion was divided on the issue.


132. By popular demand, the play will run for another week.


133. The President is trying to make a bid for popular support.


134. Don't about popular opinion.


135. At last, her father's work has received popular recognition.


136. Shooting is considered one of the most popular sports internationally.


137. In popular Egyptian mythology, Isis is both sister and wife to Osiris the king.

在通俗的埃及神话里面, 伊希斯既是国王欧西里斯的妹妹,又是他的妻子.《期刊摘选》

138. Contrary to popular belief, older people generally do not want

to live with their children.与大众的认知相反,年长者一般不想和自己的子女一起生活。《16年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

139. This is a CAT system that uses popular VI technology.


140. There are a number of bud sports of popular varieties.


141. Hawaii remains a popular choice for winter vacation travel.


142. popular music/culture/fiction

流行音乐 / 文化 / 小说《牛津词典》

143. This is one of our most popular designs.


144. He was not only talented but immensely popular with his colleagues.


145. The more popular newspapers like to use cartoons and humorous drawings.


146. By popular demand , the tour has been extended by two weeks.


147. Yes, to meet popular needs, Fujian lacquerwork has been made into various articles.

是的, 为满足大众的需要, 福建漆器的品种很多.《期刊摘选》

148. He was not a popular type.


149. Characteristics of popular Western TV programmes.


150. Classical landscapes were a popular subject with many 18th century painters.


151. Exercises of this kind are very popular.


152. Once again the popular press in Britain has been rife with stories about their marriage.


153. But it's important to keep in mind that popular depictions of extraterrestrial life are likely wrong.


154. It's a very popular song.


155. The motion picture is one of the most popular form of entertainment.


156. For centuries, quilting and patchwork have been popular needlecrafts.


157. Popular art is experiencing a renaissance.


158. After the Civil War, baseball became a popular sport and no longer an archaic folk game.

南北战争以后, 棒球成为了流行的运动,不再是古旧的民间游戏.《期刊摘选》

159. It has a number of implementations used in of popular complex, multistaged compression techniques.


160. Contrary to popular belief, women cause fewer road accidents than men.


161. Mary is a very popular name for a girl.

“ 玛丽 ” 是个很常见的女孩名字.《简明英汉词典》


1. Apparently,the texts that were the most popular over a bigger geographical space tended to be the ones that got in.

很明显,在较大的地域上,最受欢迎的书籍通常都会被选上。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. enduringly popular


3. More than 82% of companies that offer the popular workplace retirement plan permit 401(k) loans.

FORBES: Ball And Chain Borrowing

4. Lind said the podcasts from The Moth and This American Life have made storytelling popular.

BBC: New York stories

5. A listener named Maki would like to know if the test known as the TOEIC is popular in the United States.

VOA : special.2010.02.18

6. Models aren't popular articles, especially the more complex models I have.

模型不流行了,特别是我的这些复杂模型。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

7. Pearse is seen as, in Yeats's poetry and in popular lore, as Cuchulain, as a kind of avatar of the mythic Irish hero.

在叶芝的诗里皮尔斯被看作是,民间传说中,的英雄王库丘林,是爱尔兰神话里下凡的天神。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. The popular Ford Explorer had a driver death rate of 56 per 1 million registered vehicle years.

FORBES: The Holy War on SUVs

9. So this is a very popular theory, believed by many famous economists today, and in the past.

所以这是一个很受欢迎的理论,从古至今都有很多经济学家相信它。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

10. The second class is the most popular application of what I'm doing now.

第二类的问题是我现在所做的最常见的应用基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. He's going to make decisions that won't be altogether wildly popular with the American people.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

12. White is snooker's most popular exponent.


13. On election day, the legislative candidates supporting Lincoln won four thousand more popular votes than the candidates supporting Douglas.

VOA : special.2009.06.11

14. He is phenomenally popular.


15. Since then it has stormed into popular culture, littered a thousand newspaper headlines and prompted numerous "backronyms".

BBC: Titanic

16. Today, the Burren Red is so popular they have trouble keeping it in stock.

BBC: Guinnesss new Irish rivals

17. Shimizu started with the Budget Inn and Tour Club, two wildly popular backpacker guesthouses in Kyoto.

BBC: Capsule Ryokan Kyoto, where modern meets traditional

18. But the popular meaning of Valentine's Day continues to capture hearts around the world, even if not always on February fourteenth.

VOA : special.2010.02.08

19. No, just remember read it It is one of the most popular.

不,只记得读过,它是最著名的故事之一。电影哲学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

20. These pop songs are undeniably popular, reaching Mexican communities in North America as well.

BBC: Narco-tourism in Mexico City

21. An even older chip finds a happy home in the popular Blackberry pocket e-mailer.

FORBES: Digital Rules

22. Not quite an iPad magazine, but close and popular enough to mention.

BBC: Five download-worthy travel mags

23. Another popular gathering place is Plaza de Santisima Trinidad, a semi-circular park built in 1643.

BBC: A renaissance beyond Cartagenas historic walls

24. Every week at this time, the Voice of America tells about popular words and expressions used in the United States.

VOA : special.2009.03.22

25. We've talked--we spent a lot of time talking about that--the most popular music, virtually all of it--although after the fact people try to write it down.

我们说过,我们花了很长时间讨论过,大部分流行乐 ,可以说是所有流行乐,虽然事实上人们确实会想把它写下来。聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. For these folks, communications, broadcasting and psychology have been among the more popular majors.

FORBES: College Majors Of The Stars

27. Unfortunately, this thought, popular as it may be, that it takes one to know one, just seems false.

不幸的是,这样的想法,即同类者互知,可能很流行,但实际上是错误的死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

28. And my guess is that if we did taste tests with all you guys of all the popular bottled waters, very few people could probably pick out Evian from any other water.

我猜如果让你们,喝各种瓶装水让你们去分辨,没有几个人能尝出依云和其它水的区别关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. Jordan had recorded a song called "Caldonia" and other popular songs in the late nineteen forties and nineteen fifties.

VOA : special.2010.05.16

30. The popular chacarera, a lively partner dance, incorporates flashy zapateo (quick stomps of the feet).

BBC: Stepping into Saltas folklore culture

31. But to make the most basic policy choice, I never saw the president do it based on here what the poll say is the most popular thing to do.

但是要选择最基本的政策的时候,我从没看见布什总统会依赖民测,看,民意测验结果是这样的,这是最受欢迎的做法。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

32. It's on the market, very popular in terms of your choices right now as an option as an anti-depressant.

它在市场上,作为治疗抑郁症的一种选择,现在非常畅销。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

33. Most popular with the pulque renegades is Las Duelistas (Aranda 30), near the San Juan market.

BBC: The return of Mexicos national nectar

34. The far right was more popular in the early and mid-1990s, when unemployment was very high.

ECONOMIST: France, race and immigration

35. And so they're coming at the text already with some kind of familiarity with the topic, at least in a popular conception.

所以他们阅读文本时,对这个话题其实早已有所了解,至少了解大众观点。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. perennially popular


37. Gayle also confirmed his belief that Twenty20 cricket is becoming the more popular form of the game.

BBC: Strauss hits back over Gayle row

38. The band became so popular that in nineteen sixty-six John Lennon said they were more popular than Jesus Christ.

VOA : special.2010.07.30

39. In the southern Indian city of Madurai, jigarthanda is a popular, cooling street drink.

BBC: What should I drink in your country?

40. The North Shore on the Pacific Ocean is surrounded by parks and is popular with families.

BBC: Living in: The worlds friendliest cities

41. So a very popular thing to do on Boxing Day is go shopping and take advantage of the sales.

所以在节礼日人们通常会趁着促销之际出去购物,这很流行。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 特殊的休息日

42. has many traditional Christmas songs. The video for the song "Must Be Santa" has been very popular on the Internet.

VOA : special.2009.12.25

43. Shirley Griffith has more. Miley Cyrus was thirteen when she first appeared on the popular Disney television show "Hannah Montana."

VOA : special.2010.08.06

44. Freddo and Persicco, the two most popular chains, are known for their high-quality products.

BBC: The summertime scoop on Buenos Aires ice cream

45. But the more albums she's sold, the more she's pushed that artsy aesthetic on a popular audience.

NPR: Lady Gaga: Most Fascinating Of The Year?

46. There is an increasingly popular alternative.


47. But,there also are these strong traditions of popular Royalism, of ordinary people and peasants who believe fervently in the monarchy.

但仍有很多人信仰君主主义,普通人和农民们热衷于君主主义1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

48. Also sure to be popular is the Very Street carnival (14 December) in the Wanchai district.

BBC: A very Hong Kong festival

49. Cape May now is as popular a summer holiday place as it was at the turn of the century.

VOA : special.2009.06.01

50. In order to do this experiment, we're going to look at three short excerpts of popular entertainment.

为了做此实验,我们先来看三个大众文艺节目的片段。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

51. It is a very popular place for visitors who want to learn more about the wonders of the underwater world.

VOA : special.2009.09.18

52. So to take advantage of the winter feel, July is a popular time to celebrate again.

BBC: In Sydney, Christmas in July

53. Now the space-sciences division watches for its work popping up in more popular contexts.

ECONOMIST: Nice picture. Where to next?

54. Mac's on Main is a popular soul food restaurant in South Carolina's capital, Columbia.

NPR: South Carolina Voters React to Skirmish over Race

55. Before Doctor Spock's book appeared, the most popular guide to raising children was called "Psychological Care of Infant and Child."

VOA : special.2009.03.15

56. Some members of the glee club are not popular because they are different from the rest of the students.

VOA : special.2010.01.08

57. These steamed dumplings made of buffalo, chicken or mixed vegetables are popular and universal throughout Kathmandu.

BBC: Nepals local eateries

58. On warm days, Bostonians migrate to this popular park to sunbathe, picnic and feed waterfowl.

BBC: A perfect day in Boston

59. The Census Bureau says swimming was the third most popular sports activity in the United States in two thousand seven.

VOA : special.2010.06.08

60. In 2011 physics was the fourth most popular subject for A-levels for boys in England.

BBC: State schools 'failing girls who want to study physics'

61. Closer to Orchard Road, the giant Zouk and Velvet Underground are popular with Singaporean college students.

FORBES: Just the ticket

62. He wanted to recognize the people who have created what he called "the most popular music of our time."

VOA : special.2009.10.19

63. Very quickly what had begun as a business venture was transformed into a popular patriotic cause.

UNESCO: 2010 UK Memory of the World Register

64. Sometimes things go awry and what happens is a phrase that's not currently used in psychology but was popular during Freud's time: hysteria.

当防卫机制不起作用时,就会造成一种病症,其名称在如今的心理学领域已经不常用到,但在弗洛伊德的时代,这是个非常流行的名称:,这就是癔症。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

65. Singapore's food courts, known locally as hawker centres, are popular with locals and tourists alike.

BBC: Why are there hawker centres in Singapore?



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