in respect that是什么意思_in respect that短语搭配_in respect that权威例句

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in respect that

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  • 鉴于;考虑到;由于

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



1. in that respect 在那方面 ; 在这方面

2. Specifically In That Respect 特定在方面

3. In Getting That Respect 要得到那尊敬

4. So In That Respect 所以在那方面


1. In respect that, the concept of region which is made up of infinite interval sequence is introduced.


2. The reason why I write this letter to you is that I have a problem in respect of the writing style.


3. The interface of component is like a contract obeyed by both developers and assemblers, in respect that component has a property of black box.


4. In respect that whichever is the best option, it is reality that the global economy has taken the economic regionalization as its current development model and no country or region could change this, even if it may be a second best choice.


5. There is a stimulative effect that kicks in when people stay humble and respect diversity.


6. In respect that, I can be together with you, I just wanna be with you.


7. In respect that behind the prosperous of contemporary art market is the collusion and cooperation among galleries, auction houses, collectors and so on.


8. But they are liking in one respect, that they are all created by human beings in one way or another.


9. It is in the classroom that caring and respect for each person empower children to take a step forward toward becoming peacemakers.


10. And of course that whole intervening period in adolescence when children are very strong in that respect, you can put up a fight.


11. If the payment cheque is dishonoured, the stamp certificate issued in respect of that payment will be invalid.

如付款支票遭退票,因这项付款而发出的印花证明书将会无效。《provided by jukuu》

12. And one factor that may help them in that respect is that, ironically, even the US's enemies depend on GPS.


13. We change in that respect.


14. It is understandable for them to do these in respect that pets are able to company with them when they feel lonely. They can pour out their worry and annoyance, they also can play with their pets.


15. In respect that the graph model itself is graph or can be transformed as graph by some method, the graph transformation is highly fit for graph model transforming.


16. At the wedding party, the bride and the bridegroom expressed that they would live in harmony and mutual respect and grow old together.


17. Tolerance just means that you should respect the differences in others and not try to make them change.


18. The Shanghai World Expo 2010 comes up short in that respect.


19. So in that respect I could be called one, although I don't think I'll go off the rails.


20. In respect that the properties of cone-beam CT simulated projection, a suite of rapid algorithms based on octree was studied for STL phantom models.


21. In respect that the Reed-Solomon code algorithm is used frequently and remains unchanged in the local area network system, Reed-Solomon coding algorithm is implemented using FPGA technology and solidified in hardware, which improves the running speed of the algorithm greatly.


22. In respect of that, it is urgent to change the operation mode and re-organize current structure.


23. Tubed RC columns connected conveniently with RC beams in respect that the outer steel tube does not pass through the beam to column connection.


24. They're the only thing that looks like human language in that respect.


25. Second, supervision and management of the environment has been tightened. Rectification has been carried out in respect of enterprises that fail to meet the requirements for pollutant discharge.


26. In respect that the main dissimilarity between general defence and special defense, this part mostly discusses foundation condition of special defense.


27. But one thing the study did investigate was the amount of milk and soda drinks that were wasted, and I think it was probably quite unique in that respect.


28. And I hate disappointing anybody in that respect.


29. A court or magistrate may, on the conviction of any person for an offence under section147a in respect of that sign, order that person to pay to the person who incurred the expense such amount in respect of the expense as it or he thinks reasonable.

则法庭或裁判官可在任何人就该标志被裁定第147a条所订罪行罪名成立后,命令该人就该等开支,向招致该等开支的人缴付一笔法庭或裁判官认为合理的款额。《provided by jukuu》

30. The special detail depictions in Ren Jie Gui Xiong are in respect that these characters' life is complicated, their achievements are immortal and brilliant and their life value is everlasting.


31. It is in this respect that the codes of ethics are crucial.


32. In respect that, I can be together with you, I just wanna be with you.


33. In that respect, unfortunately, life does not always imitate art.


34. An user-oriented open designing method is put forward in respect that NC system for non-circular section turning is used virtually only in special application, has a high cost and is difficult in maintenance.


35. But they are liking in one respect, that they are all created by human beings in one way or another.


36. In respect that tracks from each receiver are usually intermittent and short rather than compete and steady, the track fusion for bistatic HFSWR is actually a short track composition issue.


37. The thesis also introduces a special calibration method for vision sensor system in respect that we find the usual calibration ways can not be used in this system.


38. It was mostly in this respect that he found Hamilton wanting.


39. It did not; some snakes manufactured a poison different in every respect from that of others, as different as arsenic is from strychnine, and having different effects.


40. Scholarship has discovered in respect of Archilochus that he introduced folk song into literature, and that it was this feat which earned him the unique distinction of being placed beside Homer.


41. In respect that this algorithm can adjust step automatically, the ultimate step can reach an optimum value and remnant error can arrive at minimum value simultaneity.


42. How to improve the sensitivity of the measurement circuit and linearity of the sensor within its full-scale will influence the performance of the sensor in respect that the discriminable output capacitance of microsensors is much less than IFF.


43. In that respect, this book differs from most books on mathematics written for the general public.


44. And in that respect, I'm with the tourists. Who CARES how you do your travel? It's your money, your time - spend it how you want.


45. In that respect, it was all very creative for me.


46. The political system of the allied powers is essentially different in this respect from that of America.


47. It is in the classroom that caring and respect for each person empowers children to take a step forward toward becoming peacemakers.


48. You possibly know that people in China use top-grade tea to show respect when receiving important guests.


49. In that respect he needs to keep his feet on the ground and not get carried away.


50. And in that respect, I'm with the tourists.


51. However, connection with the outside things could judged as good or bad thereby the relationship between shoe lovers and shoes shall be less in respect that the relationship between couple and wedding ring.


52. The effect of the symbol-or, rather, of the position in respect to society that was indicated by it-on the mind of Hester Prynne herself, was powerful and peculiar.


53. In respect that science, technology and society are conceptual systems or relation categories, their interactions aren't spontaneous activities but that human originate and participate in according to certain requirement and environmental condition, namely human's purposefulness behavior.


54. The Registrar shall deal with all applications in respect of that variety as if that grant had never been made.

则处长须处理就该品种提出的所有申请,犹如该授权证从来未予发给一样。《provided by jukuu》

55. The thesis also introduces a special calibration method for vision sensor system in respect that we find the usual calibration ways can not be used in this system.


56. The Technologic Beauty which is different in every respect from that of traditional handicraft is the result of tight link between mechanized production and law of beauty.


57. We not only change in that respect but we also change in our ability to receive the good and the beautiful.


58. But I unwillingness die now, In respect that I am waiting for you, wish you take me on the way to heaven, I can see the heaven is so beautiful as the flowers in this world!


59. It's in this respect that American outstanding modern dramatist Eugene O'Neill shares the similarity with the forerunner of expressionistic drama, Swedish dramatist August Strindberg.



1. In Afghanistan, Mr.Ban's special representative, Kai Eide,told reporters that his approach to the elections has always been one of respect for the Afghan constitution and the other institutions that were put in place to move the election process forward.

VOA : standard.2009.10.20

2. Socrates is not saying that men and women are the same in every respect, he says, but equal with respect to competing for any job at all.

苏格拉底不是在说,男女在每一方面都相同,他想说的等同,是指在任何工作职位的竞争上。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

3. In that respect, the process is not always as nimble as we might like.

FORBES: Transcript

4. Also important is the style of his performances and he's continuing to improve in that respect.

BBC: Euan Burton throws Yoel Razvozov

5. Look, the data that will be held on computers in respect of ID cards is the data that is already held by everybody for everybody in respect of your passport, with the addition of biometric data, fingerprints for example or irises which ensures better the security of this data.

BBC: Jack Straw MP. photo courtesy Jeff Overs

6. Europe is leading the way in that respect and that might explain Mr Kroenke's interest in Arsenal.

BBC: In search of 'Silent Stan'

7. In that respect, the company is a classic enterprise software success story, replacing a piece of software that was built in-house with a stronger product.

FORBES: Software Is Dead, Long Live Big Data

8. Then the second derivative gives the change in entropy with respect to the variable that we're differentiating, with respect to which is either pressure or volume.

二阶导数给出熵,随着变量变化的情况,这些变量包括压强或者体积。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

9. You have got to make good decisions in the pressure situations and it is frustrating to watch England in that respect.

BBC: Zinzan Brooke column

10. Miliband welcomed the U.N.decision. "I think the measures than Ban Ki-moon has announced are important and I think the recognition of both the leading candidates, president Karzai and Dr.Abdullah that there have been attempts at widespread fraud is important in that respect,"

VOA : standard.2009.10.21

11. In that respect, most polling suggests that Democrats fighting the erosion of union rights have an advantage over the Republicans advocating it.

ECONOMIST: Public-sector unions: Time for second thoughts? | The

12. So,in that respect,they are doing something fairly bold,namely, taking the hit of shutting production and correcting the vehicles that are in inventory on which they have stopped sales."

VOA : special.2010.02.05

13. I'm no different from anybody else in that respect and I look at it from the perspective of being a parent and you worry about that.

BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | Conservative leadership contender Iain Duncan Smith

14. It seems to be presented entirely innocuously, no one in the dialogue objects to it, yet everything else follows from this idea that the city, the polis, is in the central respect like an individual, like the soul of an individual.

这似乎看起来完全无关紧要,所以对话中的每一个人都不反对,但之后所有的事都慢慢浮现,就从这个概念开始,城市、城邦,重视的核心与个人相同,也像个人的灵魂。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. It used to be that there was zero inflation if you define it with respect to gold and they were really true to that zero inflation in terms of gold.

如果你用金子来定义它,那从来没有过通货膨胀,这是事实,就金子而言没有过通货膨胀。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. "In fact,the technology that the the best technology in the world with respect to that, exists in the oil industry."

VOA : standard.2010.05.31

17. "Although we're not full time pros, we are trying to be as professional as we can in every way and I'm sure the PFA will be able to help us in that respect, " said White.

BBC: SPORT | Football | Women | England target Euro qualification

18. There's a very good chance our phones aren't done growing in size. 2013 could be a very interesting year in that respect.

ENGADGET: CES 2013: Smartphones roundup Mobile

19. "Once again we are not without our problems in that respect, " Toshack told BBC Sport Wales.

BBC: Easter urges Wales to look ahead

20. "We are suffering in that respect and obviously we have two games this week, " he said.

BBC: Win lifts Boro gloom - Southgate

21. Very useful in that respect.

自卫非常管用。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

22. "I think it can be a beacon in the coming years for those of us who believe that the values of democracy, the values for respect for human rights, the values for respect for the rule of law are indeed universal values,".

VOA : standard.2009.08.27

23. In fact, while Mr Brown still harbours ambitions to become prime minister (he is hardly unique in that respect), his relationship with the prime minister is nevertheless a lot closer than many other chancellors have enjoyed.

ECONOMIST: The chancellor

24. He said, "I'll pray for him but if he can punch it'll help." In a small respect, that's Machiavelli.

神父说,我将为他祈祷,但是如果他能出拳猛击,那将会很有帮助,小面上说,这就是马基雅维利。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. "Had it not been for the steps that we took with respect to GM and Chrysler, the situation in Michigan, I think it is fair to say, would be far worse."

VOA : standard.2009.07.14

26. I say this now with great confidence but ten years ago this story, which all the Greeks agreed too, agreed upon in every respect, that the temple of Apollo was built right on top of this, and underneath the floor of the temple was this little room where the gases came up, where the priestess sat, where all of this came up.

我现在敢在这里夸夸其谈,但是十年前,当时的希腊人,对这个传说都是深信不移的,阿波罗神庙正好建在它上面,神庙地板底下正是气体出现的小屋,女祭司也坐在这里,一切都发生于此古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. Now, it doesn't stick as good as a climbing foot or a shoe, a human foot would, but I think, you know, in that respect, my calves don't get tired on that side and I - my wife says it's completely aid climbing, which she says it's cheating.

NPR: Craig DeMartino: Winner in the Extremity Games

28. In that respect, it has a kind of priority over the hells or the underworlds of Homer and Virgil.

在这一点上,它优胜于荷马与维吉尔笔下描绘的,那些地狱或阴间。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. And, in that respect, Hobbes' sovereign has many of the features or characteristics that we come to associate with what we call modern executive power or executive authority.

从这个意义上讲,霍布斯的君主权力论,与我们现代所讲的,行政权和行政机关,有很多相似的特性。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

30. Certainly Microsoft App-V, VMware ThinApp and Citrix XenApp app streaming cannot do this (XenApp Remote Desktop Services can do this but this requires Windows in the Data Center and so in that respect is no different to VDI).

FORBES: Virtualization: Boon In The Datacenter, Bust On The Desktop

31. And just to take one example, in that respect, at Lisbon, NATO agreed on a new strategic concept where different nations would develop different capabilities that could be brought to bear so that NATO is no longer an alliance built to simply repel a Soviet invasion but can meet new threats, whether they come from ballistic missiles or cyber attacks or terrorism.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing with Jay Carney and Ben Rhodes

32. So in that respect, black voters count for both Democrats as well as Republicans.

NPR: Presidential Candidates Target Black Music Festival

33. In his Cairo address, President Obama pledged to support governments that protect the rights of people to speak their minds and have a say in how they are governed, that respect the rule of law and the equal administration of justice, that are transparent and don't steal from the people.

VOA : standard.2010.05.11

34. In that respect, he would have to win, or it would be a failed mission.

FORBES: LeBron James Should Compete in the 2014 All-Star Weekend Dunk Competition

35. We have reached stalemate in that respect, but we have known that for a while.

BBC: Too much is being made of Rangers' debt - Walter Smith

36. Thus, in continental Europe, as in the United States, liberalism is also regarded as a perversion, a pathology: there is consistency in that respect, even though the sickness takes such different forms.

ECONOMIST: And we want it back

37. "Batteries can get 80% efficiency so this isn't as good in that respect, " explains Dr Fox.

BBC: Liquid air 'offers energy storage hope'

38. In that respect, it evokes the best aspirations of the country -- and, for that matter, of filmmaking.

CNN: Review: 'Milk' is a terrific film

39. So in that respect, I think this debate to the moderates is very unnecessary, because the moderates majority feels that they're both Muslim and secular.

NPR: Dispatches from Turkey

40. MENENDEZ: "I'm just not here a blank check. I said that in the previous administration, and as much as I respect this one, I believe the same standards have to apply."

VOA : standard.2009.05.12

41. "In the respect that I believe that the 'don't ask, don't tell' policy is working in the military, I don't know how you view that, " the Republican senator said.

NPR: Candidates Split On 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Policy

42. And he also, to the point about business, has a lot of respect in the business community, so there is continuity in that respect.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

43. It would also say that Mr Hester is succeeding in putting the bank on much more solid foundations, which was the imperative after the taxpayer was forced to rescue it in the autumn of 2008 - and that there was progress in that respect last year, notably a massive reduction in the amount that RBS lends and borrows.

BBC: RBS chairman gives up ?1.4m shares reward

44. "We have demonstrated that the bank levy we have introduced does actually ensure that the banks pay a fair share in respect of the risks that they themselves pose to the wider economy, " he said.

BBC: Finance (No.3) Bill

45. And the point is that the second derivative of A, with respect to V and T in this order is the same as the second derivative of a with respect to T and V in this order.

问题的关键在于A的二阶导数,对V和T以这样一个顺序求导,和对T和V以这样一个顺序,求导是一样的。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

46. We have to respect persons and if he earned that money fairly without violating anybody else's rights in accordance with the two principles of justice in acquisition and in justice in transfer, then it would be wrong, it would be a form of coercion to take it away.

我们必须要尊重个人,如果他公平地赚到钱,没有侵犯到他人权利,完全遵守了那两条公正原则,最初占有公正原则和转让公正原则,那么向他多征税就是错的,这无异于强取豪夺。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

47. The similes are continually working to unleash -and they're really quite unruly in this respect -to unleash the moral and the theological confusion that so much of the rest of the poem seems really quite eager to pin down and to fix.

这里的比喻不断的想要解脱束缚,-它们从这个方面来看也的确不受什么束缚,-解脱道德上和理论上的混乱无序,这首诗的剩余部分都显得急切于,下定论进行弥补。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

48. "So, it's an uphill battle in that respect to overcome a bad reputation that had existed in the past and I think is being overturned by their current performance, " Boslego says.

NPR: Iraqi General Works to Transform National Police

49. In that respect it has some catching up to do with other elite colleges.

FORBES: Gilding The Ivory Tower

50. The Document raises a host of questions about the internal audit and APA audit process, and recites in a general fashion the issues that can arise with respect to placement agents and outright corruption that has arisen in other States with respect to placement agents.

FORBES: SEC Asked to Do More to Protect Whistleblowers













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