adopted child是什么意思_adopted child的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

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adopted child

网络 领养子女;养子

英 [əˈdɒptɪd tʃaɪld]play 美 [əˈdɑːptɪd tʃaɪld]play

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1. this child is adopted 这孩子是领的

2. adopted child complex 养子情节

3. adopted d child 领养的子女

4. be adopted as child 过继给别人作儿子

5. The Adopted Child 养子

6. adopted child hang together 抱养的孩子


1. This couple treats their adopted child as their own.


2. I often thought of that lonely figure in the next few weeks and months, walking through strange streets in foreign cities, looking for his adopted child.


3. It must be hard to love an adopted child as much as your own.


4. We've been adopted, with the full rights of inheritance possessed by any child.


5. Concerned at the increase in accident fatalities, Tennessee adopted a child-passenger protection law requiring that parents restrain children under four years of age in a child safety seat.


6. Netsu said the baby — whose gender has not been revealed — was first registered as a child of the surrogate mother and later adopted by the daughter and her husband.


7. An adopted child, Mr Jobs caught the computing bug while growing up in Silicon Valley.


8. Many parents seem to have adopted the attitude "My child, right or wrong" — with devastating results.


9. She has an adopted child {who (she says) was an orphan}.


10. Women who were thinking of having abortions were told that if they had the baby at the Farm and decided not to keep the child, then he or she would be adopted by one of the couples on the Farm.


11. She was sold as a child bride, was unhappy in her adopted village and had to overcome hardships before eventually making peace with her new life.


12. This couple treats their adopted child as their own.


13. Judith : Did you always know you were an adopted child?

朱蒂丝: 你一直都知道自己是个养子 吗 ?《互联网》

14. My parents adopted me as an infant and went on to have a biological child — my brother, Jason — a couple of years later.


15. TEN years ago, Congress adopted the No Child Left Behind legislation, mandating that all students must be proficient in reading or mathematics by 2014 or their school would be punished.


16. They are adopted by a grieving mother to help come to terms with the loss of a child.


17. Since 2006, when the World Health Organization launched the new Child Growth Standards, over 140 countries have adopted them.


18. In December last year, Brad became the children's official adopted father, and in May this year Angelina gave birth to the couple's first biological child Shiloh Nouvel. Top ten cutest celebrity kids.


19. The rights and duties in the relationship between an adopted child and his or her parents and other close relatives shall terminate with the establishment of the adoptive relationship.


20. The couple adopted a child at the end of the third year of barrenness.


21. In fact, Anna was an adopted child.

事实上, 安娜是领养来的小孩.《互联网》

22. In December last year, Brad became the children's official adopted father, and in May this year Angelina gave birth to the couple's first biological child Shiloh Nouvel.


23. Despite some not really adopt children's not to talk, since adopted children, to a certain level, it is a child of parents or guardian.


24. As the married couple can't have children, they have adopted a child born out of wedlock.

由于这对已婚夫妇无法生育,他们领养了一个私生子。《provided by jukuu》

25. The World Health Assembly adopted a resolution on child injury prevention.


26. Disclosure of adoption to the adopted child is generally recommended; however, this remains a personal choice.

通常提倡要对收养的孩子披露信息, 然而, 这依然是个个人的选择.《互联网》

27. You will need to know the age of the adopted child first of all.


28. The story is about the relationship between "the Tramp", played by Chaplin, and his adopted child, played by Jackie Coogan.


29. This happened recently in Guatemala, which effectively closed its borders in 2008. (DNA evidence later showed that in one case an adopted child had been kidnapped from the birth mother.)


30. I often thought of that lonely figure in the next few weeks and months, walking through strange streets in foreign cities, looking for his adopted child.


31. because you have just adopted the neediest little child in the world.


32. The couple adopted the black child they had been fostering.


33. During a welcome dinner we mentioned a KaosPilot graduate who had been adopted as a child from Korea and all her life she had been educated and raised in Denmark.


34. Soon the adopted child became very fond of her adoptive parents.


35. He was adopted as a child, so he had no opportunity of learning his own pedigree.


36. An adopted child, growing up in Silicon Valley, Mr. Jobs displayed those traits early on.

乔布斯先生是一个被领养的孩子,在硅谷长大,他很早便表现出了那些品质。《四级真题- 2015年 6月 3卷 信息匹配》

37. " What does it mean to be adopted?" asked another child.


38. At that point, you will become my adopted child and heir to all my riches.


39. Bob: Yes, he only had an adopted child.


40. She is an adopted child.


41. This child is adopted.


42. In2002, Jolie adopted her first child, seven-month-old Maddox, from Cambodia.


43. It is obvious that the adopted child is closely attached to her parents.



1. In fact, same-sex couples are four times more likely than other couples to have an adopted child and six times more likely to be fostering a child.

CNN: The real 'modern family' in America

2. They might be the warmest people in the world, who would lavish on their adopted child the sort of palpable love advertised in greeting cards and on the collars of stuffed puppies.

NEWYORKER: Temporary

3. It's true that an internationally adopted child loses the rich background of history and religion and culture and language that the child was born into, but the cruel fact is that most children don't have access to the local, beautiful culture within an orphanage.

CNN: Mother of five adopted kids: 'I admire Madonna'

4. For instance, the researchers didn't know when the adopted child joined his or her new family.


5. This way, your Will can include specific language that categorizes the adopted child in the same manner as a biological child or a child whose adoption has already been finalized.

FORBES: Factors to Consider When Estate Planning in an Adoptive Family

6. Estate planning when an adopted child is involved is often a complicated process involving a number of factors that are not necessary when planning for other children.

FORBES: Factors to Consider When Estate Planning in an Adoptive Family

7. Amador also adopted a third child, Maria Angela Aguiar, who is not a billionaire because she inherited fewer shares in Bradesco.

FORBES: The Soap Opera Behind The Billionaire Heirs Of Bradesco, One Of Brazil's Largest Banks

8. Caring for an adopted child may require you to put some extra thought into a number of provisions.

FORBES: Factors to Consider When Estate Planning in an Adoptive Family

9. Fervently Catholic countries, like the Philippines, which adopted two-child policies to curb their surging populations.

ECONOMIST: Alfonso Lpez Trujillo

10. Menezes was an adopted child.

FORBES: Brazil News Wrap: Rio de Janeiro School Shooting Kills 12

11. In general, trouble in the adoptive family, such as parental divorce, death, criminal activity, and alcohol problems was linked to a higher risk of drug abuse in the adopted child.


12. In 2002, California became the first state to enact a paid family leave act, allowing employees to take six weeks' leave and up to 55% of their weekly wages, with a benefit cap, to care for a newborn or newly adopted child.

CNN: If Marissa Mayer can 'have it all,' can you?

13. In recognition of this, while controversial, the Government of China adopted a one-child policy.

FORBES: U.S. Needs Immigration Reform - Part 3

14. International law stipulates that reports on the adopted child should be sent regularly to the source country.

ECONOMIST: International adoption

15. An adopted child only has rights to your estate once the adoption has been finalized.

FORBES: Factors to Consider When Estate Planning in an Adoptive Family

16. Diddley was sent to Chicago as a child and adopted by his mother's sister.

NPR: Bo Diddley, Architect of Rock, Dies

17. As she fights for her life in hospital, Malala Yousafzai is being adopted as every child's sister and every parent's daughter.

CNN: Millions of children face Malala's fight for an education

18. Matt Sandusky, a foster child formally adopted at 18, also described Jerry Sandusky rubbing, hugging and showering with him.


19. It was also revealed that Maria Angela, the third adopted child, had no rights to any inheritance either.

FORBES: The Soap Opera Behind The Billionaire Heirs Of Bradesco, One Of Brazil's Largest Banks

20. But with one in five adoptions breaking down, support for families in the months after they adopted a child is critical too.

BBC: Councils named and shamed over slow adoptions

21. Once in America, an adopted child is treated like any other, with the state getting involved only in cases of evident abuse.

ECONOMIST: International adoption

22. Once you begin the adoption process, you may wish to consider updating your Will to include your adopted child.

FORBES: Factors to Consider When Estate Planning in an Adoptive Family

23. For me to adopt an embryo, I wasn't going against their teaching any more than if I had adopted a child that was a result of premarital sex through domestic adoption.

NPR: Ethical Balance of Adopting a 'Snowflake' Embryo

24. The dependent must be your child, stepchild, adopted child, foster child, brother or sister, or a descendant of one of these.

FORBES: Bringing Up Baby: Moms, Kids and Taxes

25. In a recent talk show, he spoke of what it meant to him to have adopted a child from Russia.

ECONOMIST: German values

26. Keyes adds that adopting parents were also more likely to get help from mental health professionals for their adopted child when behavioral problems arose.

NPR: Adopted Teens Face Higher Risk for ADHD

27. If, for example, you adopted a child from another country and wish to expose the child to his home culture, your Will and Trust should reflect these desires.

FORBES: Factors to Consider When Estate Planning in an Adoptive Family

28. Each case is decided on its merits and there are grey areas in the law which can allow parents who have not followed the correct procedures to keep the adopted child.

BBC: Alan and Judith Kilshaw face investigation

29. Maria Angela, the third adopted child, is not a billionaire because she received a smaller number of shares of Bradesco Bank.

FORBES: Billionaires 2013: Strange But True Facts About the World's Richest

30. Was Jobs hung up about being an adopted child?

FORBES: Steve Jobs Bio: Neither Insane Nor Great
















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