
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ˈbɔːrɪŋ]play美 [ˈbɔːrɪŋ]play

  • adj. 令人厌烦的;乏味的,无趣的,无聊的
  • n. 钻孔,扩洞;钻成的孔,扩大的洞
  • v. 使厌烦;钻;盯着看(bore 的现在分词形式)
  • 【名】 (Boring)(英、瑞典)博林(人名)

复数 borings 比较级 more 最高级 most

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


boring /ˈbɔːrɪŋ/

  • 1.
    形容词 Someone or something boring is so dull and uninteresting that they make people tired and impatient. 乏味的

    Not only are mothers not paid but also most of their boring or difficult work is unnoticed.


  • 2.
    名词 the act or process of making or enlarging a hole 钻孔; 扩洞
  • 3.
    名词 the hole made in this way 钻成的孔; 扩大的洞



  • adj.

    bored 无聊的;无趣的;烦人的

  • adv.

    boringly 无趣地;沉闷地

  • n.

    bore 孔;令人讨厌的人

    boredom 厌倦;令人厌烦的事物

    borer 钻孔器;穿孔者

  • v.

    bored 使厌烦(bore的过去式);烦扰

  • vi.

    bore 钻孔

  • vt.

    bore 钻孔;使烦扰



boring arid dreary dry dull monotonous 【导航词义:乏味的,无聊的】

boring adj. 令人厌烦的;乏味的,无聊的

〔辨析〕 普通用词,指某事物或某人因毫无趣味、吸引力而让人感到乏味的、无聊的。

例1: The lesson was long and boring.


例2: The job is boring.


例3: He was a boring nuisance!


arid adj. 无新意的,无趣的

〔辨析〕 指某事物毫无趣味的,也指缺乏令人心动的特征或品质的。

例1: arid scientific studies


例2: The audience soon grew tired of his arid speech.


dreary adj. [文] 沉闷的,令人生厌的

〔辨析〕 指事物了无趣味、使人感到厌烦或沮丧的。

例1: dreary work


例2: He is tired of the politician's dreary speech.


dry adj. 干巴巴的,枯燥乏味的

〔辨析〕 指书籍、讲话、话题等干巴巴的、生硬的、缺乏幽默的,有时含贬义。

例1: a dry debate on diplomatic policies


例2: A book full of figures is rather dry.


dull adj. 乏味的,无趣的

〔辨析〕 作此义解时,通常只能用来形容事物,指因缺乏新鲜感、吸引力而显得乏味、沉闷的。

例1: He doesn't believe that it will be a dull party.


例2: This book is rather dull.


monotonous adj. 单调的,乏味的

〔辨析〕 指没有变化、重复单调的。

例1: a monotonous job/voice


例2: It is one of the most monotonous sounds of the spring.



1. boring life 无趣的生活

2. jig boring machine 坐标镗床 ; 冶具搪孔机 ; 治具搪孔机

3. Boring machines 镗床 ; 钻孔机 ; 搪孔头

4. boring cutter 镗刀

5. tunnel boring machine 隧道掘进机;隧道钻巷机;隧道开挖机

6. Tunnel Boring Machine 隧道掘进机 ; 全断面隧道钻掘机

7. long boring 长镗孔

8. boring machine 镗床;钻机;搪孔机

9. boring rod 镗杆;钻杆

10. wash boring 冲洗钻探 ; 回水钻探 ; 冲洗钻进 ; 冲洗挖探

11. boring work 镗孔工作

12. Boring heads 搪孔头 ; 螺帽及螺丝 ; 镗削头

13. so boring 真无聊

14. CNC boring machines 电脑数控镗床 ; 电脑cnc镗床 ; 数控镗床 ; 电脑

15. boring lathe 镗床;镗车两用机床

16. boring tool 镗刀;钻具

17. boring bar 镗杆;钻杆

18. boring head 搪刀头;钻头

19. boring mill 镗床


1. Taurus will only eat the finest of Swiss chocolates.


2. Doug: [ Turns on TV ] Ah, darn! Just boring diving. The U.S. always wins. It's so predictable.

道格: ( 打开电视 ) 啊, 可恶! 只有无聊的跳水. 老是美国赢. 随便猜都知道.《期刊摘选》

3. This kind of humour is infantile and boring.


4. Not only are mothers not paid but also most of their boring or difficult work is unnoticed.


5. His blue eyes seemed to bore into her.


6. Police said the explosion bore all the hallmarks of a terrorist attack.


7. The drill is strong enough to bore through solid rock.


8. Investing in being boring is not a winning strategy in a citation based economy.


9. It was one of these boring films with endless police chases.


10. The former US ambassador to Ireland has behaved most undiplomatically by describing his two years in Dublin as "very, very boring."


11. Life is only boring to boring people.


12. Ah, how unrelieved boring life would be!

啊, 那将是一点也没有减轻的无聊的生活!《期刊摘选》

13. There was no way to escape the boring meeting.


14. The letter bore the president's seal.


15. At work, he was chained to a system of boring meetings.


16. The workers will conduct a boring test to examine subsurface soil and rock conditions.


17. He made a concerted effort to win me away from my steady, sweet but boring boyfriend.


18. The lecture is boring.


19. It is considered a waste of time to discuss such a boring problem.


20. Future generations are going to think that we were a pretty boring lot.


21. Who refused to accept the boring, expensive dresses more traditional shops were trying to sell them.

她拒绝接受那些在传统商店出售的令人厌烦的昂贵衣服.《超越目标英语 第5册》

22. This party is boring, let's try and jazz it up a bit.

这个聚会太无聊了, 让我们想法把它搞得活跃一点吧.《简明英汉词典》

23. The town is boring and characterless.


24. After his boring speech for over an hour, the fatuous speaker waited for applause from the audience.


25. The document bore her signature.


26. I'm not boring you, am I?


27. A few jokes add leaven to a boring speech.


28. All he ever does is discuss the same boring list of medications.


29. The family has been described variously as crass, bigoted, racist and plain boring.


30. Today is a such boring day. Nothing really happened No nothing.


31. Boring and sizing paper laminated chipboard and MDF panels.


32. For people who do not master the basics, practicing basics is boring.

对于没有精通基础步的人来说, 基础步练习是乏味的.《期刊摘选》

33. Richard: Right. I really hate sitting through long boring movies.

理查德: 没错. 我真的很讨厌坐着看完无聊的长电影.《期刊摘选》

34. A lot of the work was very dry and boring in Westminster.


35. Be vigilant against the danger of enemy agents infiltrating the government and boring from within.


36. The title of the essay bore little relation to the contents.


37. No, I think American movies are boring. I like watching Chinese movies.

不, 我觉得美国电影挺无聊的. 我喜欢看中国电影.《期刊摘选》

38. I got sick and tired of learning boring grammar rules and lifeless words.


39. His style is so pedestrian that the book becomes a real bore


40. She can always be relied on to provide comic relief at a boring party.


41. He talks uninterestingly in boring cliche & 1 & s.

他谈的话没有意味,都是令人生厌的 陈词滥调.《简明英汉词典》

42. I find most of the young men of my own age so boring


43. Travel was so absolutely safe as to be boring.


44. I just want to finish the boring life and be a pilot as quick as possible!


45. I accompany with her to watch boring movies.


46. Forget about boring text books and uninteresting subjects!


47. I stay at home all day is very boring.


48. Usually, the work is boring.


49. The procedure includes preparing, boring, setting pipes , manufacturing serous fluid and grouting etc.

施工工艺包括施工准备 、 钻孔 、 打小导管 、 浆液的制作和注浆几部分.《期刊摘选》

50. The boring hole should be placed in the joint area of finished walls unit.


51. She had to entertain some boring local bigwigs.


52. The room bore evidence of a struggle.


53. I will delete the boring Q 8.


54. His uniform bore the insignia of a captain.


55. Because it's quite boring.


56. The phony glamour of night clubs soon became stale and boring.


57. She bore her misfortunes bravely.


58. I found the job boring.


59. A normal life is boring, but superstardom's close to post mortar.

一个正常的生活是令人厌烦的, 但是明星的生活却接近死亡.《期刊摘选》

60. Many diets fail because they are boring.


61. Some riders think of that as boring and would rather work out spontaneously.


62. She might be a little common at times, but she was certainly not boring.


63. He will complain about having to spend time with such a boring bunch of geriatrics.


64. a boring job/book/evening

无聊的工作 / 书 / 夜晚《牛津词典》

65. His poems sound dead boring, actually.


66. To be frank, he could also be a bit of a bore


67. We are now within sight of the end of this boring task.


68. Something really boring happened to someone ugIy in the MiddIe Ages.


69. She finds it boring at home.


70. Exercising alone can be boring.


71. It was so boring—I mean, nothing happened for the first hour!


72. His style is turgid, boring.

他的文体华而不实, 令人厌烦.《辞典例句》

73. All great books contain boring portions, and all great lives have contained uninteresting stretches.

所有伟大的著作都有令人乏味的部分, 所有伟人的生活都有枯燥的片段.《期刊摘选》

74. The Boring movie seemed to drag onon.


75. Their work is hard and unglamorous, and most people would find it boring.


76. Today, I fell asleep in class during a boring economics lecture.

今天, 我在一场无聊的经济课上睡着了.《期刊摘选》

77. We did some singularly boring experiment.


78. But a person, we are blank, drab, boring.

可是一个人的时候, 我们是空白的, 单调的, 无聊的.《期刊摘选》

79. If you keep goading her with boring jokes, she may turn angry.

若你一直用无聊的笑话刺激她, 她会生气的.《期刊摘选》

80. Attractive icons are, of course , always preferred to the boring ones.

有吸引力的图标 当然 会比无趣的那种要好很多.《期刊摘选》

81. A tool for boring holes in wood or ice.

'螺旋'.''钻,木螺钻一种用于在木头或冰上''.'钻孔'. ''的工具.《期刊摘选》

82. Michael is such a square. I've never met anyone so boring.

迈克真是古板. 我从没见过这么无趣的人.《期刊摘选》

83. I realized that having a new baby lets you off going to boring dinner parties.


84. Thank you accompanying me go through this boring summer vacation!


85. Here I am boring you with my reminiscences.


86. Don't be faint-hearted when things seem a bit slow or boring.


87. Obsessives, in any area, are invariably as boring as their hobbies.


88. Her husband is about the most Boring person I've ever met.


89. This comment bore no relationship to the subject of our conversation.


90. David left his boring job to go on a journey of self-discovery.


91. Today it raining now, may be a boring day until lunch.

今天它正在现在下雨, 可能是一个无聊的日子直到午餐.《期刊摘选》

92. It may also turn one or two concise words into a long and Boring essay.


93. He is living proof that not all engineers are boring.


94. The sport is being written off as boring and predictable and the fans are deserting in droves.


95. Teaching off a blackboard is boring, and undoubtedly turns people off.


96. While it would for boring television the race is terrifying as hell if you're of it.


97. Not only are housewives not paid, but also most of their boring work is unnoticed.

家庭主妇不仅得不到报酬, 而且她们单调的工作大多数不会被人注意.《期刊摘选》

98. She was good at physics despite the fact that she found it boring.


99. It was so boring ─ I mean, nothing happened for the first hour!


100. Sharon had ditched a boring career as a supermarket manager to pursue a more exciting life.


101. The people seemed lumpen and boring.


102. He is a boring person.


103. He has been described as a 'charmless bore' ─ not by me, I hasten to add.


104. It is boring to listen to the same story.


105. I found the discussion boring.


106. I spent more than two hours a boring advertisement yesterday afternoon.


107. It is a boring movie.


108. We often forgive those that we feel are boring, but not forgive are boring us.

我们常常宽恕那些感觉起来很无聊的东西, 却无法宽恕那些让我们无聊的东西.《期刊摘选》

109. His speeches are boring.


110. A finished person is a boring person.


111. I'm just a very ordinary, boring normal guy.


112. Has he been boring you with his stories about his trip?


113. She bore him no ill will.


114. Silly things people ask silly, silly man A silly question, is boring people?

无聊之人问无聊之事, 无聊之人答无聊之问, 都是无聊的人?《期刊摘选》

115. She found her job very boring.


116. We all need the occasional escape route from the boring, routine aspects of our lives.


117. A technically perfect photograph can be theworld's most boring picture.


118. The last two Premiership games havethe Blues the net nine times. Boring Chelsea indeed!

在最近两场联赛中九次破门,还真是乏味的切尔西 啊 !“”“”《期刊摘选》

119. Their lack of qualifications condemned them to a lifetime of boring, usually poorly-paid work.


120. A rigid routine can be stultifying and boring.


121. Deadlock is a boring game where mutual defection pays best.


122. I think you have talked my ears off on that boring topic.


123. As usual, I got landed with all the boring jobs.


124. a boring man


125. English is not a boring subject.


126. Today's boards, by contrast, are boring.

相比之下, 现在的电路板令人厌烦.《期刊摘选》

127. Don't shove the boring jobs off onto other people.


128. boringly normal


129. ...boring television programmes.


130. Even the most boring meeting was enlivened by Dan's presence.


131. I have never heard of a journey that is boring than this one.


132. Unfortunately, we have to study for all those boring exams.

不幸的是, 我们不得不为了那些乏味的考试而学习.《期刊摘选》

133. I felt she found me boring and dull.


134. John Wilkinson invented a new kind of boring machine in 1775.


135. He was criticized for being boring, strait-laced and narrow-minded.


136. Teredo navalis is a type of boring animal that cause damage to underwater wooden structures.


137. He is reading a boring novel.


138. The novel was unspeakably boring.


139. I spent the rest of their visit gleefully boring them with tedious details.


140. Plain sailing all your life would also be a boring thing.


141. If I didn't bungee jump, rock climb and sky dive, you'd find me a boring person.

如果我不会弹跳 、 攀岩和跳伞, 你就发现我是个无趣的人.《期刊摘选》

142. They are also the least generous and most boring, a survey says.


143. Edged polished glass , glass grooving , hole boring, Irregular shaped glass, etc.

各种磨边 、 钻孔 、 刻花、异形玻璃等.《期刊摘选》


1. You have boring, and rational, and precised leaders.

也有严肃乏味理智冷静,但又精确全面的领导者。领导能力简介课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

2. "We're kind of boring, " said reserve Ronnie Brewer, who has often started in Hamilton's place.

WSJ: Bulls: Does Chicago Need Derrick Rose?

3. Everything is posted online, and for the most part is visual rather than plain boring text.

FORBES: The Biggest Threat To Venture Capitalists

4. Here are all their boring, not so boring and unfortunately very seldom scandalous posts.

FORBES: In Bed with Mark Zuckerberg

5. His day was probably boring, but he's ready to move right past it once we're together.

NPR: Teaching a Bad Dog New Tricks

6. Wilco also believes the "boring" argument overlooks that the Spurs' style of play is by design.

CNN: Tim Duncan beast on court, if not in press

7. In many ways these are dreary, dreadfully boring alternatives to moon colonies and space travel.

FORBES: What Was Tech Journalism Like In 1876?

8. Capital letters and boldface fonts aren't going to save your story if it's boring.


9. Internet TV competes with the boring games shows, telenovellas, and news broadcasts of state-run television.

FORBES: Russia And The Putin Rules: A Pessimistic Assessment

10. OK. I know. It looks boring. But it's a structure of the things I want to think about when I go through trying to take a problem and mapping it into a iterative program.

好,我知道这看起来有点无聊,但是这是我要去以迭代的方式,去解决一个问题采取的,措施的大致结构。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

11. I don't know, I dropped out of public accounting, so maybe that means I am one of the boring ones, who knows?

我也不清楚,后来我就退出公共会计了,或许这意味着我是个无聊的人,谁知道啊?SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 会计学很有意思

12. `I'm not boring you?' she said, anxiously.


13. This is the land of empty high rises, slow drivers, humidity and boring baseball teams.

FORBES: Home Sales Down? Not For This Realtor

14. I know it's boring, but we need to do it so you know what the ground rules are.

我知道这很无聊,不过为了让你们了解规则,我们必须得做这个。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

15. Technology stocks have been hibernating while the usually boring utilities sector has been, well, fired up.

FORBES: Here's The Latest From S&P: Buy The Techs, Dump The Utilities

16. So you're stuck with whatever stupid, boring case you bought at the Apple store.

CNN: Apparently This Matters: Lobster iPhone case

17. Many people think search was a done deal. It's boring.


18. This is boring. In fact, you can do some nice things to prove what is the class of functions you can compute with straight-line programs, and what you'd see if you did that is, it's not particularly interesting.

这很无聊,实际上,你可以通过做一些很有趣的事情,来证明你可以通过直线程序,来做很多功能,但是你也看到我们之前讲过的了,这不太有趣。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

19. Ten thousand nobles lived there. How boring!

成千上万的贵族住在那里,多么无聊欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

20. Some people say that literature is kind of boring.

有些人说文学很枯燥。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 文学是灵魂的方式

21. Now, I could go on right the way through here, but I'm going to stop because it gets to be a bit boring after a while.

我可以就这样一直算下去,但是还是到此为止吧,因为再这样下去会很无聊博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. Sales reps are tying their criminally boring neckties, catching the last few minutes of SportsCenter.

FORBES: Magazine Article

23. American Directional Boring, case number 09-1194, in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit.

FORBES: Flood Of Remands Begins In Voided NLRB Cases

24. who thought it was all boring, in the end was glued to the television.

她以前认为这个无聊至极,可是到最后,她都贴到电视上去了。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 英国皇室的意义

25. OK. At this point, if we stop, you'll think all algorithms are linear. This is really boring.

可能我们就认为所有的解决这个问题的,算法都是线性增长的了,真很没意思,但是他们真不是对不对?计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

26. Practice alone is not enough especially if you are practicing a long, boring, abstract presentation.

FORBES: Should I rehearse, and for how long? -Presentation Training

27. The people seemed lumpen and boring.


28. Now, thanks to the U.S. Congress, maybe you can skip the boring parts of movies, too.

FORBES: My Family, My Movie

29. And these people--this is kind of boring-- but these people were in government between 1830 and 1848, and King Louis-Philippe, who was chased from the throne in February of 1848, was seen as progressive, he was seen as the bourgeois monarch but he was perfectly noble.

这些人有点乏味,他们在1830年到1848年执政,国王是路易·菲利普,他在1848年二月被王室追捕,他被视为进取者,被视为资产阶级的君主,但他完全是个贵族1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

30. As banks and boring CDs were left behind, brokerages and registered investment advisers proliferated.

FORBES: On Your Own: Investing in An Era of Irrelevant Regulation (October 2009)

31. I'm sort of love this movie, I'm start expecting certain type of character sort of boring character.

但我还是有些喜欢这部电影,至少开始喜欢个别角色,尽管他看起来可能有些没劲。电影哲学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

32. Why these boring old avatars of fantasy are interesting to anyone any longer is beyond me.

FORBES: Every Dwarf Is A Scotsman

33. Professor Nairn's lectures are always very boring.


34. I don't know if you've been to Bath. But it's very nice, but a bit boring and small.

我不知道你去过巴斯没有。那里非常漂亮,只是有一点无聊,而且那里很小。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 刚来伦敦的时候

35. Now these are going to be sort of dreary, boring, typical Martin lectures; dreary and boring historical surveys.

会比较沉闷,无聊,典型的Martin课程;,沉闷无聊的历史回顾。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. (Speaking) He says the low turnout was expected as in his words "the campaign was boring".

VOA : standard.2009.12.28

37. (...) She says the program is not going to help solve alcoholism for guys 55 years old, whose lives are boring.

VOA : standard.2009.10.15

38. Self-driving cars would be the great liberator of people for whom driving is a boring necessity.

ENGADGET: Editorial: Self-driving cars FTW, but not for everybody

39. And the guys, they are sometimes pretty boring because they like to give chocolate and flowers.

VOA : special.2010.02.08

40. So with apologies for being a bit more boring for twenty minutes, let's do something we'll call formal stuff.

抱歉接下来的二十多钟分可能有点枯燥,我们来做点正经事博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. I don't want to be some guy who does this boring thing for a dollar.

我不想做那种为了一美元而做无聊工作的人。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

42. But that would get very boring, so rather than do that, let's draw a picture.

不过这样做会很枯燥,与其一个一个地算,不如我们画张图吧博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

43. but the fact is they are intelligent, ambitious,motivated and to be just a pawn in the story of a whole bunch of men fighting it out,rolling around and getting down-and-dirty, while there you are just a vision in a tight cat-suit is just a boring thing."

VOA : standard.2010.05.19

44. Some people think that studying economics is boring. But what do you think of it?

有人认为学经济很无聊。可是你怎么看待这个问题呢?SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 会计学很有意思

45. She explains that she voted for herself as in her words "Lithuania's local political establishment is so boring for people, that they want to see some new faces."

VOA : standard.2009.05.17

46. If you take away all of the hype and suspense, the launch was actually pretty boring.

FORBES: Paul Graham Is Right. Everyone Should Stop Caring About Apple

47. Usually, the work is boring.


48. "If a couple is just happily married, it gets boring for the average person, " he says.

FORBES: Hollywood's Most Influential Couples

49. and all that sort of thing is boring and depressing, really, yeah.

所有这类事情都很无聊、令人沮丧,真的。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 在公园相遇的老师

50. The UK would be just like other average and boring northern European economies in its inequality.

FORBES: The Economic Legacy Of Margaret Thatcher

51. Most wealthy Americans invest in boring things: mutual funds, municipal bonds, U.S. Treasuries, and the like.

FORBES: The Hidden Taxation of Wealthy Americans

52. There's not that many good clubs in San Francisco. It's kind of boring clubs in San Francisco.

旧金山的酒吧并不是很好,因为有点沉闷。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 旧金山的夜生活

53. The longest and most boring headman's message came from Randall Tobias of Eli Lilly.

FORBES: Market Trends: Forget the annuals, read proxies

54. But for our purposes, LSD is just an acronym for a plain old boring lump-sum distribution.

FORBES: Mistakes To Kill A Tax Break

55. If the FTC is indeed investigating Twitter, they are likely to find this case pretty boring.

FORBES: Don't Buy Into Reports The FTC Is Investigating Twitter

56. They looked like boring, trainspotter types.


57. Make no mistake, much of what we both did was grunt work: boring, mindless, repetitious.

WSJ: Steve Cohen: Minimum Wage for Interns? It Misses the Point

58. This chart, very boring and uninteresting but useful to say there are very well defined rules as to when you're writing code, what operators, like what syntax should get evaluated first.

这个图表,看起来很烦,很无趣,但是它很有用,有非常明确的规定,譬如,当你写代码时,就会涉及操作符的优先级。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

59. Forget quizzes or boring your friends, this app tracks your feelings over a two-week period.

FORBES: Breaking Up (Or Not) With The Help Of A Mobile App

60. Read it before a long journey, and you may regard the boring old motorway with a new appreciation.

ECONOMIST: Britain's roads

61. I've always found that kind of research rather boring, but I think he had a point.

我发现这类研究相当乏味,但我认为他一语中的美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

62. Then he went back to a farm that he owned in the Limousin, in the Creuze, up here near a boring place I used to work called Gerais.

然后他回他自己在,利穆赞的农场里,在科雷兹省,我曾经在一个叫吉拉斯的破地工作过,就在那附近1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

63. we are the envy of the rest of the universe It's not so much that immortality, what the rest of them have, is unattractive or boring.

我们是宇宙其他生命羡慕的对象,不是说其他生命所拥有的不朽,是没有吸引力的,是让人厌烦的。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

64. He found business "boring, " and chose fashion, enrolling at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts.

WSJ: The Insider's Outsider

65. The beautiful thing about boring stocks is their tendency to put investment managers directly to sleep.

FORBES: More Boring Stocks That You Wouldn't Be Interested In



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