enjoy themselves是什么意思_enjoy themselves短语搭配_enjoy themselves权威例句

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enjoy themselves

网络 玩得开心

play play

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



1. He can enjoy themselves here 他可以在这儿自得其乐

2. The girls always enjoy themselves 这几位女孩一直过得很快活

3. quite enjoy themselves 过得非常快乐

4. They Enjoy Themselves 他们很

5. Enjoy themselves in breeze 在风中嬉戏

6. Telling others to enjoy themselves 你快乐

7. enjoy themselves freely at dusk 自由自在地享受着这个黄昏

8. really enjoy themselves 真会享受 ; 真正地享用他们自己 ; 真的很喜欢自己 ; 真正享受自己


1. They like to enjoy themselves by watching good football.


2. Everyone of all ages will thoroughly6 enjoy themselves.


3. When they go out to enjoy themselves, they can wear almost anything.


4. Volunteers learn a lot and enjoy themselves into the bargain.


5. They went there by air to have more time to enjoy themselves.


6. The little dwarf said, "Let the poor things enjoy themselves, I will not suffer you to trouble them."


7. The quality space for living and working can entice people to enjoy themselves.


8. Can the rich enjoy themselves more than the rest of us?


9. What I enjoy most is watching others enjoy themselves.


10. Parents had a right to enjoy themselves and to have their own interests.


11. The Labor's Day is workers'holiday and workers can enjoy themselves to their heart's content.


12. Now however, most families make delicious food to enjoy themselves.


13. People like to enjoy themselves at home or relax themselves when they have a holiday.


14. Two girls enjoy themselves in the sea water.


15. People enjoy themselves after hard work by watching TV.


16. The best way for players to enjoy themselves is to know how to win, he said.


17. A whole range of people from all backgrounds can get together and enjoy themselves.


18. They want to go there not to work but to enjoy themselves.


19. All the students enjoy themselves and show their different talents.


20. I also hope all my friends enjoy themselves and have a great life.


21. The children didn't do it to please their parents, but simply to enjoy themselves.


22. In the evening, they enjoy themselves watching TV and reading newspapers.


23. People drink to relax, unwind and enjoy themselves.

人们以喝酒来放松自己, 轻轻松松地自我享受一下.《互联网》

24. They are the kinds of things people like to do to relax and enjoy themselves when they are not working or going to school.


25. Some people enjoy themselves wherever they are.


26. People then could come and enjoy themselves without having to travel far.


27. During ancient times, children didnt have much to enjoy themselves.


28. In the cafe, customers will enjoy themselves in the historical environment that is created for them.


29. Putting aside all the trouble to enjoy themselves usually makes people happy.


30. They should teach children to enjoy themselves whether they win or not.


31. We appreciate slowly along the promenade , to enjoy themselves, their own bamboo rings bamboo dance.

我们沿着长廊慢慢欣赏,自娱自乐, 自己敲起竹竿跳竹竿舞.《互联网》

32. These young people have gathered to listen to music and enjoy themselves.


33. Did the children enjoy themselves in the park?

孩子们在公园里玩得愉快吗?《provided by jukuu》

34. Some people enjoy themselves wherever they are.


35. The dwarf said, "Let the poor things enjoy themselves, you shall not kill them."


36. Not with people that enjoy themselves in a calm the mind.


37. Some people enjoy themselves wherever they are


38. So helping others enjoy themselves not only for others, but also for ourselves.


39. Every morning the old people enjoy themselves in the square, singing and dancing.


40. We often have no idea what they are up to, but they really enjoy themselves.


41. They also travel to as Florida and Hawaii to enjoy themselves.


42. Bars are places where people gather to drink and enjoy themselves.


43. Let's hope for success, and that all our readers enjoy themselves!


44. Some students go to the beach and enjoy themselves.


45. Those who enjoy themselves without thinking sowing in spring will gain nothing in autumn.


46. Because of their smaller size, most keep hours that allow people to enjoy themselves, then have some quiet after midnight, as opposed to large major cities like New York, where the buzz of activity is ongoing.

由于其规模较小,大部分既保留了让人们休闲娱乐的时间,午夜后也较为安静,这与纽约一类主流城市持续不断的喧嚣大相径庭。《六级真题- 2017年 12月 1卷 阅读B》

47. Nevertheless, they also have some interesting ways to enjoy themselves.


48. Nevertheless, they also have some interesting ways to enjoy themselves.


49. And mainly for the customers to enjoy themselves.


50. They believe parks are the place where the public enjoy themselves at their leisure.


51. Volunteers learn a lot and enjoy themselves into the bargain.


52. Mom: Yeah, they can enjoy themselves in the day time and it is not so hot.


53. The new King and Queen like to enjoy themselves , Toby , he said.


54. Now however, most families make delicious food to enjoy themselves.


55. I get on with it while they enjoy themselves.


56. During the party, many activities are organized for kids so that they can enjoy themselves.


57. Men who dare to enjoy themselves amidst pressure that would grind mere mortals to dust.


58. They enjoy themselves drinking wine, smoking and playing cards.


59. They enjoy themselves drinking wine, smoking, and playing cards.


60. The young people enjoy themselves at the party with singing and dancing.


61. During the festival, young people enjoy themselves.


62. He took them with him to the Land of Toys and let them enjoy themselves to their heart's content.


63. It is time for the Chinese to enjoy themselves more.


64. I am glad they enjoy themselves.


65. After su er they enjoy themselves . Look!


66. Sir, why don't you just let everyone enjoy themselves?

长官,为什么您就不能让大家快活一些呢?《provided by jukuu》


1. Counties are now supposed to enjoy greater power to decide for themselves.

ECONOMIST: China's other face

2. "We need to improve the support for those who selflessly provide this valuable role, to ensure that they themselves enjoy good health, " she said.

BBC: New powers bid to support carers

3. But ordinary country-dwellers may not only enjoy the greater rights of access themselves, but may also gain if wealthy urban walkers spend more money locally.

ECONOMIST: Charge of the country brigade

4. She says locals want tourists to come and enjoy themselves.

NPR: New Orleans Businesses Ready for Tourists' Return

5. "That's why we all share a role in understanding the risks faced in the online world so we can empower those children and young people we work with to better protect themselves - so they can enjoy the internet but know how to stay safe at the same time, " he said.

BBC: Children at risk of web predators

6. It means consumers feeling better about themselves and about going out to enjoy all the goods and services this largest of global economies can offer.

FORBES: The Super Bowl Comeback -- Showing What America Does Best

7. The match ended quickly when Sammy's luck ended trying to pinch a second run, and England were finally able to enjoy themselves.

BBC: SPORT | Cricket | Flintoff inspires England triumph

8. "At times there needs to be a slightly amateur feel to what the Paper Dolls do but of course we also want audiences to enjoy themselves, " says Schneider.

BBC: Paper Dolls' double life as carers and drag queens

9. "The most crucial thing for dads to understand is that if kids see their dads reading they're more likely to enjoy it themselves, " said Viv Bird, chief executive of Booktrust.

BBC: James Patterson urges more dads to read to children

10. The charity Samaritans advises people that they should not feel obliged to enjoy themselves just because it is Christmas.

BBC: Surviving the big day

11. They should go and enjoy themselves and have a great time with no pressure.

BBC: Ask Steve Claridge

12. Most people, it seems, want to put serious politics aside and enjoy themselves.

BBC: NEWS | Europe | Spain revels in feel-good wedding

13. Fans now feel free to relish such a nerdy past time, and not only enjoy it themselves, but broadcast their love of it to others.

FORBES: 2012: The Year of eSports

14. It doesn't matter how good they are, they have to enjoy themselves and want to do it.

BBC: Twice Over clinches Newmarket win

15. Nationally, middle-class Christians even though many seemed to enjoy portraying themselves as a picked-on, oppressed minority, ceaselessly battling secular humanist regimes weren't exactly an endangered species, either.

NPR: Excerpt: 'Take This Bread'

16. Anyway, they appear to enjoy themselves, whooping when a particularly good piece of rubbish is found and bringing it to me for my approval.

ECONOMIST: Travels among the Ticuna

17. "We wanted the crowd to enjoy themselves and hopefully they will come again for the next game, " said Hill .

BBC: Worcester lifted by Sixways crowd, says Richard Hill

18. It is difficult to deny that the Giants earned the right to enjoy themselves.

WSJ: For Giants, A Raucous Ride Home

19. Many games fans enjoy uploading footage of themselves playing popular titles.

BBC: Nintendo to profit from user videos posted to YouTube

20. That's how Las Vegas became Las Vegas -- a balance of private enterprise but also a regulatory structure that made sure that people could come here and enjoy themselves and thrive and bring their families in an environment that was safe for them and secure.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Addresses Business and Tourism Leaders

21. But if they come into the theater, they'll enjoy themselves a lot.

NPR: Domingo And Bocelli: Keeping Opera Relevant

22. The excursion's organisers trust that the new celebrants will enjoy themselves enough to send glowingly nostalgic reports back home.

ECONOMIST: Cities and rivers

23. Could women who take HRT feel so good about themselves they drink more, they enjoy themselves more, they even smoke more, eat more unhealthy food, couldn't that be giving them the cancer?

BBC: Breakfast with Frost

24. Lufkin said young people view Camp Fire's diversity as an asset and enjoy making friends who are different from themselves.

WSJ: Amid Boy Scout turmoil, other groups hope to grow

25. "Shibuya, where people usually come to enjoy themselves, is full of wonderful things" Sakyo told CNN.

CNN: Biography: Yasuaki Sakyo and Shibuya University

26. Add in the faster growth in emerging economies themselves, and the world economy might enjoy growth of 1% a year more than it would have done otherwise.

ECONOMIST: The halo effect | The

27. Art collectors enjoy seeing themselves reflected in what they buy.

ECONOMIST: Goddesses, hulks and cartoons inspire Jeff Koons

28. However nobody should presume their path is the only true one, nor insult how others wish to enjoy themselves.

FORBES: EA Plans on Putting Microtransactions in All of its Games

29. MBNA, Providian Financial and Metris Companies, which sold themselves to big banks and thus already enjoy cheap sources of funds.

ECONOMIST: A credit-card issuer buysand becomesa bank

30. These people just want to defend themselves from bad guys, go hunting and enjoy the shooting sports?

FORBES: How To Destroy The Lie Meant To Take Our Guns Away From Us



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