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英 [ˈsaɪəntɪst]play美 [ˈsaɪəntɪst]play

  • n. 科学家

复数 scientists

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scientist /ˈsaɪəntɪst/

  • 1.
    可数名词 A scientist is someone who has studied science and whose job is to teach or do research in science. 科学家

    Scientists say they've already collected more data than had been expected.





1. Research Scientist 研究员 ; 研究科学家 ; 高级研究员 ; 研讨员

2. social scientist 社会科学家

3. political scientist 政治学者

4. rocket scientist 火箭专家;股市分析高手;[喻]行家

5. Senior Scientist 高级研究员 ; 高级科学家 ; 资深科学家 ; 研究员

6. The Scientist 科学家 ; 科学人 ; 管道连通

7. computer scientist 计算机科学家

8. Agricultural scientist 农业科学家 ; 农业学家 ; 农学家 ; 农业迷信家

9. Data Scientist 数据科学家 ; 数据专家 ; 巨量资料分析工程师

10. New Scientist 新科学家 ; 新科学人 ; 新科学家杂志 ; 新迷信家

11. gentleman scientist 绅士科学家

12. medical scientist 医学家,医学科学家

13. Social Scientist 社会科学家 ; 歌满人生黑衣壮人的审美化生存方式 ; 现代绩效考核中的考评沟通及技巧 ; 文心雕龙


1. He is a black scientist.


2. Scientists have found another kind of genetic drift in neutral traits.

除此而外,科学工作者还发现中性特征方面的另外一种遗传偏移.《英汉非文学 - 科技》

3. The contributors are, for the most part, professional scientists.


4. A scientist must be precise in making tests.


5. I admired him as a true scientist and hard worker.


6. We need more scientists who can explain what they are doing in language that is 29 convincing and understandable to the public

我们需要更多的科学家,用(29) 令人信服的、易于理解的语言向公众解释他们正在做的事情。《16年12月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

7. The scientist broke fresh ground in his recent book about physics.


8. Yuan Longping was a great scientist.


9. Yuan Longping is a great scientist.


10. Scientists have a fairly negative attitude to the theory.


11. As I began to read about scientists, economists, and philosophers, I started imagining myself in their shoes.

当我开始阅读关于科学家、经济学家和哲学家的故事时,我开始设想自己处于他们的位置。《15年12月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

12. Scientists believe the frozen eggs stand a good chance of a pregnancy after being artificially fertilised.


13. scientists and engineers


14. She was a frustrated botanical scientist.


15. Scientists continue to push back the boundaries of human knowledge.


16. He eventually acquired a scientist, too, called Terutaro Takeda.


17. The film stars a famous actor in the part of the mad scientist.


18. Isaac Newton was a famous scientist.


19. Many scientists from different countries are working hard to find the specialties under the web environment.


20. Some inconsistencies in the present guidelines come to light only after scientists started doing research.


21. This scientist accessed enormous different files to find the correct information.


22. Whale expert Karen Evans is one such scientist.


23. We are expecting the arrival of an eminent scientist.


24. A scientist name Charles had a strange idea.


25. The question of the origin of the universe is still hotly debated by scientists.


26. Bearded Russian priests offer regular services at the Orthodox church for the 16 or so Russian speakers who spend the winter at the base, largely polar scientists in fields like glaciology and meteorology.

蓄着胡子的俄罗斯神父在东正教教堂为大约 16位在基地过冬、说俄语的人提供日常服务,这些人大多是冰川学和气象学领域的极地科学家。《16年12月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

27. He has turned into a scientist.


28. A scientist never presupposes the truth of an unproved fact.


29. Scientists have identified a link between diet and cancer.


30. But Pay Drechsel, an environmental scientist, argues that the social and economic benefits of using untreated human waste to grow food outweigh the health risks.

但环境科学家Pay Drechsel 认为,使用未经处理的人体粪便种植粮食带来的社会效益和经济效益大于由此引起的健康风险。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

31. He is a writer first and a scientist second.


32. This scientist thinks he's on the scent of a cure for heart disease.


33. Madame Curie was the only famous woman scientist in the world.


34. Scientists are attempting to compare features of extinct animals with living analogues.


35. The idea was first suggested by Russian scientist Nikolay Vavilov.

这个想法最初是由俄罗斯科学家 Nikolay Vavilov 提出的。

36. Scientists are on the brink of making a major new discovery.


37. We all look forward to the day when the scientists can discover more secrets of the universe.


38. The scientist abandoned his research for lack of fund.


39. Through experiments and observation, social scientists like Dr. Berning have learned that there is power in tying certain behaviors to habitual cues through relentless advertising.

通过实验和观察,像伯宁博士这样的社会科学家们发现,通过大量无休止的广告将某些行为与习惯性暗示联系起来的做法是有效的。 《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

40. The scientist developed one model to simulate a full year of the globe's climate.


41. United States Naval Academy has graduation ceremony , Maryland, U.S.A.

美国马里兰州, 海军学院学生庆祝领取毕业证书.《期刊摘选》

42. n one example that demonstrated genetic differences were not fixed along racial lines, the full genomes (基因组) of James Watson and Craig Venter, two famous American scientists of European ancestry,

were compared to that of a Korean scientist, Seong-Jin Kim.有一个例子可以证明基因差异不是根据种族之分而确定的:将两位欧洲血统的美国著名科学家 James Watson 和 Craig Venter 的 完 整 基 因 组 与 韩 国 科 学 家Seong-Jin Kim 的完整基因组对照。《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

43. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out.


44. Scientists think they are beginning to break through in the fight against cancer.


45. While digging two pits at a site in the central plains of China,scientists discovered fragments from pots and vessels.

在挖掘中国中原地区一处遗址的两个探方时,科学家们发现了瓶瓶罐罐的碎片。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

46. A scientist is usually a methodical person.


47. Professional scientists are expected to know how to analyze data, but statistical errors are alarmingly common in published research, according to David Vaux, a cell biologist.

根据细胞生物学家大卫·沃克斯所言,专业的科学家们应该知道如何分析数据,但在已发表的研究中,统计误差普遍得惊人。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

48. Natural scientists should aim at the key scientific problems and provide accurate assessment information.


49. But a number of scientists question the assumption that the presence of alien species can never be acceptable in a natural ecosystem

但是很多科学家质疑这种假设,即在一个自然 生态系统中,外来物种的存在是永远不能被接 受的。《18年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

50. The Dismal Scientist, a webzine dedicated to economic news, is fun.


51. A monument was erected to the memory of that great scientist.


52. He is eminent among scientists.


53. He's a brilliant young scientist.


54. It's this week's New Scientist, why?


55. Quite a lot, according to a handful of scientists quoted in the News Feature.

用新闻专栏中引用的一些科学家的话来说,喜欢这些奖项的理由有很多。《14年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

56. Many scientists believe that El Nio events, caused by warming in the Pacific, are becoming more intense as a result of climate change.

很多科学家认为,太平洋变暖产生的厄尔尼诺现象正因气候变化而变得日趋剧烈。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

57. What do you like to do in your spare time?


58. Scientists are claiming a major breakthrough in the fight against cancer.


59. I'm a scientist who studies animals such as apes and monkeys.


60. Would the evil scientist have to be outside?


61. He contributes regularly to the magazine 'New Scientist'.


62. The scientists involved put different weight on the conclusions of different models


63. Scientists have sounded a note of caution on the technique.


64. A scientist must produce evidence in support of a theory.


65. nuclear scientists


66. Yuan Longping was a world-famous scientist.


67. Mr. Jack Frank is a scientist.


68. Social scientists who complain about a lack of funding should not expect more in today’s economic climate.

在当今的经济环境下,那些抱怨资金缺乏的社会科学家不应期待更多(资金)。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

69. This has led scientists to speculate on the existence of other galaxies.


70. Previously, scientists noticed pollutants arriving in the Arctic with the wind

之前,科学家注意到污染物会随风来到北极区。《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

71. What is the scientists’ new discovery?.

科学家最新的发现是什么?。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

72. The scientist Asch carried out an experiment.


73. He approached the question as a scientist.


74. The scientist was faced with many unknown factors.


75. The scientist elucidated his theory by three simple demonstrations.


76. Leo : Though he gained so much honor, he said he was only a scientist humbly.

虽然获得如此多的荣誉, 他谦虚的只称自己是科学工作者.《期刊摘选》

77. Scientists know that cancer may not show up for many years.


78. the cartoon figure of the mad scientist working in his laboratory


79. Scientists have collected more data than expected.


80. The scientists found that half of the 421 deaths were clearly due to carbon monoxide poisoning.


81. Scientists are puzzled as to why the whale had swum to the shore.


82. I'm just not cut out to be a scientist.


83. But social scientists are most concerned about crafting messages that exploit our group mentality ( 心态 ).

但是社会科学家最为关心的是如何精心构思出那些能利用我们群体心态的信息。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

84. Scientists are also trying to reach other scientists through Science and Nature, not just the public.

科学工作者不但希望通过《科学》和《自然》杂志成为知名人士, 而且还希望为其他科学工作者所了解.《期刊摘选》

85. My main reason for subscribing to New Scientist is to keep abreast of advances in science.


86. The scientist denied himself many of the comforts of life.


87. He became a scientist.


88. The discovery will help scientists unravel the mystery of the Ice Age.


89. Scientists have called the boundary area around the hole the event horizon.


90. The scientist dug it up.


91. In the middle of his tests, the scientist burst on the truth.

在实验过程中, 那个科学家突然发现了真知.《简明英汉词典》

92. American scientist Morse Solomon has developed an unusual method to make meat softer.


93. The scientist at the problem during the last two months.


94. By making the effort to organize and label files so others can understand them, scientists become more organized and better disciplined themselves, thus avoiding confusion later on.

通过整理和标注各类文件以便其他人能理解,科学家们变得更有条理了,也更加自律,以避免日后引发困惑。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

95. The director cast me as a scientist.


96. Scientists have only recently been able to gain access to the area


97. What did scientists previously notice about the pollutants in the Arctic?.

于北极地区的污染物,科学家之前注意到了什么?。《16年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

98. Scientists are studying photographs of the planet for signs of life.


99. Einstein was a scientist who hated pomposity and disliked being called a genius.


100. The college is playing host to a group of visiting Russian scientists.


101. It's written by a scientist named Sylvia Mendez.


102. Yuan Longping (1930-2021) was a scientist.


103. Scientists are still a long way off finding a cure.


104. Scientists are now considering the role of chance in evolution.


105. Scientists disagree about how the universe was created.


106. Then in the late 1500s,food scientists in the Netherlands cultivated large, straight, sweet, red carrots like the ones we eat today

之后在16 世纪后期,荷兰的食品科学家们种植出了个儿大身直的红色甜胡萝卜,很像我们如今吃到的那种。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

107. The scientists are taking water samples from the river.


108. Scientists continue to look for ways to deal with the deadly form of bird flu virus.


109. a research scientist


110. A scientist must be objective.


111. The scientists are here as guests of our government.


112. Scientists believe they are onto something big.


113. That’s because, scientists are predicting, 2014 will be an El Niño year.

这是因为,据科学家预测,2014年将是厄尔尼诺年。《15年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

114. British scientists have brought computer science to bear on this problem.


115. Scientists have been conducting laboratory experiments for 20 years to explore this possibility.


116. Industry leaders want scientists to engage in fundamental research, not applied research.


117. Scientists around the world are working to discover a cure for AIDS.


118. Her late husband was an outstanding scientist.


119. Seek for an experienced scientist to fill the post.


120. I will become a scientist some day.


121. Inventors are not mad scientists.


122. What a great scientist!


123. The scientist could not calculate when the spaceship would reach the Jupiter.


124. Scientists have established a connection between cholesterol levels and heart disease.



1. Keep in mind that its chief scientist is the co-founder of Apple (Nasdaq:AAPL), Steve Wozniak.

FORBES: Fusion-io IPO: Finding Billions in Market Holes

2. The answer to this question has become an obsession for data-driven scientist Paul Wicks.

FORBES: PatientsLikeMe Is Building A Self-Learning Healthcare System

3. Synaptics scientist David Gillespie says "mushy and imprecise" problems exist that microprocessors have difficulty solving.

FORBES: Touchy Touchy

4. The scientist says this mission has been planned for many years, but he is not sure when it will happen.

VOA : special.2010.05.25

5. Social scientist also show that men like the income of those pesky, problematic career women.

FORBES: Magazine Article

6. Aristotle appears from the beginning to look more like what we would think of as a political scientist.

亚里士多德,从一开始就更像是我们会认为的,政治科学家。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. Project scientist Harris Lewin from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign predicts there will be more laboratory cows in the future.

VOA : special.2009.05.05

8. Yet sleep scientist Ying-Hui Fu at the University of California, San Francisco,says little is known about the basic need for sleep.

VOA : special.2009.08.26

9. But is a questionable hypothesis sufficient cause for a federal investigation of a federal scientist?

FORBES: Drowning Polar Bears And the Return Of Ursus Bogus

10. What does it mean, to think like a computer scientist?

像计算机科学家一样思考是什么意思呢?计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

11. The political scientist he says must have a grasp of the best regime given the most favorable circumstances.

首先,政治科学家,必需要抓牢最佳政体,营造出最合意的情势;政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. Scientist Cecil Lewis said the human DNA could have been there because people had had contact with the bone.

VOA : special.2011.03.15

13. He was a bit of a mad scientist.

他还是个有点疯狂的科学家美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. Poetry, you remember--this is a scientist-- is no more true than religion, but it can perform the function of religion and is therefore capable of saving us.

科学家曾说过-,诗歌并不比宗教更真实,但是诗歌具有宗教的作用,并因此可以拯救人类。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. It was made by a computer scientist, but now, it's fun time.

它是一计算机专家发明的,不过现在才更有意思。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

16. Combustion scientist Herman Snyder, who relocated from Wisconsin, had worked at a Caterpillar subsidiary designing gas turbine engines.

FORBES: The Impossible Made Possible

17. Of course, going to a gulag is an effective way to silence a scientist.

FORBES: Why Jaczko Leaving The NRC Is Good for America

18. We are all there, we are all there equally for scientist that you consider the people have been the greatest.

我们都在那里,我们在那里是平等的,你们所认为的最杰出的,科学家。电影哲学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

19. When angry, the scientist Bruce Banner (Eric Bana) turns into a huge, rampaging monster.


20. One scientist said that the approach makes sense, and that there are past examples of success.

WSJ: Industry giant GE aims to improve fracking

21. She's a scientist.


22. and most, perhaps, obviously-- if you're just spending your life floating in the scientist's lab, you're not actually accomplishing anything.

显而易见-,如果你只是漂浮在科学实验室里,你实际上没有完成任何事情。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. It's top climate scientist issued a warning: we're rapidly reaching the point of no return.

BBC: Climate chaos: Transcript

24. Scientist: I must confess, I find it difficult to believe in a disease of machinery.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

25. Critics are baffled that the principal scientist who conducted the tests is a Muslim.


26. Sherley is now a senior scientist at the Boston Biomedical Research Institute, a less prestigious post.

FORBES: The Scientist Who Helped Stall Stem Cell Research

27. The challenge of transforming the powder into an aerosol cloud was handed to rocket scientist Carlos Schuler.

FORBES: The Impossible Made Possible

28. Gordon is also a scientist on staff at Boston Children's Hospital where the trial was conducted.

CNN: Advances in kids' early aging disease

29. No, seriously, scientist-activists and their media allies have alleged each of the above, and then some.

FORBES: Finding Big Foot, Finding Global Warming

30. So imagine that over the weekend, the mad scientist copied my memories, beliefs,desires,fears,ambitions,goals, intentions and imprinted that on somebody else's brain.

想象一下一个周末,某个疯狂科学家复制了我的记忆,信仰,欲望,恐惧,野心,目标,以及意向,并植入另一个人的大脑。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. Such dreams include "I want to be" an artist, a musician and a scientist.

ENGADGET: OLPC announces XO Tablet coming to select Walmart stores later in 2013

32. "It's possible even if the train is not crowded, " he told New Scientist magazine.

BBC: Trains 'trap mobile phone radiation'

33. He's a superb scientist.

他是一位一流的科学家关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

34. He is routinely described as the greatest scientist since Einstein.


35. University of Nevada-Reno political scientist Eric Herzik says voter turnout in Los Vegas is low.

NPR: Nevada Voters May Be Key In November

36. The scientist in 2006 admitted faking his findings, after questions of impropriety had emerged.

CNN: Disgraced cloning researcher convicted in South Korea

37. Dr. Jana Davis is Associate Executive Director and Chief Scientist of the Chesapeake Bay Trust.

WHITEHOUSE: Champions of Change Blog

38. The team was led by Walter Reed, the Army doctor and scientist noted for his work on infectious diseases.

VOA : special.2009.01.27

39. He rehired diet scientist Jay Satz, who had left in 1990, to redo the menu.

FORBES: The 200 Best Small Companies

40. In "Cosmos," the television science series from the nineteen eighties, scientist Carl Sagan talked about some traditional ideas about Mars.

VOA : special.2010.07.28

41. He says,But because I'm a generous mad scientist, before I torture you,what I'm going to do is give you amnesia.

但因为我是宽厚的疯狂科学家,在折磨你之前,我会先让你失忆。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

42. A year later, the president of the United States, Jimmy Carter,honored the social scientist with America's highest award for civilians.

VOA : special.2011.07.03

43. University of Tasmania scientist Scott Ling says there is evidence that they have been eating the sea urchins.

VOA : special.2009.08.25

44. He told New Scientist high levels of MSG had been used in the tests.

BBC: Food additives 'affect sight'

45. "It's like a big jigsaw puzzle, " says Ted Gifford, an operations research scientist at Schneider.

FORBES: Magazine Article

46. But because I'm a generous evil mad scientist, I want to ask you which one should I torture?

但因为我是个宽厚的邪恶疯狂科学家,我要征求你的意见,我该折磨谁?死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

47. the greatest scientist since Einstein


48. Dr Tim Key, a senior scientist at the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, welcomed the scheme.

BBC: Apples

49. Merck 's top scientist now says he would consider putting Vioxx back on the market.

FORBES: Could Vioxx Come Back?

50. Dr. McAfee is a principal research scientist at the MIT Center for Digital Business.

WSJ: What Makes a Company Good at IT?

51. For more on the topic, New Scientist offers this clever summary in video.

FORBES: Physicists Seek A Divorce: Prying Gravity ... From Inertia

52. "What Darwin Saw" tells of the adventures of a young man who travels around the world as a ship's scientist.

VOA : special.2009.02.27

53. Now, of course, Freud himself thought he was a scientist, and his reading of the myth was also supposed to be scientific.

当然,弗洛伊德也觉得自己是个科学家,也觉得自己对这神话的解读是科学的。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

54. A year later, the president of the United States, Jimmy Carter, honored the social scientist with America's highest award for civilians.

VOA : special.2010.01.17

55. But the evening really gets interesting after the scientist's talk ends and the audience gets to ask questions.

VOA : special.2010.05.14

56. It may be obvious to you, the developer or the computer scientist or the engineer, well, obviously, I just click, here, here, here, here, here, here and voila, out comes my ticket, but most people don't have an interest in that process and a lot of people, this person in particular, just don't necessarily understand that process.

这对于开发人员,或者计算机专家或者工程师,可能是显而易见的,呃,显然地,我只要点击这里,这里,这里,这里,这里,瞧,我的票出来了,但是大多数人没有兴致,来做这些步骤,很多的人,特别是这个人,不见得懂得这些步骤。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

57. "This is the most amazing burst Swift has seen, " said lead scientist Dr Neil Gehrels.

BBC: Observatory detects record burst

58. Fran?oise Barre-Sinoussi was honored with another scientist for research leading to the discovery of H.I.V., the virus that causes AIDS.

VOA : special.2009.05.13

59. a misogynist scientist


60. There they are. And, when they are named, they are named by suggestion by the scientist who have isolated them.

它们在这,当它们被起名的时候,是由科学家们建议的,那些提取它们的科学家。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

61. As I said, our strategic goal, our tactical goals, are to help you think like a computer scientist.

如同我已经提过的,我们的关键目标和战略目标都是为了,帮助你像一个计算机科学家一样思考。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

62. The reintroduction was the result of joint working between SNH, Rothiemurchus Estate, and scientist Ellie Rotheray.

BBC: Plan to save rare hoverfly is rot

63. The chief scientist manipulated his computer controls to fast-forward the satellite photos.


64. Barry Spletzer formerly worked as a top scientist at the Sandia National Laboratories Intelligent Systems and Robotics Center in New Mexico.

VOA : special.2011.06.21

65. Ten children ages eight to fourteen were in New York recently for the finals of this year's Discovery/3M Young Scientist Challenge.

VOA : special.2009.10.15



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