
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [puːl]play美 [puːl]play

  • n. 游泳池;池塘,水坑;一小片(液体或光);(河的)深水处,深潭;后备人员,备用物品;共用的资源(或资金);(有相同职业或共同从事某项活动的)人群;赌球(或其他体育比赛),赌注;<英>足球普尔(the pools);落袋台球;垄断性联营;预赛组
  • v. 集中(资源、钱财等)以备共用;积水成洼;(血液)在静脉中淤积
  • 【名】 (Pool)(英、西)普尔,(芬、德)波尔(人名)

复数 pools 第三人称单数 pools 现在分词 pooling 过去式 pooled 过去分词 pooled

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


pool /puːl/ CET4 TEM4 [ pooling pooled pools ]

  • 1.
    可数名词 A pool is the same as a . 游泳池

    ...a heated indoor pool.


  • 2.
    可数名词 A pool is a fairly small area of still water. 水池

    The pool had dried up and was full of bracken and reeds.


  • 3.
    可数名词 A pool of liquid or light is a small area of it on the ground or on a surface. 一滩 (液体); 一片 (光)

    She was found lying in a pool of blood.



    It was raining quietly and steadily and there were little pools of water on the gravel drive.


  • 4.
    可数名词 A pool of people, money, or things is a quantity or number of them that is available for an organization or group to use. 一拨人; 一笔钱; 一笔物资

    The available pool of healthy manpower was not as large as military officials had expected.


  • 5.
    不可数名词 any of various billiard games in which the object is to pot all the balls with the cue ball, esp that played with 15 coloured and numbered balls; pocket billiards 落袋台球戏
  • 6.
    →see also   carpool
  • 7.
    及物动词 If a group of people or organizations pool their money, knowledge, or equipment, they share it or put it together so that it can be used for a particular purpose. 集中(资金、知识或设备,供大家分享)

    We pooled ideas and information.




pool pond 【导航词义:池塘,水塘】

pool n. 水塘,池塘

〔辨析〕 尤指自然形成的池塘。

例1: stagnant pools of water


例2: Is there any fish in that freshwater pool?


pond n. 池塘

〔辨析〕 尤指人工建造的池塘。

例1: an ornamental pond


例2: There are two fish ponds in his garden.



1. Super Pool 超酷桌球 ; 超真实弹珠台

2. indoor pool 室内游泳池;游泳馆

3. resource pool 资源库

4. Lunar Pool 月宫桌球

5. patent pool 专利联营;专利权共享互用的一组企业

6. Patent pool 专利池 ; 专利联盟 ; 专利联营 ; 专利合伙

7. data pool 数据库;数据池

8. talent pool 人才库

9. buffer pool 缓冲池;缓冲器组

10. reflecting pool 倒影池

11. weld pool 焊池

12. swimming pool 游泳池

13. gene pool 基因库

14. indoor swimming pool 室内游泳池

15. dirty pool [英国俚语]欺诈(或不正当、不道德)行为,欺骗的手法,不公平的竞技

16. molten pool 熔池

17. Huaqing Pool 华清池

18. plunge pool n. 瀑布下的水潭

19. item pool 题库;项目池

20. pool table (有六个落袋的)台球台;桌球台

21. car pool 汽车合伙;汽车合用组织

22. Bride's Pool 新娘潭

23. oil pool 油池

24. connection pool [计算机]连接池

25. labor pool 劳动力储备


1. The pool area is perfect for entertaining.


2. Bypass central pool, go up to peak to the depth.

绕过中央水池, 向纵深而去可达主峰.《期刊摘选》

3. In front of the Empire State Building is a long rectangular wading pool.


4. We pooled ideas and information...


5. He does the pools every week.


6. At our poolside restaurant and sunken pool bar, it's all about having fun in the sun.

无论是在池畔餐厅还是水池吧, 都让您尽享阳光下的乐趣.《期刊摘选》

7. The huge pool of blood in front of her was already assuming the iridescence of coagulation.


8. She was floundering around in the deep end of the swimming pool.


9. a pool of cheap labour


10. They are planting flowers around the pool.


11. You'll also have unlimited access to the swimming pool.


12. There was no pool at the bottom.

下面没有水池.《超越目标英语 第3册》

13. The diver dived into the pool from the high diving board.


14. The swimming pool is framed by tropical gardens.


15. The pool was in the shape of a heart.


16. Lanterns were strung in the trees around the pool.


17. There was a dark pool on the desk, it might have been blood.

桌子上有一滩黑色的液体, 我想应该是血.《期刊摘选》

18. Visitors may use the swimming pool between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.


19. The children's parents were by the pool, watching over them as they played.

孩子们的父母就在水池旁, 照看着他们在玩.《期刊摘选》

20. He got undressed in a small cubicle next to the pool.


21. Anybody can use the pool ─ you don't need to be a member.


22. The water in the pool and the boat have been frozen together.


23. She was standing by a pool, about to dive in.


24. We had the pool all to ourselves.


25. The pool had dried up and was full of bracken and reeds.


26. The car broke down and soon a pool of oil gathered under it.


27. An oak tree cast its shadow over a tiny round pool.


28. It was raining quietly and steadily and there were little pools of water on the gravel drive...


29. The method is more convenient on their own pools, more humid.

比较方便的方法是放在自家水池里, 比较潮湿.《期刊摘选》

30. Somehow I got out of my depth in the pool.


31. The pool is open from 7 a.m. onwards.


32. The swimming pool is floodlit in the evenings.


33. During winter, many people swim and the pool is crowded.


34. Take time out to relax by the pool.


35. They've had a big win on the football pools.


36. We came in view of a pool.


37. Was there a pool at the hotel?


38. You throw a pebble in a pool and it ripples.


39. The odds of winning the pools are about one in 20 million.


40. The swimming pool drains very slowly.


41. The diving pool also has a water bubbling system to assist diving.


42. She trained five times a week at her local swimming pool.


43. And put my foot in the pool.


44. After that, they went to the Outdoor Pool and saw a big octopus.

在那之后, 他们去户外水池并且看见一只大的章鱼.《期刊摘选》

45. a pool of light


46. Tower instant test used to melt into a pool of sewage.


47. The traditional lawn has been replaced by low-cost terracing, with a raised pool and waterfall.


48. She fell headlong into the icy pool.


49. The pool of water evaporated in the sun.


50. a pool table


51. ...a heated indoor pool...


52. She was found lying in a pool of blood...


53. a pool of cars used by the firm's sales force


54. The water in the pool is poisonous and many people are poisoned.


55. relaxing by the pool


56. Let's go for a quick swim in the pool.


57. The body was lying in a pool of blood.


58. I tried to keep the child away from the pool.


59. No amount of encouragement would make him jump into the pool.


60. In one design, a lap pool slices two pavilions, creating a dynamic vista for both.

其中的一个设计, 环形水池被分成了两个部分, 这样两边都产生了一些动态的感觉.《期刊摘选》

61. The available pool of healthy manpower was not as large as military officials had expected...


62. The Seaman was a bar for pool players and hard drinkers...


63. People were having fun in the pool, swimming or just splashing around.


64. a rock pool (= between rocks by the sea)


65. ...beautiful gardens filled with pools, fountains and rare birds.


66. Does the hotel have a pool?


67. freshwater pools


68. He had the run of the house and the pool.


69. We played pool together and were good mates...


70. The students work individually, then pool their ideas in groups of six.


71. The pool is dangerous and should be fenced off.


72. We lazed by the pool all day.


73. Police forces across the country are pooling resources in order to solve this crime.


74. She supervised the children playing near the pool.


75. We heard the splash when she fell into the pool.


76. Children were sploshing about in the pool.


77. Non-resident guests are welcome to use the hotel swimming pool.


78. to shoot (= play) pool


79. Let them splash around in the pool for a while.


80. The pool is some two meters deep.


81. Guanhai temple has a small pool, was a rectangular shape, color transparent, crystal clear.

观海寺中有一小水池, 呈长方形, 水色透明, 清澈见底.《期刊摘选》

82. The kids were ducking each other in the pool.


83. The pool was declared open and eager swimmers plunged in.


84. Finally he gets out of the pool on the other side.


85. a pools winner


86. Her mother was standing next to the pool, crying.


87. The pot was sitting in a pool of water.


88. Yet Teri notices a pool of blood on the floor, and her intuition kicks in.

可是泰瑞注意到了地板上有一滩血迹, 她直觉知道事情不妥.《期刊摘选》

89. The hotel also boasts two swimming pools and a golf course.


90. a pool car


91. The diving pool should be 6 meters deep.


92. The pool bulks about 50 cubic yards.


93. The small pool was caught over.


94. He stood on the side of the pool flexing his muscles.


95. Estelow had slumped forward in a pool of blood.


96. The new proposal would create a reserve pool of cash.


97. Philip and I pooled our savings to start up my business.


98. Mary dipped her head into the clear pool.



1. Here's one climbing out of the pool: First her face appeared, long and cadaverous, with a bandage-like bathing cap coming down almost to her eyes, and sharp teeth protruding from her mouth.

有一个女人从游泳池中出来了,首先是她的脸,修长,而惨白,如绷带般的泳帽从她的头部,耷拉到她的眼睛,锋利的牙齿从她的口中突出。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. This has resulted in Blaenau swimming pool reopening on Sundays between 1000 and 1300 GMT.

BBC: Blaenau Ffestiniog pool in use it or lose it appeal

3. In 1987, Gangel covered the Iran-Iraq war as part of the Pentagon pool in the Persian Gulf.

CNN: About

4. Some guests say they saw ghosts in the pool areas wearing 1930s bathing suits.

BBC: A ghostly visit on the RMS Queen Mary hotel

5. This is what you see here: a large pool of water left behind by the sea.

BBC: Meet this months BBC Travel Photo Nomad

6. Not a typical one, of course, but one serviced by a wading pool of flesh-eating fish.

BBC: Changi: The airport of your dreams

7. But, the real technology is-- the technology that works to eliminate risks is to spread them out, to pool them, to share them among many different people.

但是真正的技术-,能够降低风险,通过风险汇聚,将风险分散,让很多人共同承担。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. In some cases firms owning standard-essential rights join together to form a "patent pool".

BBC: Tech firms and regulators meet at UN patent pow-wow

9. It is antiquated, absurd, and not just unproductive but often counterproductive to limit your talent pool.

FORBES: Ending Dunder Mifflin: A 21st-Century Way To Save America $250 Billion A Year

10. But then it swept over a pool of unusually warm water in the Gulf of Mexico.

BBC: Climate chaos: Transcript

11. In front, two hundred jets of water meet in a pool.

VOA : special.2009.05.25

12. Who were the organisms that would survive those conditions and then contribute to the gene pool?

什么生物体可以在那样的条件下存活,这又会导致基因库怎样的改变关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. This means that the pool of educated students around the world has gotten even bigger.

FORBES: Why the U.S. Should Attach a Green Card to Immigrants' College Diplomas

14. They can do many activities outside, like playing sports and swimming at the beach or the pool.

VOA : special.2009.06.22

15. This year,as many as 45 percent of Americans polled say they will enter at least one college basketball pool.

VOA : standard.2009.03.25

16. Each group along the line--plumbing, electrical, cabinetmaking, final finishing--makes a percentage of that pool.

FORBES: On The Cover/Top Stories

17. The room has a lovely aspect, with all the French doors overlooking the pool.


18. He went out to the pool, and Gerry was there, listening to his iPod.

NEWYORKER: Bullfighting

19. See and be seen at the rooftop infinity pool and bar for the panoramic views.

BBC: Business trip: Rio de Janeiro

20. The master suite is on the main floor, overlooking the pool and private, fenced backyard.

FORBES: MLB Pitcher Derek Lowe Unloading Premier Atlanta Estate

21. "The implications are obvious. The developing world has,by far, the largest pool of people at risk for severe and fatal H1N1 infections."

VOA : standard.2009.05.18

22. The pool of over 300 eligible jurors was cut down due to hardship reasons.

FORBES: Rajaratnam Trial Begins -- The Judge, The Jury and Early Defense Win

23. The chateau's property includes an outdoor pool, and French Riviera beaches are within driving distance.

FORBES: Provencal Retreat

24. It takes hikers to a clear pool of water and waterfalls.

VOA : special.2009.04.15

25. So you can see right away the students knew that they will be selected as a very honor to the pool.

所以,学生们很快,就会知道他们将成为,该组织的荣耀。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

26. The harbour pool at Islands Brygge is one of four, centre city summer pools.

BBC: Living green in Copenhagen

27. Here, you'll find a small pool overlooking Beirut's bullet-riddled concrete jungles and surrounding mountains.

NPR: Beirut: Hotel With Oriental Opulence, French Accent

28. In particular as panic attacks, when he seized-- His first panic attack originated when he walked to a swimming pool and he saw a family of ducks flied away, and he got his panic attack.

尤其是在恐慌症发作的时候-,他的首次恐慌症来自于这样一件事,他来到泳池边,看到鸭群飞离游泳池,他就这样患上了恐慌症。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. Franklin swam and sunbathed at the pool every morning.


30. The baseball stadium for the Arizona Diamondbacks has a swimming pool just beyond the centre-field wall.


31. He said Lenten Pool was a residential area which included sheltered housing for the elderly.

BBC: Vehicles damaged after 'explosion' in Denbigh

32. In the center,at ground level, is a round pool of water.

VOA : special.2009.05.25

33. There is an indoor pool, free (non-alcoholic) drinks from the minibar and even better, free WiFi.

BBC: Travel - Openings: Beijing, Cura?ao, Saudi Arabia, Abu Dhabi, India

34. There's now a pool of secretaries which all departments use.


35. Namely, that he was concerned about inequality, about some people doing badly, and he proposed an economic alternative that would pool risks.

换句话说,他也关心不平等现象,关心生活艰苦的人们,并且提出了另一种经济方案,来汇聚风险。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. It's a little bit more healthy, I think, than in a swimming pool.

这里会比在游泳池里更健康一点。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I like实战

37. One easy hike takes visitors two kilometers to a clear pool of water and waterfalls.

VOA : special.2009.09.28

38. Instead, as state law demands, the funds went to a special pool reserved for building schools.

FORBES: Settlement Splurge

39. No team has ever gone on to win the tournament having lost a pool stage match.

BBC: Boks defeat still hurts - Vickery

40. and I used to play tennis here, and my friends take kids to the pool. There's so much to do here.

我过去常来这里打网球,我的朋友会带孩子去游泳池。在这儿可以做的事情太多了。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 最美丽的公园

41. And so suddenly, you are thrown into a pool of so many other incredibly intelligent, driven people, and

所以,突然之间,你发现周围人都是绝顶聪明,都是劲头十足的人,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 我遇到的天才们

42. Greenery and flowering bushes surround the Ornamental Pool in the gardens.

VOA : special.2009.09.21

43. The exhibitors are 20 artists chosen from a pool of over 700 applicants from 53 countries.

ECONOMIST: Debating what to covet with unlimited funds

44. And a pool of blood flowed from the horribly torn throat.

VOA : special.2011.02.26

45. Past these rooms we find an indoor swimming pool.

VOA : special.2009.11.16

46. And it also has a swimming pool on the rooftop.

在屋顶上还有一个游泳池。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : That's why 课堂

47. Because that pool may be average of 10 inches, but maybe it has places that are 20 feet deep, if it's a large pool.

由于该池平均10英寸深,或许它某些区域有20英尺深,如果它是一个大水池的话。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

48. Remember when Haze and Enoch are in the middle of the park at the swimming pool. Enoch's hiding in the bushes, spying on the women.

请记住,当海斯和阿纳克在公园中,的游泳池中,阿纳克多在灌木丛中,盯着那些女人们。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

49. Patients exercised their atrophied limbs in the swimming pool.


50. It reminds me of a joke about the statistician who drowned in a pool with an average height of 10 inches.

这让我想起一个统计学笑话,在一个平均水深为10英寸的游泳池里,谁会被淹死。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

51. The southern edge of that great pool is the Marloes Peninsula, where Wales runs out.

BBC: Hiking Wales storied coastline

52. During the lunch of the first day, their project groups were assigned eating, so we asked them to sit together over lunching beginning to develop their pool getting to know each other.

在第一天的午饭时间,项目组的同学一起吃饭,我们要求他们坐在一起,形成自己的圈子,并相互了解。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

53. But a really nice apartment, has a gym in it, has a pool in it,

但是他租的那套房子真不错,有健身房、游泳池、SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 苏玛区的公寓

54. The tiled pool is just one of many extravagant features in this 48, 000-square-foot home.

FORBES: Tips for Entertaining in a Small Space

55. An airy living room overlooks the pool and outdoor entertaining area that features a cabana.

FORBES: MLB Pitcher Derek Lowe Unloading Premier Atlanta Estate

56. So the talent pool there is huge.


57. The pool was closed, so we played tennis instead.


58. "Sarah did us great, " said Karen Yuroz, who was celebrating around the pool tables.

NPR: Palin's Nomination Stirs Hometown Fans, Detractors

59. "While cost remains a major factor in decisions about where to off-source, the quality of the labor pool is gaining importance, and this includes English language skills."

VOA : special.2011.01.21

60. Mr Hackman said the current pool was used "extensively" by sub-aqua and diving clubs.

BBC: From the section Manchester

61. That means they're college eligible. So part of the reason college enrollments are at an all-time high is because the pool of youth that's eligible to go to college is also at an all-time high."

VOA : special.2009.11.19

62. Especially if you use a 17-inch laptop, which makes your potential alternative pool fairly barren.

ENGADGET: Ona Camps Bay DSLR / laptop backpack review Hands-on

63. And when it is hot outside, they can swim in the outdoor pool.

VOA : special.2009.05.08

64. Or better yet, they could pool their resources to continue the fight against wine fraud together.

FORBES: In Billionaire's Legal Crusade Against Counterfeit Wine, Money Is The Least Of It

65. He saw ants parading around a swimming pool while he was at an Independence Day celebration.

VOA : special.2011.02.15



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