housing loan翻译_housing loan短语搭配_housing loan权威例句

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housing loan

n. 住房贷款

英 [ˈhaʊzɪŋ ləʊn]play 美 [ˈhaʊzɪŋ loʊn]play

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. inspanidual housing loan 个人购房贷款

2. Housing Loan Corporation 住宅金融公库 ; 金融 住宅贷款公司

3. Housing Loan Scheme 购屋贷款计划

4. individual housing loan 个人购房贷款 ; 小我购房存款 ; 个人购房存款

5. personal commercial housing loan 个人商用房贷款

6. housing loan insurance 住房贷款保险

7. Personal Housing Loan 个人住房贷款

8. Sandwich Class Housing Loan Scheme 夹心阶层住屋贷款计划

9. trust of housing loan bonds 金融 住宅贷款信托债券


1. Along with the increase of the housing loan, the risk which brings to the commercial bank also increases.


2. In recent years, our government has been concentrating on the adjustments on loan policies, the key sector is housing loan.


3. Talking about the Housing Loan with Fixed Interest Ratio in China


4. Protection of Consumer Rights in Housing Loan Insurance


5. The paper analyses the cause of the individual housing loan risk, and offers related counter measures.


6. The Analysis and Control Study on the Main Risk of the Individual Housing Loan


7. Second, the omission of the credit system of the personal housing loan;


8. On Legal Risks and Control of Mortgage in Personal Housing Loan


9. Application Research of Housing Loan Credit Evaluation Based on Rough Set and Support Vector Machine


10. Construction bank has its special advantage in the individual housing loan.


11. The primary documentation involved in applying for a housing loan is the loan agreement.


12. Optimization on Plan of Personal Housing Loan


13. Comments on the First Case of Lawsuit Concerning Individual Housing Loan in China


14. It is high time that the risk of personal housing loan was possible to appear.


15. You can also teach you how to work as a loan broker and to prove to you some of the housing loan kit online.


16. The extra income will go a long way to paying the housing loan.

额外的收入对于还房贷大有帮助。《provided by jukuu》

17. A � � Hold the line , please. I will pass you to the housing loan department.

请别挂线. 我将把您传给房屋贷款部门.《互联网》

18. Al and Virginia Baxter are talking to their banker, Tony Flora, about a housing loan.


19. Remember that when you take up a housing loan, you will be dealing with the financial institution on a regular basis for a period of time.


20. Finally, some measures are suggested to improve the exterior environment of credit risk management of commercial Banks' individual housing loan.


21. Section two: The risks prevention system of individual housing loan and the individual credit reporting system.


22. Cause and Countermeasures of the Risks from Individual Housing Loan for Unmatched Information


23. I'd like to apply for a housing loan.


24. Causes and Avoiding Methods of Credit Risk in Individual Housing Loan


25. Simultaneously it alarms China whose house prices are increasing fast and whose individual housing loan scale is going to be huge.


26. Thinking of carrying out housing loan system for ARMYMAN


27. Analysis on the Housing Loan Insurance Status with Multiple-Streams Theory


28. My entire bonus will go toward pay off our housing loan and children's education.


29. Section two: the risks prevention system of individual housing loan and the individual credit reporting system.


30. Credit Risk Assessment Model for Individual Housing Loan Based on Decision Tree


31. Many young people choose to take out a housing loan to buy a property.


32. Enterprises operating their own housing loan scheme to a large extent, the retention of the heart.


33. B � � I would like to enquire about the housing loan.


34. Housing loan portfolio for secondary materials needed what?


35. Abstract: a convergence in housing loan risks between China and U. S. is discovered by means of comparison.


36. Understanding the steps involved in securing a housing loan will help you save time and avoid uncertainty and anxiety.


37. No Longer a Dream to Gain a Housing Loan


38. They really depend on the housing loan companies.


39. If you are a great number and, perhaps the work of the housing loan for you.


40. It is high time that the risk of personal housing loan was possible to appear.


41. Reconciles automatic payroll deductions such as housing loan, superannuation payments, city ledger, etc.


42. Experts: are the effects of housing loan norms?

专家: 规范住房贷款带来哪些影响?《互联网》

43. She estimates, this may well be the last batch of this year housing loan amount.


44. Analysis of the housing loan problem after the earthquake with disaster economic models


45. Many young people choose to take out a housing loan to buy a property.


46. Applies for when the housing loan must pay the stamp duty and the registration fee of permit.


47. Personal housing loan business by its earnings, reliable guarantee high risk, etc, to control the favour of banking industry.


48. As for the purpose of loan, just put in "housing loan".


49. Housing loan insurances include policy insurance and commercial insurance.


50. If you are a great number and, perhaps the work of the housing loan for you.

如果您是伟大的与数字, 则房屋贷款工作也许是为您.《互联网》

51. Housing loan insurances include policy insurance and commercial insurance.


52. Our country commercial bank gradually will develop individual housing loan business as a new profit growth spot.


53. It really is that you rely on your housing loan in the fall, and what you deal with the company.


54. This is our country commercial bank perfecting personal housing loan risk management system to provide certain reference significance.


55. Has also housing loan principal when you need to be ready to address your rainy day.


56. My entire bonus will go toward pay off our housing loan ad children's education.


57. Firstly, the paper introduces the application background, individual housing loan state and individual credit evaluation method.


58. Analysis of Personal Housing Loan and the Recovery of Economic Growth


59. An analysis of the causative factors for individual housing loan in China


60. My entire bonus will go paying off our housing loan and children's education.


61. Hence, the low housing loan rates, for example.

例如说, 把房屋贷款利率调低.《互联网》

62. B ︰ I would like to enquire about the housing loan.


63. Thee prospective borrower of personal housing loan should be a natural person having a complete civil capacity.


64. The Empirical Analysis of Reasonableness of Regression Model of Housing Loan


65. The current rate on a 20 - year housing loan is 10. 25 %.


66. Thinking on the Scattering Risks of the Housing Loan in China


67. They really depend on the housing loan companies.


68. Finally, through constructing credit risk evaluating system of individual housing loan, the practicality of these methods was proved.


69. Al and Virginia Baxter are talking to their banker, Tony Flora , about a housing loan.

艾尔和弗吉尼亚·巴克斯特正和他们的银行家 托尼·费洛拉 洽谈有关房屋贷款之事.《互联网》

70. Because no one wants to thinking with a housing loan agent used is a good person and is an important skill!



1. Meanwhile, for those 75 and older, the percentage with a mortgage or other housing loan was 24%, up from 7% in 1992.

WSJ: Retirement Is No Holiday From Debt

2. The severity of the housing market's woes came to light around August when loan defaults and foreclosures were showing big jumps.

NPR: Fed Moves to Fix Mortgage Crisis

3. We had a bubble-and-bust economy, again, another chapter that they'll talk about, where we thought somehow job growth could be predicated on the availability to get an American Express card or a housing loan.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

4. Government loan programs exploded as housing starts doubled in the post-war era.

FORBES: New Geographer

5. Capital One's management recently increased loan loss reserves after it underestimated the severity of unemployment and housing declines.

FORBES: Right Moves, Wrong Time

6. That's why he recently instituted the extension of the housing loan forbearance program, because those who have been -- who are struggling to stay in their homes, been unemployed, he believes it was essential to help them.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

7. Chris Samson of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, a consultancy, says that several lenders are actively looking at premium products that enable people to manage payments more flexibly over the lifetime of a loan and to release money against housing equity more easily.

ECONOMIST: Lenders in America and Britain retrench, but for how long?

8. However, it may also present an opportunity for regulators to leverage the banks into getting much more aggressive about loan mods and short sales, potentially presenting some lasting housing market solutions.

FORBES: How "Robo-Signing" Impacts Homeowners

9. On a more positive note, America's Mortgage Bankers Association said on December 3rd that home-loan applications, which are an early indication of demand for housing, surged at the end of November.

ECONOMIST: House prices are falling just about everywhere

10. If the damage to the house isn't too extensive, a better alternative is a streamlined Federal Housing Administration 203(k) loan, also known as a "limited repair" loan.

WSJ: How to Finance a Foreclosed Home--WSJ House Talk

11. These lenders, with no balance sheet and little capital, quickly garnered 15% of housing loan approvals.

FORBES: Still Speculating In Australian Housing: More Punch, Mate!

12. The National Association of Realtors says the fallout from the subprime crises will lead to higher loan standards, prolonging recovery in the housing market.

FORBES: Subprime Foreclosures On The Rise?

13. The act says that if an individual's personal data are used to deny them a job, a loan, housing or other important benefit, the individual must be given an opportunity to view the data and dispute its accuracy.

WSJ: Websites Accused of Privacy Violations After Personal Data Reappears

14. Phoenix housing officials hope to help about 900 home buyers before the loan program ends in October 2010.

CNN: Patience needed for housing loan program, home buyer finds

15. For example, the Fed could pop housing bubbles by imposing a maximum loan-to-value ratio for mortgages.

ECONOMIST: Sometimes it helps if investors are gloomy

16. Lenders thought they could make money on a loan even if the consumer could not pay back that loan, either by banking on rising housing prices or by off-loading the mortgage into the secondary market.

WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

17. Loan defaults will retreat, MMI Fund reserves will be fortified and the housing market will be triumphant.

FORBES: Engineering Homeownership For Non-Homeownership Candidates

18. The challenge here is determining how much financial assistance parents should provide beyond housing and whether it's going to be a loan or a gift.

WSJ: Tight Budgets Are Forcing Many Adults to Move Back Home

19. Fraud for housing is committed by borrowers who, often with the assistance of loan officers or other lender personnel, misrepresent or omit relevant details about employment and income, debt and credit, or property value and condition with the goal of obtaining or maintaining real estate ownership.

FORBES: These tips will help you avoid becoming the victim of fraud.

20. It is also selling a manufactured housing loan portfolio.

FORBES: Magazine Article

21. "In the current crisis, servicers who are not conflicted for a variety of reasons that the big bank servicers are have been more aggressive and more creative in their loan modifications, " said Julia Gordon, director of housing finance and policy at the Center for American Progress, a Washington, D.

WSJ: Ocwen's Rapid Growth Puts Spotlight on Its Practices

22. Despite selling off all subprime-loan debt, LendingTree.com has been hit by the down housing market.


23. Months ago fears of a housing bust and rampant loan delinquencies, plus rising interest rates, hurt them, but thus far things seem to be going reasonably well.

FORBES: Magazine Article

24. That was true in the U.S. savings and loan crisis of the 1980s and the 2007-08 bust in housing finance, the banking crisis in Ireland, so far in Spain.

WSJ: Gerald O'Driscoll: How the Euro Will End

25. On the financial and housing front loan growth was generally reported to be restrained across the country, with residential real estate lending and consumer lending showing more weakness than commercial lending.

FORBES: Beige Book Paints A Neutral Picture

26. It found that 2.3 million households had defaulted on a loan, bill or housing payment.

BBC: Which? says millions 'struggling' financially

27. The agreement is the latest twist in the government's long-running effort to break a logjam in the housing market, by pushing lenders to cut loan balances to make it easier for borrowers to stay in their homes.

WSJ: BofA Makes Mortgage- Balance Side Deal

28. True, spending on new houses fell sharply again in July, but mortgage rates have been cut by the government's Housing Loan Corporation, and the government is considering reducing real-estate taxes and relaxing regulatory measures such as limits on the height of houses.

ECONOMIST: Japan: New tricks | The

29. For one, the regulator for American housing lenders, the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, was widely felt to be part of the problem, much as Japan's finance ministry now bears the onus for the collapse of institutions that it regulates.

ECONOMIST: Japans financial crisis

30. When the housing market crashed in 2008, the Armstrongs began looking for a loan, backed by the Small Business Administration, which would allow them to consolidate at a lower rate.

FORBES: Funding Universe Matches Entrepreneurs With Loans. Is The Advice Worth The Price?




















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