school tuition翻译_school tuition短语搭配_school tuition权威例句

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school tuition

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短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. tuition school fee 办学的经费

2. a school tuition fee 学费

3. School Tuition Fee 学费

4. school-choosing tuition fee 择校收费

5. School to reduce tuition 学校要降低学费

6. Music Tuition at school 音乐课程


1. School fees includes tuition, capital fee, lunch, transportation and uniforms.


2. Article 15 Each competent educational authority shall prescribe regulations concerning vocational school tuition fee, the items, purpose and amount of tuition fee, and matters related thereto.


3. Too many youth drop out of high school; too many high school graduates are not college-ready. Tuition levels for college are high and have risen relative to family incomes and student financial aid.


4. Should the child choose to attend a different university, the University of Pennsylvania will apply up to 40 percent of Penn's tuition rate to the child's school of choice.


5. Our country has implemented the nine-year compulsory education with the policy of "two exemptions and one subsidy". It has universal access to high school education and reduces tuition fees and subsidies for living expenses in Yanzhou City, Shandong Province.


6. Their mothers cook food from scratch, have coffee mornings with other mothers, help read in school, enrol them for extra tuition.


7. America has long held "talent searches", using test results and teacher recommendations to select children for advanced school courses, summer schools and other extra tuition.

美国长期以来一直主张“选秀(talent searches)”,也就是通过考试测评和老师推荐来挑选孩子参加高级学校课程、暑期教育和其他课外辅导活动。

8. She is on call to work three times a week for a former client, in return for which she earns a decent retainer fee, school tuition for her grandson, and the flexibility to take on other clients.


9. But the proportion of those identified as requiring "school action", which means they get extra help such as tuition in small groups, has risen.


10. At this school, the tuition is free, but you have to pay for the books you need.


11. It is not if you want to buy global brands and pay for international school tuition fees for the children.


12. While scholarships are available to most children from poor families, private school tuition fees can still be prohibitively high.


13. Most Chinese football high school tuition, becoming more and more" aristocratic", led to children from poor families money to play the situation. 4.


14. She worked in the cotton field for a year and then a schoolteacher from Colorado, who read in a leaflet about the school for blacks in Mayesville pledged to pay for her tuition for a higher education.


15. Like government's appropriate funds, scientific research outlay and school industry, tuition has become one of the main university's financial resources. However, the substantive overdue tuition is influencing the development of higher education.


16. For example, if you want to go back to school, then you must commit to completing the coursework, attending classes and paying tuition and book fees.


17. I have to economize every month just to pay your private school tuition.


18. In fact, Wang Jing not in school tuition, she and netizens to Shanxi.


19. School tuition does not include transportation, certain field trips, or medical expenses incurred while at school.


20. What is more, ' with school tuition increasing it is also reasonable for parents toexpect their children to be somebody or do something great as a result ofeducation they have received.


21. What is more, 'with school tuition increasing it is also reasonable for parents to expect their children to be somebody or do something great as a result of education they have received.


22. I want to apply for school scholarships because tuition is a great figure after all, which is a lot of money.


23. What is more,'with school tuition increasing it is also reasonable for parents to expect their children to be somebody or do something great as a result of education they have received.


24. After high school, Jennifer attended a local technical college, working to pay her tuition, because there was no extra money set aside for a college education.


25. Graduate School tuition is expensive, and these courses will give you a good overview of the field before committing yourself.


26. From the picture, we can see that a school sets two different levels of classes and their tuition fee varies greatly between them.


27. Analysis of the phenomenon of charging student family high fees and its countermeasures Brief Discussion about the Reasons of School Choosing Tuition Fee and How to Deal with It


28. She is on call to work three times a week for a former client, in return for which she earns a decent retainer fee, school tuition for her grandson, and the flexibility to take on other clients.


29. Ambitious Japanese parents have made private, out-of-school tuition a thriving business.


30. China also has plans to speed up and improve English teaching for the country's130m primary school students by starting tuition in the language at an earlier age.


31. The education cost, as the vital criterion for determining the school tuition and the amounts of appropriate funds supplied by the government, is becoming more and more important.


32. We are child nursery, kindergarten, day care class, before& after school care and tuition class.


33. And he paid for my school tuition.

他还帮我付学费。《provided by jukuu》

34. Our family is really pinching pennies these days trying to save money& our daughter's going into medical school and the tuition is$ 24,000 a year.


35. All us students are up in arms at the news the school is raising our tuition ten percent.


36. Graduate School tuition is expensive, and these courses will give you a good overview of the field before committing yourself.


37. Williams College, a prestigious liberal arts school in Massachusetts, announced last month that for the first time in 46 years, its tuition would remain steady at $31,520.


38. A month prior, faced with about $15,000 in unpaid tuition and overdue bills, Taylor and her roommate typed "tuition," "debt," and "money for school" into Google.


39. While scholarships are available to most children from poor families, private school tuition fees can still be prohibitively high.



1. Meanwhile, law-school tuition is on the rise, especially at public, state schools.

WSJ: More Law Schools Haggle on Scholarships

2. His government had also promised to cover the costs of school tuition, a measure which would have helped the country's poorest, the opposition says.

BBC: Haitians protest against President Martelly

3. Similarly, parents should be able to receive school tuition vouchers that will improve educational options for their children.

FORBES: Why Rahm Emmanuel Should Use More School Vouchers

4. And faced with the high tuition costs at private Islamic schools, many Muslim parents elect,in the end, to home school their children - a choice,Haddad notes, often made as well by families of other religious faiths.

VOA : standard.2010.07.12

5. Up until last year, I had only a grant from the government that paid for 25% of my school tuition.

FORBES: Why I Wish My Mom Had Had Life Insurance

6. The current case, Arizona Christian School Tuition Organization v.

FORBES: Supreme Court Says Tax Expenditures Aren't Government Spending

7. Is the tuition for law school expensive?

法学院的学费贵吗?SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 拿全额奖学金

8. This year, eighth-graders won't find out whether they won a coveted spot in a top public high school until two days after the March 13 deadline for private-school tuition deposits, which can cost thousands of dollars.

WSJ: Admissions Deadline Confusion

9. Americans are borrowing more to pay for college while reducing other debt as a weak job market prompts more people to go to school and tuition keeps climbing, new Federal Reserve Bank of New York data show.

WSJ: Student-Loan Debt Rises 8% to $904 Billion

10. The new dates would primarily hurt parents who are "stretching to pay private school tuition" in the first place, Mr. Ragone said.

WSJ: Admissions Deadline Confusion

11. After 13 years together, they now agree on key financial goals, such as school tuition for their children and their retirement savings.

FORBES: Connect

12. We tell you how to be a cut-rate Ted Turner by buying into a shared ranch ( Living Large on Less), how to trade off the cost of a house against the cost of private-school tuition ( Public Choice) and how to get more from your greens fees ( Golf A La Carte).

FORBES: 2001 Investment Guide

13. Boone Pickens' son Thomas and Christian Melhado, of the Ford family--invited Walker to a benefit for the Children's Storefront School, a private tuition-free elementary school in one of Harlem's most blighted areas.

FORBES: Renaissance Man

14. Two people may have the same income but one may need to save more for retirement or have to make large private school tuition payments for their kids.

FORBES: 7 Steps to Buying a Home You Can Actually Afford

15. When private-school tuition goes up, it's because the cost per student has gone up.

FORBES: Magazine Article

16. The Lifetime Learning credit is useful for grad school and night school tuition, and can be claimed over and over.

FORBES: Paying for College: Federal Tax Credits and Deductions

17. Usually well-off, these parents don't hesitate to hire a lawyer to seek extra services or private school tuition.

FORBES: A Costly Education

18. To make matters worse, a judge ruled earlier this month that Mr Bush's solution school tuition vouchers violated Florida's constitution, on the grounds that it involved tax dollars going to religious schools.

ECONOMIST: Florida's gubernatorial race

19. Smith, the dean of the University of Illinois College of Law, conceded that the school, "like many other law schools, " had considered strategies to address the fact that the school's tuition is more than many desirable students are willing to pay.

WSJ: More Law Schools Haggle on Scholarships

20. Parents can make their own cases for special treatment but usually hire lawyers if they are going after a big-ticket item like private school tuition.

FORBES: A Costly Education

21. Last year, the school started charging tuition for graduate classes.

WSJ: Famed free NYC college to start charging tuition

22. That could help cover private or parochial high-school tuition, and some of the funds also could be used to buy a computer, even if the student attends public school.

WSJ: Getting Going: The 'Other' College-Savings Account

23. Her salary at the museum was just adequate, and we had a mortgage, prep-school tuition for the twins all the usual presiding expenses.

NEWYORKER: Wakefield

24. There, the state Supreme Court ruled vouchers for special-needs children had one use to pay for private school tuition thus making them unconstitutional.

FORBES: Can Education Savings Accounts Level The Playing Field For All American Students?

25. That includes a significant award for basic child support, along with additional expenses paid directly to a vendor, such as private school tuition, medical costs, and child care.

WSJ: Looking to Raise a Child on $47,000 a Month

26. The cost of going back to school includes not only tuition and foregone salary but also foregone experience.

FORBES: Venture Capitalist Mark Suster On Getting An MBA

27. Freston is contesting a federal law that says that a child has to attend a public school first before a parent can sue for private school tuition reimbursement.

FORBES: A Costly Education

28. Many couples have too much mortgage, too much debt, big car payments, and private school tuition that they really can't afford.

NPR: Untangle Your Finances Before Tying the Knot

29. In her dissent in the case, Arizona Christian School Tuition Organization v.

FORBES: Supreme Court Upholds Controversial Tax Credit for Religious School Tuition

30. Schools usually let you deduct big medical expenses and sometimes private school tuition for younger kids.

FORBES: Magazine Article

31. How to afford childrens' school tuition and health care costs robbed just three percent of sleep, the survey said.

CNN: Money worries rob workers of sleep, study shows

32. Milancuk wanted to transfer Derrick, but his salary as a forklift driver couldn't cover private-school tuition.

CNN: Poor grade for vouchers




















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