most neutral翻译_most neutral短语搭配_most neutral权威例句

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most neutral

adj. 中立的;中性的;不含褒贬义的;持平的;无倾向性的;中立国的


英 [məʊst ˈnjuːtrəl]play 美 [moʊst ˈnuːtrəl]play

权威例句 实用例句


1. Most biofuels are at best carbon neutral, emitting as much carbon dioxide when they're produced and burned as the biofuel crops take in as they grow.


2. Leave aside the most obvious one - that a child who goes into the playground as gender neutral will quickly be stigmatised.


3. We all have thousands of thoughts a day, most of those thoughts are neutral;our neutral thoughts keep us stagnant, they keep us right where we are.


4. Most are kept completely neutral and designed for multiple uses.


5. Well balanced, its roughly 44-56 weight balance that is extremely neutral for most situations.

很好的平衡,它的重量大约44 - 56平衡这是非常中性的大多数情况下。

6. EGL has been designed to be platform neutral, which enables companies to break down development silos and exploit whatever platform is most appropriate for the application that needs to be run.


7. You'll notice they take a neutral view on most things.


8. Neutral: Simply put, the SRH1840 is one of the most neutral-sounding headphones in this whole evaluation.


9. The most neutral language to choose would have been intermediate language ( IL ) assembly .

最应该选择的是中间 汇编语言.《互联网》

10. Most neutral observers consider this an exaggeration: the army's estimation of enemy losses tends to be based more on hope than corpses.


11. The reacting temperature and pH have affected the gel strength, which can produce the steady gel exceeding 70 ℃, and the gel strength is most in the neutral or alkalescent system.


12. From the aspect of news natures, most of them are neutral news, but the amount of the negative reports is larger than the positive ones.


13. Most gins begin their life as rectified neutral grain spirit alcohol — or N.


14. The adsorbed species is most probably neutral molecules of Dro.


15. Relations between the Nationalist Party of Wang-Koo talks thus appear to be the most neutral calendar breakthrough.


16. This was a surprising result because most people thought that sensory information was perceived as neutral, with the brain deciding later from the context whether it was good or bad.


17. But it's going to be a long while before fat is used in that value-neutral sense, and in the meantime we all know exactly what most people mean by it: you are disgusting, worthless, not quite human.


18. We all have thousands of thoughts a day, most of those thoughts are neutral; our neutral thoughts keep us stagnant, they keep us right where we are.


19. Most economists think that the “neutral” rate of interest, which would neither stimulate nor restrain demand in the euro area, is now more than 3% (in nominal terms).

多数的经济学家认为, 中性利率, 即既不刺激也不抑制欧元区需求的利率水平, 应该在3%以上(指名义利率).

20. The Maldives, which wants to be carbon-neutral by 2020, is one of the most vulnerable countries to a rise in sea levels because its low-lying islands and atolls would be submerged.


21. The most controversial is the Swiss stance, which sees tax as a morally neutral battle of wits against the fiscal authorities: quite different from money-laundering or fraud.


22. Most variation in the human genome is neutral, meaning that it arose not by natural selection but by processes like harmless mutations and the random shuffling of the genome between generations.


23. Most of the time, it's best to keep it neutral.


24. There are several factors affecting neutral grounded transformers, among then, ground potential rise is most important.


25. Based on your answers to the quiz, your character's most likely alignment is Neutral Good.


26. Most neutral experts agreed that the KC-45 was the better aircraft.

大多数中立的专家都同意KC - 45是较好的飞机。

27. She recently discussed Amazon on Wisconsin Public radio-not the most neutral forum-but was surprised when almost all of the phone calls from listeners were critical of the company.


28. The small current neutral grounding system is a kind of system without neutral grounding, in most of which the neutral point connects to ground through a reactor.


29. This approach works most successfully with shoes that are neutral colors, such as black, navy, gray, taupe, tan, or brown.


30. The most profitable securities firm in Wall Street history was cut to “neutral” from “overweight” by JPMorgan.


31. This neutral-rapport process lasts for a minute or two at most.


32. Most gins begin their life as rectified neutral grain spirit alcohol — or N.G.S. — bought in bulk.


33. Most of the volunteers thought the virtual passengers were friendly or neutral, but a surprising 40 percent experienced at least one paranoid thought about the virtual subway ride.


34. The most neutral language to choose would have been intermediate language ( IL) assembly.


35. Most neutral readers who plough through another 435 pages of Jobsiana, will neither know nor care.


36. The signal phase-to-earth fault happens most frequently in the neutral non-effectively grounded system. Especially, the signal-phase arc grounding has been threatening the safe operation of our distribution network.


37. Tiptoe is the most neutral verb.


38. In addition, the study found that most investors are neutral to positive about the policies likely to be pursued by the Obama administration.


39. Through the experiments, it was proved that PST liposome prepared by reverse phase evaporation could be in the most stable state under neutral pH of environmental solution and refrigerated storage.


40. That move forced most of the remaining neutral powers to join the Soviet protest.


41. There is some subjectivity in deciding whether a word is positive, negative, or neutral, but if you try it yourself, I think you'll find that most of the time it's fairly easy to classify words.



1. Covello cuts his rating on KLA Tencor to Sell from Neutral, noting that it has the most exposure to both foundries and Intel.

FORBES: Goldman Says Sell Intel; Also Wary On Semi Equipment Stocks

2. Nowadays, to most Spaniards, he is regarded as a more neutral, purely historical figure.

ECONOMIST: Spanish empire: Good King Philip? | The

3. Tax cuts and spending cuts would have had the most bullish consequences (other combinations were neutral).

FORBES: The Lopsided Fiscal Cliff Deal: All Tax Hikes, No Spending Restraint

4. When I address theist claims I reserve my righteous indignation for the occasional argumentative crescendo over moral issues and spend most of the discussion in a neutral dissection of the problems with the theist claims.

FORBES: Religion vs. Atheism Part Two

5. Why is most gender-based negotiation research either gender-neutral or concentrated on women?

FORBES: Must Women Negotiate Like Uncle Tom?

6. "When I wrote most of 3 Rounds and a Sound, I was listening to a whole lot of Neutral Milk Hotel and Joanna Newsom, " Nebeker says.

NPR: Blind Pilot: 'Oviedo'

7. All Central Asian countries except Turkmenistan (which has declared itself neutral) have embraced the United States as an important ally, but most still consider Russia as a strategic partner as well, except Uzbekistan, which has adopted a much more cautious stance towards its former master.

ECONOMIST: The heavy costs of non-co-operation

8. Most of this change reflected movement into the neutral camp.

FORBES: The Week Ahead: Did Wall Street Strategists Jinx Stocks?

9. But Smaltz has the distinction of making even the most neutral lawyers argue that Attorney General Janet Reno should think twice before triggering any more such appointments.

CNN: The Peril Of Prosecutorial Passion

10. Most importantly, Romney promised that his plan would be revenue-neutral.

FORBES: Days Before Sequester, Bowles and Simpson Offer A Second Plan For Fiscal Sustainability

11. Also pushing up neutral, the pipeline of excess liquidity is still filling despite rate hikes, most visibly in commodity speculation and record levels of corporate cash.

FORBES: Malpass to Bernanke: Hike! Hike! Hike!

12. As we drove through a suburb Thursday, a few Iraqis waved, but most appeared neutral.

CNN: Complex found bulging with food in hungry city

13. But most mutations are neutral in their effect.

ECONOMIST: The longest headache ever

14. Looking around the rooms, most of which have original paneling and are painted in neutral hues sympathetic to the era of the house, I see none of the signs of Emin's bad-girl days.

WSJ: Reformed Bad-Girl Artist Tracey Emin

15. Togo are the most disadvantaged of the 12 top seeds having to play all three home matches at neutral venues after recent crowd violence against Mali.

BBC: Chris Katongo celebrates scoring for Zambia

16. So most Australians talk with a fairly neutral accent which is quite similar to British.

所以大部分澳大利亚人说话带着非常中立的接近英音的口音。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 有趣的澳大利亚英语

17. Most neutral experts agreed that the KC-45 was the better aircraft.

ECONOMIST: Protectionism and defence procurement

18. Norms and values in most societies are still far from being gender neutral and the status of women in general is not yet equal to that of men.

UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences

19. Governments are instead hooked on spending that at best is neutral to DPA and most often detrimental to it.

FORBES: Listen Up Bernanke, QE Is Not The Answer

20. Corporate tax reform should be based at most on a global average 25% corporate rate, with revenue neutral loophole closing, also scored dynamically.

FORBES: For The Republicans There's An Opportunity At The Fiscal Cliff

21. Wednesday afternoon, Harkin and seven other Senate Democrats, most of whom remained neutral during the primaries, issued a statement declaring that the Democratic nominee for president has been chosen and that it is time for Democrats to unite in order to win in November.

NPR: Next for Clinton: Vice President? Senate? Governor?

22. And knowing the rate at which neutral mutations accumulate in most animal species, the 50% figure suggests that the first asexual rotifer lived about 80m years ago twice as far back as the oldest known fossil bdelloid, a 40m-year-old specimen preserved in amber.

ECONOMIST: The longest headache ever

23. The theory behind the network neutrality principle, which the internet sometimes gets close to, is that a neutral network should be expected to deliver the most to a nation and the world economically, by serving as an innovation platform, and socially, by facilitating the widest variety of interactions between people.

FORBES: Net Neutrality Star Tim Wu Joins Federal Trade Commission as Senior Policy Advisor

24. Most notably, Norway hosted peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians in 1993, in Oslo, while recognised as a neutral and disinterested party.

ECONOMIST: The Satanic sketches | The

25. The most comprehensive, objective, geographically neutral and yet accessible history of the century yet published in English ( article).

ECONOMIST: General non-fiction

26. Where presenters did not encourage drinking, most were neutral, but 2% were negative, suggesting reasons to limit drinking - such as safety, work and health.

BBC: Drinker

27. At the same time, its neutral malleability can be a great competitive advantage to the most resourceful creators, and a delight for the most inquisitive consumers.

ENGADGET: Editorial: Legal torrent sites are innovators of media consumption

28. The fourth example was a G-Wizz electric vehicle which is the most environmentally friendly or carbon neutral green vehicle type.

BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Breakfast | Low carbon family: "Green" cars

29. That neutral role is very much in contrast to Onegin, who has more darkness and nuance to him than most men in classical ballet.

WSJ: Drama Seizes the Stage, Without a Word

30. Although most economists argue that a carbon tax would be the most efficient solution, Sir Nicholas is neutral between a carbon tax and the other ways of raising the cost of emitting carbon by regulation or a cap-and-trade system.

ECONOMIST: Climate change

31. Then comes the tough part: A House-Senate conference, with the Senate determined to have an at least ostensibly revenue-neutral bill and the House resisting most revenue raisers as tax hikes.

FORBES: Unfinished Corporate Tax Business




















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