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英 [ˈmæksɪməm]play美 [ˈmæksɪməm]play

  • adj. 最大限度的;(数量)极大的,极多的
  • n. 最大量,最大限度
  • adv. 最多,充其量

复数 maxima或maximums

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maximum /ˈmæksɪməm/

  • 1.
    形容词 You use maximum to describe an amount which is the largest that is possible, allowed, or required. 最大的

    Under planning law the maximum height for a fence or hedge is 6 feet.


  • 2.
    单数型名词 Maximum is also a noun. 最大值

    The law provides for a maximum of two years in prison.


  • 3.
    形容词 You use maximum to indicate how great an amount is. 最大的

    I need the maximum amount of information you can give me.



    It was achieved with minimum fuss and maximum efficiency.


  • 4.
    副词 If you say that something is a particular amount maximum, you mean that this is the greatest amount it should be or could possibly be, although a smaller amount is acceptable or very possible. 最多

    We need an extra 6 grams a day maximum.




  • adj.

    maximal 最高的,最大的;最全面的

  • adv.

    maximally 最大地;最高地

  • n.

    maximization [数] 极大化,最大化

    maximizing 最大化;达到极大值

  • v.

    maximizing 使…最大化;取…最大值(maximize的ing形式)

  • vi.

    maximize 尽可能广义地解释;达到最大值

  • vt.

    maximize 取…最大值;对…极为重视

    maximise 把…增加到最大限度;尽量增大(等于maximize)



1. maximum limit 最大限度

2. maximum efficiency 最大效率

3. maximum amount 最高额

4. Maximum Likelihood 最大似然估计 ; 最大似然法 ; 最大概似法 ; 数 最大似然

5. maximum principle 数 极大值原理 ; 自,数 最大值原理 ; 最大原理 ; 极大化原理

6. maximum likelihood estimation 最大似然估计;最大相似估计法

7. maximum temperature 最高温度

8. maximum length 最大长度

9. maximum likelihood 极大似然;最大似然率

10. maximum pressure 最大压力

11. maximum size 最大尺寸;容量上限;最大空间

12. maximum stress 最大应力

13. Asarum maximum 大叶马蹄香 ; 花脸细辛 ; 大叶马兜铃

14. maximum capacity 最高生产能量;最大生产能力

15. maximum performance 最大性能

16. maximum speed 最高速度;最大转速

17. Maximum speed 物 最高速度 ; 最大速度 ; 车辆 最高车速 ; 机 最高转速

18. maximum benefit 最大利益

19. Maximum card 极限明信片 ; 极限片 ; 极限写信的硬纸片

20. Maximum Transmission Unit 最大传输单元

21. maximum price 物价 最高价 ; 物价 最高价格 ; 最高限价 ; 最低价

22. Maximum Capacity 矿业,机 最大容量 ; 最高能力 ; 最大称量 ; 工经 最大能力

23. maximum velocity 最大速度;最高速度

24. maximum value 最大值

25. maximum level 最大水位

26. maximum number 最大数

27. maximum load 最大负载

28. maximum power 最大功率;最高功率




maximum charge 最高收费

maximum fine 最高罚金

maximum height 最大高度

maximum penalty 最高处罚

maximum rate 最大速率

maximum sentence 最高刑罚

maximum speed 最大速度

maximum benefit 最大利益

maximum efficiency 最高效率

maximum flexibility 最大灵活性


1. Under planning law the maximum height for a fence or hedge is 2 metres...


2. They found the east side of the pyramid to be a maximum of 5.5 inches shorter than the west side.


3. He sought to extract the maximum political advantage from the cut in interest rates.


4. You have to develop your capabilities to the maximum.


5. When making travel plans, work out the maximum amount you can afford to spend.


6. a maximum security prison


7. I need the maximum amount of information you can give me.


8. The maximum load for this lorry is one ton.


9. New optimization method solving minimization of maximum value problems is proposed.


10. The July maximum (= the highest temperature recorded in July) was 30˚C.


11. £ 5,000 was a considerable sum in those days and particularly when set against the maximum wage.


12. Under planning law the maximum height for a fence or hedge is 6 feet.


13. How do you know the minimum and maximum values allowed for a region?


14. The maximum penalty is up to 7 years imprisonment or an unlimited fine.


15. You only get the maximum benefit if you implement all of them because their power comes from their interaction.


16. The plane can fly at a maximum altitude of 75,000 feet.


17. For maximum effect do the exercises every day.


18. Should load exceed the capacity of the system, messages will queue up irrespective of the maximum messages value.


19. Both face maximum forfeitures of about$ 1.2 million.


20. If it is waiting indefinitely, then it is set to the maximum timeout value at runtime.


21. Even the kind of stability defined as simple lack of change is not always associated with maximum diversity.


22. He sought to extract the maximum political advantage from the cut in interest rates


23. What is the maximum number of books current students can borrow?


24. The job will require you to use all your skills to the maximum.


25. The July maximum was 30 ˚ C.


26. We need an extra 6g a day maximum.


27. The amount of alcohol in his blood was triple the legal maximum.


28. The job will require you to use all your skills to the maximum .


29. When a surface is perpendicular to the rays, their intensity is at its maximum.


30. China headed the table with maximum points.


31. What is the absolute maximum you can afford to pay?


32. They found the east side of the pyramid to be a maximum of 5.55 inches shorter than the west side.


33. We want the maximum number of people to attend to help us cover our costs.


34. This strategy of direct access to a maximum number of ecological zones by a single group is called vertical economy.


35. Under planning law the maximum height for a fence or hedge is 2 metres


36. To minimize collateral damage, maximum precision in bombing was required.


37. The speed limit is 40 miles an hour. Don't exceed this maximum.

限速每小时四十英里, 不要超过这个极限.《现代汉英综合大词典》

38. Cars are for getting people from A to B in maximum safety.


39. The French, I believe, restrict Japanese imports to a maximum of 3 per cent of their market.


40. The author extracts the maximum from every carefully-crafted scene in this witty tale.


41. The car has a maximum speed of 120 kilometres an hour.


42. The offences carry a maximum sentence of 10 years.


43. Mr. Smith is seeing people all morning, but if the matter is urgent I'll see if I can crowd you in.

整个上午史密斯先生都在接待来客, 但如果你的事情紧急,我就看看能不能为你安排一下会面.《简明英汉词典》

44. To minimize collateral damage maximum precision in bombing was required.


45. The maximum score on this test is 100.


46. a maximum of 30 children in a class


47. The sound has reached its maximum.


48. Both face maximum forfeitures of about $1.2 million.


49. He is able to comprehend the material with a minimum of effort and a maximum of interest.


50. The level of formaldehyde gas in her kitchen was twice the maximum allowed by federal standards for chemical workers.


51. For maximum benefit, use your treatment every day.


52. Assault carries a maximum penalty of seven years' imprisonment.


53. They should attend their classes to receive the maximum benefit.


54. It was achieved with minimum fuss and maximum efficiency.


55. Make maximum use of the whole fruit, including the pulp which is high in fibre.


56. It was Mann who structured the agenda for maximum efficiency.


57. The maximum number of marks for the subject is 100.


58. A luminaire may be provided with a maximum of one duplex or two single convenience receptacles.


59. Twelve hours is the minimum, sixty hours the maximum.


60. The Grand Canyon in the USA is 1900 metres deep and 25 kilometers wide at its maximum.


61. Reaching a maximum height of 56cm the pygmy goat is essentially a pet.


62. The camera has a 32mm lens with a maximum aperture of f/ 4.5 and a fixed shutter speed of 1/ 100sec.


63. In DECNET, a packet that has exceeded the maximum number of visits for the recovering node.

在DEC网络 中, 对正恢复的网点的访问次数超过了最大值的一个分组报文.《期刊摘选》

64. The rebels tunnelled out of a maximum security jail


65. Dry curly hair naturally for maximum curl and shine.


66. ...the maximum amount of information...


67. The volunteer work will require you to use all your skills to the maximum.


68. the maximum speed/temperature/volume


69. What's your maximum distance ever walked?


70. The journey was accomplished with a maximum of comfort and ease and a minimum of discomfort.


71. Returns a nonnegative number less than the specified maximum.


72. Defrost the fridge regularly so that it works at maximum efficiency.


73. We need an extra 6 grams a day maximum.


74. The driver declared guilty may be fined a maximum of HK $25,000.



1. Or a subset with the maximum value, there may be more than one, and you're done.

或者是有最大值的子问题集,可能不只一个子问题符合条件,然后就解决问题了。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

2. Budget experts tell me the committee has maximum flexibility to play with these baselines.

FORBES: The Deficit Supercommittee: Still Not Serious

3. Breaching a new violent offender order could carry a maximum of five years in jail.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Tougher curbs on freed criminals

4. Most people were able to get the packages to this man and it took at maximum six degrees of separation, which is where the famous phrase comes about that we're all separated from another person by six degrees of separation.

大部分人都能装包裹寄给这个男人,这个过程最多经过六度分隔,著名的六度分隔理论就是这样来的,这个理论是说人与人之间有六度分隔。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. The lender raised its maximum balance transfer fee to 5% from 2% in 2009.

WSJ: Card Issuers Gird for Cut to Late Fees

6. "The present canal has a total capacity of about three hundred and forty million tons a year that it can handle, that's the maximum capacity.

VOA : special.2011.08.08

7. Russia gave the maximum 12 points to Azerbaijan's entry - a ballad by Farid Mammadov.

BBC: Eurovision: Azerbaijan probes Russian 'nul points'

8. And about 450 outpatients were found to be waiting longer than the 17-week maximum waiting time.

BBC: NEWS | UK | England | London | Probe into hospital waiting lists

9. Just at the point of maximum opportunity people were at the point of maximum bearishness about the equity markets.

就在最好的投资机会来临的时候,人们对股票市场看空的程度,却刚好达到顶峰金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. The maximum number of courses someone on this campus is shopping this week 3 not an outlier followed by closely 70,66,63 on down so that is quite a lot of shopping to do.

本周选课数目最多的同学,选了70门,66门和63门课,实在是不少3,不过这并不是一件异乎寻常事。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

11. And so you could construct all subsets, check that the weight is less than the weight of the knapsack, and then choose the subset with the maximum value.

因此你可以构建所有子问题,判断它的重量,是否小于背包的重量,然后选择值最大的子问题。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

12. In 1996, the maximum number of shareholders allowed in an S corp was 35.

FORBES: The Shady Side To S Corps

13. And when we do that we can see this curve, this probability curve, where we have a maximum probability of finding the electron this far away from the nucleus.

当我们这样做时,我们可以看到这个曲线,这个概率分布曲线,这里有发现,电子的最大概率。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

14. Then the maximum value I can get is the maximum value of what I had.

我获得的最大值,就是我现有的总值。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

15. These periods of high activity are known as solar maximum.

VOA : special.2009.09.29

16. We need an extra 6g a day maximum.


17. James Patterson's "Maximum Ride" and "Daniel X" series have become best sellers in the United States.

VOA : special.2009.10.12

18. Devon Ramblers Association had asked for a maximum of 10 years to be granted.

BBC: Dartmoor military training secured for 40 years

19. Most serve a maximum of 15 people and guests eat together around one large table.

BBC: In Buenos Aires, a private chef dinner inspired by art

20. And now we want to find the subset of a that has the maximum value, subject to the weight constraint.

会有一个值与其对应,现在我们想要找出满足,重量约束条件的a的最大值子集。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

21. Tax on income from dividends and interest payments will jump painfully from 15% to a maximum of 39.6%.

FORBES: The Obama Market Is More Carter Than Reagan

22. At my maximum, I'll put a hat over it to indicate this is the argmax; at my maximum I'm going to set this thing equal to 0.

给每个最大值都标注上一个帽来,在最大值处导数方程等于0博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. We found the maximum height to be 20 meters.

我们发现最大高度为20米基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. The Chinese government allows a maximum 0.2 mg of cadmium in each kilogram of rice.

WSJ: Cadmium-Tainted Rice Found in Guangzhou

25. Like many emerging-markets funds, it's costly, with a maximum upfront sales charge of 5.75%.

WSJ: Upside: Is It Time to Buy the BRICs?

26. The first thing we need to do is increase the maximum size of various SBA loans.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Announces New Small Business Lending Initiatives | The White House

27. It is a condition for Hobbes of maximum insecurity where in his famous formula " "life is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short."

对霍布斯来说,这是一种使安全感最大化的状态,这种安全感在他有名的公式中被表述,“生命是孤独的,贫穷的,肮脏的,残忍的,短暂的“政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

28. Maximum work out is by reversible path.

可逆过程产生最大功。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

29. But we must be sure we have taken the measures to diminish the risks to the maximum."

VOA : standard.2010.03.01

30. It will take six weeks maximum.


31. Both face maximum forfeitures of about $1.2 million.


32. Ms.Adams says the name of the festival was influenced by the book "Maximum City: Bombay Lost and Found" by Suketu Mehta.

VOA : special.2011.03.16

33. Plunder is a non-bailable offence in the Philippines and carries a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.

BBC: Philippines arrests Gloria Arroyo on plunder charges

34. The average Russian drinks That is more than twice the maximum amount considered healthy by the World Health Organization.

VOA : standard.2009.10.15

35. The charge of culpable homicide in Bangladesh carries a maximum sentence of life in prison.

WSJ: Bangladesh Factory Collapse Blamed on Shoddy Materials

36. However UKIP MEP Gerard Batten said people wanted "maximum standards not minimum standards" on mutual recognition.

BBC: Call to strengthen language rules in EU single market

37. The maximum prison sentence for adultery would rise from nine months to five years.

WSJ: Indonesia Weighs Curbs on Sex, Magic

38. The ruling doesn't instruct officials how to reach that maximum population over the next two years.

WSJ: Top Court Sets Stage for Felons to Go Free

39. "Because the NBA has a free agency system that has a maximum salary, the players in this case were able to exercise their leverage in an unanticipated way by bringing the three of them together.

VOA : special.2010.07.26

40. Each woman could have a maximum of three overnight male guests each week.

每位女生每周最多可留男士过夜三次。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. Investor sentiment seems to have swung from maximum optimism in September to maximum pessimism in November.

FORBES: Apple Tops Barron's 10 Favorite Stocks for 2013

42. Cablevision's Chuck Dolan wants a dynasty for his son and maximum value for shareholders.


43. That is a maximum If you are sharing your time and energy during this period on Tuesday afternoons, or the arch-field don't work so think carefully about that.

让大家充分发挥自己的能力,如果每周二下午这段时间,你都有时间,精力也很充沛,就可以来上这门课,不过这样你就没时间参加实践活动了,所以请仔细考虑吧。电影哲学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

44. If properly managed, clearing and replanting trees in a 30-year cycle creates both a renewable source of energy and maximum rubber production.

VOA : standard.2009.09.13

45. Maximum,meaning the most. And ion,which is an atom or group of atoms with an electrical charge.

VOA : special.2010.05.30

46. She says the festival's use of the word "maximum" describes India well.

VOA : special.2011.03.16

47. But his mother's claim that he is a 16-year-old juvenile could pose a problem for prosecutors seeking the maximum sentence of life imprisonment.

VOA : standard.2009.04.22

48. The report says that, at maximum activity, the small increase in sunshine over several years causes a small temperature increase in Earth's atmosphere.

VOA : special.2009.09.29

49. He faces a maximum sentence of 206 years in prison if convicted of all charges.

CNN: Jury in ski-lift trial could get case Wednesday

50. He aims for 40% growth a year, with a maximum production of 4, 000 timepieces.

FORBES: Magazine Article

51. Ms. Hill had faced a maximum sentence of one year each on three counts.

WSJ: Lauryn Hill Sentencedfor Failing to Pay Taxes

52. So the maximum work out required the maximum heat in.

因此输出最大的功要求,有最大的热。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

53. Reaching a maximum height of 56cm the pygmy goat is essentially a pet.


54. At a high level, a team's maximum handicap often lies between 17 and 22 goals.

WSJ: Polo Primer: Following the Action on the Field

55. He faces a maximum sentence of 17 years in prison, according to his lawyer Georges Lederman.

CNN: Dinosaur bones headed home to Mongolia

56. New York, which invalidated a state maximum hour law that Progressive forces at the time ardently embraced.

FORBES: Should The Government Fund Abortions?

57. He says his team showed the effects of a new process to understand what happens in the Pacific's warm waters where there is a maximum of solar activity.

VOA : special.2009.09.29

58. Guzman has been on the run since escaping a Mexican maximum security prison in 2001.

BBC: Mexico arrests Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman's father-in-law

59. The maximum penalty is five years in jail.


60. Presenting the letter, which was released in six languages, Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi said it was really unusual and deserving of maximum attention.

VOA : standard.2009.03.12

61. Percentage of maximum capacity has gone from approximately 93.58% per game down to 75.60%.

FORBES: Money Wasn't the Only Thing that Madoff Stole from Fred Wilpon

62. In Florida, a conviction for second-degree murder carries a maximum sentence of life in prison.

CNN: George Zimmerman charged, hearing expected Thursday

63. Russia has chosen a moment of maximum American vulnerability in a generally disapproving world.

NPR: Putin Emboldened by Gains in Approval Ratings

64. So, I mentioned we should be able to figure out where the maximum amplitude is.

我说过,我们可以找到,幅值的最大处,你们看到。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

65. The spreadsheet adopted in September awarded a maximum of 16.62 points for each victim.

WSJ: After Tragedy, City Suffers Second Trauma Over Victims' Fund







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