
学考宝 作者:佚名



n. 不履行;违约行为;不完成

英 [ˈnəʊn pəˈfɔːməns]play 美 [ˈnoʊn pərˈfɔːrməns]play

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1. Anticipatory Non-performance 预期不履行

2. fundamental non-performance 根本不履行合同 ; 根本不履行

3. Non-Performance Loans 金融不良资产 ; 不良贷款

4. non-performance of duty 法 不履行义务

5. non-performance loan 不良资产

6. non performance 非性能 ; 不完成

7. non-performance damages 未履约损害赔偿

8. non-performance of obligation 不履行法律义务 ; 法 不履行债务

9. non-performance of the contract 不履行合同


1. Or should we say non-performance?


2. The debate about "performance and non-performance" has always been the controversial issue in the theory sphere.


3. A party claiming force majeure has the burden to prove the direct relationship between the force majeure and the non-performance of its obligations under this Contract.


4. Perot's running mate, retired admiral James Stockdale, was likable but a non-factor, and his performance took a little steam out of the momentum Perot had gained after the St. Louis debate.


5. But for business-critical functions, abrupt abandonment for non-performance is untenable.


6. For another hand, and the most important point, risk management level of domestic commercial banks is lower, this leads to high level of non-performance asset ratio and lower return ratio and leads to downwards the ratio of capital adequacy finally.


7. But applications with a greater mix of random and non-random queries can also see performance improvements from SACR.


8. 18.He reasonably believes that there will be a fundamental non-performance of the contract by the other party.


9. Force Majeure: The sellers shall not hold any responsibility for partial or total non-performance of this contract due to Force Majeure.


10. Some performance tests have non-functional requirements for volumes of business transactions achieved over a specified duration in a steady state.


11. If the Government is not fulfilling its statutory duties, its responsibilities should be in accordance with the law of the adverse consequences of non-performance. This is an inevitable logic.


12. The sellers shall not hold any responsibility for partial or total non-performance of this contact due to force majeure.


13. If the other party rendered non-conforming performance, one party is entitled to reject its corresponding requirement for performance.


14. The preceding two paragraphs shall not apply if the non-performance of the contract was due to force majeure.


15. It's easier to adopt specific implementation designs that favor certain non-functional aspects, such as performance.


16. Any party to natural disasters and other force majeure causes of delay in performance of duty, incomplete or non-performance should not be treated as breach of contract.


17. Nevertheless, with their inborn defects ( such as inadequacy of bank capital; rising ratio of non-performance loan; unreasonableness of the structure of property right and corporate governance; and so on), the four big state-owned banks are merely "weak giants".


18. Non-performance loans, the cause of which is many-folded, are the main source of financial risks.


19. The traditional form is performance unjust enrichment, and non-performance unjust enrichment is developing as the law and society and its extension is wide.


20. He reasonably believes that there will be a fundamental non-performance of the contract by the other party.


21. Binding, namely, in non-compliance or non-performance agreement, the effectiveness of its agreement with the force.


22. Based on the foregoing analysis of value judgment, Chapter three advances the analysis on the system design of non-performance.


23. A party claiming force majeure has the burden to prove the direct relationship between the force majeure and the non-performance of its obligations under this Agreement.


24. Solving this problem is extremely important in helping a state, creditors and related parties effectively dispose Non-Performance Loans and reduce losses to the greatest degree.


25. That the non-performance asset in the four state-owned commercial banks is out of proportion is the utmost financial risk in our country.


26. The two example switches are described because they are working, 100-percent non-blocking, and high-performance Gigabit Ethernet switches.


27. The sellers shall not hold any responsibility for partial or total non-performance of this contract due to Force Majeure. But the sellers advise the buyers on time of such occurrence.


28. As a compromise, Article 28 was introduced for the benefit of the common law countries where the primary remedy for non-performance is damages.


29. If you are satisfied with the code coverage and the behavior of the application, then turn your focus to non-functional issues such as performance, memory utilization, and thread management.


30. He also provides some example of static optimizations that can be applied at the bytecode level to enhance the performance in the non-transactional code.


31. Moreover, the meeting approved the party's decision to expel former CEC member and MP-elect Thein Nyunt for disclosing the party's internal affairs to the media and for non-performance of duties.


32. Using such a model, application and architectural patterns can be applied to satisfy the relevant non-functional requirements for performance, scalability and the like.


33. A party claiming force majeure has the burden to prove the direct relationship between the force majeure and the non-performance of its obligations under this Agreement.


34. The reasons for the termination of the contract can be divided into two types: one is fundamental non-performance, and the other is defective meeting of minds.


35. However, the operation of the regional administrative planning in practice isnot satisfactory and has some cases of wanton non-performance and reckless change.


36. We are entitled to cancel the contract which became overdue owing to the buyer's non - performance.


37. The New Appearance of Non-Performance of Debt


38. General Windows (non-Cognos specific) Performance testing.


39. Eventually, they'll get tired of it and leave their jobs, or have non-work problems that will impact their performance.


40. Non-performance loans, the cause of which is many-folded, are the main source of financial risks.


41. The team takes a risk by not knowing whether the non-functional requirements (like the performance or threading models) will be satisfied.


42. They let frustrations simmer until the non-performance becomes chronic.


43. With, say, a 7-month job that ended due to a large-scale, non-performance layoff you are better off to list it than hide it.


44. Accordance with the different classification criteria, defects of contribution usually performs as the non-performance and improper performance on the responsibility of capital investment. Chapter ⅱ discusses the legal effect of the transfer agreements with defective capital contribution.


45. The study considers invalid exchanges manifests the non-performance of the major exchanges between the main bodies, a one-way monologue exchanges and exchanges that are simple in content and in lack of emotional interactions.


46. In general, linear mode doesn't provide any kind of performance improvement over traditional non-RAID partitions.


47. Non-performance Loan, Path Dependence and the Financing Difficulty of SMEs-an Explanation on the Financing Difficulty of China SMEs


48. Each scenario is described, and its relative performance is shown for both non-durable and durable events.


49. And they are Non-performance for a variety of reasons. From a historical point of view, the migrant workers come from farmers, so they have some deep-rooted bad habits and some uncultured thoughts.


50. The unjust enrichment is based on whether have performance behaviors, divided into performance unjust enrichment and non-performance unjust enrichment.


51. According to contract law, compensatory damages is a kind of liability which is resulted from non-performance and/ or improper performance.



1. And we can see that pushing four times the pixels needs four times the GPU power to keep performance similar to the non-Retina equivalent, especially in games.

FORBES: Links 13 Nov: The Apple iPhone 5S Rumours Are Flying

2. It was the worst performance for non-specialist retailers since January 2001.

BBC: UK sales boom fizzles

3. The absolute limits of non-enhanced human athletic performance may well be set in stone.

FORBES: Magazine Article

4. On the other hand, most reviewers found that non-gaming CPU performance fell far short of Ivy Bridge and even Sandy Bridge mobile chips.

ENGADGET: AMD Trinity laptop review roundup: beats Ivy Bridge on gaming, but CPU lets the herd down

5. This is not as a surprise as MRAM combines the best characteristics of RAM and Flash in a single memory that offers high performance, unlimited endurance and non-volatility.

FORBES: Dell and LSI Flip for Everspin MRAM in Data Storage

6. Many observers have suggested that adding at least three women to any type of team effort improves performance because a non-token number (three) counters group think, one of the greatest obstacles to creativity and innovation.

FORBES: Speak Up! More Women Make Team Smarter

7. At the top of the line, lies the Snapdragon S4 Prime, which is targeted at high-performance applications, particularly non-mobile uses like browsing and connectivity for smart TVs, set-top boxes, and digital media adapters.

FORBES: Qualcomm Segments Chips To Hit More Markets

8. Non-GAAP Measures To supplement NVIDIA's Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations and Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets presented in accordance with GAAP, the company uses non-GAAP measures of certain components of financial performance.

ENGADGET: NVIDIA posts Q4 2013 earnings: $1.1 billion in revenue, $174 million in profit

9. For example, experienced gamers search more thoroughly than non-gamers, leading to better change detection performance.

FORBES: Do Video Games Make You Smarter? Maybe Not.

10. Today, the nine states that do not tax personal income have shown undeniable gains in population growth, gross state product expansion, and non-farm payroll employment performance.

FORBES: Why Vice President Biden's Delaware Is A Big, Taxing Deal

11. Our management believes that these non-GAAP financial measures provide meaningful supplemental information regarding our performance and liquidity by excluding certain expenses and expenditures that may not be indicative of our "recurring core business operating results, " meaning our operating performance excluding not only non-cash charges, such as SBC, but also discrete cash charges that are infrequent in nature.

ENGADGET: Google's Q4 2011 results: $2.71 billion profit, $8.13 billion in revenue, Wall Street disappointed

12. The performance of the non-carbonated drinks unit was also boosted by the purchase of the Seagram line of drink mixers.

BBC: Still drinks add sparkle to Coca-Cola

13. This press release includes information about non-GAAP operating income, non-GAAP net income, and non-GAAP earnings per share (collectively with non-GAAP gross margin and non-GAAP operating expenses, the "non-GAAP financial measures"), which are not measurements of financial performance prepared in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles.

ENGADGET: Dell reports Q4 2013 earnings: $14.3 billion in revenue as profits plummet 31 percent year-over-year

14. We believe that both management and investors benefit from referring to these non-GAAP financial measures in assessing our performance and when planning, forecasting, and analyzing future periods.

ENGADGET: Google's Q4 2011 results: $2.71 billion profit, $8.13 billion in revenue, Wall Street disappointed

15. It includes financial and non-financial measures of performance but only to the extent that each is focused on achieving the underlying strategy of the organization or business unit.

FORBES: 5 Easy Steps to Jump-Start Your Business

16. This was the precursor of all subsequent annual CSR reporting and the first time a company felt compelled to state, not only their financial performance, but also the non-financial impacts their operations had on the communities and the environment where they operated.

FORBES: Part I in a CSR Series: Corporate Citizenship in a Global Economy

17. They found many non-obvious factors which correlate to strong sales performance and have now changed their screening criteria and raised first-year productivity by over 20%.

FORBES: How BigData Tools Helps HR Understand You

18. What sets this car apart from other high-horsepower brutes (you really have to get into something like a BMW M series or Audi S series to even approach this level of performance in a non-exotic) is its style.

FORBES: Test Drive: 2013 Mercedes SL 550 Roadster

19. My Big Fat Greek Wedding started life as Vardalos' one-woman stand-up performance, based on her own life as a Greek marrying a non-Greek.

BBC: Press dismiss Wedding's TV date

20. The return should reflect such risk factors as the project's technical complexity, the agency's management capacity, the likelihood of cost overruns, and the consequences of under- or non-performance.


21. The passage quoted above is not the only time Barclays referred in the past to non-financial or values-based performance targets.

FORBES: Is Barclays Going To Put Its Money Where Its Mouth Is On Performance Incentives?

22. This non-profit performance rights organization has been designated by the U.S. Copyright Office as the sole administrative entity for collecting royalties from streaming music (Sirius XM, Pandora, etc.).

FORBES: Help Us Crowd-Source Forbes Magazine: Names You Need to Know in 2011

23. As a result, the "ripple effect" of U.S. non-performance on ultimatums, deadlines and continued blatant violations of international law by the members of this "radical entente" (2) will inevitably produce more severe and more dangerous consequences for Western interests in the future.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | A Good Week For The Radical Entente: Outlaw Nations Likely Emboldened By Ineffectual Western Responses

24. In all cases the biggest difference in performance was between Chrysler and its non-bailed-out doppelganger after the bailout actually occurred.

FORBES: Chrysler Might Have Done Better Without Bailout, Study Says

25. What music is or isn't suitable, for example, at religious services or on public occasions will continue to be argued, as will the question of whether or not non-performance in these contexts amounts to censorship.

ECONOMIST: Banned music

26. Brazilian consumer credit non-performance rates (NPRs) ticked up in March to 7.6% after having fallen to 7.4% in February.

FORBES: Bad Debts Rising In Brazil

27. When it comes to pay for non-performance and monetizing Beltway status, Mr. Rubin set Wall Street's unofficial world records.

WSJ: Review & Outlook: Treasury Gets a Citibanker

28. Now, with its Williams engines, the Nextant 400XT can take off from Aspen with four passengers and fly non-stop to New York rare performance for any corporate jet.

FORBES: Aircraft Makeover: Certifiably As Good As New

29. As a result, Linaro's resources and open source solutions will allow device manufacturers to speed up development time, improve performance and reduce engineering time spent on non-differentiating, low-level software.

ENGADGET: ARM, Samsung, IBM, Freescale, TI and more join to form Linaro, speed rollout of Linux-based devices

30. That said, he expects a new focus on shedding non-core assets and improving operating performance, which should lead to better opportunities to deploy capital to shareholders, an attempt at which was shot down by the Federal Reserve after the 2012 CCAR.

FORBES: Citi Gets Vote Of Confidence From Harshest Critic









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