to pass away是什么意思_to pass away短语搭配_to pass away权威例句

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to pass away

网络 去世;逝世;去了;离去;与世长辞

英 [tu pɑːs əˈweɪ]play 美 [tu pæs əˈweɪ]play

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  • 去世,死(委婉的说法);(本义)离去

    die   /   go aloft


1. cease to exist pass away 终止

2. to pass the time away 度过这段时光

3. to dieto pass away 见马克思

4. to pass away to depart 走了 ; 离开了 ; 去了


1. Depend on my care to see that your youth is not blighted, or suffered to pass away in ungenial solitude; and of this be well assured, that if you love me as a father, I love you as a child.


2. And the ancient thinkers all knew that matter passes away Anything that is material is going to pass away and be destroyed and be gone, the great thing about an idea is that it never need die.


3. My mother died in hr 88th year, a mighty age for one who at 40 was so delicate of body as to be accounted a confirmed invalid destined to pass away.


4. But why, just because it is a sensitive soul, should it be allowed to pass away?


5. Chan tells the girls and boys in a firm tone: birds can pass on avian influenza to people; so it's important to stay away from sick and dead birds, especially chickens.


6. It smiles to be alive, waiting patiently for ages of ignorance and sorrow to pass away like a mirage.


7. It smiles to be alive, waiting patiently for ages of ignorance and sorrow to pass away like a mirage.


8. After they pass away I will be too old to get married.


9. The mood of anxiety about his appearance seemed to pass away, and to be succeeded by a deep solemnity.


10. But, throughout it all, and through the whole discourse, there had been a certain deep, sad undertone of pathos, which could not be interpreted otherwise than as the natural regret of one soon to pass away.


11. Sorrow is basically due to death of a loved one, failure and despair.But these things are temporary and pass away.


12. Natural affection, love, is what he has ever can get the but again to pass away, is what he has ever owned the but again to is exile.


13. Tom Brangwen's mood of inspiration began to pass away.


14. The concept of reincarnation and another world after one's death is a rumor that the spreaders of it are motivated by the fear of death and the unwillingness to pass away.

不相信来生,任何有关转世和死后世界的描 述都是谣言,传播他们的人被对死亡的恐惧 和生命的留恋所驱动。

15. My mother died in her 88th year, a mighty age for one who at 40 was so delicate of body as to be accounted a confirmed invalid destined to pass away.


16. Just to pass the time away.


17. Did your spouse or a very close person to you just pass away?


18. Nine gone for ever, ten gone forever, eleven gone for ever, twelve coming on to pass away.


19. What about me and cruise to swim a flower butterfly in inside in the love world and have no love to equal my to pass away;


20. The house came to him when his parents pass away.


21. A pastime, as the name suggests, is a traditional recreation performed simply to pass the time away.


22. As I walk away, I have to pass closer. I give her a friendly wave.


23. All this is likely to pass away, under the pressure of the Japanese, and of European and American financiers.


24. These ladies have nothing to do But sit there and twiddle their thumbs to while away their time But there seemed to be no chance of this, so she began looking at everything about her, to pass away the time.


25. Four weeks were to pass away before her uncle and aunt's arrival.


26. Nine gone for ever, ten gone for ever, eleven gone for ever, twelve coming on to pass away.

九点永远过去了,十点永远过去了,十一点永远过去了,十二点也快要来到而且过去。《provided by jukuu》

27. Mara invite to Blessed One to pass away this is most suitable topic to begin this chapter.


28. But if you are fully prepared, you will not allow any opportunity that arises in your life to pass away.


29. The concept of reincarnation and another world after one's death is a rumor that the spreaders of it are motivated by the fear of death and the unwillingness to pass away.


30. Steal: To take the ball away from the opposing team, either off the dribble or by picking off a pass.


31. Regret is, I originally own the house ( a son) of a perfect three people is unfortunate is my husband to pass away in the youth of1991, celibacy one person take the son, is still a celibacy up to now.


32. What did you do to pass the time away?


33. Four weeks were to pass away before her uncle and aunt's arrival.


34. Mara invite to Blessed One to pass away this is most suitable topic to begin this chapter.


35. And the ancient thinkers all knew that matter passes away Anything that is material is going to pass away and be destroyed and be gone, the great thing about an idea is that it never need die.


36. This graph shows the percentage of people, across different European countries, who are willing to donate their organs after they pass away.


37. I want to enjoy my money, because what's the point of saving it or being smart about your choices if you are just going to pass away with it sitting in your bank account?


38. I just want to pass away nice and peaceful.

我也想像你那样死的安详。《provided by jukuu》

39. Everything is sure to pass away.


40. Many lives pass away before others have a chance to meet them.


41. But there seemed to be no chance of this, so she began looking at everything about her, to pass away the time.


42. Spring comes after the cold winter. Winter will pass away to welcome the sunshine in spring.



1. The oldest to pass away, Saleh Al Rajhi of Saudi Arabia, was 99.

FORBES: Billionaire Obituaries 2011

2. Democrats will try to pass the measure after a replacement is named for Senator Robert Byrd, who passed away June 28 after serving more than 50 years in the Senate.

VOA : standard.2010.07.02

3. The prop timed his pass to perfection to send Brew away to the line, with James Arlidge converting the wing's try for a 7-3 lead.

BBC: Blues 42-13 Dragons

4. The winger was almost tripped but stayed on his feet to get a pass away to Stephen Elliott, who hooked his shot wide from a promising position.

BBC: Sport - Football - Dundee United 2-0 Hearts

5. But we need to address some of these challenges that confront us right away, and one way to do that is to pass those tax cuts for 98 percent of the American people.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney,

6. Leicester were ahead within three minutes, Quins winning a line-out on halfway only for Care's pass to be neatly intercepted by Flood, who raced away to score.

BBC: Leicester 40-22 Harlequins

7. Luke Robinson's forward pass literally threw away a great breakaway chance to score for the Reds, and once again Warrington made them pay, as Gleeson touched down in the same area Reardon had done earlier.

BBC: Salford 18-50 Warrington

8. Any borrowings necessary to finance the transition could be treated like a mortgage: As more and more people under the old system pass away, a growing portion of the payroll tax that had been devoted to their benefits could gradually be redirected to paying down the borrowings.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

9. The Falcons went up a gear and Tom May popped a pass to Russell Winter and the big number eight surged away before slipping the ball to Parling to score in the corner, Wilkinson thumping over the conversion for a 10-7 lead.

BBC: Newcastle 13-20 Gloucester

10. The animal sat down next to the car after an initial pass, and again when Secret Service agents took the dog away and then led it back to the vehicle.

CNN: White House's West Wing briefly evacuated

11. This means the Israelites will have to wander for 40 years in the desert until all of those who left Egypt as adults pass away, leaving a new generation that hasn't really tasted slavery, to enter the land and form a new nation.

这意味着,犹太人必须在沙漠中流浪40年,直到所有一起出埃及的人过世,留下没有做过奴隶的,新一代人,进入应许之地,建立一个新的国家。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. To create jobs, I am submitting the American Jobs Act of 2011 -- nearly all of which is made up of the kinds of proposals supported by both Republicans and Democrats, and that the Congress should pass right away to get the economy moving now.

WHITEHOUSE: A unique view of 2012

13. The tax laws changed and may have an adverse effect on your situation if your spouse were to pass away this year or next.

FORBES: Connect

14. But if old agents are allowed to pass away and be replaced by new ones, and if agents' preferences for sugar and spice evolve as they interact, the cyber-market never settles on a single price (just like real life).

ECONOMIST: Social science

15. Full and complete estate planning is the best way to prevent a fight like this from happening to your family after you pass away.

FORBES: Did Ryan O'Neal Steal Painting From Farrah Fawcett's Estate?

16. "It is a bilateral program by which now ICE is redirecting criminals, Mexican nationals, away from Juarez, and they are being sent to Laredo, Eagle Pass and Del Rio,Texas."

VOA : standard.2010.04.01

17. Improving airports by restoring 150 miles of runways and investing in transportation infrastructure to keep America competitive in the 21st century is just one of the reasons why President Obama is calling on Congress to pass pieces of the American Jobs Act right away.

WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

18. It includes proposals for a new by-pass in Ballasalla to divert south-bound traffic away from the village centre, through to Balthane Industrial Estate.

BBC: Isle of Man development plan comes in to force

19. Jennifer Milano, who is taking time off from freelance work to take advantage, grabbed a pass right away.

CNN: Some travelers push the envelope on all-you-can-jet deal

20. If you take the benefit at age 66, you can reinvest those funds and add a beneficiary so when you pass away they go to a loved one instead of to no one.

FORBES: Retirement Rules You Can Break Without Sabotaging Your Retirement

21. Brummer was stopped just short of the Welsh line but managed to get his pass away for replacement prop Kirsten - all 18 stone and 6ft 4in of him - to muscle over from two metres.

BBC: Wales U20 18-43 S Africa U20

22. Other former leaders of their countries to pass away included Constantine Karamanlis, who was president as Greece restored democracy in 1974, and Todor Zhivkov, who ruled communist Bulgaria for 35 years until 1989.

BBC: Goodbyes

23. "It's a sad day for UNESCO, and a painful symbol to see the initiator of the Nubia Campaign pass away on the same year as the 40th anniversary of World Heritage, only a few months after the death of Christiane Desroches Noblecourt, " said the Director-General.


24. Their passes often seemed forced, like the final, fitting symbol of the night's frustrations, one the Knicks offered with 4:30 to go in the game: Lin threw a pass to Anthony, who was just inches away, out of bounds, leading to glum faces and hands on knees.

WSJ: Nets Stop the Linsanity

25. Kent Simpson (short-handed) charged down a pass at his own end and broke away to score to the left of London goalie Dave Trofimenkoff.

BBC: Panthers surprise Giants

26. Marsh is the last of the Snapple founders to pass away.

WSJ: Snapple co-founder Leonard Marsh dies at 80

27. The Actuaries study reveals that 35% of male pre-retirees believe that their spouse will be better off if they were to pass away before her, which, according to the authors, is simply not the case.

FORBES: Retirement Planning And Its Challenges For Women

28. With no over-arching rules governing what happens to our online presence when we pass away, it would seem prudent and logical to sign up to a digital afterlife service.

CNN: Do Web users fear the digital Reaper?

29. The Cavemen started as a group of local businessmen to promote Grants Pass and Josephine County for visitors to the marble caves 50 miles away.

WSJ: As Oregon Town Evolves, Caveman Heads the Way of the Dodo

30. Comprehensive estate plans, prepared the right way, are the best way to prevent lawsuits over your estate when you pass away.

FORBES: Estate of Richard Pratt, Australian Billionaire, Defeats Mistress In Court

31. Or just swing in for a cup of coffee and take advantage of its sprawling, outdoor seating and ample board game selection to pass the night away.

BBC: A vegetarian in Texas

32. But Congress ought to, the House ought to pass those tax cuts right away because it would send a tremendous positive signal to the American people that in the wake of this election we can, at the very least, come together and convert into law a bill that everyone agrees should become law -- Republicans and Democrats alike, the President included.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney,

33. But in addition to those late misses, Larkin also had a costly turnover when he threw away a sideline pass to Brown with Miami trailing by just two with about 30 seconds left.

NPR: Kelly Lifts No. 3 Duke Past No. 5 Miami 79-76











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