
学考宝 作者:佚名



英 [ɡreɪn]play美 [ɡreɪn]play

  • n. 谷物,谷粒;颗粒,细粒;少量;纹理;(表面的)质地,触感;格令(旧的重量单位,一格令相当于0.065克);(照片、底片的)显影颗粒;(用于火箭发动机的)固体推进剂;(皮革或其他类似人工材料的)粗糙面,皱面;(石头和煤等原料的)解理面,劈理面;<古>(人的)性格,天性;<史>胭脂虫,胭脂虫红
  • v. 使表面(或纹理)粗糙;成粒状;(尤指将家具或内表面)漆成木纹(或大理石纹);将(生皮)去毛;<美>用谷物喂(马)
  • 【名】 (Grain)(法)格兰(人名)

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


grain /ɡreɪn/

  • 1.
    可数名词 A grain of wheat, rice, or other cereal crop is a seed from it. (麦、米等) 粒

    ...a grain of wheat.


  • 2.
    集合名词 Grain is a cereal crop, especially wheat or corn, that has been harvested and is used for food or in trade. 谷物

    ...a bag of grain.


  • 3.
    可数名词 A grain of something such as sand or salt is a tiny, hard piece of it. 细粒

    ...a grain of sand.


  • 4.
    to take something with a grain of salt →see   salt
  • 5.
    单数型名词 A grain of a quality is a very small amount of it. 一点

    There's more than a grain of truth in that.


  • 6.
    单数型名词 The grain of a piece of wood is the direction of its fibres. You can also refer to the pattern of lines on the surface of the wood as the grain. (木材的) 纹理

    Brush the paint generously over the wood in the direction of the grain.


  • 7.
    习语 If you say that an idea or action goes against the grain, you mean that it is very difficult for you to accept it or do it, because it conflicts with your previous ideas, beliefs, or principles. 同…格格不入

    Privatization goes against the grain of their principle of opposition to private ownership of industry.




  • adj.

    grainy 粒状的;木纹状的;多粒的;有纹理的

  • n.

    graininess 粒状;多粒;木纹状的;微粒状态

    graining 粒化;漆纹理;结晶

  • v.

    graining 使…成颗粒;结晶(grain的ing形式)



1. Add Grain 增加颗粒 ; 添加颗粒 ; 添加杂点 ; 增加杂点

2. OFF GRAIN 布纹歪 ; 布纹歪斜 ; 丝缕歪 ; 布纹倾斜

3. in grain 彻底

4. abrasive grain 磨料粒度 ; 研磨砂

5. grain structure 颗粒结构

6. Grain in ear 芒种

7. wood grain 木纹

8. grain boundary [冶]晶界

9. a grain of sand 一粒沙子

10. grain processing 粮食加工;谷粒加工

11. crystal grain 晶粒

12. coarse grain n. 谷粒;粗晶粒;饲料用谷类

13. grain production 粮谷生产,谷物生产

14. grain weight 粒重;种子量

15. grain growth [冶金]晶粒生长;[岩石]颗粒生长

16. grain size 晶粒大小,晶粒尺寸

17. fine grain 微粒,细晶粒

18. against the grain (与某人的性格、感情或愿望等)格格不入;违反意愿

19. whole grain 全谷物 ; 菜水果及带麸的谷物

20. grain depot 粮食仓库,粮库

21. Grain buds 小满 ; 小谦

22. grain crop 榖类作物,谷类作物

23. grain refinement 晶粒细化

24. grain size distribution 粒度分布;粒度级配

25. a grain of 一粒…

26. pollen grain 花粉粒


1. This year we have a bumper harvest in grain.


2. The dermal fabrics that uses effect of nature plant grain follow on current.


3. If we don't unload it soon, the grain will start rotting in the silos.


4. Grain , Food Stuff , Oil, Diamond, Jewelery, Watches, Machinery Jewelry.

采购产品谷粒, 食品, 油, 钻石, 珠宝, 手表.《期刊摘选》

5. The talk in Europe was of grain and butter mountains, and lakes of milk and wine.

在欧洲,人们谈论的是堆成山的谷物和黄油 、 流成河的牛奶和葡萄酒.《期刊摘选》

6. Only when production of wheat in village is low, you can take deliver grain quest.

只有当小麦的产量处于低水平时, 你才能接到收集和运送谷物的任务.《期刊摘选》

7. In the daily life, everywhere may see the waste grain the phenomenon.

在日常生活中, 随处可以见到浪费粮食的现象.《期刊摘选》

8. Such as grain sheet rubber, it play the role of derrick and inflaming retarding.

如有纹理的橡胶片, 这种材料可起到防滑、阻燃等功能.《期刊摘选》

9. It is suitable for the quantitative packaging granules material : grain , rice, corn, etc.

各种 颗粒物料, 如大米,梗米, 玉米,精选淘米, 杂粮颗粒.《期刊摘选》

10. The grain of the wood is very straight.


11. Plastic Marble is made of colored HDPE grain.


12. Nonerodible clods are also broken down by impacts of saltating grains.


13. Grain output shot up.


14. God hath sifted a nation that he might send choice grain into this wilderness.


15. And in this paper the genetics of grain protein content was discussed.


16. Morocco: Goatskin with fine grain for book covers.

摩洛哥皮: 具精细纹理的山羊皮.书皮用的物料.《期刊摘选》

17. to cut a piece of wood along/across the grain


18. During the second half of the 20th century, grain prices rose dramatically several times.


19. The majority of the grains, about 80%, were from cereal crops like barley ( 大麦), and about 10% were bits of roots, 32 including lily, which would have made the beer sweeter, the scientists say.

科学家们称,大部分颗粒——约占80%——来自大麦这样的谷类作物,还有约10% 是让啤酒变得更甜的小块的根,(32) 包括百合。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

20. It is easiest to cut wood in the direction of the grain.


21. The ultraweak biophoton emission ( UBE ) of different period grain in rice were measurated.

摘要本实验对水稻 籽粒 灌浆 过程中不同时期籽粒进行了超弱发光测定.《期刊摘选》

22. We produce more grain this year than we did last year.


23. The private sector now handles about 85 percent of the internal marketing of grains.


24. Hybrids are the leading factors affect grain protein and oil content.


25. Unable to buy grain or grow their own, hungry people take to the streets.


26. Farmers feed grain to chickens.


27. They heaped the barn with grain.


28. Thats important to grain seed, orinfluence germination percentage.


29. If we don't unload it soon, the grain will start rotting in the silos


30. He is busy about his business.


31. The speed of electrode reaction is affected by the sizes of hole and grain of cathode.


32. The grain volume weight was lowered only in basal plots.


33. The thousand kernel weight and the total grain weight rised mar.


34. IIt is a fat liquor, which penetrates in depth without causing looses in the grain.

这是一个发酒, 它可以渗入(?)深处而不会引起谷粒(种子)蓬松(膨胀).《期刊摘选》

35. The six food groups include grain products, vegetables, fruits, milk and milk products, meats and meat alternates, and a miscellaneous group.


36. The grain was sown in drill.


37. There are six grains in this storehouse and they all mixed up.


38. Surplus grain is being sold for export.


39. The rural economy is developing swiftly with the grain output reaching 214 thousand tons.


40. The quality of sieve net has greater effect on the harvest of sand grains gradation.


41. Screen analysis is one of the sediment grain size analysis methods.


42. An experierienced quarry man can identifyrift, grain and hardway with his eyes closed.


43. ...the best grains.


44. There's more than a grain of truth in that.


45. The Kuban produces an eighth of Russia's grain, meat and milk.


46. A curve fitting and revising Methods: To hydrometer grain analysis is presented, and proved good satisfactory.

提出了密度计法颗粒分析试验的一种曲线拟合及修正方法, 经验证效果较好.《期刊摘选》

47. The result is falling water tables ( 地下水位 ) in countries with half the world’s people, including the three big grain producers

—China, India and the U.S结果导致拥有世界一半人口的国家地下水位下降,这其中包括三大粮食生产国——中国,印度和美国《16年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

48. Treasure grain and cherish the fruits of labor.


49. The bird is picking at the grains left in the cornfield.


50. ...a bag of grain.


51. In spite of the unfavorable weather, the grain output of the farm kept up and even increased a little than last year.

尽管天气不好, 但粮食产量并未下降,甚至比去年还略有增加.《简明英汉词典》

52. From these ports the grain is freighted down to Addis Ababa.


53. Generally, small grains have less chalkiness, high head rice rate a nd slight environment effects.

谷粒小粒形可减少垩白, 利于提高整精米率,并减少受环境的影响.《期刊摘选》

54. Brush the paint generously over the wood in the direction of the grain.


55. The polarization charge property of grain is one of the electrical properties of grain.


56. Look at these grains. They have twins and perfect cleavages.

看看这些红色矿物颗粒, 它们具有双晶以及完全解理.《期刊摘选》

57. The mahogany table has a fine grain.


58. There were about 300 million tons of grain in the fields at the start of the harvest.


59. Harvested wheat produced the greatest density of surface waste grain.


60. Lumber, bricks, wool, grain and ore, too!

砍伐木材, 砖块, )羊毛, 谷粒和矿石, 也!《期刊摘选》

61. A windmill is used to crush grain into flour.


62. Grain Full : It means the seeds of summer crops begin to be plump.

小满: 表示夏熟作物籽粒开始饱满.《期刊摘选》

63. The porosity and permeability of rock are related directly to grain size and sorting characteristics.


64. These pests Xianchi rice leaves, and eat grains, rice straw.

这些害虫先吃稻子叶, 又吃谷粒 、 稻秆.《期刊摘选》

65. The grain was coarsely milled.


66. The contact among grains can be classified as perfect contact and sliding contact.


67. Ranch: raising livestock culture, the grain harvest could fall.

牧场: 提高畜牧文化, 秋天可以收获粮食.《期刊摘选》

68. Every family in our village has grain to spare.


69. Are you thieves, hoping to see where we store our grain?

你们是贼吧, 想来偷看我们的粮食储藏在哪儿是 吗 ?《电影对白》

70. The chickens were pecking up the grains of corn on the ground.


71. It was difficult to obtain clean grains when the crop was threshed.


72. The United States tried to dispose of its grain surpluses.


73. The barn was heaped with grain.


74. Pick up the grains on the ground.


75. Grain output reached a new high in the three years.


76. We ship grain to Africa.


77. The plant can reduce a farmer's crop or it can completely destroy many hectares of grain.


78. ...a grain of wheat.


79. There Adam worked the soil, bringing forth herbs and grain for them to eat.

亚当在那儿耕种土地, 生产供他们吃喝的蔬菜和粮食.《辞典例句》

80. She said the situation could worsen if storms move north and threaten winter grain supplies.


81. Harvesting grain in the 19 th century required plenty of horsepower and manpower.


82. Activated oxygen metabolism may be responsible for the relationship between canopy temperature and grain yield.


83. This gives the sheet of newspaper a grain.


84. The firemen unwrapped their hoses and began dousing the scorched grain silos.


85. Repress the formation of the melanin grain and change its construction.


86. Footman: Prince Arthas , we've spotted an undead caravan carrying a large load of plagued grain.

步兵: 阿尔塞斯王子, 我们发现一支不死族的拖车队伍装载了大量受感染的谷物.《期刊摘选》

87. The specific grain of the wood guides the sculptor to work with his material accordingly.


88. Store grains and cereals in a cool, dry place.


89. The grain store holds several thousand tonnes.


90. It goes against the grain for him to be rude to a friend.


91. They do not have the capacity to mill the grain.


92. There isn't a grain of truth in those rumours.


93. Our village has a grain reserve sufficient for three years.


94. Unrefined carbohydrates include brown rice and other grains.


95. It really goes against the grain to have to work on a Sunday.


96. This army unit produces all its own food grain.


97. A hen is pecking ( away ) at the grain.

一只母鸡正在 啄食 谷粒.《辞典例句》

98. For example, farmers brought a bag of grain in exchange for a ticket.


99. Farmers thresh grain with threshing machines.


100. During the second half of the 20th century, grain prices rose dramatically several times.

20 世纪后半叶,粮食价格出现过好几次急剧上涨。《16年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

101. We have brought in a good grain harvest for three years on end.


102. Our grain output will be 3.7 times that of 1960.


103. The chickens will peck up all the grain that you throw on the ground.


104. A fourth of this year’s U.S. grain harvest will go to fuel cars

今年美国粮食收获量的四分之一会被用于制作汽车燃料《16年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

105. The truck was loaded with big sacks of grain.


106. This beetle eats mainly the germ of the grain.


107. Are State Owned Grain Processing Enterprises Beaten by Private Ones in The Contest?


108. The heavier parts of the grain will settle to the bottom.


109. These fishing basically have with new facility: It is grain feed machine.

这些渔用新设备主要有: 一是颗粒饲料机.《期刊摘选》

110. Most Americans don’t eat enough fruits, vegetables or whole grains.

大多数美国人摄入的水果、蔬菜或全谷物食品不足。《17年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

111. The birds were picking the grain.


112. A plump brown hen was pecking around for stray grains of corn.


113. ...rice grains.


114. They dismounted, tied up their horses and gave them the grain they had brought.


115. Grain should be fumigated within two weeks after harvest.


116. At some higher velocity individual grains will roll and slide intermittently along the bed.


117. She paused as she pounded the maize grains.


118. Vamp fabrics uses leather of high quality complete grain and costly goatskin.


119. But a few grains have survived from the primitive nebula that the solar system condensed from.


120. Finding the suspect is like searching the beach for a particular grain of sand.


121. Natural test weight of grain seed is an important index of grain quality and grade.


122. Fall velocities are usually measured by observing individual grains settling in a column of still fluid.


123. Unable to buy grain or grow their own, hungry people take to the streets

由于无法购买粮食,也无法自己种植,饥饿的人们走上街头。《16年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

124. Bring in every single grain.


125. Result shows that maximal shear stress appears on the interface of the grain and matrix.


126. It requires a great deal more grain to fatten animals then to feed people directly.


127. Ceramics are typically made of much larger grains, which makes them brittle.

陶瓷是典型的由较大颗粒组成的材料, 这使其很容易破碎.《期刊摘选》

128. America's grain exports


129. There is not a grain of truth in what she says.


130. Such grains have been reported in several end Cretaceous impact sites around the world as well.


131. wood of coarse/fine grain

质地粗 / 细的木头《牛津词典》

132. At first we did not know that tunnels could be dug to store grain in.


133. Agate is a microcrystalline quartz ( silica ) , characterised by its fineness of grain and brightness of color.

玛瑙是一种微晶石英类矿物, 纹理细腻,色彩丰富.《期刊摘选》

134. Indeed, even before the steep climb in grain prices in 2008, the number of failing states was expanding.

确实,即使在 2008 年粮食价格急剧攀升前,行将就木的国家就在增多。《16年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

135. They go to the site of the change and drop a grain of soil.


136. Below this kind of circumstance, current business does not have commissariat almost grain but battalion.

在这种情况下, 粮食流通企业几乎无粮可营.《期刊摘选》

137. There was about 300 million tons of grain in the fields at the start of the harvest.


138. It is evident that we are to have a backward season for grain.


139. The surge in world grain prices in 2007 and 2008—and the threat they pose to food security—has a different, more troubling quality than the increases of the past.

2007 年和 2008 年世界粮食价格的激增——以及价格激增对粮食安全造成的威胁——与过去的价格增长性质不同,更令人担忧。《16年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

140. This donkey can carry two sacks of grain.


141. The three environmental trends—the shortage of fresh water, the loss of topsoil and the rising temperatures—are making it increasingly hard to expand the world’s grain supply fast enough to keep up with demand.

三大环境趋势——淡水资源短缺,水土流失,全球变暖——使世界粮食供应的增长速度越来越难跟上粮食需求的增长速度。《16年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

142. To split or saw ( wood ) along the grain.

纵向锯木材沿纹理劈或锯 ( 树木 )《期刊摘选》

143. Temperature within extremely low and high levels, affected spikelet formation, ripening, and final grain yield.

极低、极高范围内的温度影响小穗生成 、 成熟和最终籽粒产量.《期刊摘选》

144. Grain markets in the US saw sideways to strong activity until the USDA numbers were released.


145. Two geese were pecking at some grain.


146. Atoms within the fluid interact with the minerals that form the grains.


147. Desulfurization process of a single CaO particle at middle temperature had been calculated using grain model.


148. Objective To study the regulative function of Anshenzengzhi grain to central nervous system of mouse.


149. This is another bumper harvest year, the storehouse is full of grain.

今年又是一个丰收年, 粮食满仓.《期刊摘选》

150. Roadside tea and tablets as grain, pastoral scene, increasinglyshi wai tao yuan.

路边为成片茶园及谷物, 田园景象, 胜似世外桃园.《期刊摘选》

151. The chickens will peck up all the grain that I throw on the ground for them.


152. Any shortage could push up grain prices.


153. We must strengthen the regulation and control of grain markets.


154. In the output of grain, China is second to none.


155. a grain of salt/sand/sugar

一粒盐 / 沙 / 砂糖《牛津词典》

156. ...a grain of sand.


157. What is the per mu yield of grain here?


158. The soup was a mash of grain and vegetables.


159. I sat on the floor, fingered the wood grain, and found a avenue through it.

我站在地板上, 手指抚摩过木头的纹理, 纹理中浮现出一条曲曲折折的小路.《期刊摘选》

160. Strong both in industry and agriculture, Ukraine produces much of the grain for the nation.


161. Organic fertilizer combination with chemical N, P and K fertilizer could further improve wheat grain quality.


162. Corn is America's most important grain.


163. A strong, clear Scandinavian liquor distilled from potato or grain mash and flavored with caraway seed.


164. The distribution pattern intensity and grain for plant populations.


165. a few grains of rice


166. The grains are quite plump.


167. There is not a grain of common sense in what he has said.


168. Now imagine that same building with an exterior made entirely out of corn and other grains!


169. A continuous terrazzo pavement with 20 different grain combinations that emphasize the room's depth.


170. When the war started, they thought they were sitting pretty, because they had all that extra grain.


171. Initially, large deformations take place as a result of grain movements and readjustments.

最初, 由于颗粒的移动和调整而使多孔介质发生较大变形.《辞典例句》

172. The middle ranks include Senior Colonel, Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel, and Major.

校级军衔包括大校 、 上校 、 中校 、 少校.《期刊摘选》

173. The Kuban produces an eighth of Russia's grain, meat, and milk.


174. The hen ate the grains of corn on the ground.


175. Single grain mined diamond used as dressing tool is not suitable for dressing superhard wheels.


176. The grain just rotted and all they could use it for was animal feed.


177. The effect of density on the protein content and grain yield is on a negative correlation.


178. They are dependent upon importation from foreign countries for cotton and grain.


179. Average grain output per mu has reached 1300 jin.


180. They can watch demonstrations of elevating grain , sawing wood, grinding corn, and pumping water.

他们可以观看现场的谷物处理 、 锯木头及使用唧筒抽水的示范秀.《期刊摘选》

181. Heat treatment may cause starch grains to be gelatinized.


182. Finish the game with 6 or more Grain.


183. Small grains, hay, and forage crops form the basis for raising cattle.

小谷粒 、 干草和农作物饲料构成了饲养家畜的基本饲料.《期刊摘选》

184. It accumulates in the amyloplasta of the endosperm cells during grain filling.


185. I declare a monopoly onMr. Grain.


186. Good weather leading to good grain harvests should win the country relief from food shortages.


187. The peasants store up the grain against famine.


188. Every single grain is the result of toil.


189. In addition , reduction of both source and sink induced increase in protein content of grains.


190. Twisting arises in boards through the presence of spiral or interlocking grain.


191. Grain output rose for the fifth consecutive and totaled 528.5 million tons, a record high.

粮食连续五年增产,总产量52850万吨, 创历史最高水平.《期刊摘选》

192. When the next termite finds that grain, they drop theirs too.


193. The maize grain protein and oil content in different locations are very significant.


194. Grains, including oats, quinoa and wild rice, lower the risk of heart disease.

谷物, 包括燕麦 、 藜麦、和绿色水稻, 能够降低心脏病的风险.《期刊摘选》

195. He must store a large quantity of grain instead of consuming all his grain immediately.


196. That is a drop of grain sacks from an aircraft to the hungry people on the island.


197. The grain store processed flour wrappers for Chinese dumplings.


198. The grain was still sown, cut and threshed as it was a hundred years ago.


199. The group of stalls here sell grain.


200. Wild flooding is used to irrigate forage crops and sometimes small grains on uneven topography.


201. The hen pecked up the grains on the ground.


202. In previous episodes of economic turmoil, people in emerging markets had returned to traditional grains.

在之前的经济风暴中, 新兴市场消费者曾回归以谷物为主的传统饮食.《期刊摘选》

203. But, appeared 3 years continuously later 1985 the circumstance that grain production press forward.

但是, 在1985年以后连续三年出现了粮食生产徘徊不前的情况.《期刊摘选》

204. ZR and WAcontent m grain declined continuously the 7 th DPA after.


205. Can you trust him to bring in your grain and gather it to your threshing floor?

岂可信靠它把你的粮食运到家,又收聚你禾场上的谷 么 .《期刊摘选》

206. Cheese houses, awnings and baskets of macaroni, grains and vegetables form this small village set.

起士房子 、 通心粉雨棚和篮子 、 谷物和蔬菜形成了这个小村庄.《期刊摘选》

207. Privatisation goes against the grain of their principle of opposition to private ownership of industry.


208. The peak times of ZR and iPA were closely related to the duration of grain ( filling ) .

籽粒中ZR、PA含量 峰值出现的早晚与 籽粒 灌浆 强度增加的持续时间呈正相关.《期刊摘选》

209. The fine grain ran through my baskets.


210. The refining process removes the bran and germ from the grain.



1. And, you know, I think that you've got to take it with a grain of salt.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds Town Hall in New Orleans

2. Because the plywood has been sliced into thin pieces that are laminated cross-grain.

因为胶合板是被分割的,层积的混合谷物的板子。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

3. Alright. So take it with a grain of salt.

好,我们就说到这里。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

4. There is something that one might be able to hold on to: the knob of something, the little flame of something that ; The grain of sand. -The grain of sand; but there is really not a decent metaphor for it, I think.

一个你可以依靠的支点:,一个不同寻常的想法,一个思想的小火花,就像一粒沙中看世界,-一粒沙中看世界;,不过我认为任何比喻都不够贴切。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

5. Some gardeners plant potatoes under straw, or stems of dried grain.

VOA : special.2009.03.10

6. Researchers compared the use of fertilizer in three areas that grow maize as a major grain: China,Kenya and the United States.

VOA : special.2009.07.28

7. Much of the grain was sold in Europe and farmers got good prices.

VOA : special.2010.04.15

8. From these ports the grain is freighted down to Addis Ababa.


9. Farmers started roadblocks on Tuesday to prevent lorries from taking grain into Uruguay, Paraguay and Brazil.

BBC: Argentine farmers block exports

10. "It went against her grain that such a huge debt was being piled up, " he said.

CNN: Reagan and Thatcher: 'Political soulmates'

11. Their efforts meant that steamships bringing grain to Europe could return to America filled with immigrants.

VOA : special.2010.05.13

12. Of course, higher corn and grain prices produce ag losers, too, as feed costs climb.

FORBES: How To Make Money Off The Drought: Fertilizers And Food

13. In fact, take all such daily explanations of market turbulence with a grain of salt.

FORBES: Market Turbulence Or Deeper Ills?

14. Vegetables can be grown many times in places where you could never grow wheat or grain.

也许不能生产小麦和谷物的土地,蔬菜却可以长好几季古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. Mackey succeeds precisely because he does not live by organic seven-grain sprouted-wheat bread alone.

FORBES: Magazine Article

16. Everybody needs grain; bread is the stuff of life as you have been rightly told.

每个人都需要谷物,就如你所知的,民以食为天古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. The railroads also owned the big buildings where grain was stored.

VOA : special.2010.04.15

18. The duck drank water and ate grain from people's hands--and naturalistically defecated when finished.

FORBES: Magazine Article

19. Given all of this cultural reinforcement, pushing back against hierarchical authority often goes against the grain.

FORBES: Beware the Danger of Deference

20. To extend the analogy, toss out the gin and haul around grain alcohol instead.

FORBES: Running in place

21. Borlaug worked with wheat genes to shrink the plant while keeping the grain large.

VOA : special.2009.11.10

22. If we cut down that grain you don't eat this winter.

如果成功,你们在冬天就没吃的了古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. Farmers had a new way to send wheat and grain to ports.

VOA : special.2010.01.11

24. Humans have fruit and grain-bearing vegetation, Animals have the herbiage and the grasses.

人类有果实和产谷的植物,动物有树木和草叶。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. He and the scientists also developed plants that produced higher quantities of grain.

VOA : special.2009.11.10

26. "It's always good to take the directions with a grain of salt, " said Owings of GPSTracklog.

CNN: Why your trusty GPS sometimes fails you

27. By 735, no less than 149, 000, 000kg of grain was being shipped along the canal each year.

BBC: Beijings extraordinary Grand Canal

28. The founders of Voodoo Doughnuts never had a problem going against that grain.

BBC: Eat, drink and be married in Oregon

29. Armstrong began to describe what he saw: "The surface appears to be very, very fine grain,like a powder.

VOA : special.2009.07.15

30. Whalen of the IRA Advisory Service, which often takes controverial, against-the-grain opinions on financial institutions.

FORBES: BAC Control In Hands Of Courts, Not Buffett Or Moynihan

31. The drop in prices for oil, metals and grain Kazakhstan's major exports have also hit the economy.

ECONOMIST: Kazakhstan

32. The firm includes a distillery near Loch Lomond producing both malt and grain spirit.

BBC: Loch Lomond Distillers shows rise in turnover

33. Agencies can now buy more of the grain locally rather than having to import it.

ECONOMIST: Africa with no rain, or too much

34. Finding the antigens is like searching a beach for a particular grain of sand.

FORBES: In search of antigens

35. Oak has an attractive grain.


36. The only way to transport their grain was by railroad.

VOA : special.2010.04.15

37. The only producer whose marketing goes against the tradition grain is Sauza, which stresses technology.

FORBES: Mexican Invasion

38. You get in front of the grain, when we say.

那当我表示要来抢时,你们就得站出来古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

39. You should "take Internet research and advertising with a grain of salt, " adds Krebs.

CNN: Cranky doctor or annoying patient? Sometimes it's both

40. By the 2014-15 school year, all grain products must be whole-grain, the agency said.

WSJ: School Lunches to Become Healthier

41. They bring meat, grain, and vegetables to sell or barter.


42. Yet Adair Grain in June 2006 received complaints from local residents about odors from the plant.

FORBES: Plant In Texas Blast Had 2006 Safety Investigation

43. the mealy stodge of pulse, grain and potato dishes


44. Things like grain, people--- the children are eating less then they should.

而像谷物之类的,人们,孩子们也比推荐量吃得少关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

45. The second kind of offering that's described is the grain offering.

第二章供奉被形容为粮食供奉。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

46. They become the principal supplier of grain and fish in Europe.

他们成为欧洲谷类和鱼产的主要供货商欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

47. Apple may be gaining some ground, but take those figures with a grain of salt.

FORBES: Apple Triples Down On India

48. He rises to a position of great power when he correctly interprets some dreams regarding an impending famine, and with Joseph as the governor of the country, in control of the grain supply, Egypt successfully weathers seven years of famine.

他荣升到掌握大权的地位,当他准确地解读了预示饥荒的梦,约瑟夫做国家的管理者,并且控制谷物供给时,埃及成功地避免了七年的饥荒。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

49. But where does color psychology come into play when brands go against the grain?

FORBES: Why Picking The Right Color Can Make Or Break A Brand

50. And even in the conservative grain-farming states, two hundred thousand farmers joined a group that called for major economic changes.

VOA : special.2010.12.09

51. So you try, if you can grow grain on your land or you grow it where you can, if not, you have to get it elsewhere.

所以你要有一个,如果你的土地适合耕种谷物,或者其它任何可以生产谷物的地方,如果不能,你就必须换个地方了古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

52. So the inventor of the chess game said, "Ok. What I like is on the first block, first square, I would like one grain of rice.

于是象棋发明者说,“好吧,我希望,在第一个方格上,我想要一粒大米。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

53. So you have three main trade routes that cross the country, and they were used by trading caravans that would carry gold and grain and spices and textiles and other goods between Egypt and the rest of the Fertile Crescent and up into Asia Minor.

你有三条主要道路穿过这个国家,他们被通商的车队所使用,驮着金子,谷物,香料,纺织品和其他货物,在埃及与其他肥沃的伊斯兰教国家间,向上到达小亚细亚。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

54. in some ways, one has to admit also there maybe a grain, if not more than a grain of truth in what he seems to be saying.

我们多么不喜欢他,但必需承认,他可能有点儿道理,但就那么点儿,关于他所说的话。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

55. Speaking up to express an opinion that may go against the grain of consensus takes courage.

FORBES: 7 Ways To Push Back Without Being Pushy

56. Farmers had to pay to keep their grain there until it was sold.

VOA : special.2010.04.15

57. Grain and soya are the company's biggest costs in terms of feed for the chickens.

BBC: Rising grain prices slash Moy Park profits

58. spirits made from grain


59. Comparisons with other high-tech antitrust cases must be taken with a grain of salt.

FORBES: Understanding Internet Competition: Why All High Tech Markets Are Not Equal

60. And all these things go together because they all arise from the surplus of cereal grain.

NPR: Looking at the World Through Beer Glasses

61. It could be sawdust or agricultural waste like grain hulls, cocoa or coffee shells.

VOA : special.2009.06.22

62. Like Ceres there is sitting on a McCormick reaper, which is the new way for reaping grain quickly.

VOA : special.2010.01.27

63. Low-level cadres falsified grain estimates, and higher-level officials lied to curry favor in Beijing.

CNN: Trapped By Their Own Lies

64. And such a stimulus would cut against the grain of reducing the debt and the deficit.

FORBES: The Downgrade Was For Political Reasons

65. Of course, one learns to take any poll analysis with a grain of salt.

FORBES: California Leavin'



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