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英 [ˈwebsaɪt]play美 [ˈwebsaɪt]play

  • n. 网站(全球资讯网的主机站)

复数 websites

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


website /ˈwɛbˌsaɪt/

  • 1.
    可数名词 A website is a set of data and information about a particular subject that is available on the Internet. 网站

    ...a website devoted to hip-hop music.



1. portals website 门户网站

2. Website Promotion 网站推广 ; 网站推广常识 ; 网站推广营销 ; 老网站升级改版

3. Personal Website 人网站 ; 个人网站 ; 人网页

4. about website 关于网站

5. Video Sharing Website 视频分享网站

6. website design 网站设计

7. Official website 官方网站 ; 官方网 ; 官方网址 ; 其官方网

8. Website maintenance 网站维护 ; 网站维护中 ; 网站后期维护 ; 网站管理

9. website design company 网站设计公司

10. Chinese website 中文网站

11. website promotion 网站推广

12. website development 网站开发;网页设计

13. Website Design 网站设计 ; 网页设计 ; 网站建设 ; 品牌网站形象设计

14. Website Address 公司网址 ; 网址 ; 网站地址


1. For details visit our website at


2. There are many links with related information at the NIH website.


3. The email address is on the website I gave you.


4. A website need not cannibalise existing sales.


5. Should we offer any additional promotions or pricing options, they would be announced on our website.

如果我们提供任何额外的宣传或价格优惠, 我们将在我们的网站上宣布.《期刊摘选》

6. Heute ist Internationaler Frauentag. Willst Du mir wei ? machen , dass Ihr den nicht feiert?

今天是三八妇女节呀. 难道国外不庆祝 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

7. What is your favorite for this website?


8. Provides English website promotion, overseas search engine optimization services for the foreign trade enterprise.

为外贸企业提供英文网站推广 、 国外搜索引擎优化服务.《期刊摘选》

9. Check out our website at


10. But since you’ve seen that fantastic video on the TED Talks website by Richard St. John, he doesn’t mention luck at all

但是你也看到了 TED 演讲网站上的那段 精 彩 视 频,Richard St. John 在演讲中根本没提到运气《16年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

11. I will check out the CCTV English website.


12. Invalid website access. Please check the website address.

网站连结无效, 请核对网站地址.《期刊摘选》

13. How to build a website for iPhone?


14. Respecting website is popularized, have very kind way, a lot ofof means an alternative.

说到网站推广, 有很种途径, 很多种方式可供选择.《期刊摘选》

15. Please register at FGS counter. Registration form can be downloaded from our website.

有意参加者,请向本寺服务台登记, 报名表格请至网站下载.《期刊摘选》

16. the website that gives you the downlow on the best movies


17. I found this information on their website.


18. For more details, please visit our online website.


19. This is the website for University of Ottawa.


20. You will be able to view you website from anywhere outside the ISP coverage of China.


21. This article introduces the Construction of Jinan Meteorological Website and it's Main structure and homepage content.


22. The project has a new website address.


23. This is the website of The Ottawa Hospital.


24. Everyone can do ALI and TAOBAO, make website and coding who are called programmer.

阿里巴巴和淘宝是人就能卖, 作网站编软件的那个叫程序员,不叫电子商务人才.《期刊摘选》

25. This website is are owned by Yaumatei Wendell Church , the Evangelical Free Church of China.


26. Post about the website, we'll do our best to provide to you a better service!

留下你的意见,投诉,或问题, 让我们的服务变得更好!《期刊摘选》

27. More information about Dow can be found at the website.


28. The website gives you tips on interviewing for colleges.


29. I created a bookmark for my favourite website.


30. Following links to any other websites or pages shall be at User's own risk.


31. How functional is your website?

你的网站的功能性完整 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

32. I would like a banner to advertise my webhosting website.


33. For current prices please visit our website .


34. The parliament also agreed to ban websites that “incite excessive thinness” by promoting extreme dieting.

此外,议会还同意禁止运行一些通过宣传极端的节食理念来“煽动过度瘦身”网站。《16年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

35. The price of 8 centimeters tall titanium can consult metal kind website!


36. The device can download books wirelessly from a store on Amazon website Amazon's Web site.


37. Go to the website today and you can unsubscribe online.


38. I plan to visit your website today.


39. Visits to our website have doubled in a year.


40. Does the design aid the vision or the purpose of the website?

是否设计援助的远景或目的的网站 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

41. Welcome to my new website! It may not look much at the moment, but great oaks from little acorns grow!

欢迎来到我的新网站. 它现在可能微不足道, 不过万丈高楼平地起嘛.《简明英汉词典》

42. The old official club website address has been taken over by cybersquatters.


43. A website need not cannibalize existing sales.


44. This is a website of Asian dragonflies.


45. How can we attract more visitors to our website?


46. We also can find the link of this website from the offical Sahaja Yoga Website.


47. For details visit our website at


48. For more details, please visit us online at our website.


49. Unable to access client safety website is, please handle it ASAP.

客户安全网站,登陆无效, 请尽快处理.《期刊摘选》

50. Check out the new website. It's the bomb!


51. You are welcome to our website!


52. Basic knowledge for website edit.


53. The 2 nd phase is, video is not common website, and should assume media responsibility.

第二个阶段则是, 视频不是普通网站, 而要承担媒体责任.不仅上传节目没有问题.《期刊摘选》

54. There's jazz a gogo on our website.


55. The company lists 5 000 stores on the store locator part of its website.

这家公司在其网站的商店定位系统部分列出了5 000家商店。《牛津词典》

56. Accordingly, gregarious website also is known as the greatest Internet application after afterwards searches engine.

因此, 社交网站也被誉为继搜索引擎之后最伟大的互联网应用.《期刊摘选》

57. I clicked on the link to the next page of the website.


58. We thank them for contributing to the development of this website.


59. I recently visited the elegant website of a design agency.


60. They claim on their website that they have 38.


61. B 2 C websites are setting up quickly as online shops, online bookstore, online tickets sales.

网上商店 、 网上书店 、 网上售票等B2C网站快速建立起来.《期刊摘选》

62. This is the website of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Henan province.


63. The tape is posted on the militant website.


64. The website are trying to view is currently experiencing difficulties, please try again later.

你试图浏览的网站目前有问题, 请随后在尝试登录.《期刊摘选》

65. Can you look up the opening times on the website?


66. Can you input the website to open the station?


67. I found this information on their website .


68. A wonderful bond formed between the two, and within a couple of weeks, the stranger named White helped raise $190,000 on the website to support the Memphis teenager and his disabled mother.

两人之间建立了亲密的联系,几周后,这位名叫怀特的陌生人在网站上帮 忙筹集了19万美元,来支持这位孟菲斯少年和他残疾的母亲。《17年12月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

69. I saw a website about volunteering the other day.


70. It's unlikely that a patient website will have such intuition.



1. Follow the Singapore example, where a one-stop website covers all tax, regulatory and business license issues.

FORBES: America's 12-Step Program

2. The message appears to be the same as that released by a UK-based Islamic website, Waaqiah, on Friday.

BBC: 'Bin Laden' tape attacks 'crusaders'

3. It is giving updates via its website to customers whose supplies are affected.

BBC: Water supplies to thousands of homes across Wales hit

4. Applicants' videos on his website capture an extraordinary level of excitement about the chance of making the journey.

BBC: Prospect of one-way Mars trip captures the imagination

5. During the term, the dates have already John been scheduled. John, I forgot to look them up, I think it's October 2nd and November 4th, it'll be on the course website.

本学期的日期,已经编入日程,我忘了看它们,记得应该是十月二号和十一月四号,这个在课程的网站上。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

6. When this study first came out, I actually wrote a piece about it for AOL's Black Voices website.

NPR: Women Of Color Lag Behind In Wealth

7. Samaras and Young met at a meteorological conference, according to the Discovery Channel's website.

WSJ: 3 'Storm Chasers' Die in Oklahoma Tornado

8. The Grey Fox website will soon have details about next year's Bluegrass Academy for Kids.

VOA : special.2010.08.20

9. You can also post comments on our website and on our Facebook page at VOA Learning English.

VOA : special.2010.05.17

10. Lululemon offers a form on its website and in its stores for customer suggestions.

FORBES: Social Media Is Fashion's Newest Muse

11. I'm going to talk about some class logistics and I'll talk about the course website which you're welcome to visit.

我会介绍一下课程的流程,我会谈谈课程网页,欢迎大家登录访问关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. There's always more information hat can be found on our website at or you can email us the address listed.

在我们的网站上,可以了解到更多信息,也可向列出的地址发邮件。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

13. They issued a statement on their website to confirm receipt of the commission's report.

CNN: Story highlights

14. The change is publicly accessible by a track-changes function on the website.

FORBES: Schering-Plough Backdates Trial

15. Neuroscience student David Cox blogged on the Guardian website about the science behind revision.

BBC: Tips on how to survive the exam season

16. I also have up on the website some questions that I asked investors about what they think about picking stocks.

我在网站上也上传了一些思考题,是我曾经问过一些投资者的问题,他们怎样挑选股票金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. If you have a Text-to-Speech Reader, and it comes across a website that has graphics Most likely it`s not gonna be or would like to read the graphics.

当你使用文字阅读器,遇到网页中的图片时,很可能阅读器,没办法读出图片来。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

18. To find out where the StoryCorps Griot Initiative will be next, visit the StoryCorps website.

NPR: StoryCorps Griot: Dancing Feet

19. "Don't feel obligated to watch it all at once, " he told the Vulture website.

BBC: Fans 'binge' as Netflix revives Arrested Development

20. This information is then used by the website to modify the page's content based on your physical location.

ECONOMIST: Geography and the net

21. It can, for example, be used to determine the right language in which to present a multilingual website.

ECONOMIST: Geography and the net

22. The website is simple and neat but interactivity is limited.


23. So if you go to your website today, you will find I've assigned some problems and you should try to do them.

如果你浏览你们的个人页面的话,你会发现一些我给你们留的作业,请你们努力完成基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. My website, Wandering Trader, allows me to offer training to other travellers interested in learning the skill.

BBC: How I quit my job to travel: The banker

25. Check with tourist boards or the Internet Cycling Hub website ( to arrange a spin.

CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Travel Watch

26. The church also has a website to help people look for information about their family history.

VOA : special.2010.06.28

27. The Website says over four hundred forty people reached the top of the world's highest mountain.

VOA : special.2010.06.30

28. Respawn's website reveals that 40 members of its staff previously worked on the Modern Warfare series.

BBC: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 videogame sales begin

29. He was born in Berkeley. The college website says he accepted Islam in nineteen seventy-seven while serving in the United States Air Force.

VOA : special.2010.08.05

30. When you visit the open course website, what you'll see is that a depth and a breadth of materials that's different from what you see on other campus websites.

当你访问开放课程网站时,你会看到既有深度又有宽度的,并且与你在其他校园网站上,看到的不同的材料。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

31. There are also audio recordings of the poets that we will be reading that come from Sterling and you can get to on the Center for Language Study website.

还会有一些关于诗人们的录音文件,在史德林图书馆里有,我们会在课上读到,这些文件你们可以在语言学习中心的网页上找到。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

32. The verb "to lobby" first appeared in print in the United States in the eighteen thirties, according to a website about Washington.

VOA : special.2010.09.27

33. The MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia, a United States government website, says there are more than one hundred different kinds.

VOA : special.2010.05.19

34. Mr. Lautenberg was the son of Polish and Russian immigrants, according to his Senate website.

WSJ: New Jersey Sen. Frank Lautenberg Dies

35. Mr. Turner for blogging about caucus meetings and using his website as a racist forum.


36. The Scholastic website says a main goal of the company is to help boys and girls read and learn.

VOA : special.2011.05.27

37. If you go to the course website there is a sample concept sheet that you'll be able to read.

如果大家去课程网站,能看到一份示例,供你们下载阅读关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

38. The Wales Coast Path website also details the difficulty level of any leg of the hike.

BBC: Walking the new Wales coastal path

39. Visit the Take Back Day website to find a collection site near you.

WHITEHOUSE: Protecting Our Environment and Our Health: Earth Day + National Take-Back Day | The White House

40. The website has clickable maps showing hotel locations.


41. In addition to a set of rules, Knox Gardner got a website and declared National Soup Swap Day in January.

VOA : special.2010.11.22

42. Visit our website terms of use and permissions pages at for further information.

NPR: Army Gen. Abizaid Will Retire in March

43. "And we also built in a website address so that if somebody decodes the code within the code, they can send an e-mail to that address.

VOA : special.2010.07.20

44. However,some of his friends brought lawsuits in disputes over rights and ownership to the website.

VOA : special.2011.02.21

45. Good luck. For those interested, the Guinness World Records website has a section called Set a Record.

VOA : special.2011.05.16

46. Now many images can be found on a unified website, including The Gough Map.

UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO - Oxfords new Digital.Bodleian features UNESCOs Memory of the World Gough Map

47. And, the stuff will be posted at the website so you don't have to copy it all down.

这东西随后会放到网上,因此你没有必要完全抄下来。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

48. Find more information and an interactive calendar on the Belize Tourism Board website.

BBC: Maya festivals for the end of time

49. You can see the website if you want to download a copy of this to practice on it.

如果你们想练习的话,可以到网上自行下载。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

50. So, this is what happens. You go to the website, there's all these bars down the side, so there's lecture videos.

事情就是这样,你们访问这个网站,在下边有这些栏,还有上课的视频。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

51. According to their website, today there are 7, 800 instructors teaching 32, 000 classes weekly in 32 countries.

FORBES: Step 2 for a Successful Startup: Identify, Utilize, and Develop your Talents or Skills

52. Muto spent most of the only column he wrote prior to detection criticizing a Fox-related website.

WSJ: Fox News 'mole' resurfaces with book

53. Use the official website for the Wales Coast Path, which links to regional websites with relevant details.

BBC: Walking the new Wales coastal path

54. Former Iranian President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani has accused Iran's leaders of incompetence and ignorance, an opposition website reports.

BBC: From the section Middle East

55. It's really a terrific Podcast and he was a great guest, so please go to our website and listen to that.

这是个非常好的播客,他也是个不错的嘉宾,所以大家记得去我们的网站听听关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. The coded letters contain people's names, famous sayings and a website to help identify the cell.

VOA : special.2010.07.20

57. So today is about writing some programs and empowering you to write your own starting this coming week when Pset One goes out via the website tonight by 7:00 p.m.

今天我们将要写一些程序,并且让你们,在接下来的一周写你们自己的程序,今天晚上七点,习题集1会发布在网站上。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

58. You should be able to maybe print out a blank copy of those notes from the website not for memorizing them, but now just understanding how the photoelectric effect works.

你们应该可以从网站上打印一份,这些笔记中的空白的纸张,不仅仅是为了记忆,而且现在要理解,光电效应是如何工作的。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

59. For more information, visit our website.


60. This week, the website WikiLeaks published more than seventy-five thousand American military documents on the war in Afghanistan.

VOA : special.2010.07.31

61. All right, sections are on the syllabus sign up sorry on the website, sign up as usual.

小组讨论的安排在教学大纲上,哦我说错了 像平常一样在网上注册博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

62. The website's co-founder Siobhan Freegard blamed a "toxic combination of marketing, media and peer pressure".

BBC: Modern childhood 'ends at age of 12'

63. After building the itinerary on the website, we were able to instantly sync it with the iPhone app.

BBC: Plan your great American road trip

64. a news article/ban/website


65. The AppLink download for Fiesta owners went live today on the SYNC owner website,

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar



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