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英 [ˈhɑːdʃɪp]play美 [ˈhɑːrdʃɪp]play

  • n. 困苦,艰难

复数 hardships

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hardship /ˈhɑːdʃɪp/

  • 1.
    有变体名词 Hardship is a situation in which your life is difficult or unpleasant, often because you do not have enough money. 困境

    Many people are suffering economic hardship.




  • adj.

    hard 努力的;硬的;困难的;辛苦的;确实的;严厉的;猛烈的;冷酷无情的

    hardy 坚强的;勇敢的;能吃苦耐劳的;鲁莽的

  • adv.

    hard 努力地;困难地;辛苦地;接近地;猛烈地;牢固地

  • n.

    hardness [物] 硬度;坚硬;困难;冷酷

    hardy 强壮的人;耐寒植物;方柄凿



1. household in hardship 困难户

2. Not afraid of hardship 不怕苦 ; 不怕吃苦 ; 不害怕吃苦

3. Complain of hardship 叫苦

4. exceptional hardship 严重困难 ; 极度困苦 ; 异常的困苦 ; 极度困苦的情况

5. Extreme Hardship 极端困难 ; 极大困境 ; 极端的困难 ; 极度困难

6. economic hardship 经济困难

7. Enduring long Hardship 煎熬

8. Undue Hardship 过度的困苦 ; 不应有的困难


1. He survived the time of hardship thanks to the help from his friends.


2. People should have the courage to face hardships.


3. He went through all kinds of hardships in the old society.


4. He can endure any hardships or sufferings while striving to attain his chosen objective.


5. economic/financial, etc. hardship


6. Overall, the war imposed a distinct economic hardship on the new nation.

总的, 战争带给新兴的国家的是显而易见的经济困苦.《期刊摘选》

7. The new tax laws are causing the poor a lot of hardship.


8. Oh , yes, we Chinese also seek happiness, just as many Americans also prepare for hardship.

不错, 我们中国人也在寻找幸福, 正如许多美国人也在准备应付艰辛一样.《期刊摘选》

9. "We learned to endure hardship," she says.


10. After enduring the hardship of the arduous fieldwork , the prospecting team discovered many new ores.

地质勘探队员餐风饮露,历尽辛苦, 找到了不少新的矿藏.《现代汉英综合大词典》

11. There are also many ways our social statistics underestimate the degree of labor-market-related hardship.


12. And we're not talking about temporary hardship.


13. Some do but the vast majority are condemned to extreme hardship.


14. He has experienced what hardships mean.


15. Their love of life comes in spite of, almost in defiance of, considerable hardship.


16. She went through untold hardships in her childhood.


17. Perseverance in the face of extreme hardship.


18. She had a life fraught with hardship.


19. He has besieged and encompassed me with bitterness and hardship.


20. Many people are suffering economic hardship.


21. Hardship disposes man to meet adversity.


22. Most of them have experienced career lulls and hardships in addition to their successes.


23. To be the first to bear hardship and the last to enjoy comfort is our credo.


24. The bank has done this even though its advisors say the dam will cause hardship for the powerless and environmental destruction.


25. If you are lost in the woods, a little knowledge can turn what some people call a hardship into an enjoyable stay away from the troubles of modern society.


26. Difficulties and hardships teach us to be grateful for all that we have already had.


27. I have known hunger and hardships.


28. Welfare provides a cushion against hardship.


29. In reality, most people will experience some form of financial hardship at some point in their lives.


30. The tax increases will, in the aggregate, cause much hardship.


31. Even wealthy people experienced hardship during the war.


32. After enduring the hardship of the arduous fieldwork, the prospecting team discovered many new ores.


33. He was willing to face any hardship in fulfillment of his duty.


34. Hardship and penury wore him out before his time.


35. Zhang, however, decided to face up to the hardship, and not let the fate (命运) control his life.


36. It did not occur to us that walking was a hardship


37. One of the worst hardships is having so little time to spend with one's family.


38. Confronting great hardships, the surveyors never knocked under.

在巨大的艰难困苦面前, 那些勘探人员从未屈服过.《简明英汉词典》

39. These policies resulted in many elderly people suffering hardship.


40. Housing benefit provides a cushion against hardship.


41. When he was a child, he went through one hardship after another.

孩提时代, 他经历了一个又一个的艰难困苦.《简明英汉词典》

42. It's the tale of hardship and struggle that resonates.


43. His boyhood conditioned him to hardship.


44. From the time she was ten until she reached middle life, Manya faced struggle and hardship.

从10岁开始直到中年, 玛雅一直都在与艰难困苦抗争着.《英汉非文学 - 科学史》

45. It can withstand hardship and resist rotting.


46. Hardships tempered his will.


47. During these years of hardship his wife died.


48. Many people are suffering economic hardship


49. They went through the hardship by facilitating each other.


50. She reconciles herself to a life of hardship and poverty.


51. Many people are suffering economic hardship...


52. This would cause great hardship and suffering.


53. They are pretty confident because they never felt hardship.


54. Their lives were filled with hardship and trouble.


55. To finish the task by himself will be a great hardship.


56. This was a long journey of unaccustomed hardship and surprising recovery.


57. In many ways, our social statistics exaggerate the degree of hardship.


58. They were condemned to a life of hardship.


59. Inflamed by economic hardship and the rise of radical Islam, the conflict could spread.

加之糟糕的经济及伊斯兰极端势力的抬头, 冲突或将蔓延.《期刊摘选》

60. In other words, success is born form hardship.


61. Her toughness was the result of the hardships she had suffered in the past.


62. Not until he went through real hardship did he realize the love we have for our families is important.


63. He lives in obscurity and contends with hardship.


64. If other people can endure hardship , why can't I?

人家能吃苦, 我就不能?《现代汉英综合大词典》

65. Overcoming all hardships, together we build our resistance bases.

克服所有的艰难, 一起创造我们的抵抗基础.《期刊摘选》

66. There is going to be hardship, but we have to grit our teeth and get on with it.


67. A soldier must brave danger and hardship.


68. They thought no one could hold up under such hardship . But we carried it through.

他们满以为没有人能忍受得住这种艰苦, 但是我们还是挺过来了.《辞典例句》

69. Many poor households are experiencing real hardship.


70. Even though there are myriad hardships and hazards, they can't stop the dauntless explorers.


71. However, it is in times of hardship that friendship is tested.

然而, 在困苦之时,友谊便受到了考验.《期刊摘选》

72. After years of worry and hardship, her health broke.


73. It takes patience to endure hardship.


74. They've been promised their full July salary minus the hardship payment.


75. Hardship can harden your will.


76. They achieved success only after having experienced all kinds of hardships.


77. It was no hardship to walk home on such a lovely evening.


78. He never forgot the hardships he witnessed during the Great Depression of the 1930s.


79. If you are lost in the woods, a little knowledge can turn what some people call a hardship into an enjoyable stay away from the troubles of modem society

如果你在森林里迷路了,一些小知识就 能将一些人口中的艰难险阻转变为逃离现代社会困扰的舒适之旅。《17年12月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

80. He endured hardships to plan retaliation.


81. Courage is nothing less than indifference to hardship and pain.


82. The Red Army men kept up their morale in spite of untold hardships.


83. If other people can endure hardship, why can't I?


84. What did hardship matter?

艰难困苦算 什么 ?《期刊摘选》

85. Current economic hardships weigh heavily in young women's decisions to find salaried work


86. The life journey, has trials and hardship to at double speed, also has rain queen rainbow.

人生旅途, 有风雨兼程, 也有雨后彩虹.只要风雨同舟,就能看到雨后彩虹.《期刊摘选》

87. He will not shrink from any hardship.


88. Is this a hardship for them?


89. Life is not that hard, if you can tolerate any hardship.

人生还不是太难, 如果你能忍受任何艰难困苦的话.《期刊摘选》

90. My mother suffered all kinds of hardships throughout her life.


91. Those are days of darkness, when many of them spent most of their lives enduring all kinds of hardships.


92. And such people do desperate things, especially in times of economic hardship.


93. People suffered many hardships during that long winter.


94. Both of you were destined to experience early hardship.


95. After enduring the hardship the arduous the prospecting team discovered many new ores.


96. Although there are some situations where we may experience hardship or even failure, we can always smile to ourselves.


97. His family suffered all kinds of hardships during the war.


98. What is there to fear even if untold hardships lie ahead?


99. The adventurer recked little of the danger and hardships.


100. It was amazing that Pineda had come into such a good luck, after having so many years of hardship.


101. This, in turn, inevitably means bigger grocery bills for consumers, and greater hardship for the millions in countries where food shortages are a matter of life and death.


102. He experienced all sorts of difficulties and hardships.


103. Hardship warped his disposition.


104. A strong man will bear hardship without complaining.


105. Mountaineering is attractive especially to young people because it is accompanied with hardship and adventure.


106. The veteran worker got through with untold hardships in the old society.


107. Just imagine what hardships had to be put up with during the Long March.


108. He has besieged me and surrounded me with bitterness and hardship.


109. Dauntless in spirit, they became steeled through hardship.

他们不屈不挠, 在艰苦的生活中锻炼得更加坚强了.《简明英汉词典》

110. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender.


111. This family will be disintegrating before difficulties and hardships soon.


112. On the way to cure Tibet wewe shall share your happiness amd hardship.


113. One can be strong, brave and faithful after all these hardships he has gone through.

一个人在他经历过所有的艰难困苦以后会变得强壮, 勇敢,成功.《期刊摘选》

114. His capacity for solitude and disregard for physical comforts helped him to survive the hardships.


115. A soldier must brave danger and hardships.


116. A year of hardship that already went is extreme, inchoate a year of shoulder heavy responsibilities.

已过去的一年艰难卓绝, 刚开始的一年任重道远.《期刊摘选》

117. But a strong man would bear hardship without complaining.


118. These hardships are not to be endured.



1. We have a philosophy that--most of us-- that some kind of economic inequality is a bad thing and that it's unjust for someone who is, for no fault of his or her own, suffering economic hardship.

我们一般认为,大部分人看来-,某些贫富差异是件坏事,对于那些本身并无过错,却深陷贫困泥沼的人来说是不公平的。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

2. They are given fluids intravenously. The soldiers say they just have to endure the hardship, and continue the medical help, which could save thousands of lives.

VOA : standard.2010.07.26

3. "It is a very poor country," "If we were to essentially close our markets to their products we could cause a great deal of hardship in the country and cause thousands of Hondurans to lose their jobs.

VOA : standard.2009.07.03

4. Many poor households are experiencing real hardship.


5. Still, the numbers that tapped their accounts for loans or hardship withdrawals also rose.

FORBES: The Chances Of A Double Dip

6. She spoke of their hardship and how she had been a teacher for many years.

BBC: Afghanistan: Through veiled eyes

7. The prince is familiar with the hardship that many young people in Lesotho have to face.

BBC: Prince Harry returns to Lesotho for charity projects

8. We finally got it to work at the end after much hardship.

经过了重重困难,我们最后终于成功了。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 气泡项目

9. The scenes and stories of hardship here have been well documented over the past few weeks.

BBC: Condition of Somali refugees in Kenya worsening

10. They reportedly said they had been forced into drug trafficking because of "financial hardship".

BBC: Colombia arrests fake nuns with drugs in their habits

11. But it's not a very good thing if my consciousness continues to narrow and constrict beyond the threat, or beyond the hardship.

但它变得不是很好,如果我的意识继续狭窄,收紧超出威胁,超出困难。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

12. The pool of over 300 eligible jurors was cut down due to hardship reasons.

FORBES: Rajaratnam Trial Begins -- The Judge, The Jury and Early Defense Win

13. Excepted are employees suffering from family turmoil or working to correct significant financial hardship.

FORBES: Tax Day Vote: Should Tax Delinquent IRS Employees Be Fired?

14. "During these difficult economic times, higher energy prices pose a great hardship on families struggling to make ends meet.

VOA : standard.2009.06.13

15. Well, I think he would say inequality-- hardship would be reduced.

我想他也许会说-,这能消除不公,缩小贫富差距。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. It is a mostly African American city that has suffered economic hardship for several decades, a stark contrast to the fame and wealth the Jackson family attained as a result of successful music careers after they left the city.

VOA : standard.2009.07.11

17. You have a progressive tax system that takes more money from the wealthier people and you have a welfare system that looks at individual hardship and pays out.

我们有随富有程度加重税负的,累进税制,还有关注个体并进行再分配支出的,福利制度。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. She said she wanted to reassure them that they will be included in the hardship payments.

BBC: Agriculture minister meets farmers over aid package

19. (VOICE) Scott Smith is Local historian, "how a pest that really caused so much economic hardship, oddly contributed to great changes in agriculture and to the prosperity of this region."

VOA : standard.2010.08.10

20. We are suffering, We lived the hardship and we do not need anything but living in a decent way.he says.

VOA : standard.2010.06.29

21. East Midlands Property Owners (EMPO) claimed the move was unfair at a time of economic hardship.

BBC: Nottingham rented house licence fees prompts row

22. Many jurors complained of mental and financial hardship due to the disruption to their lives.

ECONOMIST: Jury trials

23. More and more companies are charging in advance and that's causing hardship for some people.

BBC: Rural oil bulk-buying clubs help 'fuel poor'

24. And this President is very focused on that, and he understands the hardship that that causes.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

25. Now the income from both partners is likely necessary and the loss would impose real hardship.

FORBES: The Whole Truth About Wisconsin Individual Health Insurance Rate Expectations Under Obamacare

26. However, he also said Mr Pelletier had suffered financial hardship as a consequence of the infestation.

BBC: Le Marche Francais in West Maitland Street

27. That is why she is interested in how others face hardship.

VOA : special.2011.05.04

28. "This region that has known a lot of hardship will bounce back just like it has bounce back before.

VOA : standard.2010.06.14

29. He was granted a deferment on the basis of family hardship.


30. the hardship experienced by many who are out of work


31. "Even as we reflect on the hope of our history, we must also face squarely the reality of the present a reality marked by unfairness, marked by hardship for too many women in America."

VOA : standard.2010.03.08

32. There will be stories of pain and hardship that test our hopes and try our conscience.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Preventing Mass Atrocities

33. Housing benefit provides a cushion against hardship.


34. But Ms.Neal says the United States space program always seems to recover from hardship.

VOA : special.2011.02.09

35. Justin could see years of hardship stretching before him.


36. Being very proud of being British, there were few complaints at the hardship they endured.

BBC: WWII evacuees: Your stories

37. One of the options that taxpayers often consider is a hardship withdrawal from a retirement plan.

FORBES: Taxes From A To Z (2013): H Is For Hardship Withdrawal

38. In some cases, young democracies will be tested for the first time by economic hardship.

CNN: A year of Living Dangerously

39. The first thirty years were years of experiment, of extreme hardship and of many failures.

FORBES: Looking for China's Democratic Path

40. In times of extreme hardship, the human brain may have developed a way to create a social link, the sense of a helpful and guiding partner.

VOA : special.2010.02.24

41. Drivers are not entitled to make the same argument for exceptional hardship within a three-year period.

BBC: 579 drive in Wales with 12 penalty points, says DVLA

42. The optimism and hardship that dominated the goldfields during that time reverberates throughout present-day Victoria.

BBC: The glittering goldfields of southeastern Australia

43. Lyse answers: Yes Timothy hard to see people suffering, in hardship, waiting for change.

BBC: Live the story: Your questions to Lyse Doucet

44. They face unprecedented economic hardship, with no light at the end of the tunnel.

BBC: Should we feel sorry for Greece?

45. Ordinary Saudis complain of unemployment and economic hardship, which they contrast with princely power and privilege.

BBC: Crown Prince Abdullah has committed himself to reform

46. They said the emerging sanctions are aimed not at causing added hardship for the North Korean people but blocking illicit transactions supporting Pyongyang's weapons programs and prompting it back to nuclear talks.

VOA : standard.2009.07.15

47. So there are a lot of people out there who are still experiencing real hardship.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on April Jobs Numbers

48. Medicaid reduced financial hardship for the poor, by protecting them against catastrophic health risks.

FORBES: Oregon Study: Medicaid 'Had No Significant Effect' On Health Outcomes vs. Being Uninsured

49. At the same time, its people ask how much hardship they can be expected to take.

CNN: Fear and confusion rule as Greece faces uncertain future

50. Previous episodes have not always coincided with hardship at home or testing foreign wars.

ECONOMIST: Lexington

51. The judge said the HMRC would take financial hardship into account when levying tax.

BBC: Offshore tax avoiders face ?100m tax bill

52. So, yes, there are still a lot of people there who are going through enormous hardship.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds a Town Hall in New Hampshire











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