come it over翻译_come it over短语搭配_come it over权威例句

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come it over

网络 过来;称王称霸

英 [kʌm ɪt ˈəʊvə(r)]play 美 [kʌm ɪt ˈoʊvər]play

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1. How did it come over 它是怎么过来的

2. Come over it 快点过来吧


1. The whole time, even though my head told me it was over, my heart had been secretly waiting for her to come back.


2. Look, I'm going to come over and we're going to read it together. Or not. If that's what you want. Whatever you want.


3. Great ideas can come from anywhere; often the biggest barrier to getting it over the goal line is knowing what to do next.


4. Microsoft has had its successes and failures over time, and it has managed to come first with some products even if it came later in the game.


5. Philosophy makes you question everything, mull it over and come to your own conclusions.


6. Don't try to come it over me!


7. In theory Banks have until 2019 to raise this amount, and much of it could come from profits over the next few years.


8. He agreed to come and talk it over with us tomorrow.


9. I just go off Into the Woods and don't come out until it's over.


10. I had to make arrangements for a neighbor to come over and kill it.


11. Kantor asked Barack Obama if they had come close to divorce and received the blunt reply: "That's over-reading it."


12. The disclosures come amid renewed alarm over cybersecurity after Google said it had been the target of a series of cyberattacks from China.


13. I'll go the other way and come it over'em the same way.

我走另一条路,也用同样的办法甩开他们. ”《英汉文学 - 汤姆历险》

14. Najib smiled at him indulgently and said, "Come on over when you feel like it."


15. I didn't know yet how to judge distance, and when a big truck came near it seemed like its wheels would just come right over me.


16. We apparently are living in a time of great change, so possibly the time has finally come to perhaps think about just starting over again when it comes to security.


17. He was gentle as a child as long as the sullen mood did not come over him; but when it came he was fierce, became as strong as a giant, and ran about in the wood like a chased deer.


18. But long before it does come time to turn the keys over to a mechanic, find one that is trustworthy enough with which to build a long relationship.


19. 'We think prices are going to come down, probably by about 20%, but it will happen over time because this adjustment is driven more by policy than demand,' he said.


20. Constellation and the ideas that inspired it have come under heavy criticism over the last five years.


21. She knew that I would scream for Father, and that he would come, and that it would all be over.


22. During the year, Vicuna's hotels accommodate thousands of tourists who come from all over the world to see the night sky as they have only seen it in books.


23. It was obvious Hill had come over to keep tabs on Johnson and make sure he didn't do anything drastic.


24. The burdocks have grown up over it, so that they cannot come out.


25. At mealtime Boaz said to her, "Come over here." Have some bread and dip it in the wine vinegar.


26. Just don't come back till it's over.

事情不办好就别回来见我。《provided by jukuu》

27. I'll go the other way and come it over 'em the same way.


28. It attracts travelers to come over to cycle and walk through the surrounding forests.


29. This year, it got the editors of the medical journal the Lancet to ponder how far health care has come over the past century, and where it continues to fall short.


30. And what has come out of it is an overview of over 70 expert CSS ideas which can improve your efficiency of CSS coding.


31. We would say that this whole area over which it migrates is its habitat because on this long-distance journey, it needs to come down to feed and sleep every so often, right?


32. Tourists from all over the world come to visit it every year.


33. "Come along in, and have some lunch," he said, diplomatically, "and we'll talk it over."



1. Baidu is not cheap, though it has come down from multiples way over 60x trailing earnings earlier in the year.

FORBES: After 14% Correction, Is China Baidu A Buy

2. So, he can't wait to tell Franny that the professor said he should try to publish it, and then my favorite thing: he wants to read it to her over the football weekend. " Hey, come, let's read my English essay." Hello.

所以,他迫不及待地告诉弗兰尼教授说,他应该出版它,还有我最喜欢的事情:,他要给她读,在这个橄榄球周末“,来吧,让我们一起读我的文章,嗨。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

3. I'd like to get away from earth awhile, And then come back to it and begin over.

我真想暂时离开人世一会儿,然后再回来,重新干它一番,可是。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

4. It's something that will come up over and over again.

而是穿插着时常出现的。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. Meanwhile Carmarthenshire County Council said it was continuing its search for private companies to come to the site's rescue and take it over.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | End of the road for botanic garden

6. Our course over the term will come back to this question over and over again, and it will also come back to the generic question of autobiography.

我们这学期的课程,会反复回顾这个问题,也会再回到关于自传的一般性问题。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. "I think it's awesome that a place like this exists, that the children and everybody in America and throughout the world can come and see where democracy began and where it developed over the course of history and the course of time."

VOA : standard.2010.07.03

8. This is a type of malignancy that frequently is curable, but when it's destined to come back it can come back over the course of many, many years.

NPR: Study: Drug Can Curb Breast Cancer Recurrence

9. So if you guys want to tune in or anybody wants to come on over, you can check it out.

WHITEHOUSE: Backyard Discussion on Women and the Economy

10. He praised the army for taking over a presidential office in the city center and invited the people to come with him to occupy it.

VOA : standard.2009.03.18

11. "I'm relieved today is over and it's finally come to an end, " she said.

BBC: England

12. "I can tell you that I will also be spitting venom all over it for months to come, " he added.

CNN: 'Watchmen' finally ticks toward big-screen release

13. He hits a lot of slice, doesn't come over it too much.

CNN: Federer, Murray march on in Melbourne

14. OK, and if I wanted to look at it, we can come back over here, and we can see what does c p 1 look like, interesting.

现在对于这里的每个实例,我都赋了x和y值,好,那么如果我想要研究下它,我们可以回到这里来。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

15. If they come out before Tuesday it will all be over.

BBC: US Democrats fight on to the end

16. The little insects were crawling around, the plants were there. And come back and look at it, over a period of weeks, and see what's changing.

我可以看到昆虫爬来爬去,还看到有些植物,几个星期后,再来看,看看发生了什么变化。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

17. It should come as no surprise that this over-protected generation now celebrates dangerous and exciting activities like skydiving, rock climbing, and bungee jumping.

FORBES: The Changing Nature of Risk

18. You come over, if it's (not good) you make a decision to go out or go home.

CNN: To surf the Web or surf the surf?

19. With major countries promoting LED lighting, LED lumen efficiency has been improving and the LED lighting prices have come down over the years, making it an affordable alternative and marking a shift from traditional (incandescent and fluorescent) options to LEDs.

FORBES: Lutron Partnership Lights Up Cree's LED Growth

20. Lehman Brothers entered the weekend with a note of optimism, only to come out of it down all over again.

FORBES: Lehman Loses Confidence

21. The Lady in Black looked at it. She remembered the wave of anger that had come over her when she had reached out her hand and silenced the clock that night three months before.

VOA : special.2010.05.15

22. The latest missile firing came after the South Korean government on Sunday condemned Pyongyang's earlier launches and urged it to come to the negotiating table over the jointly run Kaesong Industrial Complex to allow South Korean companies to withdraw their raw materials and finished goods.

WSJ: North Korea Fires Another Missile Sunday

23. For larger gifts, if we're going to have a fight with the IRS, let's have it out now and come to a resolution rather than letting it hang over our heads.

FORBES: Play Ball

24. And although the British are notoriously low tippers, we Americans make up for it every time we come over with our lavish 20% gratuities.

FORBES: How Manchester United F.C. May Have Lost This Small Business Thousands

25. One of the big arguments that is part of this story is when did this development of new way of fighting come about; rather quickly, over a matter of a few years, or did it stretch out over quite a long time.

人们对此最大的争议就在于,这种新型战斗方式是何时为军队所用的,是在短短几年内迅速发展起来的呢,还是在很长的一段时间逐步形成的呢古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. He launched a litany of complaints about the Church that I'd come to hear over and over: it was the most reactionary force in the world, anti-Semitic, misogynist, homophobic....the Vatican...the Crusades...

NPR: Excerpt: 'Take This Bread'

27. "It's certainly a lot more difficult to come over to Asia and win than it was a few years ago, " said Montgomerie.

BBC: Montgomerie is chasing his 42nd career title

28. At first, like a tailor-made suit, it is likely to be expensive and exclusive, but over time it will become a commodity that people come to expect.

FORBES: Big Data Gets Personal as Healthcare and Life Sciences Converge

29. The payoff, if it comes at all, will come over time, not next year.

FORBES: Move up t Move down

30. K. Is it all right if I come over and eat dinner with you this Sunday?

NEWYORKER: Free Radicals

31. "I thought in the first half in particular when we made breaks with quick ball there were bodies lingering at the back of rucks and the ball didn't come out, it got turned over or whatever and that's the frustrating thing, there were chances there, " he insisted.

BBC: England boss Martin Johnson rues missed opportunities

32. It is negotiating with ministers over what it can charge for the electricity Hinkley generates for decades to come.

BBC: EDF cuts spending on planned Hinkley nuclear power plant

33. But we knew another storm would come and we have to do it all over again.

CNN: Transcript: Clinton On Anniversary Of March On Washington

34. But those in favor and those opposed seem to agree on one thing: the matter must be settled quickly so it doesn't hang over the AU agenda, taking up valuable time at summits for years to come.

VOA : standard.2009.07.02

35. Obviously, it doesn't mean "come in" in the sense of the red light over a street door.

当然,它不像临街灯一样表示,进来吧。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. "It's never easy to come over to South Africa and play any sort of rugby, " he said.

BBC: McGeechan hails outstanding Lions

37. Now since I think that the arguments I'm about to sketch-- and I've just started sketching the first of is fails I hope you'll think it over and you'll eventually come to agree with me, yeah, these arguments don't really work after all.

由于我并不认同我将要介绍的论点,尽管我已经开始概述其中的第一个分论点了,我希望你们能够认真思考,最终你们也会同我的观点一致,的确,这些论点都不成立死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

38. Iraq-wide, as shown by the top line on this chart, the number of ethno-sectarian deaths has come down by over 55 percent, and it would have come down much further were it not for the casualties inflicted by barbaric al Qaeda bombings attempting to reignite sectarian violence.

CNN: Transcript of Iraq hearing statements

39. Wall Street has gotten tremendously excited about the idea that Pfizer might break itself up. (I wrote about the buzz for this magazine feature.) Today Pfizer announced that it has come to a decision over what divisions it is going to try to spin off or sell and which ones it will keep.

FORBES: Pfizer Decides Against Radical Surgery

40. That repayment may come in devalued dollars, but it will come, so worry over the matter is academic.

FORBES: S&P Cuts U.S. Debt, Should You Care? The Fed Doesn't

41. Even if the leaders do come to an agreement over Kirkuk, it will be hard for them to sell it to their followers, many of whom feel passionately about who controls the city.


42. You can come over and look at it any time.

WSJ: Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show on Sports Radio: Longtime Listener, First-Time BarkerJason Gay




















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