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英 [ˌfɪziəʊˈθerəpɪst]play美 [ˌfɪzioʊˈθerəpɪst]play

  • n. 理疗家;理疗医师

复数 physiotherapists

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1. Physiotherapist APC 物理治疗师

2. Cardiothoracic Physiotherapist 心胸理疗师

3. Senior physiotherapist 高级理疗师

4. Neurological Physiotherapist 神经理疗师

5. Aquatic Physiotherapist 水疗师

6. registered physiotherapist 注册物理治疗师

7. Sports Physiotherapist 动物理治疗师 ; 运动理疗师

8. Paediatric Physiotherapist 儿科理疗师

9. Physiotherapist II 二级物理治疗师


1. A friend who works for a big American company's London outpost told me over a drink the other night that his office not only has its own gym, physiotherapist and masseur, but also an in-house dentist.


2. Any good physiotherapist not always good to trust the doc!


3. I'll go to Italy on Monday to resume his treatment - said the physiotherapist.


4. I'm very well looked after and the club doctor and physiotherapist have visited me.


5. Finally, in embarrassed desperation, I asked a physiotherapist what the best position was.


6. So, if you are unfortunate and have an accident that results in whiplash, you will be in safe hands when you consult your physiotherapist.


7. Believe it or not, most people don't breathe correctly and this can contribute to a feeling of lethargy, says respiratory physiotherapist Alex Hough.


8. UK physiotherapists tend to prefer another test, where patients stand up from a sitting position and see how many times they can repeat the action in 30 seconds.


9. Your physiotherapist will demonstrate gentle exercises to you, which can be done at home.


10. There are lots of physiotherapists working in England who you can go to privately for treatment.


11. Well, we've got some updated reports here from your GP, your own consultant and your physiotherapist.


12. The simple moves, including a chest stretch and a chair twist, were designed by physiotherapists who warn that 'sitting is the new smoking'.


13. I worked hard in the gym and with the physiotherapist to get my arms and legs working properly again and was rewarded on 6 December with my first trip out of the hospital.


14. The Liverpool midfielders were flown to Belgrade earlier this week to see Mariana Kovacevic, the physiotherapist who has become famous for curing injured sportsmen with liquid from horse placenta.


15. Heiligers revealed that a physiotherapist was involved in the designing process.


16. I went to the physiotherapist for three sessions before I was able to get an appointment with a doctor.


17. They will be available to chiropractors and physiotherapists, but primarily they will be integrated into your workout through the certified gym-instructor network that has helped make Spinning what it is.


18. This has enabled him to build a support team including four seasoned grooms, a physiotherapist, a physical trainer and a veterinarian.


19. Stroke rehabilitation in Europe: What do physiotherapists and occupational therapists actually do?


20. I have been in contact with Arsenal physiotherapists and they have let me do it.


21. Oguchi Onyewu: the rehabilitation continues in the United States, where he will be joined by a physiotherapist of the club, who will evaluate The Times of his return to work at Milanello.


22. PHYSIOTHERAPISTS assess, treat and prevent disorders in human movement caused by injury or disease.


23. Impaired standing balance is often treated with balance exercises suggested by a physiotherapist.


24. "A decision like that is taken by me, the club doctor, the head of sports medicine, the senior physiotherapist, the person who reads the scan and the specialist," Allardyce told Zoo magazine.


25. It's not leaning forward. To see a physiotherapist is a great idea because we work on the muscles.


26. Bbut also includes unusual exhibits such as a prosthetic leg donated by a war veteran who fell in love with his physiotherapist.


27. Even the small entrance hall that leads through to the 50m pool has been appropriated by physiotherapists from the Chinese team.


28. Shortly afterwards, we bumped into my physiotherapist, and I thought she was going to do a citizen's arrest on me.


29. You may be advised to see a physiotherapist for a while.


30. If you can feel a gap below your breastplate, into which you can fit the width of three fingers, when you perform a sit-up, see a physiotherapist who can teach you exercises to help knit the muscles back in place.


31. For example, it was found that a number of cases of symptoms of repetitive strain injury had been reported by the company physiotherapist.


32. If you have them now, see a doctor or physiotherapist, stop swimming and allow your shoulder to fully recover.


33. After consulting Mrs. Freivogel, the leading physiotherapist, we realised that during the training, it is imperative that the basics of the locomotor therapy be considered.


34. Physiotherapy. I'm a sports physiotherapist.


35. Parents are taught how to do this for their child by the physiotherapist.


36. Physiotherapy: manipulation of the joint by a physiotherapist or osteopath may help to mobilise the shoulder.


37. A physiotherapist would probably tell me that I didn't want to be a child, which is probably true.


38. My physiotherapist wanted me to "walk" with my crutches, however, which meant I had to equalise my height.


39. Physiotherapists have coined the term 'wallet-neuropathy' for the lower back pain caused by men sitting down ( such as when driving or in the office) on wallets always carried in their back trouser pocket.


40. WHAT THE EXPERTS SAY: Sleeping on your back is a good option for those who suffer from arthritis and joint pain, says Sammy Margo, chartered physiotherapist and author of the Good Sleep Guide.


41. Her fine motor skills were affected so she visits an occupational therapist and physiotherapist every two weeks.


42. You will need to make an appointment with your GP and ask to be referred to a physiotherapist.


43. Ramos will from now in the hands of physiotherapists, doing double sessions if necessary, in order to get to the game against Barca, although Mourinho plans is no more risk to avoid a relapse.


44. Besides being staffed by specially trained teachers, special schools are supported by specialist staff such as educational psychologists, speech therapists, audiologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, nurses and social workers.

除聘有受过专门训练的教师外,特殊学校还获得教育心理学家、言语治疗师、听觉学家、物理治疗师、职业治疗师、护士和社工等专责人员支援。《provided by jukuu》

45. One elderly woman felt her care worker had discriminated against her on caste grounds, while a physiotherapist was also alleged to have refused to treat someone of low caste.


46. The public followed the instruction of the registered physiotherapist to practise some stretching exercises for different parts of the body and which help to relax the tense muscle.


47. The research, whose findings were revealed in the Times Educational Supplement, was carried out by Lorna Taylor, a physiotherapist, and the Voice union for education.


48. B Physiotherapy. I'm a sports physiotherapist.

做物理疗法. 我是运动物理疗师.《互联网》


1. Retired, she says, though she had a rewarding career as a physiotherapist, specializing in the rehabilitation of heart and stroke victims.

NEWYORKER: Stone Mattress

2. Together with her two team mates Michaela McCallum and Deborah Whiston, Sarah has been training hard to raise money for her chosen charity, Backwell-based Motivation, for which she has worked as a physiotherapist for the past 12 years.

BBC: Bristol - Woman back from Sahara desert race

3. The low-tech solution was discovered by specialist neurological physiotherapist Lorraine Clapham at Southampton General Hospital.

BBC: Facial palsy patients helped by mouth massage

4. Physiotherapist Joe Hinnigan said help did not arrive quickly enough to treat the Wales under-21 international.

BBC: Tom Bender ambulance delayed, claims Accrington physio

5. "Compund and recurve shoot side-by-side in the rest of the sport, it's just the Olympics where the recurve shoot on their own, " said Hunt, who shares her sporting commitments with being a physiotherapist.

BBC: Nicky Hunt satisfied with Euro archery finish

6. To achieve his goal he will be toiling away with the weights in the gym and spending time with the physiotherapist while everyone else is either on international duty or taking a well-earned break.

BBC: [an error occurred while processing this directive]

7. In the wake of the brutal gang rape and murder of a 23-year-old physiotherapist on a Delhi bus in December, the focus in India has been on the treatment and safety of women across the country.

BBC: Undercover patrols make Calcutta Metro safer for women

8. Tim Paine will be behind the stumps for Australia, but team physiotherapist Alex Kountouris said Haddin, who missed the Pakistan series with the injury, is making good progress with his rehabilitation.

BBC: Teen bowler Josh Hazlewood gets Australia call-up

9. "I've even had the club physiotherapist call me because he used the old number which is now mine, " she said.

BBC: Gwenda Bullock on her phone

10. Her student physiotherapist husband - who was studying his degree at the University of West England, Bristol - was flown home on a life support machine.

BBC: Ben and Catherine Mullany

11. And as you can see, we're walking past a military physiotherapist.

NPR: British Treatment of Injured Soldiers Questioned

12. The 35-year-old will join the India training camp next week for the series beginning on 9 October, following tests with physiotherapist Paul Close.

BBC: Tendulkar boost for Aussie Tests

13. Six months after first going to her GP, she saw a physiotherapist who said the pain was coming from her back.

BBC: NEWS | Health | 'My doctor just told me I was overweight'

14. Parry, who had been the club's physiotherapist since 1993, took over as manager with Rovers third from bottom of the division on just seven points from 11 games.

BBC: One-year deal for Tranmere Rovers boss Les Parry

15. "Prosthesis-wearing is key, " says army physiotherapist Major Pete LeFeuvre.

BBC: What phantom limbs and mirrors teach us about the brain

16. Three doctors, three nurses and a physiotherapist who are suspected of carrying out her orders have been charged with murder.

BBC: Brazil studies Curitiba doctor's link to 300 deaths

17. Mr Mullany, a student physiotherapist, and Mrs Mullany, a doctor, were shot in the five-star Cocos Hotel on 27 July, 2008, just over two weeks after they were married.

BBC: Mullany Antigua murder trial: Insufficient proof claim

18. An ambulance called to Accrington Stanley's ground to treat a player took too long to arrive, the club's physiotherapist has claimed.

BBC: Tom Bender ambulance delayed, claims Accrington physio

19. General manager Leaann Dempster, goalkeeping coach Stewart Kerr, physiotherapist John Porteous, groundsman Ian Wilson and a number of accounts staff were among those unable to get home.

BBC: Church to Motherwell staff's rescue

20. Living away from home, the two were making their way in India's widening professional class she was a physiotherapist looking for her first job, he leads a team specializing in Internet voice technology for corporations.

WSJ: India Rape Victim's Friend Describes Their Love Story

21. Physiotherapist Loretta Burgess said the results were "incredible".

BBC: Slippers reduce falls in Norfolk and Suffolk hospitals

22. As a physiotherapist you are usually involved in the planning stages of recovery until athletes get back into full training.

BBC: Sport - Physio gets Brownlee back on track

23. An occupational therapist, a dietician and a physiotherapist would take up posts in Wrexham under the scheme.

BBC: Call for cancer charity support

24. "I cannot thank enough the Scotland team doctor, James Robson, physiotherapist Lisa Casey and WRU doctor Mike Fardy for their extreme professionalism whilst on the Millennium Stadium pitch, " added the Zimbabwe-born winger.

BBC: Injured Scotland star Thom Evans returns home

25. "He will be unavailable for the two remaining ODI games against England and his return to cricket will be determined by his progress over the next week, " said Australia team physiotherapist Alex Kountouris of Marsh.

BBC: Cricket World Cup: Ricky Ponting makes nets return

26. Team physiotherapist Alex Kountouris revealed that Ponting had a repeat X-ray after the fourth Test that showed evidence that the fracture of his fifth finger had moved during the course of the Melbourne Test.

BBC: Ashes: Aussie captain Ricky Ponting out of Sydney Test



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