monetary value翻译_monetary value短语搭配_monetary value权威例句

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monetary value


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1. Monetary Value Theories 货币价值论

2. Making Monetary Value 证券价

3. Expected Monetary Value 金融 预期货币值 ; 金融 期望货币值 ; 期望值 ; 预期币值

4. constant monetary value 不变币值

5. monetary value of game 博奕的货币值

6. non-monetary value 非货币价值

7. monetary-value-items 币值项目

8. monetary value flow 价值流

9. monetary value of the game 博弈的货币值


1. However, the environmental costs are difficult to measure and translate into monetary value.


2. Measurement on Monetary Value of Forestry Multifunction


3. I think it's important that we reject the idea of living our lives based on some arbitrary monetary value.


4. I always accept a friend's gift gracefully and appre - ciatively regardless of its monetary value.


5. These metrics will help you measure the monetary value of a non - ecommerce site.

这些数据将帮助您衡量货币价值的 非 电子商务网站.《互联网》

6. But striking new research suggests the effect of additional sleep has a high monetary value.


7. Survey data estimates the monetary value of frequently seeing friends and relatives.


8. Brand experts have analytical techniques for evaluating the monetary value of corporate reputation and brands.


9. Anything beyond a preset monetary value must be declared or turned in to the company.


10. The courts will be asked to place a monetary value on his unfinished career.


11. Property that has economic utility: a monetary value or an exchange value.


12. These metrics will help you measure the monetary value of a non-ecommerce site.


13. Again, such a valuation approach converts a bundle of disparate attributes into a monetary value.


14. Twenty-one percent of those reporting bribe demands did not attach a monetary value to the demand.


15. This is believed to be the first time a specific monetary value has ever been assigned to social network contact.


16. Thoughts about Marx Theory of Monetary Value


17. These metrics will help you measure the monetary value of a non-ecommerce site.


18. Multi-contribution of Sustainable Agriculture and Its Monetary Value Evaluation


19. Services for Soil Conservation and Its Monetary Value of Chinese Cropping System


20. When music is given a monetary value, we believe in its prospect.


21. Please make a list of the contents of your baggage and their monetary value in dollars.


22. The monetary value of an instance of the.

结构的实例的货币值。《provided by jukuu》

23. I can't thing of having any job, business, or career that has zero involvement with people and has monetary value.


24. So a Bekisar is mainly judged by its voice, which also determines its monetary value.


25. Anything beyond a preset monetary value must be declared or turned in to the company.


26. Property that has economic utility: a monetary value or an exchange value.


27. Fossils are collected more for science or aesthetics than monetary value.


28. Investors bought gold a hedging tool for preserving monetary value.


29. You want to attach a monetary value for sorting through this?

你要不要为这些类别来赋个值?《provided by jukuu》

30. The monetary value to initialize.


31. But putting a monetary value on your time can help you realize that it does indeed have a value.


32. Again, such a valuation approach converts abundle of disparate attributes into a monetary value.


33. The high monetary value of power and the love of property have combined to make China's property market large and expensive.


34. Fossils are collected more for science or aesthetics than monetary value.


35. This article employs the NBD model to fit purchase frequency and the gamma-gamma model to fit the average monetary value.


36. However, when people give gifts for their monetary value physical impressions , the gifts are immediately devalued.


37. This paper analyzes the shortcomings of applying expected monetary value ( EVM) as a tool for assessing risks and response options.


38. Stability of RMB Monetary Value: Foundation of RMB to Be the Dominant Regional Currency


39. Monetary value must be represented composite index;


40. Well then you'd better put a monetary value on this teapot.


41. However, when people give gifts for their monetary value or physical impressions, the gifts are immediately devalued.


42. Number is used for general display of numbers. Currency and Accounting offer specialized formatting for monetary value.


43. Intangible benefits — benefits that cannot be easily assigned a monetary value.


44. ( of especially business assets) having physical substance and intrinsic monetary value.


45. But as long as this group finds monetary value and cultural status in these objects, that pool will remain stocked.


46. I always accept a friend's gift gracefully and appreciatively regardless of its monetary value.


47. Tangible benefits — benefits that can reasonably be assigned a monetary value.


48. The brand equity concept means that brands are worth monetary value to companies.


49. The monetary value of an instance of the.


50. New research suggests that CSR may create monetary value for companies—at least when they are prosecuted for corruption.


51. I am reluctant to assign monetary value to chores, as this can backfire.

我不太愿意把家务活与金钱结合起来, 这种做法可能会适得其反.《互联网》

52. The District Court's civil jurisdiction is limited to disputes with a monetary value of up to$ 120,000.


53. Columns that provide a box in which you can type a monetary value.


54. Currency and Accounting offer specialized formatting for monetary value.


55. Each time I do this, I rediscover that what I have been given is far beyond monetary value.


56. Will not have the physical distribution, the goods value, the monetary value and the use value will be unable to realize.


57. The plaintiff wanted his property back, not its monetary value.


58. The monetary value is the substitution of the commodity economy credit relations.


59. For each basic agricultural product, a specific AMS shall be established, expressed in total monetary value terms.


60. So for the investors in the semi-strong form efficient market, any public information t is of no monetary value.


61. It's a different story with finance and economics, which are concerned with the mental world of monetary value.


62. But there has clearly been a big cost, one on which a monetary value is impossible to determine exactly.



1. He's got no monetary value so maybe someone thought it was just a bit of a joke.

BBC: Stolen gorilla Werbert

2. How about a gift that can produce a monetary value for your loved one for a lifetime?

FORBES: 7 Gifts for People Who Like Money

3. These credits cannot be sold to or given to other players, and until now they had no real monetary value.


4. Placing a monetary value on the loss of women in the workplace is almost impossible to measure.

FORBES: The Immeasurable Value of Retaining Women in the Workplace

5. When making lists of password-protected digital assets, it is wise to focus first on the ones with monetary value, experts say.

WSJ: What a Tangled Web We Leave

6. The Canadian penny is being withdrawn from circulation because production costs have exceeded its monetary value.

BBC: Canada stops distribution of penny coin

7. Yes, a belief in gold requires this too as the non-monetary value assigned to gold is probably no more than 5% of its market price.

FORBES: The Fiat Emperor Has No Clothes

8. And obviously, this is a bigger issue for well-known people because their images yield a monetary value.

CNN: In defense of Justin Bieber

9. Nevertheless, the monetary value of the art was put into perspective by the importance of the cause.

FORBES: Leonardo DiCaprio's Charity Auction Raises $38M To Fund Global Conservation

10. The trouble is that gold has more than just a monetary value.

ECONOMIST: Golden fleece?

11. Imagine if we could do things on Facebook that had real monetary value or, taken in the aggregate, made us feel less like productized users and more as collaborative members?

FORBES: Facebook's Graph Search Makes It Official: You Are Its Product

12. What is the monetary value of that association?

FORBES: A Copy Of The Emancipation Proclamation Signed By Abe Lincoln Goes On The Block

13. No monetary value was put on the deal.

FORBES: Kaspersky Inks 5 Yr IT Security Deal with BASF

14. And when, as will inevitably occur, player-generated IP acquires substantial real world monetary value, players should be able to access that value.

FORBES: Online Games And Crowdsourced Creativity: The Next Frontier In Intellectual Property

15. The skeleton, as human remains, has no monetary value and is currently at Bournemouth University but will be reunited with the other artefacts when they are sold.

BBC: Dorset's Iron Age Chesil Mirror to be sold

16. But certainly one big topic of conversation has been soft dollars--the monetary value of the research that investment banks provide to clients in return for trading order flow--which the SEC has been studying.

FORBES: Magazine Article

17. Even computer manufacturers like Apple offer gift cards to customers who send in an old iPhone, iPad or computer for reuse or recycling, if those devices still have monetary value.

CNN: Decluttering before the New Year

18. Their eggs have no monetary value and will have been taken by egg thieves for their own collections.

BBC: Thieves raid osprey nests

19. But with the point guard averaging a tad more assists per game this season (8.8) than in his career as a whole (8.6), Nash has increased the monetary value of his assists.

FORBES: Steve Nash Makes More Than $12,000 Per Assist Recorded

20. However, they believe that public understanding of the value of biodiversity and natural resources suffers from having no intrinsic monetary value.

BBC: Sustainability committee

21. The monetary value of this deal for everyone involved, and for the studio, would be hard to fathom at this point.

FORBES: Move up t Move down

22. This concept is practically the centerpiece of all financial planning (rightly or wrongly), but a topic that receives precious little attention is the monetary value of our time.

FORBES: Black Thursday and the Value of Time

23. American innovation and productivity, underscored by low taxes and stable monetary value, have attracted massive capital flows.

ECONOMIST: Evaluating Greenspan

24. With each passing year, the monetary value of that error may grow.

FORBES: 401(k)s: Far More Dangerous Than IRAs (March 2, 2001)

25. It is the best way to achieve the goal of stable monetary value.

FORBES: Let It Be Known That No Financial Crisis Was Ever Caused by Stable Money

26. Entire virtual economies have emerged, assigning real-world monetary value to items or skills in games.

FORBES: Can Microsoft's Xbox Get Hollywood To Help Reinvent Gaming?

27. There is no monetary value associated with this prize.

WSJ: Blindfold Brackets 2013: Official Rules

28. The more powerful the job, the greater the monetary value of your decisions, from selling land and licensing businesses to letting a family have more than one child.

ECONOMIST: A transition year gives plenty of opportunity for foul play

29. He rattles on about science and medicine without ever touching on any of its monetary value.

FORBES: Rosetta Inpharmatics Reads Genome As Recipe For Drugs

30. For a start, there is no current monetary value to this information: not an explicit one that is.

FORBES: France, Google And The Internet Tax: It's Just Not Going To Fly





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