be motivated to是什么意思_be motivated to短语搭配_be motivated to权威例句

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be motivated to


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短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. be highly motivated to 积极主动的去

2. be highly motivated to do 很有动力去做某事

3. Men to be motivated 做个有上进心的男人

4. be motivated to work hard 有拼命干的积极性

5. brittleness to be motivated 脆性被激发

6. To be self-motivated people 做个有上进心的人


1. The procrastinator can be motivated to do difficult, timely and important tasks, as long as these tasks are a way of not doing something more important.


2. All the people concerned would be motivated to work together.


3. My fear is that management may be motivated to water agile down to earn their "agile gold star".


4. This might not fit with the "responsible stakeholder" mantra promulgated in Western capitals several years ago, but China can be motivated to collaborate through self-interest.


5. The idea was that every man in the band would be motivated to fight to his maximum ability to protect his lover and to avoid shaming himself in front of his lover.


6. The logic of this supposedly being that you'll be motivated to do something you are told you can't do.


7. It's unrealistic to think we'll be motivated to go, go, go all the time.


8. It is much more important to be motivated to do something than to know that its there or to have it given to you.


9. With a helping hand, disadvantaged students can find their calling in life, and be motivated to achieving their dreams.


10. It is an intensively competitive market for qualified chartered accountants and this programme means that some employees would be motivated to stay at KPMG.


11. The very act of recording something often helps you to be motivated to do it, too!


12. A buyer would surely be motivated to keep the GE moniker and retain the brand equity built up over many years.


13. If you know your partner has someone waiting in the wings, it's hard to be motivated to work on your relationship, or to be enthusiastic about it.


14. Therefore, an immoral person would be motivated to be moral if he wants to be happy.


15. By signing up for a race in the near future, you will focus on a goal and be motivated to keep practicing for that event.


16. You'll understand the material better when you have a chance to explain it out loud and will be motivated to stay on task in order to keep up with the conversation.


17. According to a recent online survey, a lot of consumers say they may be motivated to consider buying products shown in TV commercials.


18. The very act of recording something often helps you to be motivated to do it, too!


19. My fear is that management may be motivated to water agile down to earn their "agile gold star".


20. The logic of this supposedly being that you'll be motivated to do something you are told you can't do.


21. In other situations, some individuals may be motivated to free-ride on the contributions of others or fail to share resources equitably with others, leading to a breakdown in cooperation.


22. If you knew everything, would you be motivated to do anything?


23. If you knew everything, would you be motivated to do anything? Consider the following points.


24. If youare an independent learner, you will be motivated to learn, manage your ownlearner and reflect on your learning.


25. Because of the many benefits use cases offer, test organizations should be motivated to make sure each use case is built correctly.


26. Next, the more the haters harass you, the more you should be motivated to succeed. They want to undermine you but your response should be to work that much harder in order to increase your level of success.


27. Entrepreneurs had to be motivated to build businesses and create jobs.


28. the procrastinator can be motivated to do difficult, timely and important tasks, as long as these tasks are a way of not doing something more important.


29. Then, you'll be motivated to read.


30. If you like hip-hop, you'll definitely be motivated to move when you hear this song.

如果你喜欢hip - hop,当你听到这首歌曲的时候你肯定会有动力前进。

31. Furthermore, since no jobs are provided for life, employees who are ambitious and hard-working will naturally be motivated to achieve excellence.


32. Can you find someone to coddle you24/ 7, and still be motivated to suffer on your own?


33. However, without a successful digital window that your potential customer can use or be motivated to use the necessary initial processes for the development of site visitor conversion will be absent.


34. It is much more important to be motivated to do something than to know that its there or to have it given to you.


35. Moral character for Kant means the capacity to be motivated to act purely on the basis of a rational grasp of the moral law and not on the basis of some natural desire.


36. For example, the provider would typically be motivated to minimize change, but, of course, would respond reasonably rapidly to requests for change from consumers and the need for change from within.


37. Most of us assume that if we don't evaluate you, you won't be motivated to work better.


38. You have a tremendous drive for independence and don't like to work for other people as much as having your own business, so you may be motivated to think about how to manifest a new business.


39. And all concerned will be motivated to work together.


40. Because of the many benefits use cases offer, test organizations should be motivated to make sure each use case is built correctly.


41. All the people concerned would be motivated to work together.


42. Just like any political organisation, Taliban mid-level operatives and fighters have their own interests and must be motivated to follow orders.


43. Under power market circumstance, if reasonable power price to consumers is established, power consumers can be motivated to adjust their mode of power using and power load can be kept in a stable condition. Thus efficiency and stability of power systems can be improved.


44. So, we will be motivated to work together.


45. If businessmen are taxed too much, they will no longer be motivated to work hard, with the result that incomes from taxation might actually shrink.


46. Once you commit to improving you, you'll notice a difference in your relationship - and you'll be motivated to improve even more.


47. Once you commit to improving you, you'll notice a difference in your relationship& and you'll be motivated to improve even more Think before you speak.


48. He may be motivated to produce more in the future.


49. Will they be motivated to play if there is no basket to aim at?


50. If businessmen are taxed too much, they will no longer be motivated to work hard, with the result that incomes from taxation might actually shrink.


51. Some students may be motivated to read English, but not to listen, speak or write.


52. In teaching thousands of language in education, the missionary educationist together, so that the students be motivated to accept moral education.


53. Anyone who considers river time in relation to atomic time will encounter a major imbalance and may be motivated to counteract it by consuming less fuel or supporting greener policies.


54. And all concerned will be motivated to work together.


55. To enable them to derive inspiration from local activists and perhaps connect with them, learn from their work or be motivated to look up their resources.

让参与者从本地的动物保护积极分子的行动中获得灵感,或者可因此建立连结,从他们的工作中学协或者从他们那里获得动力和资源。《provided by jukuu》


1. He wants to raise the profile of the Parliament's policies and personalities "so that people will be more motivated to go out and vote".

BBC: Brian Wheeler

2. Ministers hope to involve patients in developing individual action plans for rehabilitation so that they will be better motivated to make progress.

BBC: Pledge to slash heart disease waits

3. The Cambodian government has said it considers Mr.Thaksin's conviction to be politically motivated.

VOA : standard.2009.11.11

4. If nothing else, you should be skeptical of a tracking stock for the same reason you should be skeptical of any new issue: The issuer is going to be the most motivated to issue it when it can be sold for more than it's worth.

FORBES: Trick or Track?

5. Employees do not need to be trained on how to interact, but they have to be motivated to interact.

FORBES: AT&T Helps Internal Leaders Engage Their Employees Through Social Brainstorming

6. is to be motivated and to have the right attitude.

你要充满动力,有正确的态度。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 留在记忆中的学生

7. For instance, some of the viewers watching NBC's Katie Couric try her hand at snowboarding this week may be motivated to do a little shredding themselves.

FORBES: Magazine Article

8. And if the Yankees are ousted by the Rangers, they will almost assuredly be motivated to employ his talents.

FORBES: Cliff Lee's Dominance May Yield Near $200 Million Over Six Years

9. The initial subscription is an easy sale because it gets bundled into the purchase, but the shimmer appears to wear off and consumers do not seem to be motivated to carry the service beyond an initial term.

FORBES: The Internet Of Things Isn't As New As It Seems

10. The cuts were intended to be so unpopular that both sides would be motivated to negotiate a broader deficit reduction package rather than let them get implemented.


11. But if interns aren't compensated in any way, or if they're poorly managed, they may not be motivated to do their jobs to the fullest, as Dr. Thompson discovered.

WSJ: How to Make Internships Pay Off

12. Known in Washington jargon as sequestration, the cuts were intended to be so unpopular that both sides would be motivated to negotiate a broader deficit reduction package rather than let them get implemented.

CNN: Spending cut politics: Dj vu all over again

13. Four years after the nation was awaken to the 401(k) debacle, you might expect that responsible employers would be concerned about the dire circumstances facing the majority of their retirees, be motivated to strengthen the plans they offer, and address many of the weaknesses that three decades of defined contribution experience have exposed.

FORBES: IBM Leader in Gutting 401(k)s

14. Reduce income taxes at the margin and you'll get more income because people and companies will be more motivated to produce.

FORBES: Magazine Article

15. Consultants, eager to maintain favorable relations with money managers (to whom they also sell services) may not be motivated to negotiate with managers too vigorously on behalf of their clients.

FORBES: Why Pension Investment Advisory Fees Are So High (January 1, 2003 )

16. Schwab eschews paying commissions so its brokers won't be motivated to churn accounts, yet it bases bonuses partly on getting clients to trade more often.

FORBES: Magazine Article

17. Companies do not have to be motivated to do everything possible to avoid collecting needless sales tax.

FORBES: Sales Tax Class Action Suits Seem Frivolous

18. Why is it that 15-year olds often sit in classrooms like wet sandbags unable to be motivated to interact with teachers and engage with the educational material?

FORBES: How Gamification Kills Classroom Training

19. Under such circumstances, plan sponsors may be motivated to take excessive risks, as investment consultants and investment managers seek to maximize fees.

FORBES: PBGC Should Investigate Causes of Pension Failures

20. "You have to be motivated to want to do something about it, " she says.

WSJ: To Avoid Jet Lag This Summer, Travel Like a Scientist

21. Not only that, if you provide them with resources that they can use to do their jobs better, they will be motivated to do even more -- and an appreciative light will shine on you.

CNN: Micro managers: Learn to trust your people

22. but the fact is they are intelligent, ambitious,motivated and to be just a pawn in the story of a whole bunch of men fighting it out,rolling around and getting down-and-dirty, while there you are just a vision in a tight cat-suit is just a boring thing."

VOA : standard.2010.05.19

23. The wave of outrage that unleashed appears to be what motivated Goodell to finally get a new labor deal done.

FORBES: NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell Tells Fans, 'You Deserve Better'

24. It might be motivated to some extent by the desire to leave the international finance system but the result is among the best within the general spending party.


25. While there is no telling if that anger will survive until November, there is reason for the Obama campaign to fear Wisconsin supporters particularly among the young who might not be sufficiently motivated to show up on voting day and cast their ballot for Obama should their memories be about 160 days long.

FORBES: Requiem For A Recall: Money Likely Not Key To Walker Win

26. Would you be more motivated to vote if you knew your neighbors were going to find out if you voted?

FORBES: The #1 Reason To Watch The Presidential Debates

27. We as a species have evolved to be internally motivated to share value with our peers as a survival mechanism.

FORBES: Why Do Financial Advisors Fail To Ask For Referrals?

28. Each of those schools (particularly Alabama and Florida) would be highly motivated to rub salt into the wounds.

FORBES: Cam-ibalized: The Financial Repercussions of the Cam Newton Scandal

29. Neurotics can actually be motivated to work really hard especially in collaborative situations.

CNN: Study: Neurotics shine over time in team settings

30. Companies would once again be motivated to hire, and consumer sentiment would lift.

FORBES: Banks Need To Offer Low Refinance Rates For Responsible Borrowers, Not Deadbeats

31. On the other hand, if you choose not to be very motivated, not to be very responsible, not to be prepared to work very hard, you probably won't get a good education."

VOA : special.2009.12.03

32. Millions of people would be motivated to learn more about money and how to preserve and grow it.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

33. You want your team to be motivated to share even the little details with you and constantly provide you with updates.

FORBES: 3 Signs Your Employees Think You Stink As A Manager

34. The Court hypothesized that hypothetical buyers might have considered that the Elkins would get sick of the amount of schlepping that was involved in the co-tenancy arrangement and that the Elkins would be motivated to buy them out and could afford to do so.

FORBES: Only Modest Valuation Discounts Allowed On Estate Artwork





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