business house是什么意思_business house短语搭配_business house权威例句

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business house

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  • 商业楼宇:一个用于商业活动的建筑,如办公室、商店、餐厅等。

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1. method of organizing business house 组织商店的方法

2. shanxi picket business house 山西票号

3. principal of business house 贸易 商行负责人

4. New Window Business Guest House 新视窗商务宾馆

5. established business house 已开业店铺


7. individual business house loan 个人商业用房贷款

8. first class business house 贸易 第一流商行 ; 第一流的商行



1. Metro network is extensibility and overcast by data backbone network and long-distance telephone network in metro area, it has on its shoulders operation access and telephone-lend operation on group user, business building, intelligent house and so on.


2. Of course she had to work hard, both in the house and at business.


3. Venus Retrograde in your 8th House could bring past intimate or business partners back into your life.


4. This model evaluates directly on the practice business data of house electronic appliance enterprise, therefore eliminates the artificial interference farthest since it need no judgement sets like tradition evaluation measure.


5. You'll talk to fifty people to sell one house, one car, one vacuum cleaner, one insurance policy, or a business idea.


6. Research on the International Business Problem of House Electronic Industry in China


7. DWP Group is a business house with core activities in Technology, Logistics and Consumer Electronics.


8. According to the business of house removal management, in this paper, it utilizes the object oriented and UML modeling method to carry on a deep discussion and study to the construction of the management information system.


9. After graduating with a degree in business and accounting, she joined a public accounting firm, married, bought a house, put lots of stuff in it, and had a baby.


10. The business of house demolition, commercial house sale and house mortgage continue to increase, it leads to the change of the real estate archives more frequent.


11. DWP Group is a business house with core activities in Technology, Logistics and Consumer Electronics.


12. She set about the business of cleaning the house.


13. He owns his own business and has a house and a yacht; he must be worth a small fortune.

他拥有自己的商店,有一幢房子和一艘游艇,他一定有一大笔钱。《provided by jukuu》

14. Although the future seems bright, House Tenancy Center is not very easy to operate, which can be seen from many cases of withdrawing the business of House Tenancy Center.


15. This paper forecasts the sales volume of business house and service by regression model.


16. The exclusion of Scottish MPs from most of the business of the House of Commons would amount to English secession by another name.

不让苏格兰议员参与下议院(House of Commons)大多数事务,将意味着另一种名义上的分裂。

17. Things were going great and then I realized that selling things around the house wasn't enough for me, so I decided to expand my business by running a re-sale shop.


18. You can own your house, your car, even your own business.


19. If I hadn't been his assistant, he would certainly have lost his business, his house, and all his money by now.


20. "This is the first step in what is going to be a continuing effort to get credit," Obama said at a conference with small business owners, House representatives and senators.


21. He made a sad business of it with his unsteady hand, and a smothered titter rippled over the house.


22. There will be less application development in house and a need for people with business and technical skills managing service vendor relationships.


23. She set about the business of cleaning the house.


24. Have some job experience for bank, securities business, hotel, house agency, insurance or live abroad.


25. In August, Kraft announced that itwould split its international snack brands ( Trident gum, Cadbury's chocolate) from its North American grocery business, including Maxwell House coffee, Jell-O and Oscar Mayer meats.

今年8月,克拉夫特宣称百事会将国际化的食品品牌从北美杂货业务中分离出去,其北美杂货业务包括麦克斯韦尔家庭咖啡,Jell-O和Oscar Mayer meats。

26. Once those steps are completed, an in-house business rules inference engine calculates the loan risk.


27. Eg. what a business it is moving house!


28. Your organization is more than just a business house. It is an institution in the minds of the local public. It has a reputation for fair play and honesty with both employees and customers alike.

贵公司不仅仅是商业机构,而是当地的一个知名组织。贵公司的公正和诚实 无论在雇员心中还是在顾客心中都享有崇高美誉。

29. I married him the next week, gave up my business, sold my house, put all my money into stocks and moved to LA.


30. He told his employer of his plans to leave the house building business and live a more leisurely life with his wife enjoying his extended family.


31. Your organization is more than just a business house. It is an institution in the minds of the local public.


32. The young man was too well acquainted with the business of the house, not to feel that a great catastrophe hung over the Morrel family.


33. Sharing a business house with common ledger, the partners in an honest trade a very pretty pile had made, and now accounts were closed and each his profit weighed.


34. Every morning on his way to work, a business man passed a house where he saw a woman beating her looy on the head with a loaf of bread.


35. Some Banks restrict the use of funds to down payments on a house as a way to bring in business to their mortgage arms.


36. I've lost my business, my house and I'm going to lose my car as well.


37. He was going to move into an apartment, but at the last moment, my cousin and he saw a new house for sale, that was close to his business.


38. Buying a house can be a very tiresome business.


39. Competitive strategy choices strategic alliance, and business alliance, the formation of a business, raise business to house home of strategic pattern.


40. For a small business that doesn't have the resources to manage repetitive business processes and technology in-house, cloud computing can be a valuable time - and money-saver.


41. Introduced the basic functions and some kinds of business user house terminal system over HFC net. Mainly introduced an important function of digital STB in HFC net.


42. The company's financial affairs were in a disastrous stare, and the business was a house of cards that could fail at any time.


43. Then, you will develop a mid-tier PHP module to house the bank's business logic, which uses ODBC to connect to the MySQL database.

然后,开发一个中间层 PHP 模块来提供银行的业务逻辑,这个模块使用 ODBC 连接 MySQL 数据库。

44. In 1986, the business went bankrupt, and Heavin lost everything — his house, his jet and even his marriage.



1. So I left my business, my house, my friends and even my life companion as he kept the company running.

FORBES: Move up t Move down

2. When you start a new business, you have to register at Companies House.

当你创办一家新企业时,你必须在公司注册处注册。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 关于创业的全部

3. Responding, Leader of the House Lord Strathclyde said that "this House only works because the opposition co-operates with the government to deliver the business" of the House, but acknowledged that that co-operation was "stretched almost to breaking point" in the last Parliamentary session.

BBC: Queen's Speech debate

4. Your assured handling of business of the House and your understanding of its traditions and practices have earned you the deep respect of Peers across the House.

BBC: Lord Strathclyde resigns from cabinet

5. To keep updated on the Forum and for regular updates from the White House Business Council, be sure to sign up.

WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

6. Ari Matusiak is Executive Director of the White House Business Council.

WHITEHOUSE: Job Creation: America's Business

7. And I hope he sticks to the perspective of finally bringing a business attitude to the White House rather than a business as usual attitude.

FORBES: Will Trump Run? Six Billionaires Share Their Predictions

8. After an hour, the Leader of the House, Sir George Young, will announce next week's business in the House - which is usually the cue for demands for debates on a host of subjects.

BBC: Viewing guide: The pick of the week ahead in Parliament

9. Nancy Pelosi, the House Speaker is saying, you've got to give me 70 Republican votes to do business in the House.

NPR: Political Week Ahead: Bush on Immigration

10. Wachovia hired at least one person from Union Bank after Union Bank exited the exchange house business who had a significant role with the casas at Union Bank.

FORBES: America's Banks And Mexico's Drug Problem

11. Since April, the White House Business Council has held over 500 events with business owners and entrepreneurs in all 50 states, Washington DC, and Puerto Rico.

WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

12. Each of these routes needs to be assessed for cost, speed, business benefit and practicality, including whether development is best in-house or through business partnerships.

FORBES: One: Applications

13. This could encourage into the house development business smaller, more unusual designers who might design differently.

BBC: Could better-looking homes solve housing shortage?

14. We hope you join us on the White House Business Council Forum and that you share it with colleagues and friends.

WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

15. Several people who have been on the calls say the White House hasn't pushed business leaders to lobby Congress on the White House's behalf.

WSJ: President Woos GOP to Seek Broad Deal

16. All of us have a goal for next year to have a house,a car,finish a job, get into university, open a business, have a company,we always have a goal, and in this fair of the wishes, they can get a little piece of that dream,"

VOA : standard.2010.01.01

17. Hooterville is wildly cheaper than Metropolis, as a place to both do business and buy a house.

FORBES: Tiny Titans

18. And that is why we are so excited about the White House Business Council Forum.

WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

19. It is also developing base stations which could conceivably be designed so that they sit right in your house or business, alongside your DVD Player.

FORBES: Magazine Article

20. The majority leader of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, together with the chairmen of committees,keep the business of Congress moving.

VOA : special.2009.11.01

21. White House Business Council roundtables are an opportunity for Council members to hear directly from business leaders around the country about their ideas for how we can continue to grow the economy, put Americans back to work, and win the future.

WHITEHOUSE: Hearing from Nevada's Small Businesses

22. They then looted every government and NGO office and well-to-do house or business they could find.

ECONOMIST: Pakistan and the Taliban

23. Peers then considered business of the House motions and the joint committee report on Lords reform.

BBC: Peer: Students face 'scandalous discrimination'

24. "I'm not having the business of the House decided by (shudder) Peter Bone, " one upwardly mobile backbencher told me.

BBC: The year ahead in Parliament

25. Others fear that a house business committee would amount to no more than the same old backroom dealing, but clothed with a little extra legitimacy because a few establishment grandees had been in the room when it was sealed.

BBC: The year ahead in Parliament

26. If you want to read the Lords' ruling, House of Lords - Assistance in the Chamber, Divisions, House of Lords Business - Procedure of the House Committee, here it is.

BBC: Baroness makes a little bit of history

27. In parallel with this is the move towards putting the organisation of Commons debates into the hands of a house business committee.

BBC: The year ahead in Parliament

28. Last Friday, the White House Business Council partnered with Business Forward to bring 150 of these local leaders to the White House for a day-long forum on jobs and the economy.

WHITEHOUSE: Job Creation: America's Business

29. Since April of this year, the White House Business Council has supported the travel of senior White House staff, Cabinet members and sub-Cabinet officials, facilitating their engagement with business and civic leaders in all 50 states.

WHITEHOUSE: Job Creation: America's Business

30. New boss Meg Whitman, former CEO of eBay, has already said she would keep the PC business in-house and is looking to revive the tablet idea.

FORBES: Steve Jobs, Jon Corzine Among 2011's Biggest CEO Departures

31. Last week, I convened a White House Business Council roundtable in Fernley, Nevada.

WHITEHOUSE: Hearing from Nevada's Small Businesses

32. Today, with five full-time employees, six phone lines, 200-plus nannies on staff and 1, 200 customers, her business is outgrowing her house in Philadelphia.

FORBES: Entrepreneurial moms

33. The president had held a so-called jobs summit at the White House this week seeking support from business and union leaders for his economic recovery efforts.

VOA : standard.2009.12.05

34. Today, the White House Business Council launched the online Business Forum as one more way for the Administration to stay connected with the business community.

WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories



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