egg laying是什么意思_egg laying用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

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egg laying

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  • 产卵:动物(尤指鸟类、爬行动物和鱼类)将卵产出体外的过程。

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1. egg-laying mammal 哺乳动物

2. egg laying rate 产卵率

3. egg-laying season 产卵期

4. egg laying period 产卵期

5. egg-laying duck 蛋鸭

6. egg-laying 产卵 ; 生蛋的

7. Egg laying poultry 下蛋家禽用备料

8. egg laying amount 产卵量

9. egg-laying mammals 卵生哺乳动物


1. Characteristic Study of Egg Laying Hormone and Its Decomposed Produces from Aplysia Egg with MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry Technology


2. The effect of traditional Chinese medicine additive on endocrine of egg laying hens in heat stress was studied.


3. Some hobbyists often turn to egg - laying types like the angel - fish, the striped zebras, and the neons.

某些内行人常常喜欢喂养产卵型观赏鱼,像天使鱼 、 斑纹鱼 、 和霓虹脂鲤.《互联网》

4. He would allow only eggs on his table, because egg-laying meant that the hen had been spared rather than killed.


5. The egg laying rooster, the fighter of the rooster, Oh-yeah!


6. Study the anti-fecundity effect of artesunate against the schistosoma mansoni by observation and analysis of the parasite egg laying.


7. The intention was to distract egg - laying females from furniture or structural wood.


8. There was no significant difference on the egg weight, egg shape and egg laying period between the experimental groups and control groups.


9. Effects of Black Tea Powder on Egg Laying and Reproductive Performance of Huainan Spotted-yellow Chicken


10. If sufficient rain falls the next year to form another lake, the eggs hatch, and once again the shrimps pass rapidly through their cycle of growth, adulthood, egg-laying, and death.


11. The hobbyists like egg-laying fish.


12. Egg laying rate and feed consumption were noted during the experiment;


13. Chickens were included to represent egg-laying animals, such as extinct reptiles, that passed on much of their DNA to the platypus and other mammals in the course of evolution.


14. Egg Laying Performance and Endocrine Function Involved in Hens at Late Laying Stage


15. Many biological processes including growth, development, sexual maturation and egg laying are controlled by diverse signalling network in cellular communication.


16. Observation on influence of solid oxidation potential disinfectant on egg laying of hen


17. They are the only two egg-laying mammals in the world.


18. Some hobbyists often turn to egg-laying types like the angel-fish, the striped zebras, and the neons. Fancy goldfish, too, are collected more now.


19. The genome also included sections of DNA linked to egg-laying and others for lactation.


20. Objective To study the influence of solid oxidation potential disinfectant on egg laying of hens.


21. Effect of Mn deficiency on reproductive performance in egg laying chicken


22. The flies were given two different fruits as egg laying sites.


23. Spline optimization regression analysis methods were applied to get the data of egg laying rate of French ISA layer in Hangzhou Layer Experiment Farm.


24. Relationship Between the Isoenzyme of Alkaline Phosphatase and Egg Laying Performance


25. Chickens are now specifically bred for either eating or laying eggs. Male "egg-laying" chicks, unable to fulfill their purpose, are all killed right away, often very inhumanely.


26. This new forced egg laying technique encourages the females to lay eggs which we were then able to rear into viable populations.


27. The immunological dosage of Roman hen for egg laying was 0.5 mg/ kg, the immune period was two weeks.


28. Studies on the Relationship Between the Egg Laying and Climate of chinese Alligator Climate


29. There were often 6 obvious peaks of egg laying.


30. Effect of Different Lights on Silkworm Egg Laying during Mating and Laying


31. CONCLUSION: the positive circulating membrane antigen reaction is closely related to egg laying by the female worms.


32. The trophic behavior, mating, egg laying were observed and studied.


33. They deposit larvae that will grow up to egg laying females.


34. A the size of the smallest host egg that a wasp could theoretically parasitize can be determined from the wasp's egg-laying behavior.


35. Effect and Fitting of Daidzein on Egg Laying Performance and Blood Hormone Contents during whole Laying Period of Layers


36. We have not only seen an earlier break up of ice on rivers and melting glaciers, but also the early emergence of insects, egg laying by birds and the flowering of plants.


37. Some hobbyists often turn to egg-laying types like the angel-fish, the striped zebras, and the neons.


38. The question would be simple if we took it literally, egg laying animals existed far before chickens came about, So technically the egg came before the chicken.


39. In 1474, legal proceedings were instituted at Basel against a rooster accused of laying an egg for purposes of witchcraft.


40. Impact of Science and Management on the Welfare of Egg Laying Strains of Hens


41. The lack of a good nesting spot can cause some females to withhold egg laying, with dangerous consequences.


42. Egg - laying cock , the fighter jet of the cocks. Oh! Yeah !

下蛋公鸡, 公鸡中的战斗机, 哦 耶!《互联网》

43. The period of time from when the first sign of courtship begins through to egg laying will vary enormously, not only between species but between individuals within a species.


44. Today, this bizarre but fascinating creature is known as the platypus, one of only five extant monotremes (egg-laying mammals).


45. This new forced egg laying technique encourages the females to lay eggs which we were then able to rear into viable populations.


46. The frequencies of appearance and numbers of reproductives from the different initial colonies and their capacity to start egg-laying were also observed.


47. This is egg laying season, if you're a bird.


48. CONCLUSION: The positive circulating membrane antigen reaction is closely related to egg laying by the female worms.


49. It proved that three crossing system above may be directly popularized in the production of the egg laying quail.


50. Any of the class Aves of warm - blooded, egg - laying, feathered vertebrates with forelimbs modified to form wings.

一种鸟纲温血 、 卵生 、 有羽毛的脊椎动物,前肢演变形成翅膀.《互联网》

51. Egg laying peaks were twice a day. One was at dawn and the other after the activity peak in the evening.


52. And when the days grow shorter in the winter, the lights are left on longer, because light stimulates egg laying.


53. Study on Protein Requirement of Laying Hens in Egg Laying Peak


54. The Relationship between Egg laying Rate and Temperature of silkworms Liang guang No.2


55. Pathology of Manganese Deficiency in Egg Laying Chickens


56. Fischer also suspects that the ancient sharks spent their whole lives in lakes and rivers in contrast with modern egg-laying sharks whose life cycles are exclusively Marine he noted.


57. Aim: To study the anti-fecundity effect of artesunate against the schistosoma mansoni by observation and analysis of the parasite egg laying.


58. Repression Models for Egg Laying Course of ISA Brown


59. To discuss the mechanism of leading to the high production; to approach genetic factor which are related egg laying yield and its mechanisms from molecular level;


60. The results also suggested that tryptophan could decrease weight percentage of abdominal fat and liver fat in laying hen after egg laying peak.


61. The egg laying rate fed diet containing 20mg/ kg of daidzein markedly higher by 14.56% ( P < 0.01).


62. I've gone native and now keep three egg-laying hens in my backyard.


63. Fish, some amphibians and primitive egg-laying mammals such as the duck-billed platypus use similar pits to pick up electric fields generated by nearby animals.


64. Observation on Anus Pecking Habit of Egg Laying Chicken and Experiment of Its Control and



1. Campaigners have vowed to fight plans to convert an egg laying unit in Lincolnshire into a site for breeding chickens for slaughter.

BBC: Bleasby Moor Against Development group

2. Given that the hen is likely, sooner or later, to meet a hungry fox, there is little point in it having a body which can repair itself perfectly particularly if the resources for that repair come at the expense of egg-laying.


3. Because egg-laying flocks are closely bred, they lack genetic variety.

ECONOMIST: Food safety: No sunny side up | The

4. Ideally, when a chick becomes a candidate to become an egg-laying hen, it is put in a clean environment with clean water and feed, he said.


5. And almost nine in ten of 32m egg-laying hens are kept in cages.

ECONOMIST: Animal welfare: Foxed | The

6. "The female cowbird sneaks around the forest, laying her egg in other species' nests, " Stutchbury said.

WSJ: Northeast drilling boom threatens forest wildlife

7. He's asking us to imagine God, or perhaps this is God's creative spirit, as some sort of feminine being laying the universal egg and brooding over it until it bursts forth with new life. This is a risk.

他想让我们把上帝,或者说上帝的创造精神,想象成一个产下宇宙之卵并孵伏其上,直到新生命破壳而出的女性形象,这很冒险。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. The FDA is doing a major inspection of egg-laying operations as a result.

CNN: Advocates: Food safety bill doesn't have teeth

9. Modern mammals divide into three overarching groups: the placentals (most species, including man), the marsupials (kangaroos and their like) and the monotremes (the egg-laying platypus and echidnas).

ECONOMIST: Rewriting the history of the mammals

10. New EU legislation will ban the use of battery cages for egg-laying hens from 2012.

BBC: Northern Ireland Assembly

11. An EU ban on battery cages saw better conditions for egg-laying hens.

BBC: Your highlights of 2012 in drawings

12. Echidnas are part of a group of egg-laying mammals called monotremes.

VOA : special.2009.07.07

13. Pohlmann sold the egg-laying business to Ohio Fresh, a partnership ostensibly controlled by Donald Hershey and Orland Bethel, whose egg operations in Gettysburg, Pa. had run afoul of environmental authorities.

FORBES: Magazine Article

14. According to the firm, bird numbers would be comparable with the site's use as an egg laying unit.

BBC: Bleasby Moor Against Development group

15. She said it was estimated that 30% of the EU egg-laying flock would still be in conventional cages by 2012, and that she had been pressing the EU Commission to ensure local producers were not disadvantaged.

BBC: Northern Ireland Assembly

16. Earlier research suggests that circulating levels of a potent stress hormone, corticosterone, in the female before conception or egg laying is a dominant factor.

MSN: Boy or girl? Moms have biggest say - Technology & science - Science - | NBC News

17. Experts at the reserve said that despite high winds and an intruder osprey in the vicinity, the female osprey had been "showing signs of egg-laying behaviour".

BBC: Perthshire osprey 'Lady' lays first egg of season

18. Two long-beaked echidnas, primitive egg-laying mammals, even allowed scientists to pick them up and bring them back to their camp to be studied, he added.

BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Science team finds 'lost world'

19. It follows last week's "puzzling" behaviour by the bird, who showed all the tell-tale signs of egg laying before completely changing her behaviour.

BBC: 'Oldest' breeding osprey lays 62nd egg at Loch of the Lowes



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