nominate for是什么意思_nominate for的音标_用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

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1. nominate sb for sth 推选某人做某事

2. nominate sb for 提名

3. nominate e sb for sth 推选某人做某事


1. When I appeared on a panel of journalists from international publications recently, the moderator asked us to nominate our big story for the next year.


2. If you'd like to recognize the greenness of an individual or organization, why not nominate them for an Environmental Achievement Award.


3. That will force the president to nominate a replacement for Senate confirmation at a very awkward time in the budgetary process.


4. So the weak part decide to nominate him for presidency, even though no one knew where he stood on issues.


5. The public will be able to nominate candidates for awards such as the MBE.


6. Until now, Washington has informally allowed the Chinese foreign ministry to nominate people for expedited visas through a courtesy channel.


7. Anyone can nominate a team for an award.

任何人都可以为一个奖项提名一个队。《provided by jukuu》

8. The petition to nominate Sue for president of the freshman class already has forty-three subscribers.


9. Delegates then were ready to nominate their candidates for president and vice president.


10. One top Sina news editor admitted recently on his microblog that he'd dreamed "for many years" of setting up a page on the news portal where readers could nominate and vote for their favorites.


11. Forbes asked a panel of architects and campus designers to nominate their picks for the best-looking campuses in the world. These are their top choices.


12. However, you can nominate an execution group for the handling of content-based filtering requests.


13. So, the Whig party decided to nominate him for the presidency, even though no one knew anything about where he stood on the issues.


14. A preliminary election in which the registered voters of a political party nominate candidates for office.

初选某一政党已登记的选民提名参加公职竞选候选人的初选。《provided by jukuu》

15. Use the comment form below to nominate your pick for World's Best SupportPac and be sure to say why you chose it.


16. I wish to nominate Jane Morrison for president of the club.


17. The controlling shareholders shall nominate the candidates for directors and supervisors in strict compliance with the terms and procedures provided for by laws, regulations and the company's articles of association.

控股股东对上市公司董事、监事候选人的提名,应严格遵循法律、法规和公司章程规定的条件和程序。《provided by jukuu》

18. Forbes asked a panel of architects and campus designers to nominate their picks for the best-looking campuses in the world.


19. The researchers admitted the study has limitations because women may be more likely to nominate men for a Darwin Award, or the sex difference may reflect differences in alcohol use between men and women.


20. The Partnership will have the exclusive right to nominate candidates for a majority of the board seats.


21. More than 2000 executives can nominate employees for a Passion Award using a designated web application.


22. Professor Logan has suggested that Vietnam try to nominate Hue for Unesco designation as a Cultural Landscape that would make a whole stretch of the city a protected site.

洛根教授曾建议越南向联合国教科文组织提名顺化为文化景观(Cultural Landscape),这将使受保护的范围延伸至整个城市。《》

23. The public can nominate people for the role.


24. I hereby verify that the above information is correct to my fullest understanding, and nominate the applicant for the Venture Scout award.

兹经核证上述资料正确无误,并提名申请人获取深资童军奖章。《provided by jukuu》

25. This year, 159 countries were asked to nominate students for the next school year.


26. I nominate Bill for the club president.

1.nominate vt.提名,任命我提名比尔为俱乐部主席候选人。

27. The SEC, meanwhile, is expected next year to adopt much-delayed rules allowing big shareholders to nominate candidates for board elections.


28. Now you do have an opportunity& this class does-that my class has never had before, and that is to nominate your own novel for the last one that we read, one of your choice.


29. A rule that provides for a proxy access opt-out would permit public companies to continue to deny their shareowners the fundamental right to nominate and elect directors.


30. He nominate Bob for membership in the club.

他任命鲍勃为俱乐部会员。《provided by jukuu》

31. It is legally possible for an elderly person to nominate someone to act for them, should they become incapable of looking after themselves.


32. To win the right to nominate, an investor or group of investors must own at least 3% of a company's stock and have held the shares for a minimum of three years.


33. The founding members will have until the end of July to nominate candidates for president, culminating in a short list that will be finalized at a negotiators'meeting in August.


34. By 1985, the Department of Energy was to nominate five potential sites for the first permanent repository;


35. Probst says the USOC intends to nominate an American city for the 2024 Summer Olympics, if a bid has the right technical plan, leadership, financing and government support.


36. The Security Council can nominate anyone for secretary-general.



1. As well as his wife's run for the Senate, Mr Kirchner is now demanding the right to nominate 70% of the Peronist candidates for Congress in Buenos Aires and 30% of those for the provincial legislature.

ECONOMIST: The first lady of Peronism

2. At a Washington dinner party just a month ago, a score of congressmen and commentators were asked to predict whom the Democrats would nominate for president in 2000: all but a couple chose Mr Gore.

ECONOMIST: Al Gore falls to earth

3. By 1999 when the party needed to decide whom to nominate for president and vice president, Lee quashed Soong's supporters within the party -- a significant faction -- and selected little-known Vincent Siew, Taiwan's new premier, to be Lien's running mate.

CNN: ASIANOW - Asiaweek | From Our Correspondent | Lee Teng-hui

4. In July, parliament passed a law creating a Judicial Appointments Commission, which will nominate candidates for the Supreme Court (subject to parliament's approval) and monitor the conduct of all Indonesian judges.

ECONOMIST: Pervasive corruption is bad for business

5. If you know someone like Ida Martin, please take a moment to nominate him or her for the 2012 Citizens medal by April 24, 2012.

WHITEHOUSE: 2012 Citizens Medal: Open for Nominations

6. Last month, shortly before Allen completed a 19-month tour as the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, the Pentagon announced that Allen had been cleared of any wrongdoing and the White House said it was prepared to re-nominate him for the Europe job.

NPR: Allen Retirement Opens Europe Command Slot

7. Now you do have an opportunity-- this class does- that my class has never had before, and that is to nominate your own novel for the last one that we read, one of your choice.

现在你真的有了个机会-,在我的课上有了个机会-,去推荐一本小说作为我们的最后一本读物,你们自己的选择。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. And I think this President will continue to nominate highly qualified people for important positions around our government and our foreign service and onto the bench.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

9. If you want to nominate someone for the 2013 Citizens Medal, please review the full criteria for this year's Medal.

WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

10. Key to the campaign will be persuading the French government to nominate the reef for the listing.

CNN: Green bid to preserve Pacific reef

11. Even if he does not get the chance to nominate a new justice for the Supreme Court, the Republicans - who have already re-nominated several southern Conservatives to the lower courts whose views on segregation and abortion are anathema to the Democrats - are hoping to control the Federal judiciary for a generation.

BBC: Bush swings to the right

12. Only those countries that have ratified the Convention are eligible to nominate items for inscription on the Intangible Heritage Lists.

UNESCO: Bali meeting concludes with 19 new items on Intangible Heritage List | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

13. Local authorities, and others, throughout the UK including the Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies will have the opportunity to nominate such sites for assessment by an independent expert panel.

UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO :: UK to put forward fewer and fitter places for future UNESCO World Heritage Site designation

14. At the Alwinton Border Shepherds' Show in Northumberland (October) anyone can nominate a new category for a small fee - so if you have a unique talent for carving dinosaurs out of butternut squashes or baking cakes that taste like burgers, next year that rosette could be yours.

BBC: The great British country show: A cultural eye opener

15. The BBC's political correspondent Carole Walker said Ms Blears, Mr Hoon and Mr Purnell all appeared to have complied with the same rules which state MPs can nominate a secondary residence for capital gains purposes - and that this does not have to be the same as the designated second home on which MPs draw expenses.

BBC: 'Duck island' claim MP to retire

16. He described her as a "wonderful bright toddler" and said it would be a pleasure to nominate her for an award in recognition of her actions.

BBC: Innerleithen child dialled 999 after mother's collapse

17. Whom did President Obama nominate for secretary of state for his second term?

CNN: Newsquiz: Week of December 31

18. Earlier today, President Obama announced his intent to nominate former Senator Chuck Hagel for Secretary of Defense.

WHITEHOUSE: Share This Post

19. Building up support from the grassroots, Anwar's backers got most of the party's divisions to nominate their man for the No. 2 slot.


20. My friends, after three conventions as a candidate or a president, tonight I come to you as a citizen, returning to the role that I have played for most of my life, as a foot soldier in our fight for the future, as we nominate in Boston a true New England patriot for president.

CNN: Clinton: Time again to choose a more perfect union

21. They approved a pro-slavery platform, but did not nominate anyone for president.

VOA : special.2009.07.09

22. First off, it became apparent amidst the Republican primaries in 1980 that the party would nominate for president a tax-cutting deregulator who was very public with his belief that no great nation long lacked a currency defined in gold.

FORBES: The Floating Dollar In An Unstable World

23. The group meets on Monday to also nominate its candidate for the parliamentary poll.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South East Wales | MP's widow to fight assembly seat

24. It opposed slavery. Delegates then were ready to nominate their candidates for president and vice president.

VOA : special.2009.12.10

25. Parents should always nominate a guardian for their children in a will.

FORBES: Fun On Friday: Rebecca Black And Estate Planning

26. Committees of past presidents carefully deliberate on who might be the best steward of the organization and then nominate the next President for a one-year term.

FORBES: Why Dictatorial CEOs Increasingly Put Their Companies at Risk (and What to Do About It)

27. Harry Reid, D-Nevada, would not need to act on Sanders' request, but Sanders could launch a filibuster to delay the motion to nominate the Fed chairman for another four-year term.

CNN: Time names Bernanke Person of the Year

28. If you want to nominate someone for the 2012 Citizens Medal, please review the full criteria for this year's Medal.

WHITEHOUSE: 2012 Citizens Medal: Open for Nominations

29. And the U.S. Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is considering whether to nominate Nairobi Half Life for an Oscar in the Best Foreign Language Film category -- the first time a Kenyan movie has been considered.

CNN: Gangster movie Kenya's first Oscar contender

30. They would return the next day to nominate their candidate for president.

VOA : special.2009.07.09

31. Earlier this year the President invited you, the American public, to nominate candidates for the 2010 Citizens Medal.

WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

32. It's unclear who Obama will nominate for that job.

NPR: Allen Retirement Opens Europe Command Slot

33. So I could not be more pleased to nominate Jim for this job, and I think I can speak for Secretary Clinton and Secretary Geithner when I say that we are looking forward to working with him.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Nominates Jim Yong Kim for World Bank President | The White House

34. The aim of the consultation was to help determine whether the UK should continue to nominate sites for World Heritage status and what more we should do for existing sites.

UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO :: UK to put forward fewer and fitter places for future UNESCO World Heritage Site designation
























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