social issue翻译_social issue短语搭配_social issue权威例句

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social issue

网络 社会问题;社会议题;社会事件;社会事项

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1. Social Issue Film 社会话题片

2. social l issue 社会问题

3. social scientific issue 社会科学

4. hot social issue 社会热点

5. Contemporary Social Issue 当代社会问题

6. issue of social order 秩序问题

7. Social Issue Writing 道义文章

8. Social Issue Participation 社会事务参与

9. hot t social issue 社会热点


1. The vagrant problem was an economic and political as well as social issue.


2. At present," the university being appealed" becomes the social issue.


3. I believe bullying is the single most important social issue of today.


4. Cognitive impairment is an important medical and social issue with vascular risk factors as its cause.


5. Combating crime is a major social issue confronting every country in the modern world.

同犯罪现象作斗争,是当代世界各国共同面临的重大社会问题;《provided by jukuu》

6. Road traffic safety is a social issue.


7. Privacy is a very important and complicated social issue.


8. This is a public health and social issue which has severely impacts on social stability.


9. As, the counterfeit phenomenon has become a social issue facing economic society.


10. Nowadays health care reform has become an ever heated social issue in China.


11. The graduates' starting salary is not only an economic issue, but also a significant social issue.


12. They are the most serious social issue incurrent China which are of great hazard.


13. We can say that the issue has become the social issue focused by society, family and university.


14. In this style, each character represents a significant social issue of the time.


15. To Strengthen supervising and regulating public company has become an inevitable social issue.


16. Employment of deaf college students is an important social issue.


17. Population aging has been paid attention by many countries as a major social issue.


18. People's livelihood is an old topic, is an important social issue since ancient times.


19. Women, is an important social issue.


20. He says homelessness is a social issue, and everyone has a responsibility for it.


21. In the end, it is a social issue that we have to deal with.


22. How to improve the management and operational efficiency of community is a very important government issue and social issue.


23. The definition of planet is not only a science issue, but also a social issue.

行星的新定义不单是科学问题,也是社会问题。《provided by jukuu》

24. AIDS is not only a serious public health issue, but also a severe social issue.


25. Urban poverty as a major social issue is being the universal concern of all countries in the world.


26. Personality, psychology, sociology, culture and utility could be applied to analyze and explain the social issue.

人格 、 心理 、 社会 、 文化、效用等视角都可以对孕妇受虐现象作出理论解释.《期刊摘选》

27. It's becoming a social issue for aging parents in the country to cope with life when their only child passes away.


28. College students' unemployment has grown into a social issue in which many families are involved.


29. At present, the huge trade surplus of China has become a hot social issue.


30. There are many poor people in Chinese countryside. This is not only an economic problem, but also a social issue.


31. With the increase in its number and the intensiveness of its theory, the civil lawsuit of public welfare has already a hot social issue.


32. It is a social issue worthy to research and discuss.


33. The women guarantee one another's debts and meet every two weeks to make payments and discuss a social issue, like family planning or schooling for girls.


34. With the rapid development of urbanization, the housing problem of the young has become a serious social issue.


35. Training and psychological adjustment of children of single parent families has become an important social issue.


36. Financial fraudulent behavior has been a social issue beyond accountant field.


37. In China, with its large population and weak economy, employment is an outstanding social issue.


38. The problem of university graduates finding jobs has been debated in the media for at least a decade as a difficult social issue and it never improves.


39. Controlling and reducing automobile pollution is a complexly technological and extensively social issue.


40. Also, a move to abolish the practice of bento in school became a social issue.


41. And the tendency of the further distance is beyond the economy but becomes a social issue.


42. The public cannot emphasize the importance of this social issue too much.


43. The economic crimes is a serious social issue in the world.


44. This paper tends to evoke this social issue to which little political attention has been paid until present.


45. But I suspect there is also a more subtle cultural and social issue at work.


46. I don't think the writer has ever been at grips with any serious social issue.


47. With the urban development and urbanization process accelerated, community governance model gradually becomes an important social issue.


48. Personality education of the youth and the cultivation of psychological quality has become an important social issue now.


49. Therefore, this problem becomes a neglected social issue in China.


50. Housing, especially the housing of low-income people, has long been a complicated social issue.


51. Security is a social issue, no matter what we do, no matter what industry we are in; safety is the concern for people.


52. At present unemployment already became a serious economy and social issue in our country.


53. The expensive health cost and its rapid growth rate are prominent social issue these years.


54. Domestic violence is a persistent social issue.


55. Employment discrimination has become a social issue in employment field.


56. How humanity builds their living space and improves its environment is a major social issue today.


57. Financial fraudulent behavior has been a social issue beyond accountant field.


58. May be this is a social issue, it's very complex. So, it's very difficult to talk clearly.


59. He says that he also plans to write a song about drunk driving, another widely focused social issue.


60. Residential problem is not only an economic and social issue, but also a political issue.


61. With increasing number of women taking part in full-time jobs, who should take care of children has become a social issue.



1. Also, and more importantly, why is it hanging back on this as a social issue.

FORBES: Lana Lawless Banned From Golf Championship For Not Being Woman Enough

2. "The biggest social issue is violence in the home, because men don't understand relationships with women, " said Mr Bailey, who advises the Tories' Social Justice Policy Group, under former leader Iain Duncan Smith.

BBC: Camila Batmanghelidjh advises Tory leader David Cameron

3. After he issued marriage licenses to about 4, 000 same-sex couples, some Democrats accused him of recklessly tying his party to a divisive social issue.

NPR: S.F. Mayor Rides High After Gay Marriage Ruling

4. On the key social issue of abortion, Mr Bush may have done just enough to win himself a pass.

ECONOMIST: Is he ready?

5. Beyond the legal wranglings there is a strong social and historic component, one that has helped open the way for the administration to push what could prove to be a social issue that defines Obama's second term legacy, Rimmerman said.


6. Even worse for the Democrats, Beyer's attacks on abortion and Pat Robertson have mobilized social issue conservatives, who initially seemed less than enthused about Gilmore.

CNN: Car-Tax Issue Lifts Gilmore In Virginia

7. Today, the biggest social issue is gun violence, and the Second Amendment right that allows Americans to own all kinds guns, including high-powered assault rifles used by law enforcement and the U.S. Marines.

FORBES: Has Public Opinion Really Changed Regarding Gun Control?

8. This trust is there largely because Mr Bush has fought harder on the other big social issue, abortion.

ECONOMIST: George Bush and the social conservatives

9. "Inequality is no longer just a social issue, " Feng said.

CNN: New leaders face China's wealth divide

10. Outside Brazil, the fight for the Amazon is seen largely as an ecological matter, but here it's a social issue.

CNN: The death of Z Cludio and Maria

11. Indeed, it would be difficult to recall an instance where so charged a social issue has done such a dramatic about face in so short a period of time.

FORBES: Why Do Polls Show Support For Gay Marriage When State Election Results Reveal Otherwise?

12. The proposition was the nation's most expensive social-issue ballot measure ever.

NPR: States Weigh Gay Marriage, Other Sensitive Issues

13. "Land is a major social and political issue,very explosive and very much inclined to provoke a lot of conflict in different parts of the country.

VOA : standard.2009.08.23

14. Goldman pitched the Social Circle issue as a huge privacy breach to Google users and an important story for consumers.

FORBES: PR Firm's Attack On Google Goes Very, Very Badly

15. "It's a social dog issue, " Mr. Shell says.

WSJ: A New Breed of Flu Shot to Avoid Getting Sick as a Dog

16. The challenge of global climate change, for example, is a social issue for an oil company but also for many other businesses, governments and individuals.

FORBES: Clarifying Corporate Responsibility: Part II

17. It has become a contentious social issue ahead of next year's presidential and congressional elections.

BBC: New York state approves gay marriage

18. Mr. HARRIS: The social security issue is back, and as you'll recall, when we last heard this issue, it didn't go terribly well for President Bush.

NPR: McCain, Obama Battle In Campaign Ads

19. The issue of connection has social factors and it's one answer that sociologists give for why it's good to go to Yale.

连接性这个问题是有社会因素的,社会学家给出过一个答案,为什么去耶鲁读大学是好事。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

20. But it may be 10 people who have the power to force immediate, real change on this legal, political, and social issue: the nine justices and Obama himself.

CNN: Obama views on same-sex marriage reflect societal shifts

21. Alma Sultangalieva, the director of the Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies, views the development of Islamic dissent in the industrialised parts of the Fergana Valley more as a social issue triggered by high unemployment.

ECONOMIST: Central Asia

22. Since immigration from Mexico is such a giant political and social issue, why aren't we spending as much time encouraging Mexico's growth as we are discouraging China's?

FORBES: A No-Lame-Duck Growth Agenda

23. Conversely, how justify not contributing to a prominent industry supporter because he or she happens to have a strong position on an unrelated social issue?

FORBES: Citizens United: Are Shareholder Revolts in the Offing?

24. Eventually, she realized she could weave this issue into her literature courses using the theme of violence, an important social sustainability issue for Jamaica.

UNESCO: Education for sustainability - 'Sydsvenska Dagblad' (Sweden) | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

25. They believe Clinton's judges are a salient issue with Republican women concerned about crime and values, and the gas-tax repeal is aimed at mostly male and commuting independents across the U.S. "We have a social issue teed up, a values issue rolled out, and now we're hitting on economics, " says campaign manager Scott Reed.

CNN: It's All In The Timing

26. Scaling in the social sector means understanding the best approach to making a more meaningful qualitative difference with respect to a social issue.

FORBES: What's Your Scale For Good?

27. Even back then, reporters covering the Massachusetts State House could anticipate carefully crafted statements by Romney on any social issue likely to come up when he shared the dais with Republican presidential primary rivals.

CNN: Will Romney lurch to the center?

28. But the report has properly positioned the issue not as a moral question of whether individuals should gamble or not, but as a social issue in which an industry and its customers offload most of their costs on the public.

ECONOMIST: Gambling on the future

29. On another hot-button social issue same-sex marriage there's been a strong trend of increasing support in recent years, encompassing nearly all major demographic categories.

WSJ: Roe v Wade: After 40 years, deep divide is legacy

30. Education was a social issue.

CNN: Billionaire Saudi prince tweets support for women driving

31. However, at the heart of every corporate practice that touches upon an environmental or social issue, there are individuals weighing the costs and benefits of taking social responsibility factors into consideration.

FORBES: Mindfulness as a Tool for Organizational and Social Change

32. Race relations have a greater capacity to inflame than any other social issue, reckons Derrick Campbell of Race Equality Sandwell, a local group.

ECONOMIST: The mood on the streets of a riot-hit city







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